Videos and reports of UFOs and other phenomena in the sky

oh.. sorry, I just saw that the video title says "CG" right on it, my bad.
Found the supposedely original video.

On this one there are several sightings, 3rd of December of 1991; February and April of 1992 and a photograph.

The one below the same sightings of 1992.

Already here at the forum Ships of Light – The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience
After reading dantem post and knowing that Jaime Maussan - he is also known in showing fake or false videos through the years - is also involved in this case, that the 1991 video may be the original and, those of 1992, helped him, helped Carlos Diaz to make the videos look better to gain audience.

I'm sorry but Diaz's story it's an old one and it's bogus. The 'plasma crafts' were real and very impressive, but he sort of stole pictures and videos from other mexican ufo researchers and forged videos where he was claiming to have entered (together with his camera!) a spaceship directly from his garden... I've met him at one of his conferences in Italy, and it was the most embarrassing fake I ever had to endure. He was out and tripping the world only for his own ego and to make money.

Years ago there were many references out on the www about his forgeries, haven't checked if they are online as yet. Only thing I know and watched as it went on and on, it's that he hooked many 'ufo researchers' around, those kind of people with a seemingly outstanding knowledge about the ufo phenomenon, but always lacking 'the crux of the matter' gift. Same old Newageish stuff, so far.
It is common for people to report UFO sightings in the Tepoztlán region, possibly because it is a mountainous area formed by volcanic activity and we know that this type of objects hover between volcanoes or faults that generate electromagnetic energy due to their activity, however, this is the first time I see this type of phenomenon. It is strange the trail of light left by the objects.

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Ufo in Tepoztlan 1992
About ten years ago, I and my husband saw such an object about 1/2 km in the front of our house and it was just that clear. At first I thought it was the yellow street light on the highway past the fields but then it started growing larger and was clearly headed in our direction.
When it came to that distance of the highway from us it veered left and continued to glide slowly and silently along the highway. My husband suggested that we get in the car and follow it and I said 'not on your life'. He tried to film it with his phone but nothing showed up on the video, just darkness.
I cannot speak to the veracity of any of these videos but I can certainly testify to what we saw.

An even closer encounter took place about five years ago when we were sitting in our front yard star gazing on a moonless night, when a black boomerang glided silently over our house ever so slowly. I nudged him to look above but he couldn't see it because his eyes were blinded by the iPad screen he was looking at and couldn't adjust to the darkness, I guess. :rolleyes:
It could not have been more than 50 metres above us and from wing tip to wing tip it would easily have been just as wide as it covered the width of our property and the neighbours. It flew from north to south and I followed it visually for almost a minute until it blended into the darkness and the lights in the distance made it hard to see any longer.
An intresting theory by MICHAEL ARMSTRONG of the Thunderbolts Proect.
Screenshot 2023-07-29 at 19-40-28 Videos of strange and mysterious objects and other phenomena...png

Michael Armstrong: UFO ≈ Plasma Phenomena | Thunderbolts
Jul 9, 2023
"Similarities between many UFO sightings and plasma phenomena indicated by the Approximately Equal [ ≈ ] symbol.

Extreme UFO maneuverers are witnessed doing acute 90º course changes creating stress forces beyond the structural capacity of any known material ≈ in plasma the electric force acts directly on EACH and EVERY particle, and thus there is no resulting structural stress from acute deceleration or acceleration.

Vehicles tend to stall out when UFOs pass over cars, and people lose consciousness or hallucinate when UFOs pass over individuals ≈ precisely the results you would expect from powerful electric fields induced by significantly-sized plasma objects.

We understand how ball lightning gradually loses its charge and then pops like a bubble ≈ just as some UFOs undergo a similar sudden discharge and disappear into thin air.

Natural Philosopher Michael Armstrong may doubt the existence of alien life forms piloting interstellar spacecraft to visit Earth, but is not arrogant enough to be adamant there can be no such thing.

EDITOR NOTE: The video narrator Michael Armstrong states that some UFO sightings may be plasma phenomena but he is not saying that ALL UFO sightings are.)"

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Is there is a long version of this anywhere?
I think social networks like Twitter or TikTok only allow you certain time or short videos of 30 seconds. YouTube and Facebook allow longer videos but unless they have a channel people prefer to shorten the videos without much context of where, when they were recorded.​
I think social networks like Twitter or TikTok only allow you certain time or short videos of 30 seconds. YouTube and Facebook allow longer videos but unless they have a channel people prefer to shorten the videos without much context of where, when they were recorded.​
I don’t know anything about Twitter or Tik Tok, so that information is valuable.
These look like military flares, but no way to know for certain.
One thing that may come out of the so called disclosure, which may work against the PTB, despite the seeming general apathy toward UAP is people may be more cognitive of the skies and maybe less likely to dismiss out of hand strange things they see.
Even if these objects (in general) are products of a subterranean elder civilization, hyper dimensional whatevers- something is going on, and it is part of the current state of reality.
On the night of August 19-20, I observed an unusual luminous phenomenon in the sky over Nîmes, in the south of France. At around 11.00 p.m., a fixed light at a constant speed, resembling that of a satellite, appeared in the vicinity of the Dragon constellation, disappearing before the Little Bear constellation. The phenomenon occurred four times in a row with disconcerting regularity. There were no clouds in the sky that night. Unfortunately, I didn't film the phenomenon.
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