"Viper Bite" dream


Padawan Learner
I just woke up from a terrible dream that I think I ought to say something about. I'll preface this by saying that I live at home with my parents and the dream builds off of this real-life situation. The details are all pretty hazy but I'll try to describe everything.

My parents had just left home and had allowed a bunch of strange people, mostly women I think, to stay over, leaving me alone with these strangers in the house. They were obstinate and had little trouble snuggling into the combination bed/sofa that now existed in our den area, bundled under an afghan blanket, and complaining to me about the messy state of the house. I don't remember what my exact words were, and this aforementioned messiness reflects the actual state of my home, but I said to the one that'd taken up residence in our couch, "Do you have any idea what a nightmare the past, (pausing, not sure of the exact length of time this's gone on, I threw out a figure,) six months have been?" (As, no matter how much I do clean and try to put things in order ((you know, to keep things nice and contributory towards the mental peace of everyone therein)) the house inevitably returns to a state of complete chaos and entropy.)

I left the woman in the couch and wandered the distorted dream-version of the house a little bit. Throughout the dream I'd had a pain stabbing in identical places on each side of my head, a bit below the cheekbones and straight through to the back of my skull which grew extremely intense and paralyzing as the dream went on, curling the corners of my mouth up into a pained grimace as a result. I struggled to shake myself awake and feared I might be unable to; with a desperate plea I cried out in my mind although sure that no help would come, "Someone, anyone help!!!"

I barely shook myself awake, the vague sound of the garage door slamming shut signifying that my "parents" had returned home, and the dream ended; the pain however did not, the extraordinary discomfort accompanying me well into the waking world.

To be frank, I don't think I have a lot more energy to say much more. Any thoughts, advice, input? What do you think of all this?
Hola Lathyrus. Es complejo interpretar el sueño de una persona que es totalmente desconocida y no sabemos nada de su forma de pensar, sus emociones y su entorno cotidiano. Sin embargo, esta situación de ignorar aspectos personales da como resultado un análisis más objetivo.
Tengo la sensación de que existe una conexión fuerte con tus padres y sus vínculos sociales. De alguna manera estás como amarrado. Lo de la casa en el orden de la propiedad. La casa eres tú y parece que cuando no están tus padres, interiormente te sientes confundido. Esto se reflejó en el dolor físico que se envió cuando se perdió el sueño y que perdimos aún después. Es como si hubiera una situación que te causa presión en tu mente. A veces los sueños nos muestran aspectos de nosotros mismos que tenemos que prestarle atención y trabajar en ellos.
"No importa cuánto limpie e intente poner las cosas en orden ya sabes", esta parte parece indicar que estás pasando de largo, algo que es clave en tu vida. Es necesario darse cuenta de las cosas que nos pertenece y no cargarse con lo que le pertenece a los demás. Cada uno tiene su propia mochila... A esto me refiero con la atadura psíquica. Tu sueño está indicando hacia donde tiene que ir tu atención. Espero que pueda servirte de algo ésta interpretación. Saludos
Hello Stella. I've had a little time to think on your reply, and I think you're correct. What you're suggesting is something that I've been struggling with for a long time, but you've helped to specify the issue and make it clearer to me. I will have to think on it more and work on incorporating the meaning of it into my worldview going forward. Thank you for your interpretation!
Hola de nuevo Lathyrus . Ya hace un" tiempo" que publiqué en referencia a tu sueño, pero quería compartir el sueño que tuve después de haber interactuado contigo aquí en el foro, fué esa misma noche. Lo recuerdo perfectamente. El sentimiento sigue presente. La energía de ese sueño sigue presente.

Comienza el sueño......... Camino apurada antes que cierren una puerta. Siento que es una escuela pero no hay objetos que indiquen que me encuentro en una. En lo material no hay referencia alguna pero yo sabía que estaba en una escuela.

A lo lejos se veía que dos personas conversaban, uno era un "profesor" y el otro alguien que quería entrar. Pero no permitió que entrara. Cuando me acercaba a la puerta, no sé como pero ya no estaba la persona que quería entrar, desapareció.

Sólo tenía en mi mente llegar a tiempo porque se estaba cerrando la puerta y en el último instante puse el pie evitando el cierre total.

Se abrió la puerta y apareció el "profesor". Me miró, sonrió y sentí que me conocía. Por fin entré a la clase. Había muchas personas, pero una vez adentro no había una figura de "profesor" que pudiera identificarse como tal. Todos estaban trabajando y en sus mesas había como una especie de piezas de electrónica que estaban armando.

Busqué mi asiento y para encontrarlo tuve que caminar por espacios tipo laberíntico, por así decir, porque la disposición de la clase no era igual a las que conocemos. Sin embargo no me perdí y dí con mi lugar de trabajo.

Un compañero estiró su mano y me dió una de esas "piezas" para que iniciara el trabajo. Todos allí me conocían. Me sentí feliz de estar con ellos...

Aquí desperté!

El sentimiento de alegría me acompañó durante todo el día y cada vez que evoco el recuerdo...:-D

Hello again Lathyrus . It's been a "while" that I published in reference to your dream, but I wanted to share the dream that I had after interacting with you here in the forum, was that same night. I remember it perfectly. The feeling is still present. The energy of that dream is still present.

The dream begins........... Way rushed before they close a door. I feel that it is a school but there are no objects that indicate that I am in one. There is no reference in the material, but I knew I was in a school.

In the distance you could see that two people were talking, one was a "teacher" and the other someone wanted to enter. But he wouldn't let me in. When I approached the door, I don't know how, but the person who wanted to enter was gone.

I only had in mind to arrive on time because the door was closing and at the last moment I put my foot avoiding total closure.

The door opened and the "professor" appeared. He looked at me, smiled and I felt that he knew me. At last I entered the class. There were many people, but once inside there was no figure of "professor" that could be identified as such. They were all working and on their tables there were like pieces of electronics that they were assembling.

I looked for my seat and to find it I had to walk through labyrinth-like spaces, so to speak, because the layout of the class was not the same as the ones we know. However, I didn't get lost and found my place of work.

A colleague stretched out his hand and gave me one of those "pieces" to start the work. Everyone there knew me. I felt happy to be with them...

Here I woke up!

The feeling of joy accompanied me throughout the day and every time I evoke the memory...:-D

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
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