visit from Laura

I too had a dream about Laura and Andromeda a few nights ago - I wasn’t really sure what to make of this - so wrote it down in my journal and made a mental to note to come back to it later.

They had a very large van/SUV that was going to be used for long-distance travel. It was painted maroon and we were trying to decide what it needed inside for it to be outfitted for travel. We all stepped inside and it looked like a small living area. I thought one thing they would need was some kind of ice box but they said there was a small kitchen in back and that there was already an ice “drawer” under the tiny kitchen sink. I turned around and saw the tiny kitchen at the back - it even had a window. I also saw the drawer which was already full of ice.

Then we were trying to decide about cooking - what kind of stove would be appropriate for travel so that the motion of driving when someone was trying to cook would not be dangerous. While pondering that, I woke up.
Interesting. I had a dream of Laura being in a large library last Tuesday, preoccupied by dozens of books. She had 'figured another angle' about something, and was re-researching the topic.

Later in the dream she took the Wave Book Three off of one of the shelves and handed it to me. Now I don't own the physical copy of the book, just the published free chapters. So I don't know what chapters relate to what book, although I have an idea. I need to read some chapters again I suppose!
I've had two dreams that I remember that involved Laura, and both of them seemed to be interestingly tied to real-life events:

The first happened when I received my FOTCM packet in the mail last fall -- the night it came, I dreamed that my parents and I were visiting the chateau in France. I remember that it was very green and sunny outside, and when Laura (and maybe others?) greeted us, I had a feeling like, "it's really nice to finally meet you." My parents were taken on a tour of the grounds or something like that, but I went inside and found my way to the kitchen, where I ended up meeting a younger (mid- to late twenties) woman and having a conversation that seemed to last quite a long time.

The second dream was just a couple of weeks ago when I had asked to help work on The Dot Connector. That night, I dreamed that I was with a group of people working together, and Laura was there organizing everything. I don't remember any specific contact with her, just watching her directing people to do this or that.
Interesting, I've had three dreams with Laura in them. I can't remember that last time a person has appeared in my dreams repeatedly. I can’t remember the 2nd dream but the first dream was very upsetting. The third was just kind of odd.

The first dream I had I was actually getting married to Laura! We got married and after all the ceremony was over and the festivities were done, we were walking home and I “woke up” or had a moment of remembrance inside my dream. I looked over and told her I couldn’t be married to her because I was already married and had a child. I was all upset about upsetting her and being so un-mindful of my reality. She didn’t seem bothered and just said goodbye.
When I woke up (real time), I was very upset, the meaning of the dream felt very apparent to me. It bothered me because I believe it was symbolic of choosing life responsibilities (wife and child) over The Work. It’s been a bit of a thorn in my mind ever since about my levels of dedication and how far I am willing to go to evolve. Fear based.

The third dream which was last night was similar in flavor to the 2nd dream (unremembered). Laura and a group were all camping out in a kind of Hopi mud hut village. I was there for a seminar. All sort of musical instruments were lying around; my eyes were caught by the didgeridoos. Laura picked up one and started playing it. It was an odd instrument with a flexible hinge in middle that controlled pitch like a trombone.

When she began to play all the people around her, who had been napping, began to awaken and started limbering up by sprinting and jumping around the camp. Everyone had long hair. I remember having a very distinct sense of alienation, disappointment and heaviness for not being able to move the way they did. One missed a jump and landed chest first on a wall, knocking the wind out of him. And the dream ended.

And a side note, doing the EE pipe breath before bed correlates with more vivid dream remembrance.
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