Vitali Churkin, Russian ambassador to the UN suddenly dies in NY


FOTCM Member
Hi everyone,

Just got notified of this:

Russian ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies – Foreign Ministry _

Vitaly Churkin, who served as Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006, "died suddenly" in New York, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced.

Churkin would have turned 65 on Tuesday.

The announcement "of the untimely passing away of Ambassador Vitaly Churkin this morning" was met with shock when it was delivered during a session at the UN headquarters.

The moment of silence in Churkin's memory was announced at the UN.

"He was a dear colleague of all of us, a deeply committed diplomat of his country and one of the finest people we have known," a UN official who delivered the news to her colleagues said.

Before he was appointed to represent Russia at the UN in May 2006, the diplomat served as ambassador to Belgium, ambassador to Canada, and liaison ambassador to NATO and the Western European Union (WEU).

In the 2000s he was ambassador at large at Russia's Foreign Ministry, while in the early 1990s he served as the special representative of the Russian president to the talks on the former Yugoslavia.

Very sad and shocking.
Seems to be very fresh news and first I thought it is a hoax. Cnn reports it:


And here is apparently a video Statement from a UN gathering about his death:


I tried to look at the english website of the foreign ministry, if that statement is there:

I can't excess the website for some reason.

If true I'm shocked as well. A "sudden death" sounds like it might have been another message to russia. If so, those psychos are really out of their mind.
It's at the very least symbolic.

Vitali represented the diplomatic possibility, the diplomatic approach to corral the warmongers. Also he represented the first line of defense for Russia in the world stage.
Alejo said:
It's at the very least symbolic.

Vitali represented the diplomatic possibility, the diplomatic approach to corral the warmongers. Also he represented the first line of defense for Russia in the world stage.

Yes. And it was on the day before his birthday.
It is true. :( :shock:

Here is the official statement from the russian foreign ministry:
When i saw your thread Alejo, i couldn't believe my own eyes, im sorry for his family and relatives, he was a nice person and good ambassador and very patient. The strange thing is, as you noted, that he died just one day before his birthday, i've found an article on ZeroHedge about the possible cause of death: said:
Vitaly Churkin, who served as Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006, "died suddenly" in New York, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced. Churkin died one day before his 65th birthday. Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, told AP that Churkin became ill and was taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where he died Monday.

Churkin was at the Russian embassy on East 67th Street when he became sick with a “cardiac condition” around 9:30 am, sources told the New York Post. A Russian Embassy spokesperson told CBS News that they believe Churkin died of a heart attack but they do not yet have official word on the cause of death.

As the AP adds, Churkin has been Russia's envoy at the United Nations for a little over a decade and was considered Moscow's great champion at the U.N. He had a reputation for an acute wit and sharp repartee especially with his American and Western counterparts. He was previously ambassador at large and earlier served as the foreign ministry spokesman...
He was one of the best russian ambassadors who dared to speak out at the UN about US atrocities across the world and the fact that he died one day before he's birthday, it seems strange to say the least.
Very sad and shocking indeed. Another loss for Russia and the world and his family and friends of course. I was really impressed with his work.

Pashalis, the link doesn't work for me. I will try it later.

I hear you Andre'. :(
My condolences to all Russian people :(

Mariama said:
Very sad and shocking indeed. Another loss for Russia and the world and his family and friends of course. I was really impressed with his work.

Pashalis, the link doesn't work for me. I will try it later.

I hear you Andre'. :(

This is official page of the Russian Ministry of Inner Affairs ( and it appears to be offline completely. Under attack?
Its sad to hear of Churkin's death. Condolences to his family and the rest of Russia. I will certainly miss his presence at the UN.
Andre' said:
When i saw your thread Alejo, i couldn't believe my own eyes, im sorry for his family and relatives, he was a nice person and good ambassador and very patient. The strange thing is, as you noted, that he died just one day before his birthday, i've found an article on ZeroHedge about the possible cause of death: said:
Vitaly Churkin, who served as Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006, "died suddenly" in New York, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced. Churkin died one day before his 65th birthday. Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, told AP that Churkin became ill and was taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where he died Monday.

Churkin was at the Russian embassy on East 67th Street when he became sick with a “cardiac condition” around 9:30 am, sources told the New York Post. A Russian Embassy spokesperson told CBS News that they believe Churkin died of a heart attack but they do not yet have official word on the cause of death.

Yes, very sad and does seem symbolic at this time when Trump is advocating reconciliation with Russia while everyone in the deep state is doing everything possible to prevent it. Maybe simply an unfortunate heart attack, but sure made me think of this SOTT article: Assassinations by induced heart attack and cancer

Wouldn't put it past the snakes.. :cry:
I also offer my condolences to the Russian people and to Ambassador Vitali Churkin's family. It is a great loss on many levels.

I've been following some of Churkin's activities as an UN Envoy. Right after Russia entered Syria, with Assad"s approval, Churkin, along with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov have been working together in steering the UN in the direction of following closely to their mandates and laws governing World Affairs, like being an neutral intermediary in Peace Talks and humanitarian needs. Under UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, the UN tended to act as an extension or surrogate of US/NATO and Obama's foreign policies and interests. So, Churkin has been instrumental in the progress of the Syrian Peace Talks, including defusing some of the Saudi disruption tactics.

Another point of interest, Churkin had opened an investigation into Kosovo Organ Trafficking. The article below is from May, 2015 - yet I haven't noticed any recent updates in the media? Organ Trafficking generally follows the sex trade and my assumption was that - Churkin believed there was enough hard evidence to expose the organ trafficking and hopefully, in the process, also expose the sex trade and disappearances in the Balkans? I don't know, if his death will affect that investigation - maybe delay the proceedings?

Russian UN Envoy Vitaly Churkin criticized Tuesday the delays in the inquiry into alleged organ trafficking by members of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) during the 1998-1999 Kosovo War.

Russian UN Envoy Slams Delays in Kosovo Organ Trafficking Investigation

Last month, the West urged Kosovo to create a court to look into the matter after the allegations of organ harvesting were first mentioned in a 2010 report to the Council of Europe.

According to the document, perpetrators killed Serb captives to remove and sell their organs during the war.

"There have been delays in establishing the Special Court to investigate the crime carried out by the KLA including the trade in human organs," Churkin said.

He added that it was "odd" that the establishment of such a court depended on the Kosovo legislators.

"Clearly Kosovo has not been ready to objectively evaluate such a delicate matter."

Last year, a EU-led inquiry found "compelling indications" that ten Serb prisoners had their body organs harvested for illegal trafficking during.

Another "ambassador" situation that just appeared in the media:

Virginia mansion owned by United Arab Emirates Embassy mysteriously goes up in flames (Video) (1:52 min.)

On Saturday, February 18th a mysterious fire destroyed a Virginia mansion that was owned by the Embassy of The United Arab Emirates.

The property valued at $2.7 million dollars sits in the heart of “Spookland” McClean, Virginia. As a matter of fact, the estate was only one mile away from CIA headquarters.

According to reports, the blaze took about 12 hours to put out. Paul Ruwe, a deputy chief with Fairfax County Fire and Rescue told the Washington Post that fire trucks arrived at the neighborhood off Georgetown Pike about eight minutes after receiving a 911 call at 7:58 a.m. A man in the home and a neighbor who did not want to be named said it seemed to take at least 30 minutes for firefighters to spray any water on the house. The closest hydrant, which is the only one in the neighborhood, is up a hill and around a bend. Ruwe, however, says a 30-minute delay due to a distant hydrant “is way outside the realm of possibility.”

While attempting to extinguish the flames, one Fire Fighter radioed that “it sounds like propane let loose in the house.” The explosion caused walls and floors to collapse ultimately forcing Fire Fighters out.

In the end, the fire demolished the five-bedroom, six bathroom house. Thankfully six people and two dogs were able to escape unharmed. I do feel that the circumstances surrounding the fire are little suspicious. I guess we will have to wait and see what the official report says.
aleana said:
Andre' said:
When i saw your thread Alejo, i couldn't believe my own eyes, im sorry for his family and relatives, he was a nice person and good ambassador and very patient. The strange thing is, as you noted, that he died just one day before his birthday, i've found an article on ZeroHedge about the possible cause of death: said:
Vitaly Churkin, who served as Russia's permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006, "died suddenly" in New York, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced. Churkin died one day before his 65th birthday. Russia's deputy U.N. ambassador, Vladimir Safronkov, told AP that Churkin became ill and was taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, where he died Monday.

Churkin was at the Russian embassy on East 67th Street when he became sick with a “cardiac condition” around 9:30 am, sources told the New York Post. A Russian Embassy spokesperson told CBS News that they believe Churkin died of a heart attack but they do not yet have official word on the cause of death.

Yes, very sad and does seem symbolic at this time when Trump is advocating reconciliation with Russia while everyone in the deep state is doing everything possible to prevent it. Maybe simply an unfortunate heart attack, but sure made me think of this SOTT article: Assassinations by induced heart attack and cancer

Wouldn't put it past the snakes.. :cry:


Thank you for the link to the article. I remembered reading how easy it is to induce sudden heart attacks. The weapon has been around quite a while and is virtually untraceable. I first saw the alert on a Fox Breaking News txt this morning. It doesn't seem that there has been much of an update yet. I felt like a shock went through me and feel so much sadness for this man and his family. My heart goes out to them.

It is definitely a continuing a trend. I immediately thought of the Russian ambassador to Turkey,Karlov, that was shot. I wish/wonder if there is a way to create a protection using our crystal network that wouldn't violate free will???
Very sad and shocking news! The Duran has some speculations about this:

4 dead Russian Ambassadors in 3 months

1. A Macabre Pattern Has Emerged

Beginning in 2015, there were several deaths within the Russian Diplomatic corps and a special Russian Presidential adviser.


First there was Russia’s RT founder and special adviser to President Putin, Mikhail Lesin. He died in November of 2015 in his hotel room. Reports said that he appeared discombobulated during his last sighting before he died. Later it emerged that he died of a blunt head trauma. Drinking was blamed, but many questions were left unanswered.


Earlier last month, Andrei Malanin, Russia’s Ambassador to Greece was found dead in his bathroom. The causes of death remain unknown.


Just last month, Russia’s Ambassador to India, Alexander Kadakin, an always prestigious role, died of a heart attack, although no one was aware of any previous health issues.


In December of last year Russia’s ambassador to Turkey was assassinated by a lone jihadi gunmen in an art gallery. There was no effective security as the killer simply walked up to Ambassador Andrei Karlov and shot him multiple times in the back.


Vitaly Chirkin is the highest profile member of Russia’s diplomatic corps to die in recent years.

2. A Motive For Foul Play?

Each of the recently deceased Russian Ambassadors were high profile targets for miscreants and criminals, whether state actors, mercenaries or fanatics.

Lesin was a instrumental in the creation of RT, a news outlet which has come under constant attack from the western establishment.

Malanin had overseen a period of warming fraternal relations between Greece and Russia at a time when Greece is feeling increasingly alienated from both the EU and NATO.

Karlov is said to be responsible for helping to facilitate the rapprochement between Presidents Erdogan and Putin.

Kadakin oversaw a period of renewed tensions between India and Pakistan at a time when Russia was trying to continue its good relations with India whilst building good relations with Pakistan.

On the 31st of December, 2016, Churkin’s resolution on a ceasefire in Syria passed in the UN Security Council after months of deadlock. The resolution is still in force.

Anyone who wanted to derail the diplomatic successes that the aforementioned men achieved for Russia would have a clear motive to extract vengeance.

3. Who Stands To Gain?

In the matter of Karlov, any derailment of restored Russo-Turkish relations would be good for those happy for Turkey to continue her support of jihadists in Syria rather than moving towards accepting a Russian and indeed Iranian brokered peace process which respects the sovereignty of Syria as Russia and Iran always have, but Turkey has not.

In the case of Lesin, anyone wanting ‘vengeance’ for RT’s popularity would be able to say that a kind of former media boss was taken down.

For Malanin, many fear that if ‘Grexit’ happens, Russia will become an increasingly important partner for Greece. The EU would not like one of its vassal states enjoying fruitful relations with Russia, a country still under sanctions from Brussels.

For Kadakin, it is a matter of interest for those wanting Pakistan to continue favouring western powers and not wanting Russia to be able to mediate in conflict resolutions between New Delhi and Islamabad.

Churkin had come to dominate the UN in ways that his counterparts on the Security Council simply could not. No one really stood a chance in a debate with Churkin. His absence leaves open the possibility for a power vacuum that would makes other peoples’ jobs easier.

4. Where The Deaths Took Place

Each death took place on foreign soil. Mr. Karlov’s killing in particular, exposed the weakness of his security contingent. If security was that weak in a comparatively volatile place like Turkey, it goes without saying that security in states considered more politically stable would be even more lax.

Again it must be said that a non-biased detective might say that the only pattern which has emerged is that many people in the Russian diplomatic corps and related institutions have heart attacks. Maybe they eat fatty foods every day and drink and smoke too much. But if this was this case, why are the heart attacks all on foreign soil?

If all of the former Ambassadors except Karlov were really in bad health, is it really just a coincidence that none of these men had a health scare on Russian soil? Again, a pattern has emerged.
Very sad, I read about it on SOTT earlier. Condolences to Mr. Churkin's family and the Russian nation.

The recent pattern does make one wonder - not looking good, though too early to tell if there's foul play.
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