Vitali Churkin, Russian ambassador to the UN suddenly dies in NY

4 Dead Russian Ambassadors in 3 Months - Foul play? [Video] (5:32 min.)

Published on Feb 25, 2017

A farewell to Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Mr Churkin, for well over a decade, featuring Spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. Following the Assassination of Andrei Karlov in Turkey earlier this year, was the death of Andrey Melanin in Athens of 'natural causes'. Ambassador Alexander Kadakin to India had died of an apparent heart attack, even though no previous health issues were known. Together with Vitaly Churkin, this now brings the death total of Russian officials serving in foreign capacity to 4, all within a 3 month period. Coincidence? Or does the CIA have a long arm? This episode features Mr Churkin dispelling allegations of Russia having dropped leaflets over Aleppo, urging civilians to leave the city or face death. Of course, it is only the senile or those with short memories, who would think that "evidence" presented in the UN Security Council, is anything more than fabricated Neocon garbage. See linked video at the end, with Colin Powell's "weapons of mass destruction" a.k.a simple washing powder. The 2003 invasion of Iraq, based on this kind of "evidence" would take over half a million Iraqi lives.... To shame. US military deaths cannot be calculated due to contractors such as Blackwater not being included in official statistics.

A word of the Russian analyst V. Pyakin, member of IP USSR, who connects the recent deaths of Russian high-ranking officers with US intelligence agencies' effort to eliminate the effect of the Minsk agreements and to put US & Russia against each other.
anka said:

A word of the Russian analyst V. Pyakin, member of IP USSR, who connects the recent deaths of Russian high-ranking officers with US intelligence agencies' effort to eliminate the effect of the Minsk agreements and to put US & Russia against each other.

That appears to be the Coles Notes version of what is happening. Him saying that the tried and true historical options, propaganda, arm twisting, military pressure, is no longer working, and their reaction being, to assassinate these leaders; does seem to show how desperate their situation has become. The evil plots have a lot invested in them, and they don't want them sabotaged by diplomacy bent on peace. It reminds me of the Israelis, who when getting cornered into peace agreements would send up drones and kill leaders of the peace committees. Sending everything back to square one.

I think his summation is pretty well accurate.
Six Russian diplomats have died in the last 60 days. As Axios notes, all but one died on foreign soil. Some were shot, while other causes of death are unknown. Note that a few deaths have been labeled “heart attacks” or “brief illnesses.”

Deep State War? Russian Officials Keep Dying Unexpectedly

1. You probably remember Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov — he was assassinated by a police officer at a photo exhibit in Ankara on December 19.

2. On the same day, another diplomat, Peter Polshikov, was shot dead in his Moscow apartment. The gun was found under the bathroom sink but the circumstances of the death were under investigation. Polshikov served as a senior figure in the Latin American department of the Foreign Ministry.

3. Russia’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, died in New York this past week. Churkin was rushed to the hospital from his office at Russia’s UN mission. Initial reports said he suffered a heart attack, and the medical examiner is investigating the death, according to CBS.

4. Russia’s Ambassador to India, Alexander Kadakin, died after a “brief illness January 27, which The Hindu said he had been suffering from for a few weeks.

5. Russian Consul in Athens, Greece, Andrei Malanin, was found dead in his apartment January 9. A Greek police official said there was “no evidence of a break-in.” But Malanin lived on a heavily guarded street. The cause of death needed further investigation, per an AFP report. Malanin served during a time of easing relations between Greece and Russia when Greece was increasingly critiqued by the EU and NATO.

6. Ex-KGB chief Oleg Erovinkin, who was suspected of helping draft the Trump dossier, was found dead in the back of his car December 26, according to The Telegraph. Erovinkin also was an aide to former deputy prime minister Igor Sechin, who now heads up state-owned Rosneft.

If we go back further than 60 days…

7. On the morning of U.S. Election Day, Russian diplomat Sergei Krivov was found unconscious at the Russian Consulate in New York and died on the scene. Initial reports said Krivov fell from the roof and had blunt force injuries, but Russian officials said he died from a heart attack. BuzzFeed reports Krivov may have been a Consular Duty Commander, which would have put him in charge of preventing sabotage or espionage.

8. In November 2015, a senior adviser to Putin, Mikhail Lesin, who was also the founder of the media company RT, was found dead in a Washington hotel room according to the NYT. The Russian media said it was a “heart attack,” but the medical examiner said it was “blunt force injuries.”

9. If you go back a few months prior in September 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s driver was killed too in a freak car accident while driving the Russian President’s official black BMW, to add to the insanity.

If you include these three additional deaths that’s a total of nine Russian officials that have died over the past 2 years that’s Aaron Kesel knows of – he notes there could be more.

As Kesel explains, it’s worth noting that governments, specifically the CIA, have for long periods of time had chemical concoctions that can induce a full systematic shutdown of a person’s nervous system and in some cases cause someone’s’ heart to explode.

Former CIA employee Mary Embree discusses the infamous heart attack gun and how she was tasked with finding a chemical concoction that would cause a heart attack. The weapon was first made public during the Church Committee hearings in 1975 by former CIA director William Colby. It was said to be very lethal and untraceable, by using this weapon a murder is made to look natural while the poison dissolves in hours.

It seems highly unlikely and improbable to write off that six Russian officials would die in under 60 days in such an influx in various different mysterious ways without a catalyst. And let’s not forget RT founder and former Putin aide Mikhail Lesin was found dead in 2015 from a blunt weapon that was originally blamed on a heart attack so assassination can’t be taken off the table and ruled out in any of these cases. Turkey and Russia already accused NATO of a false flag attack killing Karlov the Russian-Turkish Ambassador. NATO also had a dead diplomat Yves Chandelon mysteriously die of a gunshot wound to the head in his car a week before the death of Karlov. Chandelon was the Chief Auditor in charge Of Counterterrorism funding.

“Turkey and Russia have the will not to be deceived by this false flag attack,” they said.

Don’t forget that on Christmas day, a Russian military jet went down over the Black Sea, killing 60 members of the Red Army choir and 33 others that just adds to the massive coincidence list.

On a final note, former acting director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Michael Morell openly conspired to “covertly” kill Russians and Iranians in Syria in an August 2016 interview with Charlie Rose. While Morell was talking about killing Russian and Iranian soldiers it is definitely a strange piece to add to this puzzle. (2:17 min.)

Are we witnessing a battle between the deep state and Russia in a spy versus spy plotline or is this all just a freak coincidence?
Another suspicious death has been reported of a top official of Russia's space agency that was found dead in a prison where he was being held on charges of embezzlement.

Russia's Roscosmos space corporation confirmed on Saturday the death of its Executive Director for Quality Control Vladimir Evdokimov, who had been arrested over embezzlement charges.

Roscosmos Confirms Death of Corporation's Former Top Manager Evdokimov

Earlier in the day, Yulia Ivanova, the Russian Investigative Committee's Central Moscow Department spokeswoman, told Sputnik that a body of a man, born in 1965, was found with stab wounds on his chest in Moscow’s pre-trial detention center No. 5. The Investigative Committee initiated criminal proceedings into the murder under Article 105 of the Criminal Code.

"Roscosmos announces with regret the death of Vladimir Evdokimov, the state corporation’s executive director for quality control," the space corporation said in a statement.

In December 2016, the Russian Investigative Committee accused Evdokimov, who has served as the executive director for quality control since 2015, of embezzling 200 million rubles ($3.1 million). Evdokimov was suspected of embezzling the funds from the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG aerospace company.

Another Senior Russian Official Has Died

Since the day of Donald Trump's election, high-ranking Russian officials have been dropping like flies and today's reports that a top official of Russia's space agency has been found dead brings the total to eight.

As we noted previously, six Russian diplomats have died in the last 3 months - all but one died on foreign soil. Some were shot, while other causes of death are unknown. Note that a few deaths have been labeled "heart attacks" or "brief illnesses."

[...] As AP reports, a top official of Russia's space agency has been found dead in a prison where he was being held on charges of embezzlement.

A spokeswoman for Russia's Investigative Committee, Yulia Ivanova, told the state news agency RIA Novosti that the 11 other people in Vladimir Evdokimov's cell were being questioned.

Investigators found two stab wounds on Evdokimov's body, but no determination had been made of whether they were self-inflicted.

Evdokimov, 56, was the executive director for quality control at Roscosmos, the country's spaceflight and research agency.

He was jailed in December on charges of embezzling 200 million rubles ($3.1 million) from the MiG aerospace company.

So, while motive is unclear in all of these cases, that brings the total number of dead Russian officials in the past two years to ten. Probably nothing...
Members of the UN General Assembly held a meeting in memory of the late Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin on Tuesday.

UN Pays Tribute to Memory of Late Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin

Vitaly Churkin served as Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations since 2006. He passed away on February 20 in New York City on the eve of his 65th birthday.

The UN General Assembly began on Tuesday with a minute of silence in memory of the Russian envoy.

"Truly and simultaneously, a patriot and an internationalist, Ambassador Churkin was truly one-of-a-kind – an outstanding diplomat, a man of many talents and interests, and a human being whose friendship touched many of us here in this hall today," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated.

Guterres remarked on Churkin's ability to defend Russia's interests while simultaneously advocating for a stronger United Nations.

"May you rest in peace. May the earth be a soft bed for you," Guterres finished in Russian.

"Vitaly Churkin was truly one of a kind. He was an ever eloquent voice at the United Nations, and we will remember him for his brilliance, his wisdom and his sharp sense of humor," distinguished US representative Michele Sison said in a statement.

Sison noted that while she did not always see things the same way with Churkin, the Russian ambassador had an eye for identifying compromise.

"The UN community has experienced the shock and a loss and we miss Churkin's presence here," Sison added.

UK Ambassador to the United Nations Matthew Rycroft remarked that Churkin exhibited the highest level of diplomatic professionalism and deep knowledge of the workings of the UN Security Council.

"He was a true professional who treated his colleagues with respect and enjoyed utmost respect of everyone in return," Rycroft concluded.

A street named after Russia’s late UN envoy Vitaly Churkin may soon appear in the heart of the Serbian-majority region in Bosnia, a Serbian lawmaker told Sputnik on Monday.

Bosnian Serbs May Name Street After Late Russian UN Envoy Churkin

The proposal to rename a street in Republika Srpska’s largest city Banja Luka as a tribute to Churkin for his blocking of a controversial UN vote on the Srebrenica massacre was initiated by the city’s parliament member, Marinko Dragisic, at a request by the local community.

"Vitaly Churkin’s name will go down in the history of the Serbian people. Naming a street in his honor is the least we can do to thank him for standing up for us in difficult times," Dragisic said.

Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin, who died suddenly last week, should be honored for his contribution to peaceful relations in Bosnia and Hercegovina, President of the Eastern Alternative movement Vojin Pavlovic told Sputnik.

Memorial to Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin Proposed in Republika Srpska

Back dated 28.02.2017

Representatives of the Istocna Alternativa (IA, Eastern Alternative) movement in Republika Srpska, one of the two constituent political entities that together comprise Bosnia and Herzegovina, have proposed building a monument to distinguished Russian diplomat Vitaly Churkin, who suddenly died last week.

Churkin became ill while working in New York as Russia's ambassador to the UN, a post he had held since 2006.

IA President Vojin Pavlovic told Serbia's Tanjug news agency that a tribute to Churkin in Republika Srpska would be fitting, since his actions helped to ease tensions in Srebrenica and the wider region.

"As Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Churkin contributed to the peace and stability of Bosnia and Hercegovina, and his actions contributed to spreading the truth about the war in Bosnia and breaking the Western stereotypes that Serbs bear all the responsibility for the war and suffering," Pavlovic said.

In July 2015, on the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica tragedy, Churkin's veto prevented the UN Security Council from approving a resolution that would have "aggravated the situation in the region," he told the UN.

The draft resolution was prepared by the UK, and described the tragedy at Srebrenica as "genocide."

The Russian Foreign Ministry stated that the document was politically motivated and unbalanced and "would have had a negative impact on national reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the Balkans as a whole."

"The resolution would place the blame for the tragedy exclusively on the Serbs, disregarding the fact that the Serbs were also victims in that tragedy," the Foreign Ministry stated.

"In the absence of consensus on this issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself; as is well known, the country's parliament could not reach a consensus, nor could members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the adoption of this resolution at the UN Security Council in its current form would be an absolutely counterproductive step that would aggravate the situation in the region," Churkin told the Security Council, RIA Novosti reported.

"We are convinced that the role of the UN Security Council is to strengthen the foundations of international peace and security, not undermine them," he said.

On July 8 2015 ten members of the UN Security Council voted for the resolution, four countries (Angola, Venezuela, China and Nigeria) abstained and Russia vetoed the resolution, as a result of which it was not adopted.

The Eastern Alternative movement in Srebrenica has already submitted a request to the Municipal Assembly to find a suitable location for the memorial.

The party was founded in 2012 by Dragan Todorovic, former Serbian Minister of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure who had been vice-president of Vojislav Seselj's right-wing Serbian Radical Party (SRS).
Death of another Russian ambassador. This time in Sudan.


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Sudan Mirgayas M. Shirinskiy was found dead in his home in Khartoum Wednesday, RIA Novosti reports.
Before taking his post in Sudan, Shirinskiy served at the Russian embassies in Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Rwanda. The Russian Foreign Ministry has verified the news.
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