Volcanoes Erupting All Over

I believe this photo was taken after the paroxysm, but emitted at time a lot of ash and relatively coarse, pronounced in places like Pedara (outer suburb to Catania, closer to Etna north of Catania). In the city of Catania itself the ash was very fine. Because my husband was collecting his students for another outdoor gym exercise (in Pedara) - but they to cancel, due to the ash making the ground slippery, making it easy for people to get hurt, if they slip.
Oh, so he is close to the Volcano!
During the summer season it is a vacation resort due to the cooler climate than Catania because of the altitude. In the northernmost part is the ancient rural village of Tarderia, surrounded by a large extension of chestnut groves with mountain flora and alpine tree species. From Pedara one can easily reach Etna (about 15 km.). Along the provincial road to Etna, the fossa del Salto del Cane, an ancient extinct crater with an equipped area (Base Point for Hiking in the Etna Park).
Did he take any of the pictures? From the last photo, it appears that they have street lights on and the clock on the church shows 14:55. If so, they have so much ash, there is no point selling it in the souvenir shops.
Oh, so he is close to the Volcano!

Did he take any of the pictures? From the last photo, it appears that they have street lights on and the clock on the church shows 14:55. If so, they have so much ash, there is no point selling it in the souvenir shops.
:lol: I tried to inspire him

to take photos in general - but i believe it just isn't really his thing - despite having a really great camera. He is more of the casual iPhone shooter type of guy. So no, he didn't take any photos.

I think he said, that it went on for hours with ash fall in the afternoon, but not dark and super dense - just constant puffs of only ash fall raining down (but no lava fountains where visible at the top of Etna, he mentioned)

As of writing - Etna is doing it’s thing

But i am on my way to work so no time for photos. However my husband just told me that he and the three ladies he is with - suddenly had to go inside of the restaurant because ash was raining down over Catania. They couldn’t see anything of Etna, though. I can’t see anything on webcams either.

Nevertheless, his brother who lives afoot Etna in the SW, in Adrano, made a video with majestic, kind of wow lava fountains going off !

It is interesting that the ash phenomena appears to have increased lately. Or maybe a better explanation would be - that Etna has blown the ash more often to the south lately, affecting Catania. Mostly it blows to the east, towards Milo, Giarre and over the Ionian sea instead.
My husband sent me a photo which shows the amount of ash that has fallen outside the restaurant in Catania. Not so much really, but presented in such a cute way :-) together with a funny Sicilian version of my name :lol: That guy is the guy to keep 💕 for many heartwarming reasons…

Stromboli • Sicily - Italy
17 June 2021

There have been reports of increased activity at the Sicilian Island volcano Stromboli. On 17 June 2021, a lava stream was observed, half way down to the sea flanked by strong 'Strombolian eruptions'.

A really beautiful, atmospheric image the photographer made here

Does anyone else see a creepy face in the lower darker area of the airborne lava in the middle photo?

:wow: Oh Gosh, I can't see that !

Instead I saw the kind of funny standing animal.... well, like Debra has in her avatar 🤣🤣🤣 (I don't know the name of the animal) Wait... I can show. Looks like a happy Etna fella to me 😂 But where is the creepy one ?!?



Wait, (i have now looked many times) Maybe you mean.. yeah, vaguely there is a creepy face (looking downwards-ish in the lower darker part of the airborne lava... Kind of fuzzy type of guy.

Is that the one ?
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Cleaning of ash in Catania, Sicily

Here is a photo from 22 Jun 2021 in the afternoon, with my husband's gym class - after cleaning the floor from all the ash Etna had left behind, in order to be able to do exercises (but in what... 35°C / 95°F !? ) :scared: Dio mio !!

They were located at Parco Gioeni, 25 km south of Etna's active Southeast crater.

photo_2021-06-22 23.16.42.jpeg
Etna • Sicily, Italy
Paroxysm No. 38

22-23 June 2021

Another one.
German Vulkane.net *** wrote

Tonight/last night there was another new paroxysm on Etna. At the moment it erupts every 24-36 hours. The tremor rose sharply around 01:00 UCT and fell just as quickly at 04:00. Before that, a short phase of strombolian activity occurred. Again, there was a lava fountain from the New Southeast Crater. Volcanic ash was detected at an altitude of 6100m. A lava flow was observed in a southerly direction. Currently, the tremor is comparatively high, but the infrasound sensors do not detect any explosions.

*** Vulkane.net Marc Szeglat has now a different count on how many Paroxysms Etna had. This could be either because I counted wrong, or perhaps miss identified a super tiny spike (Which I did not count as two separates ones), or because he appears to have changed the reference starting point, because he once mentioned "since Dec 2020", but earlier used 16 Feb 2021 as the reference point for the new series of Paroxysms in 2021 (which I am still using).

I got two more photos from my husband in Catania, I had forgotten to add for you here. It shows the ash from one of Etna's many ashy paroxysm over Catania, Parco Gioeni, 30 km away, and that amount had fallen in only 1 hour (paroxysm 37, see last images). The latest Paroxysm did not affect Catania, as the ash went eastwards, towards Milo and Giarre.



Image-1.jpg IMAGE-2021-06-23-18_14_19.jpg
An Etna photo a friend sent to me.

She said, this from today seen from Adrano, which is on the southwest side of the Volcano.

Wait a minute…. Now I see. I checked the tremor chart while on my way to work…. It is a new paroxysm just some hour ago after sunset, today 23 June 2021 !

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