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Sorry, Im not good with a computer to drag quotes.
There needs to be a transition from Saddam being Bush's buddy to the running of death squads post overthrow. Also it should mention that while Saddam's government was complicit in securing the the oil fields and U.S. presence in the Middle East, conditions were far better under his regime then at present.
Regarding the E.U.--they are caught between the growing Chinese/Russian, Eurasian influence and the United States and the I.M.F. to secure the future of their struggling Nations individual economies, like Greece. I don't know, I don't really understand it. But their fate is really linked to the dollar--and whatever will replace it.
Thankyou Anart.
To quote you need to select and copy the relevant bit and paste it into your reply, then again select the text and press the yellow speech bubble, 2nd from the rigth in the row above the smilies. Or you can add [q.uote] where the quote should start and a [/q.uote] where it should end (without the . in q.uote)

Nathan said:
There needs to be a transition from Saddam being Bush's buddy to the running of death squads post overthrow.

I am not sure what you mean? Underneath is the current text, how do you propose to weave yor points here. Sorry I am rather green in editing cooperations. I think it already says Saddam was complicit ( in him being a friendly pawn), but maybe you could give it a go and add that conditions were better before.

Iraq : In the last seven years: over 1 million dead, 4 million orphans, contamination from depleted uranium weapons, birth defects, bombed pipelines, poor sanitation, little clean drinking water, few jobs, little safety or security. Former President Saddam Hussein, buddy of George H. W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, was put into office by the CIA who are now reworking a platform under the cover of Iraqi democracy. To secure Iraq's oil wealth for themselves, elements of the Bush government authorized the CIA to run deaths squads out of the Iraqi interior ministry in an effort to create the appearance of civil war in the country and thereby justify the continued US military presence and control of the country. In 2010, the political party of CIA asset Allawi won Iraqi general elections amid claims of voting fraud.

on the EU

oldt ext said:
EU :May lead to stricter controls and loss of freedoms as power is consolidated. On the other hand, may be able to at least stand up to the US/Israel led destruction of the world. France and Germany, out of their own national interests, have been voicing strong opposition to the unipolar model of the world espoused by American imperialism. However, the new arrivals from the former Eastern bloc have been bought off by US dollars and appear ready to sow dissension within the EC along with Zionist cronies in Britain, Italy, and Spain.

The future is open, but we have our doubts that much of any good will come about from it. See One World Government.

new text said:
EU: Slowly becoming the superstate and democratic disaster the beauracrats designed it to be, with closed door elects who answer to the supranational clubs. They are caught between the growing Chinese/Russian, Eurasian influence and the United States and the I.M.F. to secure the future of their struggling Nations individual economies.

feel free to edit and add, I am unsure how to write the new text on EU, as I don't have any general overview of the european situation as the 'idea' of it, is on so many levels.

I think this multi user approach is difficult in the way of talking on the same level and then in unison angle it in a 'sott' voice. Ie. the new text on EU: the first bit by me has conjecture of future projection, the next bit by Natan is current and more on par with the official version. Hmm, let's keep on pushing.
Freyr wrote:
I am not sure what you mean? Underneath is the current text, how do you propose to weave yor points here. Sorry I am rather green in editing cooperations. I think it already says Saddam was complicit ( in him being a friendly pawn), but maybe you could give it a go and add that conditions were better before.
You are being too kind to me--which is to say that rather than critiquing the topic summary, I should have given it a go and typed up my version. That is the subtext underneath the current text you sense.
The point I was making though, is that the lie perpetrated by the media--that Saddam was an evil dictator, publically in opposition to U. S. government policy, but but in full cooperation privately, merits a little more coverage in the summery. Here's my addition to the summary, I hope its not to long.

In the last seven years: over 1 million dead, 4 million orphans, contamination from depleted uranium weapons, birth defects, bombed pipelines, poor sanitation, little clean drinking water, few jobs, little safety or security. Former President Saddam Hussein, buddy of George H. W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld, was put into office by the CIA who are now reworking a platform under the cover of Iraqi democracy. Sactions against his Bathist government were applied that resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent Iraqi children and civilians, and untold stress on an oil driven economy. But while Saddam was complicit in securing the oil fields and U.S. military presence in the Middle East, conditions were far better under his regime than the death and destruction, the "Shock and Awe," committed by the U.S. and coalition forces during "Operation Iraqi Freedom.". The U.S. and the Western PTB applied these sanctions in response to make-believe weapons of mass destruction and Iraq's destabilizing presence in the middle east, particularly in respect to Israel. Saddam was demonized in the U.S. media and this enabled Bush to rile up those that cannot think for themselves to go and get rid of an evil dictator in Iraq without being aware of the Machiavellian interests of the corporate/military dictatorship in the Unites States. There fears were played upon. Despite being heavily armed by the Unites States the Iraqi military offered little resistance to coalition forces and Saddam and his administration blended in to the local populace in a prearranged plan. To secure Iraq's oil wealth for themselves, elements of the Bush government authorized the CIA to run deaths squads out of the Iraqi interior ministry in an effort to create the appearance of civil war in the country and thereby justify the continued US military presence and control of the country. In 2010, the political party of CIA asset Allawi won Iraqi general elections amid claims of voting fraud.[/quote]
Looks good to me Nathancat.

Freyer, on the EU, just add what you said the new EU president etc and maybe a note that it is too early to see whether the EU superstate will result in a further breaking down of national identities within the EU or if any attempt to push through such policies will result in a spread of "Euroskepticism".
thanks Perceval and Nathan.

last query:

In the section 'Not enough people care' it starts:

George Bush has murdered over 10,000 Iraqis. He has condemned United States serviceman and Iraqi civilians to a short life full of pain and sickness from depleted uranium radiation. Israel has threatened to murder Arafat, igniting the world in a fire that could very well consume us all.

As a motivational header we probably need more recent figures, an entirely different example, any thougths?
George Bush committed War Crimes in Iraq with the dropping of white phosphorus in Fallujiah and use of depleted uranium not just on and to the detriment of citizens in Iraq but also journalist and and pretty much anyone that moved in the "War Zone." His phrase "Mission Accomplished" has had serious repercussions to the worlds perception of the United States. Bombed into a rubble, the Garden of Eden is a place, under the occupation, with little infrastructure regarding water availability, let alone contamination, electricity, and little regard to the safety of the Iraqi citizen, and the American solgier--many of whom suffer from PTSD for participating in such atrocities. And ultimately, the chaos in Iraq is reflective of the psychopathic culture in the United States, perpetrated by George Bush.
Before I realized you went over this Freyr, I wrote this for Karl Rove.

KARL ROVE: A master manipulator, his appeal to the far right was apparently contradicted by an agnostic approach to Christianity. His clever manipulation of the far right orchestrated the "Bush Rise." He shaped the speeches and carefully crafted all of Bush's appearances for the best hypnotic effect of the sheeple.
In reality his stratigies and policies made a mockery of what little democracy still existed during Bush's presidential campaign with his embrace of corporate deregulation and lobbying special interest, and campaign contributions--opening up the door to corporate control. But this only promoted him to deputy White House chief of staff.
From here he expanded his power from politics and strategy to also include coordination of foreign and domestic policies, allowing him to full his families, and Bush's, personal legacy. Karl Rove's grandfather helped run the Nazi Party, and helped build the Birkenhan Death Camp. But while he was never called to task on this; he did take the fall for a variety of scandals during the Bush presidency, of which he was only a bit player.
thanks Nathan

I will edit in the Karl Rove and G.W Bush bits, I actually wrapped up the task, but seeing further contributions coming in this thread, I will edit on as they come and send .

maybe 'garden of eden' is a bit too much, Iraq was not a paradise pre U.S invasion nor in Babylon, to my knowledge.
Agree with you on the Garden of Eden bit. I was trying to find a way to tie in something biblical with Bush's agenda.
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