We just had a BIG Earthquake!!!

Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

Initially there were no victims but as a far as I know they counted 2 in guanacaste where was the epicenter the midday; in those places there were not electricity or communications so there wasn't way to know exactly if there were more deaths or not; after the review from the goverment in the zone !!!

Vulcan59 said:
Stay safe zim. :hug2: And check out the ripples this earthquake created across the US.


Thanks Vulcan for the link it is interesting how the wave can impact such distance!!! although the people didn't feel it, what was more impressing to me was the movement It began from one side to other slowly but getting strong faster it was like I was in a big shake machine, the movements were so large from one side to other and very strong , the deep was only 15 km which is totally superficial so I suppose the waves travel farther.

And took my attention too that the Geological Institute spoke about a the size of the rupture betwen plaques which they said it is bigger now than before but I didnt find any link yet to put here.

Let´s see if our Pathocratic Goverment invent something to impose one of the famous laws that hold on to be approved!!!

And thanks again for your words, the earth is heating up like Oxajil said, things getting more and more interesting nowadays !!!!
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

Here, in the span of 8 hours drastically change the temperature from 40 C to a serie of dense cloud and rained for 3 hours straight!!! Very strange. We are alert.
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

zim said:
Initially there were no victims but as a far as I know they counted 2 in guanacaste where was the epicenter the midday; in those places there were not electricity or communications so there wasn't way to know exactly if there were more deaths or not; after the review from the goverment in the zone !!!

I was just reading about it here


Thank goodness it wasn't worst, and that you and your family are fine, Zim! :hug2:

The article above says that the epicenter was close to volcanoes?

Do take care of yourself and yours, and I am in full agreement with the advice to have a bag-pack ready (or two) by the door with first aid, food, water, some clothes and whatever else you might need, so you can grab it and the kids as you run out if you feel the ground shaking again. I hope you won't need it, but it won't hurt at all to have it ready, Zim, and have a course of action planned out with the kids. It will make them feel less scared too if they know what to do in case they experience another earthquake. May you all be safe, and pipe breath as often as necessary :hug2:
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

Do take care of yourself and yours, and I am in full agreement with the advice to have a bag-pack ready (or two) by the door with first aid, food, water, some clothes and whatever else you might need, so you can grab it and the kids as you run out if you feel the ground shaking again. I hope you won't need it, but it won't hurt at all to have it ready, Zim, and have a course of action planned out with the kids. It will make them feel less scared too if they know what to do in case they experience another earthquake. May you all be safe, and pipe breath as often as necessary

Yes we are preparing with some stuff, well we are 40 km from Arenal Volcano I hope not reactions with it !!!! :( :rolleyes:
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

Glad you're safe zim. Take care of yourself and your kids.
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

Take care of your self and family and keep in touch zim.

This SOTT article is interesting as if US is next in line. Asia and South america's volcano's are erupting too. It looks we are accelerating into very interesting times .

Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

zim said:
The person in charge of the Geological Institute, when Radio Relog (local Radio) asked about the grade of the earthquake he said it was 6.7 which I thought it was low compare with such movement!!! But when the reporter said to him that the USGS Eathquake reported 7,9 initially he then said "Ok we dont have way to measure so fast because we are near from the event!!!!! :scared: :O

So all the news took as refference the USGS report. :cry:

Now they are saying that the 1991 earthquake was the strongest recorded in history with 7.7 in the Richter scale. I think they told us back then it was around 7.4 and its epicenter was the Atlantic side. There was more destruction because houses there were more vulnerable, lying on 4 wood posts to avoid flooding.

IF this one was 7.9 and in the Pacific, were houses are more grounded so to speak, there could still be less damage. And I used to work on one of the hospitals right there in the beach in the Pacific coast (Puntarenas) when there was an earthquake of 6 something. Absolutely nothing happened to that hospital since it has an anti-seismic built-in structural system. Now I understand they had to evacuate it since it was ripped opened?
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

Finduilas495 said:
Glad to hear everything's OK so far, Zim! Stay safe and vigilant :hug:
I second that zim! Take care.
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

I´m crossing my fingers for you and all your family :hug2: :hug2: :hug2: From what I´ve read so far in this thread, there have been no serious aftershocks showing up until now, GREAT!

Quote from Zim
Yes we are preparing with some stuff, well we are 40 km from Arenal Volcano I hope not reactions with it !!!! :( :rolleyes:

Same for me. The Spanish Teide vulcan, the third main one on the earth stands at 90 km from where I live. Last summer started a lot of undersea magma activity very next to El Hierro´s island coast, which is still going on. If I listen to the media, I shouldn´t worry about it and be instead happy as they say this will create a big opportunity for large tourism increase thanks to new territories surge from the sea :huh: If a ask people what they think about the climatic changes in respect of Teide vulcan, they say there´s nothing to worry about because all canary islands underground is made of lava and there were always some minor tremors reported along the centuries. I know I´m just echoing what we already know, but it´s still so heatbreaking to me seeing how people hold to their status quo despite the fact so many vulcans are now waking up all around. If I could leave this place, I would not hesitate a second with all that we now know. Here is an article I could manage to find in English: (though not sure if this part would better fit in climatic change thread)

Underwater Lava
Eruptions Could Create New Island in the Canaries

By Axel Bojanowski
What would the island be called? And who would own it? Spewing magma and growing in height, an underwater volcano off the Canary Island of El Hierro has captured the imagination of locals in recent weeks. It could eventually rise from the sea to create a new part of the archipelago.

It hasn't yet reached the surface, but residents of the Canary Islands have taken to the internet to suggest names for a potential new islet. There are already more than 500 suggestions. Favorites include "The Discovery," "Atlantis" and "The Best." Meanwhile Spanish newspapers are taking a different approach to the subject, debating who would take responsibility for the new territory.

It's an underwater volcano off the coast of El Hierro, the southern-most Canary Island, which has caught the imagination of locals. For three weeks it has been spewing magma into the sea in the first volcanic eruptions on the Canary Islands for 40 years. The lava is already towering 100 meters above the seabed -- another 150 meters and it will protrude above the Atlantic Ocean, creating a new island. For Canarians, it's a welcome new attraction.
Whether the eruption near the archipelago off the northwest coast of Africa will ever actually result in new land remains uncertain. But it's clear that the magma reservoir under El Hierro is simmering unchecked, constantly pouring out magma and causing the ground to shake several times a day. Since July, there have been more than 10,000 earthquakes -- mostly imperceptible -- on El Hierro. Volcanologists expect more eruptions, but they don't know where the lava will be released. Even small eruptions on land are possible. The volcanic activity will "probably last for some time," said the Mayor of El Hierro, Alpidio Armas.

Dead Fish

The effects of the underwater volcanic events are clearly visible: powerful eddies result from explosions in the deep. A sea of ash bigger than El Hierro itself is floating off the island, with gas bubbling up and dead fish scattered in the water.

Politicians and scientists are offering daily advice on possible risks to the local population, but their understanding of events under the seabed is far from complete. "Recent volcanism in the Canary Islands is not well known," says a report in the "Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences" journal by researchers at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Barcelona, led by Rosa Sobradelo. Nonetheless, advice on the potential dangers is being dispensed by the authorities on El Hierro as well as in the rest of the Canary Islands.

Scientists have stepped up their monitoring; there is even a submarine taking pictures of the ocean floor, showing the new undersea mountain, already 700 meters (2,300 feet) wide. A 150-meter (490-foot) crater can also be seen. There is also fissure three kilometers (two miles) long that is clearly gushing magma.

Disturbing Measurements Recorded

To the south of El Hierro, the earthquakes suggest persistent outbursts of lava, according to the ITER research institute on Tenerife. They show a pattern that is typical for flowing liquid, a so-called harmonic volcanic tremor. Presumably, there are constant small eruptions on the ocean floor. But the lava usually clogs the fissure quickly after such eruptions, forcing further magma to seek new channels -- exactly what seems to be happening now.

In recent days, however, some unsettling measurements have been recorded: The shaking has moved to the north. Because most of the earthquakes in that area have, up until now, occurred at depths of more than ten kilometers, an eruption is not expected in the area, the local authorities have said. The magma seems to be contained in the depths thus far.

If the lava was being spewed in shallower water, there would be a danger of large steam explosions, says to Ramon Ortiz, the science advisor to the local government. But there are no fears of large eruptions on land according to Spain's National Geographic Institute (IGN). The only risk is in the immediate vicinity of the eruption site, where there may be lava flows and rocks flung into the air. Still, many of the nearly 600 residents of the fishing village of La Restinga on the southern tip of the island have now returned home after being evacuated two weeks ago.

A Major Eruption?

The risk of large, explosive eruptions in the Canary Islands, however, "should not be neglected," Sobradelo and her colleagues insist in their study. The frequency of their occurrence cannot currently be estimated. But even the most momentous outbursts of the past few centuries remained localised. In 1706, lava from the Pico del Teide volcano hit Tenerife, burying the port town of Garachio in the northwest of the island where massive black boulders now form the remnants of the lava flow. On Lanzarote, lava poured through villages in the north of the island from 1730 to 1740 and again in 1824. La Palma has experienced more than a hundred eruptions in the past 20,000 years; most recently in 1971 when a flow of lava ran into the sea.

El Hierro is the youngest of the Canary Islands, appearing above the surface of the sea just over a million years ago. As such, it is likely its magma reservoir may still be very large; geologists suspect it is around ten kilometers below the seabed -- most of the tremors have occurred at this depth. The last confirmed eruption was in 550 BC, although there are also disputable reports of an event in 1793.
In the eastern Canaries, on the other hand, supplies of lava have largely run out; they have already been far removed from the magma source. On Lanzarote and Gran Canaria, volcanic activity has already lasted 15 million years, on Fuerteventura 20 million. Although there has not been an eruption on Fuerteventura in the past 20,000 years, the volcano is still considered active -- unlike La Gomera, which seems to have run out of fresh magma. The island is expected to be spared from any future volcanic eruptions. It pays a price for this, however -- without any new lava, La Gomera will be washed away by rain and sea, and eventually, over the course of millions of years, will gradually sink back into the ocean.

Only fresh magma secures the existence of the Canaries; it was volcanic eruptions which allowed the islands to grow above the water in the first place. The sea is already at work trying to reclaim the land. Coastal roads have repeatedly had to be moved inland after being battered by floods. But the recent underwater lava eruptions could be creating new land near El Hierro, and residents are waiting eagerly to see if it will grow beyond the surface.
Re: We just had a BIG Earkquake!!!

thinking of you all in Costa Rica and beyond
Hi zim, I'm glad to hear that you and your family are ok. In fact I'm amazed and relieved that so far so few people have been determined to have died. If it was indeed anywhere around 7.6 then it was indeed a big one! Watch out for those aftershocks and take care.

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