Weird atmosphere ripples


Dagobah Resident
Yesterday early morning when I was driving to work I spotted these weird ripples in the sky.
It didn't look like a cloud , it was rather transparent kind of thing. Similar to ripples on water. I`ve never seen such phenomenon before.
Photos quality is poor , I did it while driving also I did mark these weird parts. Any idea what could this be ?




I saw does same transparent ripples over south-east of Norway last week. Like a thin veil. I`m almost sure I haven`t seen anything like that before.
I've seen this kind of clouds before, too. I don't think that this is something unusual or strange.

maybe a Cirrocumulus cloud or Altocumulus clouds or some sort of Cirrus cloud ?

Yeah I thought that too , but notice that it is not a cloud. It is transparent. You have other clouds behind it.
It looks like some sort of distortion ?
It took me a while to actually see the ripples. Very strange. I've never seen that before, but then, I'm no a meteorologist either.

Still, I've never seen anything like those ripples before.

I too have seen those ripples time & time again, many, many times. They have been called wave clouds and I also think the jury is still out on the figuring out the truth. I still do wonder about the "truth".
Here is a strange picture...

edit spelling AGAIN.!.!.!

These kind of clouds are very common here as well , but the thing that I saw was different.
I know that these photos are crappy so It does not show what I mean but try to notice on a first picture that in a background you have a cloud that is slightly distorted by this ripple pattern
From lack of better description I would say that it looked like rippled cloaked area. Very similar effect that they used in movie "Predator".

Have a look at this vid on youtube, it shows what I mean .


I actually found a better example



So i kept on digging and got to this !
This is it , that was pretty much like on this photo from NASA , kinda translucent


SRC: _

They call it "Gravity Waves Ripple over Marine Stratocumulus Clouds" :O
Yes, it's very common here, though I don't know enough about the cause to help you out.
drygol said:

They call it "Gravity Waves Ripple over Marine Stratocumulus Clouds" :O

Here is another version of this anomaly in motion :shock:. If the time measurement is correct, it's moving pretty fast.
Pashalis said:
c.a. said:

fascinating !
it looks exactly like a wave motion in the ocean viewed from under the sea level !

My sentiments as well, or looking up instead of down, at the same.
Here is another version of this anomaly in motion . If the time measurement is correct, it's moving pretty fast.

wow , amazing footage !!

Yes, it's very common here, though I don't know enough about the cause to help you out.

No worries , it just lighted a red bulb over my head.
I've never seen such thing around ... ever.
I wonder if it has something to do with poles shift.
can't give the names off the top of my head, but everything depicted here are normal phenomena and normal cloud forms caused by thermal layers and movement of thermal layers. I once watched a cloud that looked like a carpet being unrolled across the sky. There's enough true spookiness, none here.

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