Were Maui Fires Started Deliberately? If so, why?




"Can you imagine calling up a family that has just seen their home burn to the ground and offering to buy their land for below market value? This is apparently happening in Hawaii right now on a massive scale."

The Hawaiian governor Josh Green revealed plans for the state to potentially purchase properties in the seaside town of Lahaina, which was devastated by the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history.

“I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Green commented amid the ruins.

"There it is."

"Apparently Green has his own plans for these properties."

"Meanwhile, it is being reported that the police chief on Maui just happens to be the exact same guy that was “the incident commander” during the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017…"

Maui Police Chief John Pelletier is no stranger to responding to mass tragedy. Nearly six years before disaster struck in the form of wildfires that ripped through parts of the island and killed at least 99 people, he was on the ground in the aftermath of the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
Pelletier was named chief of the the Maui Police Department in 2021 after more than two decades working in Las Vegas. On Oct. 1, 2017, Pelletier was the incident commander covering the Strip when a gunman unleashed a hail of bullets on a country music festival, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.
"That is one heck of a coincidence."

Why "DEW" and not just setting fires? I've changed the title to be more open to what caused these fires. Also, the previous title suggested "Lahaina residents were hit" with DEWs. There's no evidence that the residents were "hit" with anything. Fires started on grassland, by some means. Please try and be a bit more circumspect when titling a thread. Starting one where the title is LOADED with assumptions is never a good idea.
"Can you imagine calling up a family that has just seen their home burn to the ground and offering to buy their land for below market value? This is apparently happening in Hawaii right now on a massive scale."


"There it is."

"Apparently Green has his own plans for these properties."

"Meanwhile, it is being reported that the police chief on Maui just happens to be the exact same guy that was “the incident commander” during the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017…"

"That is one heck of a coincidence."

my views on the maui fire

i compatis (c’est du francais) to the maui fire and i would say a few words which i do not want to see on sott.

i refer to the sott article taken over from zerohedge, ref

i also thank sott for having presented this article.

there is already so much to read, also in the comments, that i will restrain to my own impressions. please bear with me.

people lost everything, except their cellular phones, and they immediately get called by real estate vultures to sell their remaining propery. i find this utterly disgusting, showing zero decency by the callers. this is most despicable american hunting for profit and all these people should be deeply ashamed, to make a buck on the back of people who have lost everything.

the speed of these calls suggests even that they were aware of the coming fire. ??

immediatly after the fire, bandits took over to steal as much as possible. maui being an island, these thieves already lived on maui. were these unknown to the police?? what did the police do to get rid of these? hawai a paradize? no, thank you. i was there 40 y ago...

the usa gov does not care at all about its nationals which have lost everything. to me, this indicates that this desaster was planned and the destruction reminds me of 911. i seriously hope the responsibles will be found and punished. but, of course, indicting trump for invented felonies has a much higher priority.

seeing the behaviour of the present day usa, i would, if i were i a head of state, refuse any further concertation with the usa on ANY matter.

the usa want to control the planet? let them put order in their own country first.

as a young engineer, i admired the achievements of the usa. with age -80- and first hand experience, i evolved to profound distaste and mepris...

i am explicit here about my feelings, because i believe i can express myself on this forum, the only one to which i participate because i admire the work of laura and the cass inputs...
Why "DEW" and not just setting fires? I've changed the title to be more open to what caused these fires. Also, the previous title suggested "Lahaina residents were hit" with DEWs. There's no evidence that the residents were "hit" with anything. Fires started on grassland, by some means. Please try and be a bit more circumspect when titling a thread. Starting one where the title is LOADED with assumptions is never a good idea.

Could be powerlines sparkles ignited due to the strong wind, but than perhaps Joe's explanation is the most valid especially when we see what happened in Greece and Italy this summer.

Most fires in Greece were started ‘by human hand’, government says

same thing with wilfires in Greece 2021. - Three arsonists responsible for devastating fires in Greece arrested on Friday.

and than Italy 2023 - Italy police use drone to catch suspected arsonist in the act as wildfires char Calabria

There is one interesting article from 2021 connecting mafia with wildfires in Italy in order to get the money for reforestation, and one article from 2017 with study that shows 84% of wildfires are caused by humans.

Some interesting articles about the same thing:

Canada 2023 - Woman arrested for ‘intentionally’ setting fires in woods near Sooke, B.C.: police

Arsonist Canada wildfires 2022 - Charges laid in series of intentionally set Alberta wildfires, residential arsons

California 2021 - Former university professor charged with arson near the Dixie Fire

Canada 2023 again - RCMP believe 3 fires in Pictou County early Friday were deliberately set

Italy 2021 - Video captures moment arsonist sets fire to grass in southern Italy – video

Oregon 2020 - Man charged with arson in connection to Oregon wildfire

I guess some "human" beings will do lot of unthinkable things for a bit of cash. :-(
Why "DEW" and not just setting fires? I've changed the title to be more open to what caused these fires. Also, the previous title suggested "Lahaina residents were hit" with DEWs. There's no evidence that the residents were "hit" with anything. Fires started on grassland, by some means. Please try and be a bit more circumspect when titling a thread. Starting one where the title is LOADED with assumptions is never a good idea.
Defintely. It is quite easy to start a massive fire if you time your throwing of a lively cigarette butt correctly. In California during the summer anyway.
Very interesting piece on the fires. Certainly looks like a deliberate action with everything presented here

  • Hawaii officials decided not to issue a warning nor use sirens
  • Sent children home from school because of winds
  • Most children from Lahainaluna area now reported dead

  • Emergency chief was off island; returning only after Lahaina had burned
  • Maui was locked down during and after the blaze – now censoring information
  • Victims gave their lives to warn us against UN-WEF plans
See “Hawaii Islanders Hit With New Normal — Third in a series on depopulation” (Moneycircus, Aug 16, 2023)

Officials are shrugging their shoulders at the fires on Hawaii’s central island of Maui — implying it was an oopsie.

Two damning pieces of information tell otherwise.

1. Drivers trying to escape Lahaina during the fires were trapped on the coastal road. A resident walked to find the obstruction. There was none, except for a policeman halting traffic at Canoe restaurant, a longstanding Lahaini landmark, formerly called Chart House. It is at the north end of Front Street, No 1450, the junction with the Honoapiilani Highway.

The officer told him, “I am under orders to keep them here.” [1]

By about 4 p.m a video shows cars stuck bumper-to-bumper. Shortly after confronting the policeman, the resident said people began screaming as cars exploded.

2. Officials decided the winds were strong enough to order that children stay home from school... but they did not alert residents to the fires.

The sirens were functional. They are tested the first Monday of every month. They are for tsunami alerts but can be used for any emergency: they were used to announce a fake missile attack five years ago for reasons officials have never explained.

After the decision not to sound them, many survivors said they only became aware of the fire when they smelled smoke or saw flames approaching.

By sending children home from school, officials caused their death. Almost all the children from Lahainaluna housing district are dead, according to resident Tennile Bruggeman.

A timeline from The New York Times pushes the official narrative. It shows, at 6:40 a.m. on Aug 8, downed power lines set fire to patches of short grass on a roadside verge.

Officials are circling like vultures on this narrative, however, this would not account for the spread, speed nor scale of the fire.

The NYT does admit that as the fire took hold, county officials at 3:30 p.m. closed Lahaina Bypass because of a flare up.

At 3:49 p.m. Honoapiilani Highway billowed with smoke as cars drove through. This was the road that a policemen stopped drivers reaching from Front Street.

By 6:18 p.m. people can be seen abandoning their cars and plunging in the water to escape the flames.

First lockdown

It is hard to contain anger, for this is a man-made disaster. Officals will blame humanity, but it was caused by bureaucrats and the powers they serve.

Their compliance is what is so shocking, a friend says. The scale of the atrocity may not have been expected, but clearly the upper rank know what they are involved in, and do what is expected of them.

The cover up has begun. Welcome to climate lockdown — no land of milk and honey.

Traffic restrictions, road blocks, 15-minute cities, restrictions on water and electricity, limits on access to food — this is the UN Agenda 21: control of the population in the name of Climate Change. The events in Maui show how it works in practice.

Residents say they had been making progress putting out fires when the water was suddenly turned off. Officials say water pipes failed under extreme heat. In some places power was turned off but not, obviously, those electricity poles that fell on the grass and caused fires. Much of the cell phone service was out due to power outages.

Nothing explains how fires seem to have detonated within cars and homes often before wooden roofs or trees caught fire — perhaps an associated electrical surge.

Locked down in a burning town

Resident Willie McGrady spoke to NBC News from Lahaina during the fires and said he could not get out:

“A lot of people were supposed to leave today, yesterday. They cannot leave because when you leave our complex to head south of Lahaina all the roads are blocked off.”
The State had at least 17 hours to evacuate the town and failed to do so. Police let tourists leave but not locals. Newly weds Jolie and Connor Campbell told Australian Broadcasting Corporation they left their belongings behind in their Lahaina hotel and raced to the airport.

Hawaii Governor Josh Green and Maui’s emergency operations chief Herman Andaya defended the decision not to sound sirens. They chose not to warn residents of Lahaina the night before.

However Maui emergency chief Andaya was not even on the island. He was at a conference on Waikiki and did not leave until Wednesday, Aug 9 — the day after Lahaina had been reduced to ash.

Andaya has no background in disaster management yet he beat 40 other contenders for the job when he was hired in 2017. [2]

The aftermath

Information swirls like the water that did not, upon the smouldering wreckage of Lahaina.

The scale of death is under reported. A resident who is an air steward quoted a morgue volunteer that near 500 bodies had been recovered (unconfirmed).

Only about 15 per cent of the town has been combed but already the remains of parents and children have been found, huddled together as in the volcanic destruction of Pompei — or more recently in the cellars of Dresden in Feb 1945.

The streets are littered with the melted wreckage of cars, some that burned with people in them, blocked in their attempt to flee. The charred corpses of dogs lie upturned in the agony of death.

Maui police chief John Pelletier was confronted about these issues and did not deny them. [3]

Pelletier came to Hawaii after 22 years in Las Vegas. He was incident commander for the 2017 mass shooting at the Route 91 country music concert.

Second lockdown

If the original trapping of residents was not crime enough, a second lockdown followed: this time to censor reporting of the carnage.

Maui resident and former BlackRock financial analyst Ed Dowd says officials have locked down Lahaina:

“It it is an information lockdown. They are going to lock down the burned out areas, they are going to uncover bodies, they are going to ‘investigate’ for the causes but who knows what they are going to do. This is very depressing and shocking, and the local government response has been horrendous.”
The flying of drones is being electronically jammed, according to the citizen journalist Geoff Cygnus, preventing people from acquiring aerial footage of the devastation. [4]

Protests by locals are being suppressed. Even police openly question the orders they are given. [5]

As of Thursday, Aug 17, west Maui residents say only one place has cell phone reception, if they climb high enough to pick up a tower on the island of Molokai. Is that on purpose? Would it not be officials’ priority to restore communications?

Officials are blocking access to “unauthorised” food and medicine (Hawaii adheres strictly to the FDA rules on allowable medicines. It even has a ban on sun cream.)

Yet there has been no military relief effort despite Hawaii being occupied by a military base. “Why?” asks an ex-Marine who helped in 1992 Kauai fire.

The Great Enclosure

We have discussed for three years what The Great Reset really means.

The fires in Maui have belatedly and by a brutal combination of burning, suppression and depopulation, given us the answer.

Hawaii’s state governor says he is considering expropriating the land from the rightful owners so that the government can build on it or turn it into a memorial park.

It is looking like a land grab. It is looking like a class system is being enforced. It is looking like indigenous people, already at the bottom of the caste system, are simply not wanted.

The United Nations launched The Great Reset with a South Pacific “Unite” concert featuring Fijian dancers, which was weird optics from the get go. Was the Pacific Unite concert laughing at us? After the response to the Maui fire — regardless of the origin — the callous official response gives us chills.

Officials clearly feel no compassion nor obligation to the people whom, by their actions, they allowed to die. This is the gaping chasm between “public servants” and the people they serve. To whom do the bureaucrats answer?

Listen to this young indigenous Hawaiian explain how she feels her culture is being washed away. [6]

“I’m just scared we are going to lose our culture. Hula is one of the many things keeping our culture going right now. A lot of people don’t speak our language. We’re, like, whitewashed….

A lot of families don’t have that much money here in Hawaii because it is so expensive. Everyone in Hawaii says, ‘priced out of paradise’.”
It is not only that the billionaire mansions escaped the fires — those of Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Morgan Freeman, Julia Roberts, Will Smith who have mansions in Maui, along with the previously mentioned Oprah Winfrey and Jeff Bezos.

It turns out that Hawaii’s seafront is the most expensive real estate apart from the City of London. Given that the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller United Nations are suspected to be fronts for the London bankers, that is more than irony.

Hawaiian leaders report previous attempts by billionaire investors to buy or burn them out. The press is “fact checking” Oprah’s land-buying spree on the island.

Financial expert Ed Dowd, who lives on Maui, told Steve Bannon that he had not heard of outside investors trying to buy land, and he said local people were “very united in not selling their land.”

They will not yield to the globalists without a fight.

Can all the alleged incompetence of so many officials coincide without anyone asking questions?

Can the disaster be due to incompetence, yet the response be so coordinated, competently suppressing reporting and protest, the use of drone cameras and banners?

Next up: Welcome to Maui, a 15-minute Smart Island in the making. What is the true Agenda 21?

Parts one, two and three:

Follow The Consensus To Your Demise — First of a series on depopulation” (Moneycircus, Aug 9, 2023)

Pirates, Privateers And Merchant Adventurers — Second of a series on depopulation”(Moneycircus, Aug 15, 2023 )

Hawaii Islanders Hit With New Normal — Third in a series on depopulation” (Moneycircus, Aug 16, 2023}

[1] Twitter – Policeman tells resident he’s been ordered to blockade exits

[2] Honolulu Civil Beat, Aug 17, 2023 — Was Maui’s Emergency Operations Chief In Over His Head?

[3] Twitter — Maui Police Chief Pelletier refuses to comment

[4] Twitter — Drones being jammed

[5] Twitter — Police ordered to suppress protests

[6] Twitter — Hawaiian youngster on the loss of culture
For what it's worth, Alex Jones had a long segment on why he believes the fires around Lahaina where set by arsonists such as antifa. Recall the ring of fire seen around the old town of Lahaina in the airial view. He points out the lasers used by China, a few months before to record topography, lost power when coming close to the ground because the moisture in the air caused dissipation of their force. Perhaps DEW weapons are stronger then these, I don't know. I've been checking in to Dutchsince to see what he noticed around the Maui weather and fire but he's been silent, suspiciously so? I believe he was the one that caught a quick flash of a laser and then start of a fire in northern California some time ago.

We haven't heard anything about the loss of all these children mostly, this is truly devastating.
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Very interesting piece on the fires. Certainly looks like a deliberate action with everything presented here

This is too much, this suffering is extreme, is this not enough yet for us to figure out how to stop this evil. I ache and cry for the terror these people experienced. It’s just too much to bare. Please God can we the people on earth find the strength to unite and say “No More”.

Edit: why are the flags not at half staff? I can not any federal notice to order flags to be flown at half staff, which is the protocol due a National tragedy. Any body know anything different?
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What really got me in the article posted by Beau, is the mental images of a police officer halting traffic and causing a log-jam of vehicles that then were overtaken by the fire, and the charred remains of parents with children huddled together, also dogs carcasses upturned in agony.
Very interesting piece on the fires. Certainly looks like a deliberate action with everything presented here

What I find quite a lot disconcerting is that in the article it says policeman was stopping the traffic on the main road effectively blocking people from escaping the inferno. Why would anyone with deadly fire right behind submit to such non-sensical order especially without providing any valid reason? I mean, did people there just stop thinking collectively and only the inferno - fear of death - got them to act by leaving the cars and jumping to the sea instead of simply driving to safety?

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