So I'm reading the Wave series and this passage that Ark has written just blew me away.
I'm deeply fascinated by the whole concept of paradoxes and this excerpt got me into thinking.
It seems to me that our reality is full of paradoxes at every turn. Things are never black or white, here or there, up or down, they always end up being both somehow. It seems as if in order for any 'thing' to exist, it needs its opposite to do so. What he writes above though, that a universe with a paradox ends up canceling itself out (being destroyed) seems to go against this idea.
Or is it then that every time a paradox reconciles itself, that universe gets destroyed and we seamlessly flow into the "next iteration" where the continuity seems to remain intact? Thus we would be, in every now-moment, riding a kind of wave - or balancing on a razors edge - leaving in our wake endless alternate universes which cancel themselves out by virtue of various paradoxes being reconciled.
There's also this from the C's in the same chapter of the Wave:
So our reality is being altered (created) as we go, nothing is set in stone.
But in order for there to be a Cassiopaean transmission, i.e. Laura (and others?) from the future in the first place, there has to exist within our linear view of time a sequence of experience that leads to that consciousness being formed in the future. So in a sense, that is set in stone. Looking at, and trying to understand this, from within the confines of this linear reality might just be a kind of dead end. If I can't even conceptualize the idea of 'no-time', then trying to get a hang of this from my current level of understanding is probably impossible.
However, it doesn't deter me from pursuing these lines of thinking in my mind. If anything, it fuels my fire even more, to understand just what the heck is going on here.
So say there is a future me (STO), wanting to help me progress in my evolution. It's transmitting messages to me from beyond the veil of time in order to nudge me in the right direction. Simultaneously the 4d STS are intercepting and distorting these messages, and transmitting a few of their own, in order to polarize me towards STS.
So this archetypal battle is occurring outside of time, but it manifests through us, beings who are in time. So we very much are the archetypal battle. We are the chess piece and our future self is the player, and our past self is the opponent? And what if there is no archetypal battle of STS vs. STO, how would the cycle continue? Is our very existence dependent on this back and forth, including paradoxes? Or do we all end up STO "in the end" at some point, in a paradox-free world?
Thanks for reading my ramblings and please do point out what I'm not seeing.
We need now to return to our question: if communications from the future are possible, why don’t we receive these broadcasts on a daily basis? If our minds can serve as receivers, then why aren’t we all aware of the transmissions?
I think that the answer has to do with multiple realities and branching universes, and perhaps any civilization, which would receive messages from the future on a daily basis, has ceased to exist because communication through time is a very dangerous game. You produce paradoxes and these paradoxes remove the paradoxical universes from the repository of possible universes; if you create a universe with paradoxes, it destroys itself either completely or partially. Perhaps just intelligence is removed from this universe because it is intelligence that creates paradox. Perhaps we are very fortunate that even if we can receive some of these messages from the future, we still continue to exist.
Suppose our civilization were to advance to the point where everyone can communicate with themselves in the past; they have a computer with a special program and peripheral device that does this. It becomes the latest fad: everyone is communicating with themselves in the past to warn of dangers or upcoming calamities or bad choices, or to give lottery numbers or winning horses. But, what is seen as a ‘bad choice’ or ‘calamity’ for one could be seen to be a ‘good event’ or ‘benefit’ to someone else!
So, the next step would be that ‘hackers’ would begin to break into the systems and send false communications into the past to deliberately create bad choices and calamities for some in order to produce benefits for themselves or others.
Then, the first individual would see that false information has been sent and would go into their system and go back even earlier to warn themselves that false information was going to be sent back by an ‘imposter’ and how to tell that it was false.
Then the hacker would see this, and go back in time to an even earlier moment and give false information that someone was going to send false information (that was really true) that false information (that was really false) was going to be sent, thereby confusing the issue.
This process could go on endlessly with constant and repeated communications into the past, one contradicting the other, one signal canceling out the other, with the result that it would be exactly the same as if there were no communication into the past!
There is, also, the very interesting possibility that the above scenario is exactly what is taking place in our world.
I'm deeply fascinated by the whole concept of paradoxes and this excerpt got me into thinking.
It seems to me that our reality is full of paradoxes at every turn. Things are never black or white, here or there, up or down, they always end up being both somehow. It seems as if in order for any 'thing' to exist, it needs its opposite to do so. What he writes above though, that a universe with a paradox ends up canceling itself out (being destroyed) seems to go against this idea.
Or is it then that every time a paradox reconciles itself, that universe gets destroyed and we seamlessly flow into the "next iteration" where the continuity seems to remain intact? Thus we would be, in every now-moment, riding a kind of wave - or balancing on a razors edge - leaving in our wake endless alternate universes which cancel themselves out by virtue of various paradoxes being reconciled.
There's also this from the C's in the same chapter of the Wave:
January 21, 1995
Q: (L) How “long”, and I put long in quotes, because we know, as you say, there is no time, but how long, as we measure it, have the Grays been interacting with our race? The Grays, not the Lizards; the Grays, the cybergenetic probes?
A: Time travelers, therefore, “Time is ongoing”.
Q: (L) Okay, recently I read a couple of books J gave me, Knight in Shining Armor [by Jude Deveraux] and Replay [by Ken Grimwood]. Both of these books described time travel. 1
A: No, not finished with answer. Do you understand the gravity of last response?
Q: (L) They are time travelers, they can move forward and backward in time, they can play games with our heads… (T) They can set up the past to create a future they want. (D) They can organize things so that they can create the energy that they need… (L) They can also make things look good, make them feel good, make them seem good, they can make you have an idea one minute, and then the next minute, create some sort of situation that confirms that idea…
A: When you asked how long, of course it is totally unlimited, is it not?
Q: (L) That’s not good. If they were to move back through space-time and alter an event in our past, would that alteration in the past instantaneously alter our present as well?
A: Has over and over and over.
Q: (D) So they do it over and over and over, constantly? (L) So, at each…
A: You just are not yet aware, and have no idea of the ramifications!!!
So our reality is being altered (created) as we go, nothing is set in stone.
But in order for there to be a Cassiopaean transmission, i.e. Laura (and others?) from the future in the first place, there has to exist within our linear view of time a sequence of experience that leads to that consciousness being formed in the future. So in a sense, that is set in stone. Looking at, and trying to understand this, from within the confines of this linear reality might just be a kind of dead end. If I can't even conceptualize the idea of 'no-time', then trying to get a hang of this from my current level of understanding is probably impossible.
However, it doesn't deter me from pursuing these lines of thinking in my mind. If anything, it fuels my fire even more, to understand just what the heck is going on here.
So say there is a future me (STO), wanting to help me progress in my evolution. It's transmitting messages to me from beyond the veil of time in order to nudge me in the right direction. Simultaneously the 4d STS are intercepting and distorting these messages, and transmitting a few of their own, in order to polarize me towards STS.
So if this is true, then even being outside of time, these energies of STS and STO battling for my soul, could actually end up not doing anything, and not alter my course in any way, because their efforts could cancel each other out. So then I am essentially left 'alone' to fend for myself, to utilize my free will and choose..This process could go on endlessly with constant and repeated communications into the past, one contradicting the other, one signal canceling out the other, with the result that it would be exactly the same as if there were no communication into the past!
So this archetypal battle is occurring outside of time, but it manifests through us, beings who are in time. So we very much are the archetypal battle. We are the chess piece and our future self is the player, and our past self is the opponent? And what if there is no archetypal battle of STS vs. STO, how would the cycle continue? Is our very existence dependent on this back and forth, including paradoxes? Or do we all end up STO "in the end" at some point, in a paradox-free world?
Thanks for reading my ramblings and please do point out what I'm not seeing.