What are paradoxes?


So I'm reading the Wave series and this passage that Ark has written just blew me away.

We need now to return to our question: if communications from the future are possible, why don’t we receive these broadcasts on a daily basis? If our minds can serve as receivers, then why aren’t we all aware of the transmissions?

I think that the answer has to do with multiple realities and branching universes, and perhaps any civilization, which would receive messages from the future on a daily basis, has ceased to exist because communication through time is a very dangerous game. You produce paradoxes and these paradoxes remove the paradoxical universes from the repository of possible universes; if you create a universe with paradoxes, it destroys itself either completely or partially. Perhaps just intelligence is removed from this universe because it is intelligence that creates paradox. Perhaps we are very fortunate that even if we can receive some of these messages from the future, we still continue to exist.

Suppose our civilization were to advance to the point where everyone can communicate with themselves in the past; they have a computer with a special program and peripheral device that does this. It becomes the latest fad: everyone is communicating with themselves in the past to warn of dangers or upcoming calamities or bad choices, or to give lottery numbers or winning horses. But, what is seen as a ‘bad choice’ or ‘calamity’ for one could be seen to be a ‘good event’ or ‘benefit’ to someone else!

So, the next step would be that ‘hackers’ would begin to break into the systems and send false communications into the past to deliberately create bad choices and calamities for some in order to produce benefits for themselves or others.

Then, the first individual would see that false information has been sent and would go into their system and go back even earlier to warn themselves that false information was going to be sent back by an ‘imposter’ and how to tell that it was false.

Then the hacker would see this, and go back in time to an even earlier moment and give false information that someone was going to send false information (that was really true) that false information (that was really false) was going to be sent, thereby confusing the issue.

This process could go on endlessly with constant and repeated communications into the past, one contradicting the other, one signal canceling out the other, with the result that it would be exactly the same as if there were no communication into the past!

There is, also, the very interesting possibility that the above scenario is exactly what is taking place in our world.

I'm deeply fascinated by the whole concept of paradoxes and this excerpt got me into thinking.

It seems to me that our reality is full of paradoxes at every turn. Things are never black or white, here or there, up or down, they always end up being both somehow. It seems as if in order for any 'thing' to exist, it needs its opposite to do so. What he writes above though, that a universe with a paradox ends up canceling itself out (being destroyed) seems to go against this idea.

Or is it then that every time a paradox reconciles itself, that universe gets destroyed and we seamlessly flow into the "next iteration" where the continuity seems to remain intact? Thus we would be, in every now-moment, riding a kind of wave - or balancing on a razors edge - leaving in our wake endless alternate universes which cancel themselves out by virtue of various paradoxes being reconciled.

There's also this from the C's in the same chapter of the Wave:
January 21, 1995

Q: (L) How “long”, and I put long in quotes, because we know, as you say, there is no time, but how long, as we measure it, have the Grays been interacting with our race? The Grays, not the Lizards; the Grays, the cybergenetic probes?

A: Time travelers, therefore, “Time is ongoing”.

Q: (L) Okay, recently I read a couple of books J gave me, Knight in Shining Armor [by Jude Deveraux] and Replay [by Ken Grimwood]. Both of these books described time travel. 1

A: No, not finished with answer. Do you understand the gravity of last response?

Q: (L) They are time travelers, they can move forward and backward in time, they can play games with our heads… (T) They can set up the past to create a future they want. (D) They can organize things so that they can create the energy that they need… (L) They can also make things look good, make them feel good, make them seem good, they can make you have an idea one minute, and then the next minute, create some sort of situation that confirms that idea…

A: When you asked how long, of course it is totally unlimited, is it not?

Q: (L) That’s not good. If they were to move back through space-time and alter an event in our past, would that alteration in the past instantaneously alter our present as well?

A: Has over and over and over.

Q: (D) So they do it over and over and over, constantly? (L) So, at each…

A: You just are not yet aware, and have no idea of the ramifications!!!

So our reality is being altered (created) as we go, nothing is set in stone.

But in order for there to be a Cassiopaean transmission, i.e. Laura (and others?) from the future in the first place, there has to exist within our linear view of time a sequence of experience that leads to that consciousness being formed in the future. So in a sense, that is set in stone. Looking at, and trying to understand this, from within the confines of this linear reality might just be a kind of dead end. If I can't even conceptualize the idea of 'no-time', then trying to get a hang of this from my current level of understanding is probably impossible.

However, it doesn't deter me from pursuing these lines of thinking in my mind. If anything, it fuels my fire even more, to understand just what the heck is going on here.

So say there is a future me (STO), wanting to help me progress in my evolution. It's transmitting messages to me from beyond the veil of time in order to nudge me in the right direction. Simultaneously the 4d STS are intercepting and distorting these messages, and transmitting a few of their own, in order to polarize me towards STS.
This process could go on endlessly with constant and repeated communications into the past, one contradicting the other, one signal canceling out the other, with the result that it would be exactly the same as if there were no communication into the past!
So if this is true, then even being outside of time, these energies of STS and STO battling for my soul, could actually end up not doing anything, and not alter my course in any way, because their efforts could cancel each other out. So then I am essentially left 'alone' to fend for myself, to utilize my free will and choose..

So this archetypal battle is occurring outside of time, but it manifests through us, beings who are in time. So we very much are the archetypal battle. We are the chess piece and our future self is the player, and our past self is the opponent? And what if there is no archetypal battle of STS vs. STO, how would the cycle continue? Is our very existence dependent on this back and forth, including paradoxes? Or do we all end up STO "in the end" at some point, in a paradox-free world?

Thanks for reading my ramblings and please do point out what I'm not seeing.
WOW! the way that you "unpacked" this is astonishingly elegant and I appreciate it greatly!
I have pursued these same questions that you wrote.

So this archetypal battle is occurring outside of time, but it manifests through me, a being who is in time. So we very much are the archetypal battle.
As per the C's, and many other channeled messengers, YES! The C's have said repeatedly, the battle is "through" us!
We are the chess piece and our future self is the player, and our past self is the opponent?
Well, based on different theories and studies, and pursuing Thought field therapies, I suspect that there are many multiple "past and future" selves!

Please keep in mind, I have no authority nor license to give any medical, psychological, or life skills advice, I just have information to share, for entertainment purposes only.
So, maybe until we are as completely healed emotionally as we can get, and reach a point where one is not "triggered" or manipulated by memories from the "past", we are having our emotional energy "feed upon" by fragments of "us" left in other timelines?

Perhaps, we have as many "past" selves in alternate time lines, enacting out the emotionally damaging memory as a time loop, from each and every unresolved trauma?

Life altering traumas, harsh and damaging situations and issues, attacks, that harm loving, gentle people,the potentially souled beings, by the 4th D STS side.

There are so many times in life when a shock, a trauma is "too much" and people purposely or unwittingly block out reality, the "NO' this can't be happening" denial.

In denying reality, in saying NO to what IS, I suspect that a literal soul piece, a bit of our essence becomes an alternate "self" in an alternate time line, kinda "left behind" in time and space...and we, here in the present, become a bit less "souled" from the reality splitting.

In my view, at this time, one of the primary goals of the 4th density STS in this long, drawn out campaign of Armageddon, is for our souls to be so fragmented and spread "through out these "past" timelines" that, here, in the present, we are too weak souled and wounded by "the past" to have any strength of Being.
I hope that makes some sense, I fear I do not write as well as you!

And what if there is no archetypal battle of STS vs. STO, how would the cycle continue? Is our very existence dependent on this back and forth? Or do we all end up STO "in the end" at some point?
The C's have said that eventually everything balances, all that is, is lessons, and at 7th density, its all One, so, there is that!
Just a few thoughts that occurred to me as I read your post, which was very interesting by the way!

I'd think that an STO future self would not intervene in his past in order to get him to become said future STO self, that sounds to me more like an STS type of attitude, which to me it would mean that the interference from the future would only take place from an STS self.

The STO communication with Laura was established after Laura sincerely asked for the assistance, and the communication happens in a way that does not violate her free will, it's a different approach as the communication happens openly and not covertly as an STS approach would be.

In that sense, we could be constantly being intervened by STS forces that have the ability to mess with things forever, because they may travel back and forth through time, and our only resource is to align ourselves with a future self that we choose to, does that make sense?

I think this is where the battle takes shape, it isn't so much two versions of me battling it out sending messages from the future, rather, one of them is waiting for me to make a decision, and the other one is sending me messages so that I won't make that decision, to put it rather simply.

The way I usually explain it to myself is like a branch on a tree, before it grows it'll have a lot of possibilities, but it'll slowly start picking a direction, and twist and turn but it'll eventually get where it will go. The same thing applies to us, I would think, we have tons of possible future selves that we could align ourselves with, and the one we choose (constantly), and strive towards, is the one that is more likely to become our reality.

All the rest of the posibilites will continue to exist, in an alternate reality, but what counts, is what we choose to align ourselves with and what we walk towards.

What you posted also reminded me of that session where Dejavu was being discussed, and the bridging of realities. If I recall it properly, or at least the way I understood it, when changes are made in a timeline, at whatever point, and these changes "take" or get applied... it's as if both realities coexist until the point where they're meant to bridge, and it's like switching lanes on a train track...

As an example of the way I imagine it would work is, if I wanted to change the shirt I am wearing today, I could go back in time and change the purchase I made a few months ago, and so both realities would split at that moment of purchase and coexist parallel to one another until they'd arrive at today, where they'd both merge through a bridge.

So, perhaps there are alternate realities out there, but as far as the messing with time and events of the STS fellas, I suppose there's also the fact that these wouldn't necessarily generate an entirely new alternate reality, only a temporary one that would exist separately until it bridges with the "main one".

I hope the above made sense.
In denying reality, in saying NO to what IS, I suspect that a literal soul piece, a bit of our essence becomes an alternate "self" in an alternate time line, kinda "left behind" in time and space...and we, here in the present, become a bit less "souled" from the reality splitting.

In my view, at this time, one of the primary goals of the 4th density STS in this long, drawn out campaign of Armageddon, is for our souls to be so fragmented and spread "through out these "past" timelines" that, here, in the present, we are too weak souled and wounded by "the past" to have any strength of Being.

This is wild speculation, obviously, but what if we were to be one of these fragments (alternate timeline), split off from our baseline reality. Because of the extremely traumatic nature of the truth of what's happening here (being food for 4D STS), we were at some point confronted with this truth and split off from our core timeline because we were so traumatized by some revelation. We were stuck in time, I believe the C's also say we are in a time-loop. We are now collectively coming to terms with the truth, and the Universe is slowly unveiling it to us, so as to slowly (the last 'n amount' of years) bring us up to speed, and allow us to gather the necessary knowledge to be able to face this thing without having our souls fragmenting again (and again, and again).

What ties into this is something I read on the blog of Aug Tellez (I searched on the forum and found out he posted here at one point, and that opinions seemed to be mixed as to the authenticity of his claims), which I don't recall word for word (pretty hard to do anyway from the way he writes), but essentially it was a variation of what I proposed above. That the "real" world actually ended at some point in the early 21st century (2012 maybe?) and that we are essentially in a simulation/simulcra that is being artificially propagated through advanced technology. This in essence to provide as many people as possible with a chance of escape before this round of the game closes out. I will try to look later if I can find the post I'm referring to.

Of course these are wild theories (isn't all of existence pretty wild anyway?) and need to be taken with a grain of salt, however I think it can't hurt to at least contemplate all the different kinds of possibilities.

@Alejo What you say about STO not intervening does make sense. So maybe we also, as Laura, need to learn how to ask sincerely. It seems without help the table is way too tilted for us to get out this mess "alone". The interesting thing here also is about what the C's say that when we are 4th density, it will be a "level playing field", whatever that means, I guess we will have to wait and see..
The same thing applies to us, I would think, we have tons of possible future selves that we could align ourselves with, and the one we choose (constantly), and strive towards, is the one that is more likely to become our reality.
Exactly, which wolf are we choosing to feed.. More choices done with awareness or more choices done on autopilot. And the motivations for those choices.
What you posted also reminded me of that session where Dejavu was being discussed, and the bridging of realities. If I recall it properly, or at least the way I understood it, when changes are made in a timeline, at whatever point, and these changes "take" or get applied... it's as if both realities coexist until the point where they're meant to bridge, and it's like switching lanes on a train track...

As an example of the way I imagine it would work is, if I wanted to change the shirt I am wearing today, I could go back in time and change the purchase I made a few months ago, and so both realities would split at that moment of purchase and coexist parallel to one another until they'd arrive at today, where they'd both merge through a bridge.
I remember reading that part of the session quoted elsewhere, but remember I didn't feel like I got it completely.. Maybe I have to read it again.

So as a concluding thought here, the STS forces are trying to poison and infect the "main baseline reality" with the energy of STS, and thus creating a reality construct that they can have FULL reign over. But this would constitute a non-free-will universe. I can't find it now but in one of the chapters of the Wave, there was a lengthy quote from I believe Michael Topper, describing the setup as follows; The STS beings eat consciousness, but it has to be consciousness born of free-will. We willingly have to buy into their tricks and games, otherwise they won't be nourished enough. So it would seem they also have to play this balancing act, of controlling and deceiving us enough to give up all our surplus energy to them, but not so much as to intervene with our free-will. So if in fact their "end goal" is to have a universe which is completely STS, wouldn't they be starved after some 'time' in an environment such as that? So in effect STS needs STO, but STO doesn't need STS.. Come to think of it I believe I actually read that already in a session transcript.
Here's a few excerpts from Aug's blog, and I admit a lot of what he writes reads as very imaginative Sci-fi stuff. Is that a reason to immediately discard it? I don't think so. A lot of what he says also syncs up quite nicely as a parallel to many of the things the C's are talking about.
There is a whole sacred knowledge of this but the idea is that one attains the perspective of a non-local awareness that is accessed simultaneously within and beyond the limitations of the physical body. When comes to the realization, after contemplation and self-observation that the only possibility for one’s true self is existing beyond the physical, biological, perceptual limitations of consciousness as measured from within this universe. For one’s experience to be relative here, in linear finity, one must have the empowerment of a soul-awareness and the non-local spiritual awareness that is a resident of eternity. This is the true nature of self-awareness, that to become aware of one’s physical and biological consciousness self here, there must be a larger counterpart in another locality beyond the physical dimension! That is the beginning of the extension of knowledge into higher dimensional awareness which is simultaneously self-defined and beyond relative definition.
EVERYTHING in this world must dissolve and to reach liberation you must realize yourself as One beyond this world beyond time. This is saying that the THOUGHTS you have that are REACTIVE, that are PROGRAMS running from a FALSE-SELF, ARTIFICIAL COMPUTER SYSTEM, are literally an IMITATION YOU that is generated as soon as you COME DOWN into this realm. THAT’S NOT YOU. IT NEVER WILL BE AND NEVER CAN.

ANY THOUGHT EXPRESSION you have that is only RELATIVE WITHIN THIS WORLD is NOT YOURS. It’s processed and sent out by an IMPOSTER. Your TRUE EXPRESSIONS are from the ETERNAL ONE and as such they are only of frequencies or KNOWLEDGE of TRUTH and PURITY. Anything that is IMPURE is literally DEAD and ARTIFICIAL. These are simulcra systems that are designed to trap the human SOUL by MAD SCIENTISTS. Meaning any ANIMAL behavior in your being is an ILLUSION, you didn’t have that reaction. There may be a complex FEELING but the reaction is not yours. Some confuse the reaction for their own expression and follow that out in ignorance. The most purest, truest point WITHIN YOU, so SUBTLE that a computer system could not read, so HIDDEN or HOLY that it cannot be ascertained by an ALGORITHM MATRIX, that is the REAL YOU. That has no physical form and cannot be caged. So we can’t be caged, but we’re being fed a stream of artificial data that creates the input-output of what we experience as the waking conscious mind.

In 2010 the event was organized so that my consciousness was sent to the future and this was to a possible timeline of humanity after Armageddon had occurred. The major changes began around 2012 for this timeline. We have been jumped multiple times and I was informed that the majority of this timeline and natural environment is actually being propagated by advanced technology that is capable of holographically creating this local-environment. The 1990’s was the last of the initial organic timeline, at least for this period of civilization. I was informed we are moving through transitory periods and are returning to a stabilized trajectory through this 2016-2020 period.

The only people existing were those celebrities, politicians, scientists, athletes, authors, producers, inventors, military officers, secret society members, essentially the ‘elite’ who separate themselves into a class of their own in the current time.

This event occurs any time the parameters for this society move out of sync with a viable blueprint for long-term existence. In short, as soon as a few key details move out of alignment, very quickly there is a decline and a collapse. This degradation happens continuously, and continuously events are altered to avoid this occurrence.

There are teams of temporal operatives who’s only mission is to prevent this ‘timewave’ collapse from reaching the present moment and thus the physical reality at any cost necessary.

This is part of why I inform you that these special operations have literally stopped the destruction of the universe many times over. As well, there has been great acts of war.

A Harsh Reality: Judge and Jury​

An interesting and extremely serious notion here is that all details involved in these kinds of operations must be held to the strictest of standards known to man otherwise one mistake could result in, literally, the entire world on fire. The idea is that if a person was to make a mistake that the situation would have to be handled right then and there and there are usually no easy routes. For instance, the easiest route to date is related to the invention of cloning technology which enables one to bounce from timeline to timeline or situation to situation closing out any lose ends in the process. If someone’s cover is blown, they can just disappear forever to that group of individuals or time. If someone entangles with variables that result in chaotic parameters that would lead to a paradox, they can be placed into a suspended state until the variables are harmonized and the chaos is thus neutralized. Because of the technology, this refers to the idea that the operative can literally be effectively removed from this dimension, this universe temporarily and then be reinserted where and when this is appropriate. If this wasn’t possible, then the mere presence of that individual’s mind in that temporal environment would cause a proliferation of the very paradox that was sought to neutralize.
So as a concluding thought here, the STS forces are trying to poison and infect the "main baseline reality" with the energy of STS, and thus creating a reality construct that they can have FULL reign over. But this would constitute a non-free-will universe. I can't find it now but in one of the chapters of the Wave, there was a lengthy quote from I believe Michael Topper, describing the setup as follows; The STS beings eat consciousness, but it has to be consciousness born of free-will. We willingly have to buy into their tricks and games, otherwise they won't be nourished enough. So it would seem they also have to play this balancing act, of controlling and deceiving us enough to give up all our surplus energy to them, but not so much as to intervene with our free-will. So if in fact their "end goal" is to have a universe which is completely STS, wouldn't they be starved after some 'time' in an environment such as that? So in effect STS needs STO, but STO doesn't need STS.. Come to think of it I believe I actually read that already in a session transcript.
But that might be the way it operates, it reminded me of what Andrew Lobacewzski said about viruses and the body, analogous to the role of psychopaths in society, they have no idea that the body they're attempting to colonize will perish and they will be burned or buried along with the host.

Such is the nature of STS I believe, I do think that they have the ability to achieve stability, but the self serving idea taken to an extreme, is one of collapsing reality within oneself.

As to the trick of us willingly buying into their tricks, I remember the C's saying once that the act of us "going for the gold" at the time of the fall was a repeating syndrome within humanity. So it's not so much us buying into their tricks, it is that we're all just as self serving, so our choices are easy to predict given the right circumstances and influences.So there is a factor of trickery and manipulation, but there's also a factor of our very nature that aligned with STS will maintain us right where we are.

Aligning oneself with something different, or STO, I believe can only begin from a place where the admission of currently being STS is the first step.
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