What are you listening to?

Someone posted this on telegram, wasn't visibly yet posted, it's another "Wake up" song, name is ... Wake up ! ^^
I liked it, they even have a credit section at the end of the clip, they had fun doing it, i like the general feeling behind this clip, band, people who participate ... i mean, I was pleased to watch it at the start of the day, it gave me energy. Try it if you have ... 7 minutes :
@dredger ,I love the "Wake up" video!

This song is not nearly as good as the previous one but I like the train reference. For many years now I have felt like I am watching a "slow train wreck" but now the train seems to be picking up speed and I want to get off (to another timeline?).

This John Mayer song caught my attention this evening.

Love the barefooted bass guy and couldn't stop watching...still watching so we'll see...whoa hear the girl singing...very 60ish in way

This is how I imagine a God who created the machines to enable himself to play the tune of new creation, even though when all men are deeply asleep only capable to pray for the answers, not seeing the answers within themself, but their prayers hit a creative impulse inside of one man, in order to transform himself into an amplifier and creative conglomerate of humanity to amplify dreams to reality
Just 🤩- a one man orchestra!!! Thanks for sharing!
The Vouges: A Pittsburgh band, from Turtle Creek. Below, 1965 song, "Five O'Clock World." One job as a 3rd shift sanitation foreman, I'd play music over the loud speakers and my crew would dance while cleaning equipment and floors. This was the End of Shift Song.

First up, the original song was used as music for a Drew Carry Show opening (I loved that show and Who's Line Is It)

2nd has The Vouges singing...background set portrays steel mill and other industrial jobs of Western Pa.

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