What are you listening to?

Sorry to correct you. But for my own clarity I had to check this. It is called an opera. At least in all the descriptions I found. đŸ„°
Then I have confused it with an other piece from Mozart.
Edit: I just checkt it, I don't confused it with an other work, but we have learned it different in school, or at least I then havend understand what was realy teached.
So in the Time of Mozart operetta had an other meaning ("Singspiel") so it is an opera with "Singspiel" then called operetta.

Now I relearned something.

Thank you! 😁 :clap:
Thank you both for correcting me (I think?). Whether an opera or an operetta, it was a powerful experience that introduced me to the slightly bizarre world of opera.
My grandson - at the age of 5 - was listening for a year or so the opera again and again and again. He also was able to see it live because there was a special "childrens opera".
Headnodz - Lies Ft. Citizen Kane & Zaki
Released: 2005
Explicit lyrics*

This song reminds me of LOWKEY, here is one of hiss songs:

Lowkey - Terrorist?

So, we must ask ourselves, what is the dictionary definition of Terrorism?
"The systematic use of terror, especially as a means of coercion"
But what is terror?
According to the dictionary I hold in my hand
"Terror is violent or destructive acts, such as bombing
Committed by groups in order to intimidate a population
Or government into granting their demands"
So what's a terrorist?
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
When they put it on me, I tell them this
I'm all about peace and love (peace and love)
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
Insulting my intelligence
Oh, how these people judge (people judge)
It seems like the Rag-heads and Paki's are worrying your dad
But your dad's favorite food is curry and kebab
It's funny but it's sad how they make your mummy hurry with her bags
Rather read the sun than study all the facts
Tell me, what's the bigger threat to human society
B.A.E Systems or home made I.E.D's?
Remote controlled drones, killing off human lives
Or man with homemade bomb committing suicide
I know you were terrified when you saw the towers fall
It's all terror but some forms are more powerful
It seems nuts, how could there be such agony?
When more Israeli's die from peanut allergies
It's like the definition didn't ever exist
I guess it's all just depending who your nemesis is
Irrelevant how eloquent the rhetoric peddler is
They're telling fibs, now tell us who the terrorist is
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
When they put it on me, I tell them this
I'm all about peace and love (peace and love)
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
Insulting my intelligence
Oh, how these people judge (people judge)
Lumumba was democracy
Mossadegh was democracy
Allende was democracy
Hypocrisy, it bothers me
Call you terrorists if you don't wanna be a colony
Refuse to bow down to a policy of robberies
Is terrorism my lyrics? (Is it?)
When more Vietnam vets kill themselves after the war than die in it
This is very basic
One nation in the world has over a thousand military bases
They say it's religion, when clearly it isn't
It's not just Muslims that oppose your imperialism
Is Hugo Chavez a Muslim? Nah, I didn't think so
Is Castro a Muslim? Nah, I didn't think so
It's like the definition didn't ever exist
I guess it's all just depending who your nemesis is
Irrelevant how eloquent the rhetoric peddler is
They're telling fibs, now tell us who the terrorist is
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
When they put it on me, I tell them this
I'm all about peace and love (peace and love)
They're calling me a terrorist
Like they don't know who the terror is
Insulting my intelligence
Oh, how these people judge (people judge)
(You think that I don't know, but I know, I know, I know
You think we don't know, but we know)
Was building 7 terrorism?
Was nano thermite terrorism?
Diego Garcia was terrorism
I am conscious the Contras were terrorism
Phosphorus that burns hands, that is terrorism
Irgun and Stern Gang that was terrorism
What they did in Hiroshima was terrorism
What they did in Fallujaha was terrorism
Mandela ANC, they called terrorism
Gerry Adams I.R.A, they called terrorism
Erik Prince Blackwater was terrorism
Oklahoma McVeigh, that was terrorism
Every day U.S.A, that is terrorism
Every day U.K, that is terrorism
You think that we don't know, but we do

You have to accept the rules that you will watch this video, cause there are pictures, in the end of video clip that displays "what was done." I watched some it some time before,there wasn't such a restriction.
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Elton John received some kind of award at DC last week and played a bunch of songs: Your Song, Tiny Dancer, Rocket Man, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me, Crocodile Rock, I'm Still Standing.
It was good too hear him again -- a 70's retrospective -- when times felt good since we didn't have the internet and had no clue what was happening. In case you like him, here's the PBS link. Ceremonial and "conversational" stuff occurs till 23:07 when he starts playing. There are political asides that might be nauseating, but if you enjoyed his music as a kid, just ignore them. Nice Piano.

WATCH LIVE: Elton John performs at the White House
Sounds of Silenced Science is a salute to all of those who found their own path, while sometimes walking alone through a maze of information and disinformation. It is a solid tribute to those who possessed the confidence to methodically question reality presented from without, but who knew another truth arising from within. We raise a toast to science, as this questioning is its fundamental definition, and the individual trust in this science, multiplied by many, is what united us, and ultimately, at least temporary, saved us from an eternity of lock-downs. The Adverse Events featuring The Spike Girls might have been born out of good fun, but doesn't life usually tell you you're on the right track if even hard work comes by effortlessly? Thanks to four special ladies for the delightful collaboration. “When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.”

― Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Ironically, this post might not last very long on YT. Go to VisceralAdventure.Substack.com for more content.
Sounds of Silenced Science est un hommage Ă  tous ceux qui ont trouvĂ© leur propre voie, tout en marchant parfois seuls dans un dĂ©dale d’informations et de dĂ©sinformation. C’est un solide hommage Ă  ceux qui ont eu la confiance de remettre mĂ©thodiquement en question la rĂ©alitĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©e de l’extĂ©rieur, mais qui connaissaient une autre vĂ©ritĂ© surgissant de l’intĂ©rieur. Nous portons un toast Ă  la science, car ce questionnement est sa dĂ©finition fondamentale, et la confiance individuelle dans cette science, multipliĂ©e par plusieurs, est ce qui nous a unis, et finalement, au moins temporairement, nous a sauvĂ©s d’une Ă©ternitĂ© d’enfermements.
Les Adverse Events featuring The Spike Girls sont peut-ĂȘtre nĂ©s d’un bon amusement, mais la vie ne vous dit-elle pas gĂ©nĂ©ralement que vous ĂȘtes sur la bonne voie si mĂȘme le travail difficile vient sans effort ? Merci Ă  quatre dames spĂ©ciales pour cette dĂ©licieuse collaboration.
« Quand la vérité est remplacée par le silence, le silence est un mensonge. »

Lyrics :

Hello Darkest MSM,
Je suis venu te faire face une fois de plus,
Parce que les horreurs qui défilent sans cesse,
ont fait pousser les graines de la peur pendant que je dormais,
Et les cauchemars que tu as plantés dans mon cerveau,
ont été entretenus,
quand tu as réduit la science au silence.

En quarantaine, je marchais seul
dans les couloirs de ma propre maison
Dans le halo d’un appel de zoom
Je portais un masque parce que j’étais sous leur emprise.
Puis mon esprit a été poignardé par une pensée de son plein gré.
J’ai essayĂ© jusqu’à ce que
je comprenne la science

Et aux informations du soir, j’ai vu
Dix millions de personnes, peut-ĂȘtre plus
Des gens qui injectent sans réfléchir
Des gens qui imitent sans Ă©couter
Des gens crachant la haine que des voix célÚbres partageaient
Mais personne n’a osĂ©
perturber le son du silence

« Imbéciles », ai-je dit, « Vous ne savez pas
Que le silence, comme un cancer, se développe
Apprenez la science pour qu’elle vous enseigne
Faites des maths pour qu’elles vous atteignent »
Mais mes mots, comme des gouttes de pluie silencieuses, tombaient
et ont résonné dans les puits de la pseudo-science.

Et les gens se sont inclinés et ont prié
Au dieu CoVid qu’ils ont crĂ©Ă©
Et la science a crié son avertissement
Dans les dĂ©couvertes qu’elle faisait
Et j’ai dĂ©couvert que « Les mots des prophĂštes sont Ă©crits dans le courrier Substack et la prison Twitter, et rĂ©sonnent contre le silence.

I came across this music yesterday and it was a real hit. Here is what the band said about their latest album "Fever Dream"

"Fever Dream is an album that fully embodies the identity and creative expression of Palaye Royale. For the first time in a long time, the writing and crafting of the songs are hopeful. We truly seek to inspire those who listen to it to embrace the will, those who may be lost, there is always a light at the end of the darkness. Find what you cherish most in your soul and carry it to the fullest. Life is a constant dream, but it is up to each of us to seek the divinity that is contained in all things of existence."

This song in particular activated something in me as I shed a few tears, enjoy sharing this for those who need a little hope and to keep the faith
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