What happened in 1972?

We have an 8 page thread on the Dyatlov Pass Incident 1959.

Thanks a lot! that event came to my mind again because I was watching the case of the Khamar-Daban incident, because it is a Russian case also in the mountains and lately I am listening to testimonies on YouTube about this kind of material, strange disappearances, strange deaths, contacts with UFOs, etc. although many stories seem really invented by the pattern with which they are always described surely being copied from the 411 cases and there are quite interesting cases from Russia, but I don't know why it never occurred to me to look here about that event.

The Khamar Daban Incident: Another Dyatlov Pass?
Very interesting, but what about the mutilations of humans also since before 1960?.

If I remember correctly, the mutilation of livestock is carried out mainly so that the consumption of humans by these beings is not so "suspicious". But a treaty by technology exchange, seems to be just the trap where giving the USA the feeling of power was the only thing they needed to keep the reality hidden. Cases around the world since those dates and that were subsequently let out after those years. With so much disappearance and mutilation and encounters, it is not surprising the strict control for hiding it and just saying "they are not ready to know the truth".
It seems to be the case. Richard Dolan makes a further remark in his book about how the increase of events in 1974/5 was not as widely publicised by the media as the previous ones, and the military avoided public statements on the matter. I suppose the government probably feared that any form of disclosure would give the (true) impression that they are not in control of the situation and all that it entails. Here's the excerpt (p. 109):

In the history of UFOs, 1975 does not capture the imagination of the general public the way that 1947 does. Yet the year was nothing short of spectacular. Unlike 1947, 1952, 1966, when UFO sightings received a great deal of coverage by the U.S. media, the events of this year - as well as 1974, for that matter - received scarcely any attention at all. In 1952 and 1966, the U.S. military made formal, public statements on UFOs. Nothing of the sort occurred in 1974, even though the situation was more grave. It is understandable that an entrenched bureaucracy would not want to make matters worse by telling the public what was going on. Whoever was behind the air space violations of 1975 - be they human or alien - had technology that the U.S. military feared, and the confidence to fly brazenly into restricted areas containing nuclear weapons, and then confidently fly away. How does one tell the public that?
I was having a short conversation with a lady in the street the other day...a healthcare worker who refused the jab, pretty clued I think. Anyway, she mentioned 2040 and that being a date the ptb have in mind, so just probing, I asked her if that's a date they can bring forward (thinking 2030?) Very adamantly, she said no, so I had a little look when I got as I was grasping just a little memory I had about it. And of course, the Limits to Growth was published in 1972, using the World3 system model, for The Club of Rome.
What happened in 1972?
The title of this thread caught my attention powerfully.
I just read it all the way to the end, except for a few links, which I'll look at with more time.

I have a question.
I would like to know if the question What happened in 1972, arises from some specific thing, such as some Cas comment, some exchange during some session, or whatever but of a one-off nature.

Or, if the particular interest in 1972, arises from striking things, observed during the research itself.

In other words, I don't know if I have missed something specific, prior to the thread and important to know.
I don't know if you understand my question.

Thanks in advance.
What happened in 1972?
The title of this thread caught my attention powerfully.
I just read it all the way to the end, except for a few links, which I'll look at with more time.

I have a question.
I would like to know if the question What happened in 1972, arises from some specific thing, such as some Cas comment, some exchange during some session, or whatever but of a one-off nature.

Or, if the particular interest in 1972, arises from striking things, observed during the research itself.

In other words, I don't know if I have missed something specific, prior to the thread and important to know.
I don't know if you understand my question.

Thanks in advance.
It's shortly described in the opening paragraph.

In February 1954, Eisenhower allegedly met with human-looking beings at Edwards AFB and came to an agreement or treaty of some sort with them. According to the Cs, the U.S. government was "tricked", the treaty was never in effect, and this was discovered around 19 years later in 1972 (probably late 1972 if the date of the Eisenhower meeting is correct).

The bolded part in quote above refers to the session exchange quoted below.
Q: (L) What, exactly, does the U.S. Government know about aliens?

A: That they exist.

Q: (L) Does the government have or did they ever have a treaty with any aliens?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is the treaty still in effect?

A: Never was.

Q: (L) Did they try to get a treaty with them?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Did the aliens refuse?

A: No. Tricked.

Q: (L) How long before the U.S. government realized they had been tricked?

A: 19 years.

Q: (L) What year was this?

A: 1972.
The following is an article about USA socio-economic factors that many of them seem to have an inflection point around the early 70's

The charts and graphs below from WTF Happened in 1971 are some of the most fascinating I have ever seen. What is most interesting is that the site owner failed to “Lead with the Punchline” and didn’t explain What the F%#$ Happened in 1971.

The short answer is that President Nixon took the country off the final vestiges of the gold standard, creating the widespread economic and societal decline that you see represented in the charts and graphs.

Nixon was Vice-President during the Eisenhower time

In March 1954 United States vice president Richard Nixon gave a radio address on the Eisenhower administration’s program of military spending. Though Nixon does not specifically mention it, he alludes to a recent decision to expand America’s nuclear arsenal:

“We found, despite record spending for military purposes, that in our efforts to be strong everywhere we weren’t strong enough anywhere. And since our former policy failed, we then asked ourselves the question: what kind of a new policy should we adopt?

And in determining what that policy should be we decided to find out what the men in the Kremlin were up to. We found that militarily their plan apparently was to destroy us by drawing us into little wars all over the world with their satellites – however, where they themselves were not involved – and where due to our inability to bring to bear our great superiority on the sea and in the air, that we were unable to win those wars.

We found that economically, their plan apparently was to force the United States to stay armed to the teeth, to be prepared to fight anywhere, anywhere in the world that they, the men in the Kremlin, chose.

Why? Because they know that this would force us into bankruptcy, that we would destroy our freedom in an attempt to defend it.

Well, we decided that we would not fall into these traps, and so we adopted a new principle, and that new principle summed up is this: Rather than let the communists nibble us to death all over the world in little wars, we would rely in the future primarily on our massive mobile retaliatory power which we could use in our discretion against the major sources of aggression at times and places that we chose.

We adjusted our armed strength to meet the requirements of this new concept, and what was just as important, we let the world – and we let the communists know – what we intended to do.”

In his JFK book, Prouty writes about 1972 as a time of a curious prediction about the end of the cold war. It was also the beginning of a more overt stage in economic warfare waged by the cabal against the people. IN '72, certain US and USSR power centres were to work together to create the New World Order, the cover story being that they were worst enemies.

"Let’s tie the assassination of Kennedy and the role of the power elite to some other notable events. It was the spring of a memorable year, 1972. On February 7, President Nixon’s secretary of commerce, Maurice Stans, opened a remarkable “White House Conference on the Industrial World Ahead, a Look at Business in 1990.” This three-day meeting of fifteen hundred of this country’s leading businessmen, scholars, and the like concluded with a memorable and prophetic statement by Roy L. Ash, president of Litton Industries, and incidentally one of the original “Whiz Kids” from Harvard with Bob McNamara:

. . . state capitalism may well be a form for world business in the world ahead; that the western countries are trending toward a more unified and controlled economy, having a greater effect on all business; and the communist nation are moving more and more toward a free market system. The question posed [during the conference] on which a number of divergent opinions arose, was whether “East and West would meet some place toward the middle about 1990.”

That was an astounding forecast before such an eminent group considering that it was made in 1972 and that it was actually “about 1990” when the Soviet Union did weaken and the Cold War came to an end, in much the way he had visualized. These ideas have had a major impact on all of us. The predictions of this conference proved to be another long step on the way to a New World Order.

Such ideas are not limited to a few leaders or to a few countries. During a speech made in 1991, Giovanni Agnelli, chief executive officer of the Italian Fiat Company, recalled: “In 1946 Winston Churchill spoke in Zurich of the need to build a United States of Europe.” That was another long range forecast that is being proved quite accurate. Then Agnelli updated that comment with another statement that confirms the fact that the power of ideas, of course he means the ideas of the power elite, is greater than guns: “The fall of the Soviet Union is one of the very few instances in history in which a world power has been defeated on the battlefield of ideas.”

Agnelli calls this the “battlefield of ideas.” Others may find evidence of “conspiracy,” while still others see things as they are and speak of “planning.” And if there is planning, and we have plenty of evidence there is, there must be “planners.” In that sense, this becomes an accurate definition of the existence and activity of the power elite. These events are not the result of a throw of the dice. They are planned.

Turning back to the White House Conference in 1972, before February had ended, Secretary Stans had resigned to become chairman of the Committee to Reelect the President. That was the spring of the year 1972, the year when the “dirty tricks” business went public, with the birth of CREEP and the days of “Watergate.” In that same year, under President Nixon, an unusual and most effective international business organization was formed by the business interests of the Dartmouth Conference, whose meetings were regularly scheduled by the Rockefellers. It was called US-TEC, for the United States-USSR Trade and Economic Council.

Backed by the Nixon administration and the international banker David Rockefeller, the Council that listed most of the Fortune 500 corporate leaders among its membership, along with hundreds of their counterparts in the Soviet Union, opened offices in New York and in Moscow for regular activities. Meetings of the membership were scheduled every six months alternately in each location. Usually these meetings were augmented by major trade fair exhibitions from each country. This organization publishes a fine magazine that is not classified. But you can not get a copy of it unless you are a member.

US-TEC has done much to make Roy Ash’s forecast at the “Look at Business in 1990” conference come true. Business, in 1972, took aim at the Evil Empire, as President Reagan called the Soviet Union a decade later. Not much has been published openly about either of these organizations, the United States membership and the Soviet membership, as they have worked busily to create the New World Order. Their work has included the promotion of the military-industrial complex and of the massive international agricultural combines in their voracious search for new business in new fields. In this connection, the CIA is one of the primary activists and promoters for these combines, especially since its more recent emphasis upon the business of economic intelligence.

Not all wars are fought with guns. Economic warfare can be just as powerful and just as deadly.

He goes on to say that in '73, The White House arranged a meeting for industrial magnates of petroleum-consuming industries, who were told about peak oil, or running out of all oil by the year 2000 - and to expect oil prices to rise by a factor or 2 or 3.

The Federal Power Commission had started a survey due to similar bogus fears of natural gas shortages, and right on cue, the Arab-Israeli conflict broke out in '73, and the Arabs instituted an oil embargo.

As we now know, much of this “energy crisis” was a massive production designed and orchestrated to raise the price of petroleum from its long-time base of approximately $1. 70 per barrel to a high, at times, of $40.00. Except for the international drug trade, no other production in the fields of economic warfare had ever made so much money. . . . and continues to do so.

It takes little imagination to discover that this is another product of the High Cabal elite and that while the energy and drug projects are operating most profitably the international food business cannot be far behind. As conventional battlefield warfare diminishes in value to the world planners, economic warfare is moving boldly to the front of the stage.

I guess where we're at now is a time of similar predictions, centering on UN Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, and increased scarcity and psychological warfare conducted against the world's populations.
Two more happenings from that era

On the morning of February 21, 1972, US President Richard Nixon landed in the People’s Republic of China.
Nixon’s visit was not only symbolic; it was also substantive. It was a stunning development in international politics, one that has often been hailed as a “week that changed the world.”

Tri-Lateral Commission formed in July 1973 by David Rockefeller
He goes on to say that in '73, The White House arranged a meeting for industrial magnates of petroleum-consuming industries, who were told about peak oil, or running out of all oil by the year 2000 - and to expect oil prices to rise by a factor or 2 or 3.

The Federal Power Commission had started a survey due to similar bogus fears of natural gas shortages, and right on cue, the Arab-Israeli conflict broke out in '73, and the Arabs instituted an oil embargo.

I think, IIRC, the OPEC countries disagreed about running out of oil and were not interested in suppressing production in order to raise prices, probably part of the reason why reasons were created to interfere in these countries. The founding countries were Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in Baghdad, Iraq, with the signing of an agreement in September 1960 by five countries namely Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. They were to become the Founder Members of the Organization.

These countries were later joined by Qatar (1961), Indonesia (1962), Libya (1962), the United Arab Emirates (1967), Algeria (1969), Nigeria (1971), Ecuador (1973), Gabon (1975), Angola (2007), Equatorial Guinea (2017) and Congo (2018).

Ecuador suspended its membership in December 1992, rejoined OPEC in October 2007, but decided to withdraw its membership of OPEC effective 1 January 2020. Indonesia suspended its membership in January 2009, reactivated it again in January 2016, but decided to suspend its membership once more at the 171st Meeting of the OPEC Conference on 30 November 2016. Gabon terminated its membership in January 1995. However, it rejoined the Organization in July 2016. Qatar terminated its membership on 1 January 2019. Angola withdrew its membership effective 1 January 2024.

OPECs stated mission:

In accordance with its Statute, the mission of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry.
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