Hi Martina,I don't want to be a party pooper but I feel tiny resentment when I hear about rich people make experiments getting into working class to have a trip out of their comfort zone and make a funny show about it. I know it's because I work as a postman, looking like a moron on a bike without brakes, I spent 6 hours on a hail and then a bilzzard on wednesday and I'm not gonna get an aword for that or I expect one.
Please help me get over my bitterness. If I could change one thing this would be it. I was in a million embarrassing things, you've read my comments, it's embarrassing, I can teach you how to master it if you want.
Thanks for sharing your reaction to the video. Gurdjieff used to give his students “meaningless and menial tasks” as an experiment to bring out their true nature. Most of the everyday work we do is in fact quite meaningless and many times we just lie to ourselves that we are doing something really useful, that our product helps to make the world better, that we are contributing to the world. In truth we are not. We have to do something to survive and then hopefully we have some time left over to do what really matters, -work on ourselves. Maybe your job is not something that you can be really proud of, but you can explore the “resentment” that you feel especially towards others who appear to be in better circumstances. Indeed see if you can trigger that resentment continuously then work on it. Every time you are on your bike delivering mail that’s an opportunity to work. So every time you have an opportunity, when people are introducing themselves, go right ahead and say “I deliver post” and see how long it takes to innoculate yourself. Fix the brakes on your bike and the breaks in your character :) All there is is lessons......