Al Today
The Living Force
Are you doing the breathing exercises and meditation?
Yes I am. And this may be the point. Seems all this sadness, depression, anxiety, these overwhelming emotions are part of the healing process. I only hope that they go away. I've been having weird, vivid dreams. And The General Law has been after me. Lately, I've been so attacked, that even my kids notice "something" is going on... I just tell them the universe is after me. I'm to the point of paranoia. My heart will not stop racing. I think this will all pass and is part of The Work. I'm just telling you that it's so freakin scary and hard. I will not give up. I wrote what I did while I felt I was a bubble just ready to pop. Self therapy.
The breathing excersizes DO give relief, albeit temporary, for now.
I do appreciate this network of fine people. What is true is that One person simply cannot do this alone.
I thought of posting on the Éiriú Eolas thread, but I was comfortable with what's on my mind. This is something that most are just gonna have to go through.
Edited for typoes, emphasis, and punctuation.