The Force is Strong With This One
anart said:This idea that we are God has been contradicted twice already - but you seem unable to consider this. Is your cup full?AdamantineLady said:[quote author=Rob]
I dont think there r any 'lessons' to be learnt if we r indeed god.
If you believe that there is nothing to learn then why are you here? The purpose of this forum is to network and learn.
There is a point where the learning gives way to the experience that learning points to...and it is this that can be neither qualified nor quantified...only known. An accumulation of neat facts and different rules holds no value apart from the experience that it leads you to. How one can comment on Heaven when one has not yet been there and experienced Heaven is erroneous at best. It is like when Spock said to Bones on the Star Trek that went back in time to find whales...telling Dr. McCoy that he could not converse about 'death' because they lacked a 'common frame of reference'. Like it or not, humans will have this limitation of perception until the learning takes him/her beyond the confines of the 'lessons'.
Apologies, AdamantineLady, but I'm not quite sure what your point is with the above? It sounds quite subjective. Could you please clarify.
Well, there is a point to all of what is revealed to us in our discoveries of the Universe, Knowledge, the Way, distinct connections we have, etc. Learning is not so much the point apart from the goal of that learning. There is experience beyond the learning (which is the goal). For me it is Self Realization and Heaven. I think all that we find in our explorations reflect the answer to a question that when completed closes the gap from this ordinary mundane world we see to the whole purpose that the search for God, Creation, Christ, Love, and fulfillment presents to us. So, the learning is but one aspect of this process, just as the cocoon is one aspect in the process of bringing a caterpillar to its' butterfly truth. Is the caterpillar born with the entire genetic makeup of the butterfly? Yes, but leave the metamorphosis out of it and its' truth is never realized, and the beauty and flight is not experienced. To learn is but a part of the process. And it reveals what is already there by design.
I really hope that this has come out a bit clearer than mud.