MusicMan said:
Hello Dakota, I really like your latest avatar, it has a gentle quality about it.
As for dancing, for quite a few years I would go with my wife (sometimes several times a week!) to Line Dancing, with Country and Western music. I really enjoyed it and I discovered that there is a connection between the brain and the feet that has to be educated, it doesn't occur naturally, well not for me anyway. Part of the scene was dancing with a partner as well which was enjoyable.
I also liked the social atmosphere and the companionship making new friends and all.
So it was disappointing for me when I had to give it away when I snapped my achilles tendon.
Life goes on.
Thank you MusicMan, boy on the picture is my little friend which now is 7 years old. We have develop special bonding since his birth. Even, now we are seperated, when we see each other his reaction is priceless. He takes my face in his hands and kiss me all over my face, then he pull away and watch me directy in my eyes and telling me that he loved me always ;). It is very special feeling when little child love you. Maybe, for me, this is compensation because, in this life, I have never become a mother :(.
Oh, I love country music, even this music remind me of times when I fought that everything is ok, that I should work, learn, be a good human being and I will succesed. Now, it is seem to me that underneath every thing, type of music or any product is hidden some terrible crimes and that nothing is clear and simple
So sorry about your harm, probably is very painfull. How you treat yourself? You probably know this already, but if you didn't nuzzle about it, here is some
good article about it.
I don't know is everyone else noticed that dancing is completely gone from our society, thereby that doesn't include this modern when is usually include drugs or alchol. All is left is traditional dance, competitive dances in all sphere of society and jumping on the concerts where everyone is idolizing some group or singer. Maybe my life is to household, but I have a feeling that singing, dancing and playing just for the plesaure and socializing is gone?
Hvala Music Man, dječak na slici je moj mali prijatelj koji danas ima već 7 godina. Od malena smo razvili neku posebnu vezu, iako smo sada udaljeni, kad se vidimo njegova reakcija je neprocjenjiva. Uzme moje lice u svoje ruke i ljubi me po licu pa me odmakne i gleda direktno u oči i govori da me oduvijek volio ;). Sasvim je poseban osjećaj kad te malo dijete voli. Možda s njim kompenziram što nikada, u ovom životu, nisam postala majka :(.
Oduvijek volim country glazbu, iako me podsjeća na vremena u kojima sam mislila da je sve ok, da samo trebam raditi, učiti, biti dobar čovjek i uspjeti ću. Sada mi se čini da ispod svake stvari, bilo to vrsta glazba ili neki proizvod kriju grozni zločini i da ništa nije čisto i jednostavno
Žao mi je zbog tvoje povrede, vjerojatno boli. Kako se liječiš? Ti vjerojatno i sam znaš kako izlječiti taj problem, ali ako nisi njuškao evo jedan
članak o tome.
Ne znam jeste li primjetili no čini mi se da je ples u potpunosti nestao, pri tome ne mislim na ovaj današnji, moderni gdje je obično uključena droga ili alkohol. Preostali su nam tradicionalni plesovi, natjecateljski plesovi u svim sferama društva i skakanje na koncertima idolizirajući neku grupu, pjevača ili pjevačicu. Možda ja živim previše kućanskim načinom života, ali mi se doista čini da je pjevanje, plesanje i sviranja čisto radi užitka i druženja nestalo?