I was just finding out that Vučić was re-elected in 2022 (has been since 2017). he still has 2 years left. I understand what you comment about the current corruption state of politicians in Serbia, It is very similar in Mexico (although some people say that now and since the previous government it hardly happens anymore), have my doubts, time will tell.The second reason for today lies in the fact that Vutchich days are outnumbered. No one wants him anymore. People are starting to riot more and more by the day. Big rallies are held in all bigger cities. All bigger in numbers than the previous. The next one is scheduled for march the fifteenth in Belgrade. Every one of the rallies so far was bigger than any rally in the time of Slobodan Milosevic. That one in Belgrade will be really big, and probably will got out of control. People have already seized the power in some villages and townships, (albeit very gently, only where that was posible without hurting anyone) the mood in the people is that it is time now to go for a bigger. The parliament show is there so that Vutchich can get in act marshal law so that big rally in Belgrade couldn't happen, and to end this rebelion. Which probably wouldn't be posible because this parliament show is already ridiculed. If he don't manage to put marshal law in the act, Vutchich will use this to further polarize people in wain hope to start some small civil war or something like that. Which is just his narcissistic psychopathy wishful thinking because there is no chance for that, people are more united than was in more than twenty years. And all sick and tired of him and his gang of thieves who are in power in Serbia for more than 30 years. Also there are very few that would fight for him, and all of them just for their own interes, not the idea or man. So, nothing of it.
But at least let them dedicate themselves to protest and march, there would be other options for a change of government? ...and the problem is also in the pseudo opposition. Difficult situation.
The student movement reminded me of the #yosoy132 (#Iam132), Mexican students movement, which arose at a conference of the former president of Mexico in 2012 and later dissolved because its leaders entered the political arena and some are still there with different positions and parties, something that is irremediable.
Go figure then, will tips be shared between the parliaments of other countries? it looks like, though.The whole show is essentially obfuscation and attention directing from the street and the people, back to Vutchich and fake parties.
At the telegram RT channel, there is a video where a lady is semi-conscious on the floor inside the parliament, I could not share it here ...it got out of control and there was “collateral damage among friends”, I guess.Also, forget that "female representatives are injured", that's the trick Vutchich use for 12 years now. No one believes that crap anymore.
I don't know if RT mentioned it afterwards, the channel is in Russian, I don't know Russian, I use the translator, perhaps I missed it.What RT didn't mention is that position and "opposition" were in parliament for hours after the event, and guarded by gendarmerie because people in thousands massed up in front of parliament to protest against all of them.
Ok, good to know.From your RT quotes, Ekaterina Etina knows what she is talking, Alexander Pivovarenko is clueless. There will not be "calls to join EU" in Serbia. (Vutchich and the "opposition" already want that, so nothing of that)
Thanks for the suggestions and the video, it shows more perspective.For more clear and detailed picture I suggest search on croatian investigative journalist Domagoj Margetic. Also Alex Krainer is in his rare mention on Serbia pretty spot on, but a bit less than Margetic. For the picture on Serbia from Serbia I suggest portal NSPM. Not hard to translate it via Google.