What's happening in Serbia

The second reason for today lies in the fact that Vutchich days are outnumbered. No one wants him anymore. People are starting to riot more and more by the day. Big rallies are held in all bigger cities. All bigger in numbers than the previous. The next one is scheduled for march the fifteenth in Belgrade. Every one of the rallies so far was bigger than any rally in the time of Slobodan Milosevic. That one in Belgrade will be really big, and probably will got out of control. People have already seized the power in some villages and townships, (albeit very gently, only where that was posible without hurting anyone) the mood in the people is that it is time now to go for a bigger. The parliament show is there so that Vutchich can get in act marshal law so that big rally in Belgrade couldn't happen, and to end this rebelion. Which probably wouldn't be posible because this parliament show is already ridiculed. If he don't manage to put marshal law in the act, Vutchich will use this to further polarize people in wain hope to start some small civil war or something like that. Which is just his narcissistic psychopathy wishful thinking because there is no chance for that, people are more united than was in more than twenty years. And all sick and tired of him and his gang of thieves who are in power in Serbia for more than 30 years. Also there are very few that would fight for him, and all of them just for their own interes, not the idea or man. So, nothing of it.
I was just finding out that Vučić was re-elected in 2022 (has been since 2017). he still has 2 years left. I understand what you comment about the current corruption state of politicians in Serbia, It is very similar in Mexico (although some people say that now and since the previous government it hardly happens anymore), have my doubts, time will tell.

But at least let them dedicate themselves to protest and march, there would be other options for a change of government? ...and the problem is also in the pseudo opposition. Difficult situation.

The student movement reminded me of the #yosoy132 (#Iam132), Mexican students movement, which arose at a conference of the former president of Mexico in 2012 and later dissolved because its leaders entered the political arena and some are still there with different positions and parties, something that is irremediable.

The whole show is essentially obfuscation and attention directing from the street and the people, back to Vutchich and fake parties.
Go figure then, will tips be shared between the parliaments of other countries? it looks like, though.
Also, forget that "female representatives are injured", that's the trick Vutchich use for 12 years now. No one believes that crap anymore.
At the telegram RT channel, there is a video where a lady is semi-conscious on the floor inside the parliament, I could not share it here ...it got out of control and there was “collateral damage among friends”, I guess.
What RT didn't mention is that position and "opposition" were in parliament for hours after the event, and guarded by gendarmerie because people in thousands massed up in front of parliament to protest against all of them.
I don't know if RT mentioned it afterwards, the channel is in Russian, I don't know Russian, I use the translator, perhaps I missed it.
From your RT quotes, Ekaterina Etina knows what she is talking, Alexander Pivovarenko is clueless. There will not be "calls to join EU" in Serbia. (Vutchich and the "opposition" already want that, so nothing of that)
Ok, good to know.
For more clear and detailed picture I suggest search on croatian investigative journalist Domagoj Margetic. Also Alex Krainer is in his rare mention on Serbia pretty spot on, but a bit less than Margetic. For the picture on Serbia from Serbia I suggest portal NSPM. Not hard to translate it via Google.
Thanks for the suggestions and the video, it shows more perspective.
I was just finding out that Vučić was re-elected in 2022 (has been since 2017). he still has 2 years left. I understand what you comment about the current corruption state of politicians in Serbia, It is very similar in Mexico (although some people say that now and since the previous government it hardly happens anymore), have my doubts, time will tell.

But at least let them dedicate themselves to protest and march, there would be other options for a change of government? ...and the problem is also in the pseudo opposition. Difficult situation.

The student movement reminded me of the #yosoy132 (#Iam132), Mexican students movement, which arose at a conference of the former president of Mexico in 2012 and later dissolved because its leaders entered the political arena and some are still there with different positions and parties, something that is irremediable.

Go figure then, will tips be shared between the parliaments of other countries? it looks like, though.

At the telegram RT channel, there is a video where a lady is semi-conscious on the floor inside the parliament, I could not share it here ...it got out of control and there was “collateral damage among friends”, I guess.

I don't know if RT mentioned it afterwards, the channel is in Russian, I don't know Russian, I use the translator, perhaps I missed it.

Ok, good to know.

Thanks for the suggestions and the video, it shows more perspective.
Since Vutchich is in power elections are very "fluid". Its actually when he decided, not when the time is. He even proposed elections this year, but no one is interested in that anymore. Beside that, elections are fraud in Serbia. There is around million dead people (died during the time) but still voting. Count Serbia as more corrupt and criminalized than Ukraine.

We had "yosoy" students during the nineties (this in Serbia goes for 35 years, all the same corrupt people). They also are corrupted now.

RT is telling what they see on oficial serbian news. And that's it. Dont believe it.

BTW, thats why Russia is becoming less and less popular among Serbs last days. Serbs are very pro - russian, but we really don't need them too to support Vutchich crime cartel like the West do. So, if its need to be against both West and Russia, we will be.
Vutchich spoke with Putin on the occasion of his 55th birthday. Of course, in attempt to present himself to people of Serbia as friend of Russia. In wain of course, he's hit point of no return and nothing can change that. Only that more Serbs see now Russia as a enemy of the serbian people. Just as NATO. What in this moment, with its (mostly indirect) support to Vutchich, Russia really is. Uninformed and indifferent reports from russian "experts" doesn't help the situation. Question is why is Russia helping the person who is just a criminal and nothing more than that, is they really so uninterested about anything outside Russia.

Good thing, you know what to do when you know that you can rely only on yourself.

(click on link for translation)

Meanwhile, Vutchich continues with actions which are outright insane. To the point that's hardly believable, but are happening. False students who "wants to learn", camping in Belgrade's main park (younger members of his party paid for that), criminals who threaten protesters in front of parliament of Belgrade (and then gets beaten by the protesters) and so on.

Another good article in english:

False students who "wants to learn", camping in Belgrade's main park (younger members of his party paid for that)

The student who proclaimed demands of students "who want to learn" works for Department for Defense and Emergency Situations of the City of Sremska Mitrovica, the city where Vučić arranged a famous gathering for his support.

Question is why is Russia helping the person who is just a criminal and nothing more than that, is they really so uninterested about anything outside Russia.

They are not proactive in creating world leaders, as the West is, so they have to accept whatever leftovers of anti-NATO-ism that they can find in the world. They are probably infected with the guilt trip of interfering into politics of other countries from Communism days, just like Germans are from Nazism.
Could be that. But looks as some sort of Russia's own isolationism.

And for the laughs, this happened when Vutchich sent low level criminals and "football supporters" to do police job (I guess police didn't want to do it) to fend of protesters from Belgrade's parliament. Criminals really wasn't in the mood for that either, so the whole situation went hilarious.

Notice the kid kicking the "strongman" and old lady with the umbrella 😄

Last night, the citizens of Mitrovica recognized their fellow citizens, fake students of the Serbian Progressive Party from Sremska Mitrovica, who were giving statements to TV Pink in Pionirski Park.

They are Rada Obrenčević, a nurse employed at the General Hospital in Sremska Mitrovica, Jelena Mijić Vasilić, an employee of the Legal Service of the Mitrovica Hospital (those in the know claim that she excels in botting student protests) and Sara Kuzmanović, an officer in defense in emergency situations at the City Administration in Sremska Mitrovica.

They were presented in the regime media as students, and their fellow citizens easily recognized them and then quickly reacted and exposed them. They posted pictures of fake students on social networks, who, as they claim, never studied.

We remind you that a large group of citizens, students and high school students were in Pionirski Park yesterday, at the place where counter-students who, as they said, "only want to study" were camping. A large number of riot police were also present there, separating the group from the citizens and students who were blocked there, and the situation was very tense at one point.

Students have announced a large protest for Saturday, March 15th in Belgrade. It could be a large gathering with a lot of boiling energy for a change of government..
Ah, those March ide!

"Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated today that as things stand next Saturday, when a large protest in Belgrade has been announced, the opposition will try to do something with violence and said that then, as he said, the end will be played.

"They know that they don't have any more time, so they will have to throw everything at one card. Unfortunately, they will try to do something with violence and then they will realize that they are finished. Many who have committed crimes will end up behind bars, the others will realize that they were lied to by these politicians who promised them that something could be done with violence, and that's it. "So, as things stand on Saturday night, we will play the end game," Vučić said in Alibunar in a conversation with citizens during a tour of the Inclusive Educational Center.

He emphasized that he had survived everything, but not that someone, as happened last night in Pionirski Park in Belgrade, would attack children just because they want to study.

But what these people had in mind last night, what they had in mind, is unbelievable, Vučić added.

To a journalist's comment that the opposition was inviting everyone to come to this big protest and the question of how to prevent violence, Vučić replied that they didn't even have to invite anyone because, as he said, they were all coming.

"They are all coming, from these businessmen, tycoons, these multimillionaires, various. And how can you prevent violence? You can't prevent violence when someone wants violence. If someone wants to hit you, you can't prevent it. You can punish the one who did it. You can arrest him and punish him, and prevent him from committing further violence. And people who are determined to commit violence, you cannot prevent them either," Vučić said.

Events in the world and Serbia on March 15:
- 44 BC — Republican conspirators led by Brutus and Cassius in the Senate killed the Roman dictator for life, military leader and historian Gaius Julius Caesar.
- 1536 — Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent ordered the murder of his grand vizier and best friend Ibrahim Pasha
- 1848 — Street protests in Budapest began the Hungarian Revolution.
- 1917 — Under pressure from revolutionaries, the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, ending the rule of the Romanov dynasty after three centuries.
1991 — The Chairman of the Presidency of Yugoslavia and Serbia's representative in that body, Borisav Jović, resigned after the Presidency refused to declare a state of emergency in the country after the demonstrations on March 9.
2000 — Fierce clashes broke out in the Bosnjacka Mahala neighborhood in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica between Serb residents and KFOR members who were establishing a security zone in the city divided into Albanian and Serbian parts. The clashes wounded 15 Serbs and two French soldiers.
2001 — The conflict between armed Albanian extremists and Macedonian security forces escalated when fighting first spread from scattered settlements along the border with Kosovo to the outskirts of Tetovo, Macedonia's second largest city.
- Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić, assassinated three days earlier, was buried in Belgrade.
- Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Tokyo, Beirut, Paris, Washington and other cities around the world to demonstrate against the war in Iraq.
2006 — Body of Slobodan Milosevic brought to Belgrade.
2011 — Civil war begins in Syria.
2019 ---Terrorist attack on mosque in New Zealand
2020 --- State of emergency declared in Serbia due to coronavirus
Gendarmerie troopers in riot gear used shields and batons against students in Belgrade for the first time since they began their protests some 3 months ago on the night of Monday-Tuesday.

The students were staging a 24-hour protest around the headquarters of the Serbian state TV (RTS) after one of the public broadcaster’s journalists called them a mob during an interview with President Aleksandar Vucic earlier in the evening.

Gendarmerie troopers advanced towards student orderlies in yellow vests pushing them with their shields and striking some with batons. The troopers broke through the student line using force and formed two lines in the parking lot at the back entrance to the RTS building with their shields and batons at the ready while students chanted Put Down Your Shields and blew whistles.

The troopers ran to the back entrance of the RTS building, rammed their way through the students assembled there and entered the building.

President Aleksandar Vucic has been saying over the past few days that violence can be expected at next Saturday’s mass protest in Belgrade.
Only if Vutchich provoke violence. I'm more and more confident that someone counseling Vutchich to make one wrong move after another. That is speeding up the pace. If he didn't do anything and just was quiet nothing of this would happen. Now, we have a series of nonsensical, almost comical moves from him that just enrages people. The last one is this, "wounded policemen". Bad students wounded him in that lite pushing around 😄

(probably fake, as anything he says in order to provoke some civil war)
Seems that the case is already solved (thanks to internet and to fact that everyone filming everything with mobile phones). Images and videos shows that wounded policeman was in civilian clothing among the protesters (they do that, to have control on the situation), and that gendarmerie hit him with the baton. Another nonsense attempt by Vutchich.

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