Even if your government is largely compliant with the EU, they may still want to coup it because of the somewhat pro-Russian stance. The eurocrats want totalitarian control and submission, just look at Romania.
It is also possible that they hope to create enough chaos in Serbia (and Bosnia) to eventually drag Russia into it.
In fact, the major crisis in Bosnia
at the same time where the Serbian part is pitted against the rest is also highly suspicious:
Bosnian authorities have ordered the arrest of the leaders of Republika Srpska
And regarding Bosnia, Serbia has already taken a confrontational course towards the eurocrats:
Still another reason for a Western coup against the Serbian government.
Let me try again. But this is really the last time. And it will be in short. Its very time consuming.
Serbia had its "Maidan" in 2000. Way before Ukraine and any other country. So, in 2014. we really knew everything there is to know about colored revolutions.
In 2000. the power were installed by the West. After that, happens what usually is in any other country where West installed the government. Plundering, devastation of old and strong companies - the usual thing for such situations. People were not happy, but didnt knew enough and was really divided. To calm down people of Serbia, so that they don't overthrow the government, the West installed a couple of different governments during the years. We even had nationalist one.
That lasted until 2012. with increasing people's discontent by the day.
In 2012. the West sensed that is time for shuffle again, if they don't want the real popular uprise. Since government till 2012. was democratic (fake of course) the West installed Vutchich's party, which were nationalist (fake, of course, but the West thought that Serbs love serbian nationalism and are fed up by democratic government, lets give them nationalist one).
At first it was another guy, older, lame, good for nothing, and then came younger Vutchich.
Vutchich figured out (or the West told him) that Serbs are nationalist and they love Russia and Kosovo. So, for the people of Serbia he pretended to be nationalist who loves Russia and Kosovo. But, in the same time working everything that the West wanted. He was talking that he is nationalist and that he loves Russia for the people to be calm, and behind the back colaborated with the West.
The West thought that its going to works just as it worked with their installed governments for years now.
But, the problem is that Vutchich is psychopath (its not me trying to curse on him, its doctors who gave the diagnose. It even wasn't needed, his acts show everything)
He got himself in just any type of criminal there is. Surrounding himself with more and more criminal types of people. He figured out that he can be extremely rich and powerful if he plunder the country for himself. So he did. Of course he got with the WEF gang, Deep state, you name it. Anything that helps his illusion of grandeur.
And slowly he eroded and destroyed all and any institution of state in Serbia, and replaced them with his gang members who are responsible only to him, not to the people or the state. Vutchich and his brother runs EVERYTHING in Serbia. From just all ministry departments to the last mayor and schools' head masters.
All that time he was "for Russia and Kosovo", and all that time the West was letting him do whatever he wants in Serbia if he listens to them. Which he did, even more that they told him to.
The people of Serbia were gradually learning of all of that through the years. The rise of Putin and Russia was very encouraging for them.
Vutchich mistakes were piling up through the years. People were more and more discontent and annoyed by him.
Initial ignition (lets call it like that), was shooting at one elementary school in Belgrade. People rose up. Hundreds of thousands of people were on the streets demanding justice, security, Vutchich to go. And then enters serbian fake opposition, made up from previous pro - Western governments (they made bi party system just like the one in the US). Fake opposition led people in series of fake and pointless actions, just so that people loose the interest (opposition is like security valve for the West). And people got disappointed and loose the interest.
Enter 2024. and terrible accident when 15 people died in accident on Novi Sad's railway station because of corruption. Of course the main "engineer" and racket collector was Vutchich. He is not satisfied with millions of dollars and euros anymore, he wants tens and hundreds of millions, so he must run all the schemes himself. Even that one for the reconstruction of one railway station.
People rose up again. Comes fake opposition and USAID's NGOs again to calm people down. And they almost succeeded if it wasn't for one incident.
Students from university of Novi Sad held a vigil for the dead. Then thugs from Vutchich party (his party is his army just as NSDAP and SS) beat up those students. To "calm down the situation". (if you ask why would they do that, if it doesn't go with their plans, the answer is: because how it is done in mafia style, psychopathic countries. Because criminals and psychopaths doesn't think, just do). And then "all the hell broke lose". All students were on the streets, people woke up again and joined them. Couple of professors at first, and then more and more. Students went on foot from town to town to show people that is not real what Vutchich fed them on the news.
Vutchich wanted to talk to them, but they brushed him of and said to him that its not his job to work with their demands. They want the prosecution and institutions of state to deal with their demands, not President Vutchich. They just ignored him. That got the psychopath enraged because he is all and everything in this country, HE IS ALL INSTITUTIONS, he destroyed all institutions. Meanwhile, thanks to the students, people stoped to live in fear. No one fears Vutchich and his party thugs and internet bots anymore. There were couple of situation where thugs wanted to beat people, but just got beaten up by people themselves.
So, NO ONE WANTS VUTCHICH TO RESIGN, no one is interested in Russia, Ukraine, east or west, or any other geopolitical matter. Students and people just wants the countries institutions in their own country to do their job, so that they can live normal lifes.
Of course there were influences from the West, maybe from the East, but Serbs concluded general agreement to put all that aside until this situation is resolved (and by the consequence of that, actually got their independence and sovereignty back in their hands and reinstituted them as a nation).
Everyone at this moment are fighting for Serbia, future and each other. They will fight between each other later (its more or less unofficial national sport anyway).
So, every party, faction and individual are under the students lead voluntarily. The situation that didn't happen since world war one.
No party, other countrie's or any other flags, insignias or ideas permitted, only serbian flag, coat of armor and songs. With only one idea: that country and its institutions must work their job. If Vutchich falls out in the proces, even the better. But, no one permits him to stay in president place for two years more, as is legal mandate. Everything that is happening between the people and him is his fault, from his own nonsensical actions.
That's why I am saying that is irrelevant, totally not important who started this and who wants their piece of cake. We deal with them after we deal with this bigger problem first.
In short.