In SC Alaska, it is 25°F (-3.8°C). It has been between 30 to 40 degrees over the last week, so it is warmer than average. This year's snow accumulation is scant, and the south facing slopes have no snow cover.
I woke this morning to a trumpeting sound, I thought was a road grader or plow truck, but it sounded different... it happened several more times and it had a resonance that sounded like a wind event - even though at ground level it is a slight breeze. You can hear the wind, just like you hear a river off in the distance.
So, I checked the local news, and there were reports of 100 mph winds, with one home losing its roof! This was two days prior.
Around my house, the wind was strong enough to briefly knock out the power.
So, it is warmer and windy here.