What's the weather where you are?

Here in Sydney we've had lots of heavy rain for days, this is what the morning paper had to say about it:

'More than 160 millimetres of rain had fallen on the CBD by 6pm yesterday. A meteorologist with the weather forecaster Weatherzone, said it was Sydney's wettest 72-hour period in four years, and the wettest 72-hour period in July for 59 years.'
Sweden is cracklin' - that (below) was June, and I've noticed more thus far this month.

Right now it is calm, earlier this night there was plenty of thunder and lightning, and lights occasionally flickered.
In Southern California, it's been ranging from 70-90F in the day and 50-70F in the night the past month. I think it's been a bit cooler than usual, because I recall massive heatwaves in July and summer in general, and I only remember one happening recently. Then again, my family uses the air conditioning so much that a little 90F heat is appreciated in my book!
We drove to Weimar on the 13th... rained ALL THE WAY across France and into Germany. Got so bad we stopped for the night along the way. Next morning was gorgeous. A few warm days, intermittant showers, and then we came home on the 21st... a few showers on the drive, but mostly sunny.

Now, at home, it has been cool but sunny. It was about 12.5 C this morning and it is 21 C right now, the hottest part of the day. That's about 70 F.

We've had about two weeks total of hot weather here this year. Not all in a run, but a few days, then rain, cooler, heats up, rains, cools off... overall, I'd say it's been cooler than past years.

Back in 2004, Europe was hit with heat the same way the U.S. is getting it right now. People were dying, the sky was hazy with dust from it being so dry, but there were strange sunsets with sun-pillars from ice in the upper atmosphere.

I'm not complaining about the cool weather but it IS a little weird wearing sweaters in July.
Gawan said:
cassandra said:
Something electrical is going on. A few nights ago there were flashes every couple of minutes. Thinking someone was taking pictures, I looked out of the window and saw forked lightening in the distance without rain or thunder. It went on for some time. I've never seen that before either and it was quite something.

It may could be heat lightnings.

To the weather where I live, there are at the moment no summer temperatures and lots of rain and sometimes it feels like autumn.

yes the weather here in germany really feels like autumn in the moment, today at 11:00 in the morning it was 12 °C "warm", and that is supposed to be the high summer time. one day it can get pretty warm and then switch fast to lower temperatures and the other way arround....
Not sure how to quote things, but it's funny you say that about the hazy sky, Laura, because I don't think I've ever seen that before. But when my daughter had her accident a couple days ago, one thing I remember about riding in the ambulance was looking at the sky, and how orange and fuzzy the sun looked, almost like a double sun. It was really strange.
Despite the US and Canada being in a heat-wave, her in the Rockies its being downright cold and wet; could have had fires in the hearth for much of the last week - hovering at +/- 10c at night in mid July.
I have some strange weather going on right now. There is a large cloud above the area, it's gray. But it's sunny because the sun is west of me and the cloud is over top. It's thundering but not raining. It is exactly 100 degrees. The thunder is every few seconds. I haven't seen lightening.

One cloud. I tried to get pictures, but it seems my battery is dead to the camera.

It's really strange having a hot (very hot and humid) sunny day with one large cloud causing loud thunder right on top of my neighborhood.

Ok this is 10 minutes later, one of my friends is 2 miles northwest, and he is getting rain and wind. Hmmmm Pop up storms were not predicted.

Somewhat odd.
I've only lived here in the Top End of Oz for 3 years now so its hard to figure out what's 'normal' but we are having the most fantastic 'dry season'. Typically 26-28c during the day with sunny skies, sometimes a bit smokey with all the burn off that happens at time of year. Evenings dropping to about 11-15c which for me is ideal sleeping temp.
This is our 'coldest dry' but apparently this is what it used to be like, according to long standing Darwinites. Who knows what the wet will bring but I will keep you posted.
The last few days have been unbearably hot here in the Northeast US, with Friday being the hottest day ever recorded in many cities. Newark, NJ broke the old record for hottest day ever by 4 decrees Fahrenheit at 108 with a heat index of about 118! Saturday was a bit cooler at 'only' 102 with a heat index of about 110. Sunday is forecast to be only in the low 90's which is normally considered a very hot day, but things being relative, it will probably feel a whole lot better than what we have just gone through.
Re: What's the weather where you are at?

[quote author=Deedlet]

Especially because the MSM had stated that this is going to be an "unusually warm summer" and it's been the complete opposite![/quote]

Yup, think even the farmers almanac was saying this for the BC region. Even if August gets hot, and it could traditionally, the overnight recovery and sorter days towards the mid to end of the month, along with frost potentials, likely will average out to the most cool spring/summer I've remembered in these parts. There is still winter snow's yet too melt and some within north/east aspects may not leave this year, thus the snow-pack builds not shrinks.
Today stumbled upon Steven Goddard's (Global Warming denier) blog. Curiously enough, it is named "Real Science" and has an image of Wizard of Oz's Dorothy and Toto on it. And I saw the following newspaper clippings that show how during Ice Age there were harsh and long winters, but there were also particularly dry and suffocating summers. If so, can latest summers, first in Europe last year and now in US, be a sign of things to come?

Extreme Heat And Drought During The Little Ice Age


Fire And Ice


here in North Germany, we have extremely mixed weather, hot days ( up to 30 degree) and the
next day I must wear socks and have to heating up the oven, there are cellars under water ,roof tiles on the ground, cause of the storm.... totally creazy, our farmers are out of control, they say they seldom have had so an impermanent weather....as soon as the sun comes out after the rain, they drive with their agricultural engines, as they where followed by the devil.

I am happy that we have a good insurance against elemantal damages !!!!! ;)

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