What's the weather where you are?

Avala said:
Feeling sorry for the people, even for the people you don't know personally, is normal, but panicking and worrying without the concrete personal problem which is right in front of you in this very moment, is not BEING ABLE TO DO for yourself and for the others.

But this is not panicking. This is only analysis of the situation. I have no reason to panic because I am in no danger of floods in any way. And in my opinion sharing the information with others IS a way of DOING.

And, if nothing else, with those videos I might help SOTT team create new Summary of Earth Changes for May. I think they have plenty of material in there. ;)
Dirgni said:
Last year about this time and at some other times during the last about 15 year we had extreme floods with houses and cattle lost and much land under water in Germany.

I remember hearing about floods in Western Europe every year. This time for some reason this flood storm came to the East.

Dirgni said:
A lot of trouble can be avoided when we stick together and help each other.


Dirgni said:
Good luck Meri, Avala and Persej. Take care.

Thank you. :)
Dirgni said:
Good luck Meri, Avala and Persej. Take care.

I second that. The floods in Serbia & Bosnia didn't make much of a mention in the Australian news, so I looked it up and it looks pretty bad! There look to be literally whole suburbs submerged. Take care guys :hug2:
Oxajil said:
Is there a landslide occurring near you? Maybe there is a place where you can temporarily stay that seems to be landslide-free/safe, i.e. a place that isn't ''near steep slopes, close to mountain edges, near drainage ways or along natural erosion valleys.''?

Sun is finally shining, so if my land survived so far I think I am OK. Of course I will be looking for any of those possible signs.

But this is what I find very dangerous with floods. In the next couple of days there will be no rain and clouds. Only sunshine. But in the same time rivers Sava and Danube will constantly rise! Today meteorologists say that the maximum will be reached in 21st May. And the maximum will be even bigger. For example in Šabac it will be 710cm, not 680cm. And I think that many people will go out and say "what a wonderfull weather, the river must be going down" when the fact is quite the opposite!

And about that headquarters in Šabac that was disbanded - it seems that it was disbanded because the leaders in that town are from different party than the one that is in the head of the country. So even in times like this you have big influence of politics! And people say that politics is not important. :rolleyes:
Arwenn said:
The floods in Serbia & Bosnia didn't make much of a mention in the Australian news, so I looked it up and it looks pretty bad! There look to be literally whole suburbs submerged.

Well, I think that world news agencies love big numbers so they are waiting to get some. But out Prime Minister said that they will not release any numbers or disturbing images before this disaster ends. So even we here do not know exact numbers of casualties or destroyed infrastructure. But they are big.
Persej said:
Avala said:
Feeling sorry for the people, even for the people you don't know personally, is normal, but panicking and worrying without the concrete personal problem which is right in front of you in this very moment, is not BEING ABLE TO DO for yourself and for the others.

But this is not panicking. This is only analysis of the situation. I have no reason to panic because I am in no danger of floods in any way. And in my opinion sharing the information with others IS a way of DOING.

And, if nothing else, with those videos I might help SOTT team create new Summary of Earth Changes for May. I think they have plenty of material in there. ;)

Well, OK then, that sounds good. You did make impression like you are panicking in some posts. At least to me. I wouldn't say that I have some normalcy bias, I just like to have my head cool. The rain seems to stop and now we have titles in the newspaper such as: "while some people are grounding in the water, some are grounding with the water" :) because panicking masses bought all drinking water they could. News and journalists are to blame for spreading the panic of course.
Here, one picture form the Facebook which illustrates situation. The first picture says Belgrade (which is the capital, and didn't affected much with the floods) the lower says Serbia (they mean the rest of it, which is affected). I saw this personally last night too. The panicking masses really are like herd, and with the real danger only as some distant possibility. Its interesting that they are buying only water and toilet paper, nothing of a caned food or similar.



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I don't understand why people are attacking Belgradians for buying drinking water. The reason why they were doing that is because somebody yesterday spread the news that water in Belgrade is not good for drinking. And people naturally decided to buy water. That news was latter on denounced, but then again who can guarantee that water will not become problem in a next few days? It maybe looks funny on the photo but I think that it is actually logical behaviour.
Logical would be to buy all sorts of supplies, not just water and toilet paper (like they are going to s.it till the end of the world) That on the picture is just panic and media programing. Also would be logical to think is there really a need for that, and not to believe the "news". Logical would be also to try to find out is it really possible for water system in Belgrade to get polluted (BTW very hardly, the system is pretty large and new, the biggest on the Balkan together with Athens system).

At least 50% of all the "show" you see on TV is just for the daily political use for the incompetent authorities. Their degree of pathology is so high that they are really use any and all chance for self promotion. The damage is big and devastating, but pathological will "ride" on the show as much as they can. If you want to help, help your neighbor, or elsewhere when you really can help PERSONALLY.

BTW, I live in Belgrade :)
I came home in Belgarde from Croatia couple hours ago passing Zupanja where river Sava brake the defence , terrible scenes
in Bosnia river Bosnia covee whole city in couple of minutes water is somewhere deep 4 meters in city.
It starts look like the new sea..-ts interactive map of flodding on Al jazeera Balkans web sitehttp://balkans.aljazeera.net/vijesti/interaktivno-poplave-i-klizista-u-regiji


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Obrenovac: http://www.webtv.rs/play/67568/najnoviji-snimci-iz-vazduha-poplavljenog-obrenovca
Krupanj: http://www.webtv.rs/play/67565/pomoc-blic-fondacije-krupnju

One person on second video said that there is one dead person and several missing in that town and that government did not report about that and that people should know what is going on out there. And that he is angry for lack of news about that town.

Well, there is certainly lack of news about many places. Government is still hiding numbers.
Meri said:
I came home in Belgarde from Croatia couple hours ago passing Zupanja where river Sava brake the defence , terrible scenes

Here is video of that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xon_cpLydrI#t=42
It is very scary.
I personally talked with two policemen, and one gendarme, who are my relatives, and one friend who is volunteer, and all of them now in town of Obrenovac, situation is much worse than you see on tv. They said that it was good for two days, they was managing evacuation and water slowly but successfully. Then Serbian idiot politician Aleksandar Vucic, who is at the moment in the role of "Prime minister" take in situation "in his hands" and started to "manage it himself". As they said it all went down, idiot sent them hundreds of volunteers which are useless because they don't know what to do, no one give them any tool or even food, mechanisation is on wrong places, all organization is very bad. Unfortunately victim rate increased, in their words: "dead animals and people corpses are now floating around us", they estimate that victim numbers is going up to tens, not 4-5 as TV says. Also almost all we see on tv is just a charade and political marketing.
Thank you Avala for that info. That's what I suspected. Things are much worse than on TV. They did a same coup in Šabac. People are talking in news comments that the same disorganization is in that town too. And when you put psychos in control even an unbreakable things can brake. They are completely incompetent and the worst is yet to come. That sounds like recipe for disaster to me! I hope I'm wrong. :/
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