What's the weather where you are?

Nienna Eluch said:
KJN said:
I spotted this in my local newspaper and I thought it made a stab at summing up US weather. This doesn't include the recent devastation from H. Irene, nor earthquakes and such. FWIW:

Interesting how they are blaming it on man-made global warming.

It's like splitting hairs, but re-reading the article, there was only one mention of man-made global warming––which was not stated as a full-out endorsement, just a game raiser.

KJN said:
What's happening, say experts, is mostly random chance or bad luck. But there is something more to it, many of them say. Man-made global warming is increasing the odds of getting a bad roll of the dice.

The Cs said the human influence was 4% which may indeed have a small statistical significance. The "experts" prefer to think of it as "random chance or bad luck."

The other mentions were just unspecified global warming (carefully stated or dumbly assuming, who knows- but at least not overly biased) - which perhaps leaves the meaning or intention of these instances up to the individual mindset or knowledge-base.
Here in Arizona we broke a record for the most 110 + days ever, it really has been absurdly hot. This Sunday will be the first day i can remember the high being sub 100 temperature wise, granted its only just at 99.
KJN said:
The Cs said the human influence was 4% which may indeed have a small statistical significance. The "experts" prefer to think of it as "random chance or bad luck."

The other mentions were just unspecified global warming (carefully stated or dumbly assuming, who knows- but at least not overly biased) - which perhaps leaves the meaning or intention of these instances up to the individual mindset or knowledge-base.

What I got from what the C's said is that the human influence is negligible.

However, what I was getting at is that it was being blamed on us. Even though it was said only once, it was still there. Therefore, in many minds, any other mention of global warming is, in essence, man-made. So what they are trying to say is that if we can just stop creating global warming (which has actually been gone since 1998, I think it was. The planet is now in a cooling mode, and very close to an ice age, and yet here "they" are saying this is all because of global warming.), everything will calm down and go back to "normal".

Do you see what I am saying here? They are making people think that if they just quit doing what they are being told is creating the problem, it will be fixed. But it won't be fixed because it is not being created by humans, or cows, or pigs or whatever else they can blame it on. And they are keeping this from the public. Need to keep trying to get those carbon taxes going, along with keeping everyone in the dark as to why the climate is going bonkers.

In NW, Oregon: this week in the 90s,
and next week forecast is in the 80s.

Wildfires in the Mt. Hood & south, still battling:
it is supposed to be high summer or the beginning of it now here in southwest germany.
the air temperature is very low especially when the sun is not shining at the moment. at night the temperature goes down to about 10°C and during the day it is at most about 20°C. it really feels very cold for high summer.
the air temperature in general so far in this summer is kind of weird here OSIT.

also there is another thing, when I look at the rain it seems like the consistence of it has changed. I don't know if it actually the case or just my imagination because I pay more attention then before ?

it seems like the drops are denser/heavier a bit like sleet. maybe it is becouse the upper layers of the athmosphere are cooling and/or there is more material (dust?) in the air that causes the drops to become more densier/heavier in appearance?

Edit: more specific
Weird indeed.
Here in Wisconsin (southern), midwest USA, we're 7" behind our annual average rainfall, and have received only .39 inches since June 1st. (.39 inches was a new record for low rainfall for June)
Dry and hot, hot, hot. Breaking heat records, low rainfall records... Hard to believe we were flooding and breaking rainfall records the other way just 3 and 4 years ago. Last significant rainfall was Memorial Day weekend. Seems to be wearing on folks, too, making many very irritable... myself included.

Most farmers in our area are on verge of losing crops... corn has tasseled out, but no ears, wheat and oats have dried to a crisp before it has matured, no green grass for pasturing, or hay for cutting. Soy looks like a goner... hard to get broke up about that one, but it is someone's livelihood, albeit an undesirable one.

We started putting trays of water out for birds, chipmunks, and squirrels after hearing stories of weather stressed animals. A friend was telling me of how a few young rabbits came up to her screen porch door...looking for water possibly? Another friend's mom told of how she looked out her back door and saw a squirrel sprawled out on the hammock with its head hanging over the edge. Both of these women put water out for the thirsty animals, and we began to also. It's fun to see animals frolicking at the water trays.

Keeping fingers crossed for some measurable rainfall today. Anyone know a good rain dance?
Central Florida is hot, hot hot and humid. Plenty of rain with some of the storms on the violent side
Is not any hotter or more humid than the past few years but the sun seems to burn more and faster than it used to .
We are in the 90's, so far another hot summer.
Similar to DavidHP's post, very hot and humid here in central-coast Mexico. LOTS of rain, which seems so at odds with the weather up North.

What is beginning to concern many of us is the level of hurricanes that are happening in the Eastern Pacific. There have already been 3 major ones this year(3.2 is the average for the entire year) and with the warmer-than-normal ocean temps, I would guess it's gonna be a busy season. Still nearly 4 months to go. :(

Laura said:
Practically speaking, I think food and basic necessities are going to become prohibitively expensive so now might be the time to start putting your "hurricane kit" together.

From another thread but really quite likely more poignant than ever.
in the part of my country, we directly passed from spring to fall, no summer at all, that is cold for the season, very little sunshine and rain rain rain... and it really gets on nerves of everybody here
Here, in the coast of the Basque Country is pretty hot now. When I was a child the weather was very rainy throughout the whole year, but in the summer the weather was nice and pleasant. Some weird thing I remember about the recent weather: On this May (don't remember the day) we achivied the maximum temperature of all Europe with 36ºC!! Even more than in Cairo!! The past year on July we had 21 rainy days!! It was a true record!! Since some years until now, here everyone says "The weather is crazy!! And it's true.
Maat said:
in the part of my country, we directly passed from spring to fall, no summer at all, that is cold for the season, very little sunshine and rain rain rain... and it really gets on nerves of everybody here
Britain by any chance? Yup it's been miserable here, basically wettest April-to-June period on record:

Jet Stream Changes May Bring Warmer Weather to UK

It''s partly to due with the jet stream being much further south than it should be. Thinking ahead if this were winter than I don't want to imagine how much snow and ice we'd be under. Scary weather times!
Last week I hear two words in the same sentence that were really weird, the climate guy on TV was explaining why there have been and would be rains, thunderstorms at the northen part of Mexico-which had been quite dry - http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/21/us-mexico-drought-idUSBRE82K1E520120321 --Stubborn drought expected to tax Mexico for years _http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Americas/2012/0309/Mexico-withers-under-worst-drought-in-71-years --Mexico withers under worst drought in 71 years

The SMS (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional-National Meteorology Service) told us that there would be more rains avobe the average due to the “Mexican Monsoon”, mexican monsoon????, since when we have monsoons on this part of the planet?? … so I made a quick research, and…apparently, the term has been for a while, it is just that, that is first time I hear of it, I really thought it was invented for the time being while we were/are experiencing weird weather …

_http://southwestweather.com/wx/wxmonsoon.php said:
The North American Monsoon.
Until the late 1970s, there was serious debate about whether a monsoon truly existed in North America. However, considerable research, which culminated in the Southwest Arizona Monsoon Project (SWAMP) in 1990 and 1993, established the fact that a bonafide monsoon, characterized by large-scale wind and rainfall shifts in the summer, develops over much of Mexico and the intermountain region of the U.S. Published papers at the time called this pattern by different names, including the "Summer Thunderstorm Season," "The Mexican Monsoon," "The Southwest Monsoon," and the "Arizona Monsoon."

In 2004, a major multinational research project was conducted in northwest Mexico and the southwest U.S. The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) sought to better describe the monsoon in North America, and increase our ability to predict it on a daily, weekly and seasonal basis. NAME showed that despite its many names, the weather pattern we see during the summer is not only a true monsoon, but it also affects the weather over a large portion of North America. Thus the generally accepted name is now "North American Monsoon."

A little more south, where I am, its raining, the temperature had dropped, --- well, when it rains in this city it gets colder, and I think a little more colder than other years. ... And oh! d7mn!! it is raining already!! ... 1 of 5 that I reach home dry! ... umbrella and boots would be!, I do not like them but they are usefull... :P
Last weekend it was high 90's to 100 degrees in north central Minnesota, tropical humidity in the mid 70's, it was completely draining to be outside. We've been getting the oppressive heat and humidity, then severe storms with alot of lightning and rain, the city of Duluth, Minn. was devastated by flash flooding, over 10" in a short period. Lightning struck close by our home taking out my freezer, before we discovered it we had to throw away over a thousand dollars worth of meats and produce, so it has been one summer to remember so far. :cry:
The sister of my husband lives in a little village near Montreal. This week, I think Tuesday, during 5 minutes, they had a little tornado, something very, extremely rare in Quebec. And it was just a tornado in a part or this village that coast the Saint-Laurent. Trees fell, electricity cut, it seems it was horrible and it last just 5 minutes. Also they had ping pong balls of hail.

Here in Spain in my region we have a summer but with a sun too much strong. Even at 7 pm the sun is hard like iron. Flowers, a man told me that has a garden, refuse to grow. I ask him why. He told me that flowers know if they can grow in a good ambiance or not and this year they know that it is not good for them to grow. So they refuse to grow.

But you talk to seniors and they say, as I told in another post: it is July, no worry. Even if they told me also that their harvest have difficulty this year. But if on tv the weather man repeat constantly that the weather is correct, what can we say? :halo:
There was a major 'downpour' in Beijing on Saturday (37 dead :():


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