Nienna Eluch said:KJN said:I spotted this in my local newspaper and I thought it made a stab at summing up US weather. This doesn't include the recent devastation from H. Irene, nor earthquakes and such. FWIW:
Interesting how they are blaming it on man-made global warming.
It's like splitting hairs, but re-reading the article, there was only one mention of man-made global warming––which was not stated as a full-out endorsement, just a game raiser.
KJN said:What's happening, say experts, is mostly random chance or bad luck. But there is something more to it, many of them say. Man-made global warming is increasing the odds of getting a bad roll of the dice.
The Cs said the human influence was 4% which may indeed have a small statistical significance. The "experts" prefer to think of it as "random chance or bad luck."
The other mentions were just unspecified global warming (carefully stated or dumbly assuming, who knows- but at least not overly biased) - which perhaps leaves the meaning or intention of these instances up to the individual mindset or knowledge-base.