What's the weather where you are?

The last few days is more or less cold here in NRW, Germany, between 5-10 degrees, with frozen rain falling.
So, a mix of rain and then it freezes in the air to small balls of hail.

Now is 5 degrees Celsius, with hail - AND THUNDERSTORMS!!!!!!!

I can't believe it! Thunderstorm and hail in February in Germany at 5 degrees!!!

My balcony is covered in white!

Mother Nature in NOT happy.....
Addition to Mari's weather entry


Here you can see registered lightning strikes from the past 48 hours. Those over Germany are all from today (25 Feb 2022), as cold-ish air pulled down in a very broad stream, over the open (moist) North Sea into Northwest Germany. There, with relatively mild temperatures at around 5-7°C, and with help of the higher sun, it created ideal conditions to for afternoon thunderstorms. (The temperature between upper and lower atmosphere must be around 40°K or larger in order for thunderstorms to appear) In Germany thunderstorms aren't that unusual this time of the year with the right conditions (e.g. cold winds form NW, and "relative mild" ground temperatures and the sun already getting stronger).

What comes to my mind is however, that the weather situation over Europe reminds me more like springtime (end of March), and not the end of February...


Stockholm, Sweden
25 Feb 2022

Even up here in Stockholm, everything reminds me of the weather you would normally get in the end of March, or first week of April. The shifts between snowy winter landscape and mild thawing weather are now even more rapid than I mentioned in my earlier entries.

After the storm a couple days ago, we got winter conditions, extremely icy roads just everywhere (due to the previously mild temperatures and rain as the core of the storm passed over Stockholm) - quickly froze over just hour afterwards in gusty winds form the north, turning streets into ice skating surfaces. (not fun!) Then all of the sudden, mild again. Early this morning however, and to me totally unexpected - everything switched to winter again, with 4 cm snow (see pictures)

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And now, early evening ? Most snow is gone. +3°C (37.4°F) The maximum today reached 4.7°C (39.2°F)

So yeah, this whole weather pattern feels very much like end of March / beginning of April (back and forth weather, between winter and spring).

Thunderstorms however, really don't show up this time of the year. (maybe once per 15-20 years) For T-storms to form over Stockholm you need a sun that stands higher.... like she does in April (or like now over Germany), in order to experience an occasional bang (usually like an afternoon, inland shower towering, giving off a few thunders).
Getting wetter by the minute as a small proportion of the rain that's fallen on Queensland and New South Wales finally ends up in Victoria. The flooding in the two Northern States has been so bad that it's minimised any other news coverage. "Palachook" (Palaszczuk - QLD Premier) said that Queensland had received 80% of it's annual rainfall in 3 days. That's pretty significant.
In the Mountains over the last 48hrs.
Current location Weather Results
Partly cloudy

43°F°C Precipitation: 0% Humidity: 32% Wind: 7 mph
Reno, NV Sunday 1:00 PM Partly cloudy with a plausible future forecast as Winter hold its grip with 15 days until spring.

Meanwhile on the flipside:

The #gelées will spread tomorrow morning, and there will be few sectors to escape it (south of the Garonne, shores of the Mediterranean, lower Rhône valley, Cotentin, south-Vendée and the Breton coast). 🗺️ Risk of frost 07/03 - PE-Arome model via

Stockholm, Sweden
8 March 2022

Largely every day in the past 10 days, we have had sunny weather !! It is a very profound switch, going from the more dull-ish winter oriented weather, into this sudden long period of daily, invigorating, bright light and fantastic blue skies. Did I mention that the in-door plants absolutely love it :lol: They are all "on fire", e.g. growing visibly stronger by the day.

Daytime temperatures have increased a bit, reaching 8-9°C (46.6 - 48.2°F) today in Stockholm (earlier during this sunshine period 3-5° or 37-41°F). The nights are still cold; down to -4°C in the suburbs (24.8°F) Overall, the mild weather equals to what you would expect in April in our region.

On a personal note
With everything that is going on... I sometimes feel how surreal it is, to walk in beautiful LaLa land when the sun shines brightly (and yet with that constant feeling of not being able to relax in this "peace & pseudo reality" up here). My heart aches from the abyss of lies and deceptions, which just seem to be endless, the more and deeper I look/read into subjects... making my head spin, difficult to detach from it. The sensation of increasingly split realities comes to mind, and I have not found any rest in that beautiful weather.

Albeit, I do enjoy that the light seem to elevate internal energies :-)

Abundance of sunshine also in the Netherlands. The sun is about to set a new record for the most hours of sunshine ever in the first ten days of March with a projected 89 hours. The average for the early March period is 39 hours. The whole month may also be breaking the record of sunshine hours (currently at 208) with a projected total of 200 hours to be reached as early as March 23. Full details here:

Sunniest start of March ever measured in Netherlands
Here in Alaska, snow. Heavy and wet. At least it's relatively warm at about 36°F. In the last few days, there has been about a foot of accumulation, and it is the heavy snow.

Our snowfall has been above normal. Today I started to go to the store, but turned around when I saw the conditions of the road.
Yesterday we had some snow, in southwest Ohio, after having some previous days with temperatures up to 15 or more degrees Celsius, today it dropped to negative temperatures and tonight we got down to -9 C in the early morning.
Stockholm, Sweden
13 March 2022

Despite the incredible, almost always sunny weather up here, for over 2 weeks now - with very mild temperatures during the day (today +12°C | 53.6°F) - yet with nights that are still very cold (always freezing). Svanberga, 80 km from here, reported -7°C / 19.4°F) What I wanted to point out is, that despite the mild temperatures, we have plenty of ice left in the suburbs of Stockholm. No snow, but ice-ice on most grass grounds and even near roads/streets who reside in the shadows. That ice is still from February...(you would think that it would been gone after a week, but no...)

We went out last night, in order to watch the Northern Lights (the first outburst of the evening), but we couldn't even walk though the grass field areas near the forest, because of all the ice (It was like "walking on eggs", and we thought, nah, we need our bones a while longer) and went through the ice-free forest, through branches and such. It felt like children's adventure.

When we reached the lake, while I was talking images (no Northern Lights left), i suddenly heard a big *SPLASH*.... Well, Tekki plunged through the ice into the cold water near the shore. Boy, she so didn't like it.... but was fine, nevertheless. We couldn't avoid to laugh a lot, my husband and I, as were so taken aback from that sudden, loud splash... 😅

2022-03-09-02-53-00.jpg 2022-03-14-01-00-29.jpg
First image • 9 March
Second image • 13 March 2022

2022-03-13-20-13-17.jpg 2022-03-13-20-10-56.jpg
Third image • the little frozen late with the sign of Orion in the distance
Fourth image • Tekki, "the funny bunny"... after the Splash through the ice...
Stockholm, Sweden
Sunshine Hours • 25 Feb - 15 March 2022

We are up at 18 consecutive days with sunshine here in Stockholm - which I find pretty remarkable. In that period, we had 171 hours of sunshine, which averages to 9 hours sunshine per day. When compared with the previous 18 day period, the average was just 2.9 hours per day (which isn't too shabby for February, really)

Here is an illustration
showing daily sunshine hours over Stockholm since 1 Feb 2022. Like a switch was flipped on since 25 Feb.
Simply remarkable... It even may continue like this, another week - as it is predicted that another high pressure area establishes itself over Scandinavia creating an "Omega" blocking weather pattern, possibly culminating with +15°C / 59°F later on (25 march). Frankly, that too far into the prediction period, and I take that with a grain of salt.

Any of you folks in Germany (or anybody) heard of this phenomenon - saw it on several Telegram channels:

"Some say it’s sulfur dioxide, poisonous, causing breathing issues (more “Covid”), destroying the soil (starvation), lockdowns. Convenient, hmmm? The 3 in 1 deal. It cannot be sand because it does not come from Sahara, see video, all over Europe."

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