What's the weather where you are?

Any of you folks in Germany (or anybody) heard of this phenomenon - saw it on several Telegram channels:

"Some say it’s sulfur dioxide, poisonous, causing breathing issues (more “Covid”), destroying the soil (starvation), lockdowns. Convenient, hmmm? The 3 in 1 deal. It cannot be sand because it does not come from Sahara, see video, all over Europe."

The link did nor work, Jefferson. But i believe this one is correct.

It refers to an entry at a Telegram channel, showing a SO2 map over Germany on 26 Feb 2022. I can’t say anything to that other than speculating. When I checked the recent windy map about SO2 over Europe - I couldn’t see anything unusual - other than that Etna being a local source of SO2

I will not yet attach an iphone screen shot to my entry here, because the png files an iPhone produces, are really hefty with 7.9 Mb (!) each.

Instead i’ll prepare a jpg image in the morning when it get home from work and post it here.

Windy.com makes some funky “advertising” at the same time - such as: “Scared of WW3? Check current radiation levels”.

I found a workaround to get down the file size of a png 7.9 Mb screen shot. I send the image to my “save message” telegram account. And from there i save a slimmed down jpg of only 184 kb. Much lighter for a forum thread to load.


SO2 - 17 March 2022

So above you see the situation with SO2 over Europe last evening 17 march. Nothing special.

I may have to go back to the 26 25 feb 2022, trying to find weather charts in order to see what kind of weather situation existed over Germany. Could it have locked in SO2 from coal power plants due to an inversion ? That is my theory.

At Kachelmann for example, no unusual levels of SO2 have been measures over Germany on 26 Feb 2022. (Last image)

So i am not sure what Windy.com was doing… trying to test psychological scare scenarios or something ? I mean Windy.com is a lot about projections and fancy colorful models.

Cloud satellite imaging however, they are good at. But that’s about it.

Stockholm, Sweden
18-19 March 2022

But first regarding the air quality over Germany 25 Feb 2022, I really don't know what those supposedly high levels of SO2 (via Windy.com) was about. I didn't connect this before; because on the same day, there was a strong inflow of coolish air, creating numerous thunderstorms over the middle western part of Germany - which Mari mentioned on the same day 25 Feb 2022 in her entry

The last few days is more or less cold here in NRW, Germany, between 5-10 degrees, with frozen rain falling.
So, a mix of rain and then it freezes in the air to small balls of hail.

Now is 5 degrees Celsius, with hail - AND THUNDERSTORMS!!!!!!!

I can't believe it! Thunderstorm and hail in February in Germany at 5 degrees!!!

So, my theory of a possible inversion keeping SO2 "locked in" at the lower atmosphere, bursted into nothingness, simply because there were no such conditions over Germany on that day. The atmosphere was well stirred, after a passage of a cold front, belonging to a low pressure area, which over Stockholm on 24 Feb caused plenty of snowfall (which got refrozen, creating ice everywhere at first, whose patches we still can spot on the ground on 19 March, albeit very little by now).

Interesting phenomena - Peculiar "Milky high Clouds"

Fast forward. The recent low pressure area over Spain, created some really interesting cloud appereances in satellite charts. I have often been fascinating by the visual appearance - which seem to occur 1-2 times every year, often in spring - and I have no clue why that is: They are very dense high clouds, which look like a sea of milk, standing out extra bright in satellite images. Normally you see Cirrus clouds (in IR images) more like large feathery, fibrous patches with details, surrounding low pressure areas, especially combined with a warm front (like in the first image from 14 March 2022, 15.00 UTC)

But then they turn very different from 16 March 2022 and onwards; totally washed/white-out, without any details, even stretching out all the way up to the extreme north of Norway, Finland and Sweden.

I did notice them over Stockholm when they arrived in the west - turning the blue sky from super sunny - into something monotonous "foggy" gray shortly after.


More sunshine ☀️ over Stockholm

The weather up here seem to reach a culmination in the upcoming days, with very mild temperatures (13°C / 55.4°F), yet still frosty nights (except when the aforementioned "milky clouds" covered our sky, giving off a few drops of rain, while night felt unusual mild at around 4°C/ 39°F.

Right now
19 Mar 2022, 03:30

The skies have once again cleared up and it is cold. -4.5°C / 23.9°F in Stockholm-Tullinge, one of those typical "frost-holes" located in the outer suburbs. The City itself reports +1.3° / 34.5°F at 03:00


0% precipitation

Since 1 March, Stockholm have had 0% measurable precipitation. (Actually nothing has come down since 25 Feb 2022 in Stockholm) With all the old leafs and grass being super dry, a risk/warning for grass fires have been issued. (We get that every time in spring)

I used SMHI's charts, in order to illustrate a chart in which you can see daily precipitation charts for Sweden since 24 Feb 2022.

It looks pretty empty.

Here in Stockholm
22 March 2022

the sunny weather has continued, ever since 25 Feb. The other day we had 13°C, but only 50-100 km NW of Stockholm, temperatures rose to a fascinating 16-17°C. Albeit during the night (in those areas) it tumbled down to -6°C. - - In fact a couple heat records for march have been broken in Middle and North Sweden (Norrland) in places like Örskär (Svealand), Delsbo, Umeå and Katterjåkk.

Here in the city at night, frost has started to loose its grip. And yet, I can still see a few patches of ice, originated from 24 Feb 2022, visible on grass in areas protected from the sun.

Father Frost likely making a comeback

It appears that winter is coming back in a week, possibly with temperatures staying below freezing during a couple of days 🥶 and then continue to hover slightly around the freezing point. Perhaps that isn’t so strange, given how early into spring we are located; the month of march can be quite wintry up here, still.
Here in North Cyprus it is very cold with icy winds. Papers say it is the coldest March in 37 years. Plus we are getting power cuts daily for ust over one hour as the power station is not able to cope with the increased demand for the heating required. Has been a lot of rain too but some days nice and sunny early afternoon. But not today - it is ice cold and windy :-)
Wow, and *brrrrr* 🥶 happyliza….

That doesn’t look warm at all in Cyprus. I just had to look how the temperatures look like, visually over Europe, and of course Cyprus… So here it goes…. The other day we had higher temperatures in Stockholm compared to Sicily (Catania). It’s still not warm there, but the clouds have disappeared now - but instead affecting Greece, Turkey and… Cyprus.

Source: Sunniest March ever recorded in Netherlands

Friday, March 25, 2022 - 15:40

Sunniest March ever recorded in Netherlands​

Today is the 17th sunny day this month in the Netherlands. The total number of sunshine hours reached 211 hours this afternoon. With that, the previous record for sunniest March on record - 208 hours of sunshine in 2014 - is officially broken, Weer.nl reports.

On average, the Netherlands only gets about 146 hours of sunshine in March. As this month still has nearly a week to go, Weer.nl expects the record to be around 250 hours of sunshine in March - almost 50 hours more than a typical summer month.

Today is the 13th day of good weather in De Bilt this month - a day with no rain, higher than average temperatures, and sunshine more than half the day. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday are also expected to see good weather, bringing the counter to 16 and setting a record. The current record is held by 2014 and 2017, each of which had 14 good weather days in March. Typically, March has five good weather days.

With all the nice weather, this month could also set the record for driest March on record. So far, an average of 4.7 millimeters of rain has fallen over the country this month. The current forecasts predict some showers in the last three days of the month, but only light rain. The current record is held by 1929, with 9.5 mm of rain in March. Typical rainfall for the month of March is 56 mm.

Coverage in Dutch:
Het is nu al de zonnigste maart ooit gemeten! - Weer.nl
Deze maand nu al de zonnigste maart ooit in Nederland
Waterschappen bezorgd over droogte na vier weken zonder regen
Zonnigste maart ooit gemeten: 'Het record wordt verpulverd'
Maart roert dan toch nog zijn staart: zon in het weekend, maar dan...
And the last week of February was also very sunny. The sun came out (at least where I live) on Thursday the 24th of February, the first day of Russia's incursion in Ukraine and has been shining every day of this past month. Yes, it rained a bit and a few days the mornings started with grey skies, but each time the sun came out afterwards. It has been a very good month, and little heating was needed during the day!
Lower Austria, Southern Part.

After having long weeks with cold temperatures - in the night often from -3° to -8° , in the day 5-8° (which is definitely to low for this time of year) we now have what seems to be spring, temperatures about 15-18°,, sunny and one could enjoy the weather.

BUT: We did not get any rain or even snow for weeks. Everything is dry and the air is not very good go breath, too much dust. At the moment it looks like we could get some rain next week - but very often the weather does not follow the forecasts.

Fields are getting dry, we will see . . .
25 March 2022
Same situation (no rain) here in East Sweden

The chart shows very clearly how little precipitation has come down in the first 24 days of March 2022 In Stockholm 0 mm since 25 Feb 2022. Practically entire South and middle Sweden received less than 10 mm.

Highest temperatures today was measured in Kalmar (SE Sweden) with +17.1°C or 63°F. Stockholm made it to 14°C.

New UPDATE on the damage caused by the storms in February mentioned in posts #3,783, #3,785, #3,789 and #3,796.
Source (Dutch only): 600 bomen omgewaaid in Amsterdam door februaristormen, stad doet onderzoek

600 trees blown down in Amsterdam by February storms, city investigates
29 March 2022 14:04 Last update: 2 hours ago

Due to the heavy storms in February, approximately 600 trees were blown down in the city of Amsterdam. In the Amsterdamse Bos another 110 large trees fell, writes alderman Jakob Wedemeijer in a letter to the city council. The city will carry out extra safety inspections of vulnerable trees in the coming period.

Storm Eunice, which swept across the country on February 18, killed two people in Amsterdam after they were hit by falling trees. Also in Diemen a person was killed by a fallen tree. In the same month, storms Corrie, Franklin and Dudley also caused damage.

The municipality has started an investigation into the technical condition of certain trees, writes Wedemeijer. As a result, additional trees may need to be cut down in the near future.

Sometimes trees are also subjected to a so-called 'storm test'. A cable is attached at two thirds of the tree trunk and subjected to tension with a special pulley. This simulates a force of wind of 6 Bft, says Hans Kaljee, tree consultant to the city of Amsterdam.

Very sensitive measuring equipment is also attached to the trunk, which can calculate what the tree would do up to wind force 12 Bft.

Not yet clear what caused trees to blow down

The city is also investigating how it is possible that so many trees blew down during the storms. At the moment there are several possible causes. The trees were damaged in various ways: sometimes they fell with root ball and all, sometimes the trees broke off at the trunk and sometimes only branches fell.

Whether a tree is blown over, can also have to do with the way it was planted, the space the roots have, and the groundwater level. Wedemeijer also points to the influence of so-called Venturi winds, which give the air extra speed because it is 'compressed' between high buildings.

The alderman expects to be able to provide more information about the total damage and the investigation into the blowing down of the trees after the summer.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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