What's the weather where you are?

Stockholm, Sweden
9 Feb 2022

Winter... What winter ?!

We have in essence a highly changeable weather pattern going on, between mild periods and then snowfall with brief cold. Only 2-3 days ago, like a surprise, big beautiful snowflakes falling from the sky, turning everything white. My husband and I: big "Oooh's" and "Aaaah's".

Day after - all gone. It's been going on like this for many weeks (more or less).

Yesterday (9 Feb 2022) the temperature went up to +6°C (43°F) in Stockholm. Now, as of writing at 08:00 we have around +2°C (3.56°F) with almost clear skies. (normal Ø MAX is -1°C and normal Ø MIN -5°C this time of the year).

The light is starting to get stronger... in my opinion that is the very first sign of "spring"; the returning light getting a little bit more "in your face".

Ah. Wonderful !! 🦋 🐦

The last few evenings I've been noticing an odd red glow as the sun sets. It's quite eerie. It turns out the ash from the Hunga Tonga eruption is still high in the atmosphere and making a second lap around the Earth! Here's what it looks like.

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The Netherlands finds itself in a relative lull between two winter storms. The one called Dudley has just passed us last night inflicting considerable damage especially in the southernmost provinces; the storm called Eunice is expected to hit from about noon tomorrow and will be blowing with even more severe force, reaching hurricane strenght (10-11 Bft) during wind gusts. Full details here:

Storm Dudley brings down trees ahead of Eunice's arrival on Friday - DutchNews.nl
Train problems as Storm Dudley advances; 130 km/h gusts expected Friday
Storm Eunice may be stronger than 2020's Ciara: Meteorologists
Stricter Code Orange weather alert issued for Friday afternoon & evening
All trains cancelled from 2 p.m., Many flights scrapped ahead of Storm Eunice
Stockholm, Sweden
18 Feb 2022

Almost like Springtime

When I woke up early this afternoon around 14:00 - walking out of a totally dark bedroom: the entire apartment was flooded with this amazing bright light. It was like... WOOOAH ! You know, that special feeling in mid or end of February in the middle of Sweden, when you become aware - feel it - how the light intensity is both brighter, stronger... I call that our very first springtime sign. (and some birds already singing... at night/early morning)

It's one of the best things in life i know of: telling the story of that the darkest part of winter... is over !

Weather now

The weather up here in Stockholm remains mild. Today we reached +5°C. (41°F) while SMHI-Norrköping around 200 km SE from here, reported 6.9°C equivalent to 44.4°F. Those are temperatures you would expect in the end of March / beginning of April.

We do get occatinally snowflakes, but nothing steady. There is no snow on the ground. Ground frost is pretty common though - making it always so "fun" to go to work late in the evening; with the feeling like "walking on eggs".

The intense storm which hit middle Europe just recently, didn't affect Stockholm at all - even if its core passed close to our city. The next storm (now over Ireland) will pass south of Stockholm tomorrow, in a similar fashion. However, the really fierce wind fields are located south of the storm center (Southern Sweden, Denmark, North Germany, etc). Wind prognosis for Stockholm: 10 m/s wind "gusts"... which is nothing. (Maybe those storms don't like the huge amounts of Orgonite I have placed in our home :rotfl:) One day I will get myself a cloud buster ;-D

The January-February connection

So, the temperatures are way above normal for this time of the year. I recall that our Weather institute SMHI once wrote back in 1992 in a publication called "Väder och Vatten" (Weather and Water): when a January has been a lot warmer than normal - in 50% of the cases, you get a too warm February as well.

Now that enabled another memory from my time in Berlin, when the Weather university in Dahlem wrote early 80s that after a too warm January, the likelihood of a too warm February was something like 90%. (If that relation has changed in the past 40 years, I don't know). Yet, it appears for both places, Stockholm and Berlin, the months of January and February are meteorologically similarly linked.

During the first 17 days of February 2022

You can see how the average has been above ø normal (compared to 1-17 Feb, 1990-2020) for most parts in Sweden, except in the extreme north, where it was up to 2°C colder than normal. From what I can see, the rest of February will most likely be on the milder side - even if a lot of snow could be expected in a couple of days, when storm No 3 passes by, maybe dumping 20 cm snow (Monday, 21 feb)


The workers in front of our balcony

are probably happy that it was so mild today ! They are busy bees - and have been, for several years now. They have been erecting 7 houses / apartment complexes (!) within 300 meter of my balcony. It has changed the entire landscape / outlook right at our spot where we live.

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UPDATES on the situation in the Netherlands while storm Eunice is in full swing. Two people already were killed by a falling tree, one in Amsterdam and the other in Diemen, close by. Yet another storm called Franklin seems to be coming along on Monday, making it a triplet storm in succession. All this is due to the jet-stream traversing right across the country:
"The jet stream flows exactly over the Netherlands, and it acts as an engine for the creation of low-pressure areas. And then it's not surprising that you get several storms in succession," Middendorp said.
While I'm typing I can hear the sirens of the emergency services sounding alarm almost constantly.

As people await Storm Eunice today, another storm develops for Monday
All trains cancelled from 2 p.m., Many flights scrapped ahead of Storm Eunice
Schools and universities close early, fewer flights and trains as storm Eunice approaches
Code Red alert issued for coastal provinces as Storm Eunice approaches
Motorists advised to stay off the road as storm Eunice hits
Friday football matches canceled due to storm Eunice
Storm Eunice makes landfall: 150 km/h gusts possible, Warnings to stay indoors

One killed after wind knocks over tree in Amsterdam
Storm Eunice batters the Netherlands, two people are killed - DutchNews.nl
In Alaska it is 38°F - above normal. Feb. is usually sunny and cold, but this year it is more warmer and snowy.

To the north, it is mostly cold, but as the coastal waters must be warmer than normal, the gulf waters push the cold air back from the coast giving us warm weather. Looking at weather satellite images, usually the warm and cold air is divided on the coast, but it appears the warm air is winning on the coast.

There have been weather advisories for the last several days, and some big lows blowing in from the south. There was a day or two of winds, but it wasn't too bad.

So, for this winter season, Nov. & Dec. were colder than normal, Jan. was warmer but more snow, and Feb. continuing that trend.
Well, concerning this hurricane over north and west Europe, here in West Germany is windy „like 100 devils are blowing“ as my mother would say. 😅

My biggest concern is that these wooden and loose windows don’t brake….

I don’t open them but periodically open the balcony doors so I exchange the air in the apartment - 5mins is MORE than enough 😅

It’s really crazy; the night before the last, I was wake from 3 in the night since my kid came in my bed and I couldn’t fall asleep because of the strong wind blowing in all directions and our apartment is under the roof!

This night was ok, but today the hurricane took another swing so we’ll see how the night will end up.

I‘m also tired of all the sirens in the city; day and night, all the time some police and/or ambulance sirens are wailing; now even more…

Apart from the wind, today there were periods of blinding sunshine and clear skies only to be replaced an hour later with sheets of rain, a shower so dense that it looked like fog!
Yesterday at one point fell a shower of frozen rain, like hail.

Now is partially cloudy and yeah… Let’s see what the night will bring….

Here in Pembrokeshire we've had a storm overnight, very cold too. Very windy conditions as I went shopping this evening. On the plus side we have clear skies, which meant stargazers had a rare treat for west wales. I can't wait for springtime coming, even though we've had a rather mild winter overall.
Very stormy for three days or so. This must be an epic battle at 4th level. Luckily, no trees collapsed in my garden yet.
Beautiful orange glowing sunset with dark clouds and blue sky and orange light in between. Couldn't take a picture, as I was traveling along the highway.

Very cool indeed. Might be related.
The last few evenings I've been noticing an odd red glow as the sun sets. It's quite eerie. It turns out the ash from the Hunga Tonga eruption is still high in the atmosphere and making a second lap around the Earth! Here's what it looks like.

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The weather in Alaska isn't as severe as the posts here, but I was suprised how fast the snow was melting when I went out. The roads were like it is in full breakup, with streams of snowmelt flowing fast.

In the local news, there were two avalanches that shut down the main artery to the Kenia Peninsula, shutting down the traffic. Also, the rapid melt caused some parking lots to flood, and boaters got in their boats making the best of the situation.

It's sunny this morning, so we will get some warming... It looks like spring is early this year.
Stockholm, Sweden
20 Feb 2022

In this moment, it is super sunny, super bright - absolutely inspiring to both body and indoor plants. And the outside - it is winter ! It took only one day after my recent entry, changing from "spring" into a winter landscape. Yet, the snow makes the light literally gushing extra ☀️ into every little corner :-D With temperatures hovering just around freezing - that is still milder than normal for this time of the year.

Tomorrow. Big snow time.

At least our SMHI institute in Norrköping predicts 22 mm precipitation for our area, which may result into 20 cm snow - attached with an Orange warning. (American GFS doesn't agree to so much snow, suggesting a mere 5-6 cm) Also, wind gust predictions have been upped a bit, at best something like 17 m/sec in the city of Stockholm - which still isn't much to write home about. Albeit it might create some trouble to drive the subway with gusty snowfall. We shall see...

A bit unexpected

SMHI predicts that the temperatures in the city might plunge temporarily down to -15°C (5°F), possibly -20°C in the outskirts (-4°F) in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday (22-23 Feb 2022) but going back up to 0°C (32°F) during daytime.

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Stockholm, Sweden
21 Feb 2022

Big snow... :lol: Uhm... not quite. In fact, not at all ! That outlook was a drama queen prediction (this far) :whistle:

Instead we got melted snow, all slush, due to the rain and temperatures around +3°C. ( 37.4°F). Since we are now in the center of the storm, the winds are like... super calm, while everything is gray and very misty (on the verge of fog). I believe the reasons for the miss prediction was/is, that the core of the storm went right over Stockholm, instead of earlier predicted, passing south of the city. Therefore more mild air slipped into our region (= not much snow)

We may still get snow, once the core of the storm is pulling away late evening, the rain & shower bands would then come from the north - but at the same time, much less fuel left for snow. So, I seriously doubt that we'll get 20 cm... We may get more winds during the night, some snow - and then comes the cold... but only temporarily.

Last night we had the last of a three day spell of storm conditions. I actually went out for a social visit last night, and decided to walk to a friend's place on the other side of town. The wind was insane, It blew my beanie off, and I was left running up the centre of a road chasing to retrieve my hat. One car beeped me, at least they saw the funny side. No rain in the storm, but the conditions were not good, it was daft of me to go out walking in it. On my way home the wind was behind me, and I could feel my pace getting more brisk as the wind drove me forward. I immediately thought of John Cleese and his "ministry of funny walks", lol. :lol:

Went out again earlier today, and all is calm, not even a breeze. Much nicer temperature too. Roll on spring is all I can say. How I respond to winter conditions is of interest to me more these days, what with the oft-mooted ice age. I think I'll continue to expose myself to rough weather just to toughen me up a bit.
Stockholm, Sweden
21 Feb 2022, 20:30

The weather changed considerably in the evening: dumping 3 cm snow on top of what was left earlier - stiff wind gusts from the north, and a landscape which switched entirely into winter again at -1°C. However, it is just a bit of winter weather, really... I went out with Tekki, and we had a lot of fun; listening to the howling winds (higher up in the trees), and running like crazy... :lol:

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