I don't find any gems in that article. I don't find any cubic zirconia. I don't even find any rhinestones. All that I find is glitter, held together with paste, mounted in a cheap, base-metal setting
The deception starts with the very title of the article: When America Went Fascist. According to the author, it happened at the moment that the Supreme Court laid down its ruling to stop the Florida vote recount, thus installing Dubya as President.
That is the central tenet of Rowthorn's article. Does anyone here accept that?
I figure that most of the folks here have a solid grounding in US history. Under the Wilson administration, we got the enactment of The Federal Reserve Act, the (probably non)ratification of the 16th Amendment, the cozy partnership of government and big business, in the lead-up to and then the implementation of US combat in World War I, and brutal suppression of war dissenters. No fascism there, right?
Moving ahead, during the Truman years, we got the start of the Cold War, NATO, the Marshall Plan and containment of the USSR, the national security state, with the CIA and the NSA, financial assistance to the French for the French-Indochina War, and the sending of US troops to fight a land war in Asia without a congressional declaration of war.
"War? Did somebody say, 'WAR?' It was a police action, not a war. No need to trouble Congress with only a police action." Still no fascism, right?
During the Eisenhower years, we got more aid for imperial France, the massive expansion of the military-industrial complex, the ouster of Arbenz from Guatamala ("Those natives never elect the right guy!"), support for Cuba's Batista, the introduction of troops and weaponry into South Vietnam (in violation of the Geneva Accords of 1954) and the planning and the training for the Bay of Pigs invasion. Did someone say, "Fascism?" Oh, pshaw!
Another fast forward to Reagan-Bush-Clinton. We can lead off with the transformation of the United States from the world's number one creditor nation to the world's number one debtor nation. Then add in Iran-Contra, support for vicious, murdering dictatorships in Guatamala, Hondoras and El Salvador, kicking butt on labor unions, the destruction of a pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan, and the wars against Iraq and against Serbia. And still, we didn't have fascism.
(Sorry that the list isn't more complete. I'm in my sixties, and my memory just ain't what it used to be.)
Rowthorn leads with a flawed, cherry-picked definition of fascism:
"Fascism: a system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator"
-- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000
An absolute monarchy fits that definition, too, and it is not fascism.
How about this one, instead?
fas•cism \"fa-'shi-zem also "fa-'si-\ noun [It fascismo, fr. fascio bundle, fasces, group, fr. L fascis bundle & fasces fasces] (1921)
1 often cap : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>
fas•cist \-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective often cap
fas•cis•tic \fa-"shis-tik also -"sis-\ adjective often cap
fas•cis•ti•cal•ly \-ti-k(e-)le\ adverb often cap
(C)1996 Zane Publishing, Inc. and Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The Supreme Court made Bush dictator, and thus began fascism. That's total bullocks, of course. That doesn't matter, though. What matters is that the author acknowledged "...that the US is already a fascist state."
He gets everything else wrong -- 9/11, economic collapse, peak oil, global warming. Who cares? As long as he says the magic word "fascism" we'll give him a pass on all of those trivial issues.
He's trying to play us. He's telling us to stay within the electoral process, kick out the bad people, replace them with good people, and that will solve our problems. Poof -- no more fascism!
He is perpetuating the out-and-out fraud that the people in elective office actually run the country.
Is Rowthorn honestly clueless, or is he a disinfo agent? Does it matter?
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
-- Mark Twain"