It is hard to say what caused your husband to have such a vision. It may be he glimpsed a "possible future"? But as many variables change, something totally different might happen and what he "saw", was only a probability at that very moment. This is why the C's do not make predictions that such and such will happen at a certain time. There can only be probabilities that a certain event will happen, but at some point, as more factors come together and probabilities change, eventually only one possible future remains. Meaning there is no turning back. With the psychopaths in power and running the show, our chances of averting disaster on planet earth is rapidly reaching the point of no return. It is best to keep 1,000 eyes open, watch for signs, and act on the information as it comes. Those who can see the signs, will be much better prepared for whatever comes.
Did this vision come to your husband in a dream or during meditation or how? It must have really had an impact on him.