White Helmets

October 17, 2018 - SYRIA EXCLUSIVE: Vanessa Beeley Meets the White Helmets and Armed Group Leader in Dara’a Al Balad

Leader of the White Helmet center in Daraa Al Balad, Abu Mohanad Al Mahamid talks to Vanessa Beeley on 20th September 2018. (Photo: Screenshot from video of interview)

“If you shout at us we will cry, we are so sensitive” Abu Mohanad Al Mahamid told me on the 20th September 2018. Al Mahamid is the leader of the still-functioning White Helmet center in Dara’a Al Balad to the south of Damascus in Syria. Al Mahamid had donned his white helmet for the camera before he spoke to us about the role of these White Helmets who had remained in Dara’a Al Balad, when other White Helmet members had boarded the buses for Idlib with Nusra Front or for Israel and Jordan as part of the special evacuation organised by the members of the US Coalition. (Long article continues.)
Authored by Rick Sterling via Oriental Review,

The October 16 issue of NY Review of Books has an article by Janine di Giovani titled “Why Assad and Russia Target the White Helmets”. The article exemplifies how western media promotes the White Helmets uncritically and attacks those who challenge the myth.
Crude & Disingenuous Attack

Giovani’s article attacks several journalists by name. She singles out Vanessa Beeley and echoes the Guardian’s characterization of Beeley as the “high priestess of Syria propaganda”. She does this without challenging a single article or claim by the journalist. She might have acknowledged that Vanessa Beeley has some familiarity with the Middle East; she is the daughter of one of the foremost British Arabists and diplomats including British Ambassador to Egypt. Giovanni might have explored Beeley’s research in Syria that revealed the White Helmets founder (British military contractor James LeMesurier) assigned the name Syria Civil Defence despite the fact there is a real Syrian organization by that name that has existed since the 1950’s. For the past several years, Beeley has done many on-the-ground reports and investigations in Syria. None of these are challenged by Giovanni. Just days ago Beeley published a report on her visit to the White Helmets headquarters in Deraa.

Giovanni similarly dismisses another alternative journalist, Eva Bartlett. Again, Giovanni ignores the fact that Bartlett has substantial Middle East experience including having lived in Gaza for years. Instead of objectively evaluating the journalistic work of these independent journalists, Giovanni smears their work as “disinformation”. Presumably that is because their work is published at alternative sites such as 21st Century Wire and Russian media such as RT and Sputnik. Beeley and Bartlett surely would have been happy to have their reports published at the New York Review of Books, Newsweek or other mainstream outlets. But it’s evident that such reporting is not welcome there. Even Seymour Hersh had to go abroad to have his investigations on Syria published

The New McCarthyism

Max Blumenthal is another journalist singled out by Giovanni. Blumenthal is the author of three books, including a NY Times bestseller and the highly acclaimed “Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel”. Giovanni describes his transition from “anti-Assad” to “pro-Assad” and suggests his change of perspective was due to Russian influence. She says, “Blumenthal went to Moscow on a junket to celebrate RT’s tenth anniversary. We don’t know what happened during that visit, but afterwards, Blumenthal’s views completely flipped.” Instead of examining the facts presented by Blumenthal in articles such as “Inside the Shadowy PR Firm that’s Lobyying for Regime Change in Syria”, Giovanni engages in fact-free McCarthyism. Blumenthal explained the transition in his thinking in a public interview. He also described the threats he experienced when he started to criticize the White Helmets and their public relations firm, but this is ignored by Giovanni.

Contrary to Giovanni’s assumptions, some western journalists and activists were exposing the White Helmets long before the story was publicized on Russian media. In spring 2015 the basic facts about the White Helmets including their origins, funding and role in the information war on Syria were exposed in my article “Seven Steps of Highly Effective Manipulators”. The article showed how the White Helmets were a key component in a campaign pushing for a “No Fly Zone” in Syria. It confirmed that the White Helmets is a political lobby force.

In spring 2016, Vanessa Beeley launched a petition “Do NOT give the Nobel Peace Prize to the White Helmets”. That petition garnered more support than a contrary petition urging the Nobel Prize committee to give the award to the White Helmets. Perhaps because of that, the petition was abruptly removed without explanation from the Change.org website. It was only at this time, with publicity around the heavily promoted nomination of the White Helmets for a Nobel Peace Prize that RT and other Russian media started to publicize and expose the White Helmets. That is one and a half years after they were first exposed in western alternative media.
White Helmets and Chemical Weapons Accusations

Giovanni ignores the investigations and conclusions of some of the most esteemed American journalists regarding the White Helmets and chemical weapons incidents in Syria.

The late Robert Parry published many articles exposing the White Helmets, for example The White Helmets Controversy and Syria War Propaganda at the Oscars. Parry wrote and published numerous investigations of the August 2013 chemical weapons attack and concluded the attacks were carried out by an opposition faction with the goal of pressuring the US to intervene militarily. Parry also challenged western conclusions regarding incidents such as April 4, 2017 at Khan Shaykhun. Giovanni breathlessly opens her article with this story while Parry revealed the impossibility of it being as described.

“Buried deep inside a new U.N. report is evidence that could exonerate the Syrian government in the April 4 sarin atrocity and make President Trump look like an Al-Qaeda dupe.”

Legendary American journalist, Seymour Hersh, researched and refuted the assumptions of Giovanni and the media establishment regarding the August 2013 chemical weapons attacks near Damascus. Hersh’s investigation, titled The Red Line and Rat Line, provided evidence the atrocity was carried out by an armed opposition group with active support from Turkey. A Turkish member of parliament provided additional evidence. The fact that Hersh had to go across the Atlantic to have his investigation published suggests American not Russian disinformation and censorship.

In addition to ignoring the findings of widely esteemed journalists with proven track records, Giovanni plays loose with the truth. In her article she implies that a UN investigation blamed the Syrian government for the August 2013 attack. On the contrary, the head of the UN investigation team, Ake Sellstrom, said they did not determine who was responsible. “We do not have the evidence to say who did what ….The conflict in Syria is surrounded by a lot of rumors and a lot of propaganda, particularly when comes to the sensitive issue of chemical weapons.”
First Responders or Western Funded Propagandists?

Giovanni says, “But the White Helmets’ financial backing is not the real reason why the pro-Assad camp is so bent on defaming them. Since 2015, the year the Russians began fighting in Syria, the White Helmets have been filming attacks on opposition-held areas with GoPro cameras affixed to their helmets.”

In reality, the ‘White Helmets” have a sophisticated media production and distribution operation. They have much more than GoPro cameras. In many of their movie segments one can see numerous people with video and still cameras. Sometimes the same incident will be shown with one segment with an Al-Qaeda logo blending into the same scene with a White Helmets logo.

Giovanni claims “The Assad regime and the Russians are trying to neutralize the White Helmets because they are potential witnesses to war crimes.” However the claims of White Helmet “witnesses” have little credibility. The White Helmet “volunteers” are paid three times as much as Syrian soldiers. They are trained, supplied and promoted by the same western states which have sought to regime change in Syria since 2011. An example of misleading and false claims by a White Helmets leader is exposed in Gareth Porter’s investigation titled “How a Syrian White Helmets Leader Played Western Media” . His conclusion could be directed to Giovanni and the NYReview of Books:

“The uncritical reliance on claims by the White Helmets without any effort to investigate their credibility is yet another telling example of journalistic malpractice by media outlets with a long record of skewing coverage of conflicts toward an interventionist narrative.”

When the militants (mostly Nusra / Al-Qaeda) were expelled from East Aleppo, civilians reported that the White Helmets were mostly concerned with saving their own and performing publicity stunts. For example the photo of the little boy in east Aleppo looking dazed and confused in the back of a brand new White Helmet ambulance was essentially a White Helmet media stunt eagerly promoted in the West. It was later revealed the boy was not injured, he was grabbed without his parent’s consent. Eva Bartlett interviewed and photographed the father and family for her story “Mintpress Meets the Father of Iconic Aleppo Boy and says Media Lied About his Son”.
A Brilliant Marketing Success

The media and political impact of the White Helmets shows what money and marketing can do. An organization that was founded by a military contractor with funding from a western governments was awarded the Rights Livelihood Award. The organization was seriously considered to received the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize just three years after its formation.

The Netflix infomercial “The White Helmets” is an example of the propaganda. The scripted propaganda piece, where the producers did not set foot in Syria, won the Oscar award for best short documentary. It’s clear that lots of money and professional marketing can fool a lot of people. At $30 million per year, the White Helmets budget for one year is more than a decade of funding for the real Syrian Civil Defence which covers all of Syria not just pockets controlled by armed insurgents.

Unsurprisingly, it has been announced that White Helmets will receive the 2019 “Elie Wiesel” award from the heavily politicized and pro-Israel Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. This, plus the recent “rescue” of White Helmets by the Israeli government, is more proof of the true colors of the White Helmets. Vanessa Beeley’s recent interview with a White Helmet leader in Deraa revealed that ISIS and Nusra terrorists were part of the group “rescued” through Israel.
The Collapsing White Helmets Fraud

Giovanni is outraged that some journalists have successfully challenged and put a big dent in the White Helmets aura. She complains, “The damage the bloggers do is immense.”

Giovanni and western propagandists are upset because the myth is deflating. Increasing numbers of people – from a famous rock musician to a former UK Ambassador – see and acknowledge the reality.

As described in Blumenthal’s article, “How the White Helmets Tried to Recruit Roger Waters with Saudi Money”, rock legend Roger Waters says, “If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions…”

Peter Ford, the former UK Ambassador to Syria, sums it up like this:

“The White Helmets are jihadi auxiliaries… They are not, as claimed by themselves and by their supporters… simple rescuers. They are not volunteers. They are paid professionals of disinformation.”

Giovanni claims her article is a “forensic take down of the Russian disinformation campaign to distort the truth in Syria.” In reality, Giovanni’s article is an example of western disinformation using subjective attacks on critics and evidence-free assertions aligned with the regime change goals of the West.
The White Helmet construct has an entire industry of PR agencies, government-linked influencers, and billionaire networks protecting their questionable reputation. The intention is to recycle the ultimate “humanitarian” instrument of war in future campaigns to destabilize and “democratize” target nations. Awareness is key to preventing the same fate for other nations that Syria has endured for almost eight years. There must be a demand for a public enquiry into the true agenda of the White Helmet “propaganda construct” before it’s too late. ( Vanessa Beeley )

October 26, 2018 - The White Helmet Global Franchise to Serve the “Humanitarian” Regime Change Network Worldwide

The White Helmets are the flagship of the Western-manufactured “human rights” industry working to destabilize Syria and to criminalize the Syrian government and its allies. They became an official entity inside Syria in early 2013 as news of “rebel” use of chemical weapons in Khan Al Assal, Aleppo began to surface.

In July 2013, 51 Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers were executed in Khan Al Assal. Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda) and affiliatedextremist group Ansar Al Khalifah took responsibility for this brutal mass murder. Videos alleged to be taken just before the execution show young boys among the soldiers forced to lie on the ground. One soldier is seen giving the victory salutejust before death.
Not long after this atrocity was committed, the UN chemical weapons inspectors arrived in Damascus on 18 August 2013. On 21 August 2013, the news broke that the SAA had allegedly carried out a chemical weapons attack in Eastern Ghouta right under the noses of the recently arrived UN inspectors.

The credibility of this narrative has been challenged by a number of analysts and research institutions, including MIT and Carla Del Ponte, member of the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria.

During the Ansar Al Khalifah attack on Khan Al Assal, a further estimated 123 civilians and army personnel were massacred. The bodies of the martyrs were desecrated and mutilated, some were burned or flung into a pit on the outskirts of the town, used as a mass grave. The international condemnation of this bloodbath would be overshadowed by their redirected outrage as events in Eastern Ghouta conveniently overtook the atrocities committed in Khan Al Assal.

The human rights industry that has been created to manage the Syrian narratives manipulates events to amplify those that serve the NATO-member-state agenda in Syria, effectively the furtherment of US Coalition resource-plundering and the reduction of Syria to a rudderless state and a terrorist vacuum, where sectarian lawlessness and conflict will thrive.

Simultaneously, the crimes and massacres committed by the Western-sponsored armed gangs and terrorist groups in Syria will be normalized and “disappeared” by this highly partisan network of public opinion influencers.

The White Helmets epitomize this doctrine. As their role has developed since their British intelligence-led incubation in Turkey, they have become pivotal to the US Coalition military adventurism in Syria. They are essential to legitimize ongoing proxy and direct intervention in Syria by the regime-change global alliance. Their Western state-endorsed “humanitarian” label appears to give the White Helmets immunity from accountability, particularly when it comes to theirinvolvement in the atrocities committed by the multitude of terrorist and extremist factions who control the areas where the White Helmets are embedded.

The history of the White Helmet construct stretches further back than the Syrian conflict, however, as does the concept of the hybrid war or the deployment of the “smart” power complex as an iron fist inside the velvet glove of “humanitarianism” – an alternative to military deployment which has become a far less attractive option since the second Gulf War when US “boots on the ground” returned home in body bags and threatened to turn public opinion against needless and expensive foreign wars.

James Le Mesurier, a former British military officer turned private security expert with links to MI6, was the mastermind behind the creation of the White Helmets when he was working for ARK Groupin 2013. ARK specializes in “stabilization and development” in conflict zones and “sustainable positive social change,” a tagline that is much favored by the “smart” power networks.

Mesurier was expanding on a concept he had pioneered in Pristina, Kosovo after the NATO bombing campaign of 1999. From July 1999 – 2000, Le Mesurier was appointed Intelligence Coordinator for Pristina City, acting as liaison officer between intel officers of different national contingents in KFOR (Kosovo Force). Le Mesurier was tasked with the transformation of the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) into the Kosovo Protection Corps. At that point, the KLA consisted of Albanian warlords and Al-Qaeda elements which Le Mesurier rebranded and promoted as the post NATO-intervention security and stability agents.

Many analysts, historians, and researchers will present the case that the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia was the template for Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Le Mesurier used the same concept that he had introduced in Kosovo with the creation of the White Helmets to collaborate with and offer protection for the extremist groups, including Al-Qaeda, while also enabling and providing cover for the US Coalition’s violations of international law in Syria. The White Helmet project is designed to demoralize and undermine resistance to US Coalition strategy in Syria. It has successfully displaced existing Syrian state institutions such as the REAL Syria Civil Defence, established in Syria in 1953.

The White Helmets’ role in Syria has been identified and proven to be one of destabilization rather than the restoration of stability to a war-torn Syria. In a recent interview with the author, a still-functioning White Helmet in Daraa Al Balad, south of Damascus, told me that it is very likely that many of the White Helmet groups are led by Nusra Front members: “Of course! They might be Nusra Front and run a White Helmet center so this means all his colleagues are also Nusra Front”.

The White Helmets have been shown to participate in terrorist atrocities that include the torture and execution of prisoners and civilians. On a recent trip to East Aleppo, I visited Al Mashad square, only 200 meters from the White Helmet headquarters featured in the Oscar nominated movie ‘Last Men in Aleppo’. In this square, “moderate” extremists, Nour Al Din Zenki, tortured and beheaded 12-year-old Abdullah Issa in July 2016. Witnesses I spoke to last month told me the White Helmets knew the execution was taking place but only appeared after the grizzly murder to “clean up” once the extremist group savagery had claimed another child victim.

Survivors of the April 2017 Rashideen (Aleppo) suicide bomb attack on the evacuees from the terrorist-besieged Idlib villages of Kafarya and Foua have accused the White Helmets of participating in the abduction of dying and injured children from the scene. A huge number of those children are still missing.

Civilians who remained in Eastern Ghouta after its liberation from extremist groups told me that they feared that the White Helmets would kidnap their children during the occupation. In September 2018, a family from Idlib informed me that the White Helmets had played a role in the abduction of their 11-year-old son, Ahmed, to be used in the staging of a “chemical attack.” An “attack” that would permit further unlawful aggression from the UK, US, French alliance in defense of their proxy forces now gathered in Idlib.

The list of accusations against the White Helmets from all areas they occupied alongside the US Coalition extremist factions is a comprehensive one. So, the question must be raised – why do NATO-aligned media, think tanks and “humanitarian” agencies refuse to address these alarming incidents of inhumanity?

Instead, they have erected a media and political firewall around the White Helmets, providing them with immunity from accountability for the unspeakable acts they are accused of committing, by the Syrian people they claim to serve.

Earlier this week, Canadian international human-rights lawyer Irwin Cotler nominated the White Helmets for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. The group has been nominated for the NPP before, but failed on previous attempts.

Cotler claims that the White Helmets are “the embodiment of what heroism and hope and the search for peace and our common humanity is all about.”

A young boy in the Bab Al Nairab district of East Aleppo (after liberation) told me that the White Helmets worked with Nusra Front in a shared building and collaborated in the imprisonment and torture of members of his family. If this is Cotler’s vision of “common humanity” then we are facing a very bleak future.

In an interview with journalist James Corbett in February 2018, I made the point that the White Helmet construct was potentially a global franchise that would appear, perhaps rebranded, in other areas of the world targeted for intervention by the imperialist war machine. Journalist Caitlin Johnstone picked up on this prediction and wrote:

James Le Mesurier is a British private security specialist and a former British military intelligence officer. He knows how to construct a psyop. He’s trying to franchise his war propaganda firm worldwide, where it will be used to manufacture pro-regime change narratives and will be aggressively defended and promoted by the establishment media, and its allegations against disobedient governments and factions will be reported as fact by western newscasters and pundits.

The pro-war factions went into overdrive when this subject was raised. On Twitter, Elliot Higgins of Bellingcat, with “links to intelligence agencies,” tweeted a veiled threat which appeared to confirm exactly what I had said.

Mayday Rescue was established by Le Mesurier in 2014 to act as a conduit for funds from the British government Conflict Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) to the White Helmets. The Netherlands government has just suspended funding for Mayday Rescue and the White Helmets on the basis that neither are able to provide reassurances that the funds are not going to the extremist and terrorist groups in Syria. On their website, Mayday Rescue informs us it is “assessing opportunities for implementation of Civil Defence-based stabilisation programmes in other countries in the Middle East, including Yemen and Iraq.” A variation on the White Helmet theme has made an appearance in Venezuela, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Le Mesurier was recently on a recruitment drive in Brazil.

A recent investigation reveals that Le Mesurier and the same board of directors who established Mayday Rescue have created a new entity – R3covery which then changed its name to Sisu Global BV – based in Amsterdam, Holland. The website is almost a carbon copy of Mayday Rescue with the same mission of developing and implementing resilience solutions via stabilization actors “delivering critical services to communities emerging from conflict.” Working with “local partners” to provide support for “transition” – the blueprint for the Global North “democratization” process.
2018-10-29 - Canada accepts 117 White Helmets that were evacuated from Syria
Canada accepts 117 White Helmets that were evacuated from Syria

Canada has resettled dozens of White Helmets inside their country after the latter was evacuated from southern Syria this past Summer.

According to a new report from the CBC, Canada has accepted a total of 117 White Helmets and their family members after they were temporarily settled in Jordan until they could be moved to a western nation.

The CBC said that White Helmets and their family members will be settled in the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia.

In late July, over 400 White Helmets’ activists and their families were evacuated from Syria at the request of Canada, European countries, and the United States amid a full-scale offensive by Syrian government troops against militants and terrorists in country’s southwestern regions.

The international community reportedly expected to remove up to 1,200 evacuees, including first responders and their families.

In the end, only 422 Syrian White Helmets and their families managed to get out last July.

The remaining White Helmets are expected to be resettled in the European Union.
Geeze, talk about Fifth Columns and Trojan Horses! Somebody is really setting the West up for destruction from within.
Crypto-fascists (psychopaths) in the US government smuggled various Nazis out of Europe after WWII. Some were recruited into the CIA in what was called Operation Paperclip, some went into the military and other agencies (like Werner Von Braun and other scientists) and others were resettled in Canada. Thus, descendents of Ukrainian fascists are thriving in Canada today, with at least one a successful politician that doesn't even try to hide her background.
Crypto-fascists (psychopaths) in the US government smuggled various Nazis out of Europe after WWII. Some were recruited into the CIA in what was called Operation Paperclip, some went into the military and other agencies (like Werner Von Braun and other scientists) and others were resettled in Canada. Thus, descendents of Ukrainian fascists are thriving in Canada today, with at least one a successful politician that doesn't even try to hide her background.
Yes, and those who have followed the Ukraine business since 2014 and perhaps even earlier, are aware how these overseas Ukrainian pockets have been useful for the destabilization project. still going on. If a parallel can be drawn then those imported helmets are imported for a reason; there is a long term project as part of plan B, C and D...
Russia says it has received information showing that a Western-backed so-called aid group is preparing to stage a false flag chemical attack in the northwestern Syrian province of Aleppo to incriminate Damascus.

The Defense Ministry said the “White Helmets,” which according to Moscow and Damascus cooperate with Takfiri terrorist groups in the Arab country, have already started the filming process for the attack, Russia’s Sputnik news agency reported on Monday.

“The Russian center for reconciliation [in Syria] received information from residents of Aleppo that they are preparing another provocation with the use of toxic agents to accuse the government forces of using chemical weapons against the local population,” said Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko, the head of the center, according to the ministry.

They arrived in Aleppo from the neighboring Province of Idlib, bringing along containers holding toxic agents, he added.

The group, the official said, sought to stage artillery shellfire with the containers and also meant to provoke the Syrian military to retaliate.

The White Helmets group, projected by the West as “civil defense workers,” was founded by former British Army officer James Le Mesurier in 2014. The self-styled volunteer rescue group has been repeatedly accused of acting as the media arm for Takfiri groups, and charged with staging false flag chemical attacks in a bid to prompt Western military intervention in Syria.

In April, the United States, France, and Britain launched missile strikes against multiple targets around Syria after alleging that “video evidence” provided by the White Helmets had pointed to an earlier chemical attack in the city of Douma in the Arab country’s southwest.

Subsequent investigations showed the video had been fake.

Earlier in the year, Israel transported several hundred members of the group from southwestern Syria to Jordan overnight at the request of the US and European countries, as Damascus was preparing to launch counter-terrorism operations in those areas.

The Sputnik report cited a story aired last week by Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen TV channel based on which militants and the White Helmets had transported poisonous materials from the city of Jisr al-Shughur to the settlement of Khirbat al Amud in Idlib.

Idlib is home to the last largest concentrations of militants and Takfiri terrorists in Syria, and is subject to de-confliction efforts by Russia and Turkey.

Canada has resettled dozens of (White Helmets) inside their country after the latter was evacuated from southern Syria this past Summer.

Canada has resettled dozens of (sleeper-cells) inside their country ... in the provinces of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia.

Oct. 30, 2018 - Moscow alarmed over reports about possible chemical provocations in Syria
Moscow alarmed over reports about possible chemical provocations in Syria

Moscow is alarmed over reports about possible chemical provocations in Syria and calls for steps not to let that happen, the Russian foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

"Alarming reports are coming from various sources that some terrorist and extremist groups in Syria never stop attempts at staging large-scale provocations with the use of chemical weapons and toxic agent," the ministry said, adding that the Russian military also has such information.

According to the Russian foreign ministry, in case such a provocation is successful, all the blame would be placed on Syria’s legitimate authorities, following a traditional pattern. "Concurrently, claims would be laid to Russia and Iran that they allegedly connive at such crimes and must be held responsible," the ministry stressed.

"It is absolutely obvious that extremists’ chemical provocations are geared to furnish foreign opponents of the legitimate government in Damascus with another pretext to stage aggressive actions like the illegal missile strikes delivered by the United States, the United Kingdom and France on Syria in April 2018, to frustrate efforts towards establishing political process, to slow down revival of the country and return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their homes. We cannot and must not let it happen."
According to intelligence information available to the Russian defense ministry, Daesh (ISIS)* has committed some 57 terrorist attacks and members of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces since September 1.

31.10.2018 - White Helmets hiring locals for Staged Chemical Attacks, Paying in Food - MoD
White Helmets Hiring Locals for Staged Chemical Attacks, Paying in Food - MoD

Terrorists Planning Provocation Using Chemical Weapons in Aleppo, Elsewhere

Militants in several Syrian regions including Aleppo are engaged in planning provocations involving the use of chemical weapons including chlorine, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said citing information provided by the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria.

"We have repeatedly informed the public about attempts by radical militants and the White Helmets, notorious for their fakes, to organize provocations using chemical agents and accusing government forces of using chemical weapons against the local population," Konashenkov noted, speaking at a press briefing on Wednesday.

According to the spokesman, on October 27, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria received information from locals that terrorists from the Islamic Party of Turkestan* had transferred twenty 10 liter containers of chlorine for use in false flag attacks in Maarrat al-Nu'man, a city in Idlib province, northwest Syria.

These weapons were unloaded at Kafr Nabl and Al-Hawash, two nearby towns, according to eyewitnesses. Locals told the Center for Reconciliation that White Helmets had conducted a search for "residents ready to participate in staged video shoots in exchange for food," the spokesman said.

Plans for similar provocations have been reported in other regions, Konashenkov said. "Only yesterday [October 30], residents in Aleppo province received information about preparations for such a provocation by the militants. To carry it out, members of the White Helmets arrived in the villages of Azaz, Marea and Al-Rai with professional video equipment and containers with poisonous substances, presumably chlorine."

Attacks in US-Occupied Areas of Syria Causing Losses Among Foreign Troops

Terror attacks in the US-controlled areas of Syria have led to losses among foreign military personnel, as well as local Kurdish forces, Konashenkov said.

According to the Russian military spokesman, since September 1, Daesh terror attacks and attacks on Kurdish forces have left over 300 Kurdish militia personnel dead or injured.

"According to information obtained from the local population of territories beyond the Euphrates River, these terrorist attacks have also led to casualties among foreign military personnel," Konashenkov said.

The spokesman reiterated that a "catastrophic humanitarian situation" has developed in the Rukban refugee camp in southern Syria as a result of US actions. "As a result of the irresponsible actions of the United States, which illegally occupied a large portion of Syria, a catastrophic humanitarian situation has developed in the Rukban refugee camp. Moreover, US forces, no longer hiding, are openly conducting intensive training of armed units among the local population," Konashenkov said.

The Rukban refugee camp, located along the Syrian-Jordanian border in Homs province, southern Syria, is situated next to a US base in the town of Al-Tanf. Damascus and Moscow have repeatedly slammed the US over the humanitarian situation in the area, and accused Washington of training ex-jihadist militants at the base. Considering the US presence in the Arab Republic to be illegal, Syrian officials have repeatedly demanded that the US end its presence and operations in the country. * Terrorist groups outlawed in Russia and many other countries.
UK Foreign Secretary Meets With Leader of White Helmets Group

UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt on Thursday held a meeting with Raed Saleh, the leader of the White Helmets, to discuss the group's activities in Syria, the Foreign Office said in a statement.

"Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has welcomed Raed al-Saleh, the leader of the Syrian Civil Defence (White Helmets), to the Foreign Office today to discuss the vital work the group has done in Syria," the statement read.

Hunt lauded White Helmets efforts during the hostilities in Syria, which "saved over 115,000 lives," according to the statement.

Both Damascus and Moscow accused militants and the White Helmets non-governmental organization of staging several provocations involving chemical weapons to influence public opinion and justify foreign intervention in Syria. In April, a staged chemical attack prompted the United States, the United Kingdom and France to strike Syria with over 100 missiles.
Evidence Shows That White Helmets Is Branch of al-Nusra - Moscow

The Russian Foreign Ministry has called the West to realize things as they are and stop defending the pseudo-humanitarian organization, whose members are provocateurs and extremists.

It is no secret to anyone that this structure has worked exclusively on territories not controlled by the government and hasn’t avoided contacts with terrorists and extremists,” The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"On top of that, there is a lot of evidence proving that The White Helmets is virtually a branch of the terrorist organization al-Nusra, included in the UNSC's sanctions list."

"We are sure that everyone will see, sooner or later, the White Helmets' genuine face. We are urging their western sponsors to realize things as they are and stop defending those who are in actual fact provocateurs and extremists," the ministry noted, further adding:

“There is no need to outline all the “services” carried out by this organization. Let alone set-up videos of staged chemical attacks in the Syrian city of Douma. In actual fact, all reports on chemical substances emerging or moving around Syria feature the mentioning of The White Helmets.

According to the ministry, the infamous NGO, set up at the hands of western intelligence, is making final desperate attempts to make a name for itself in Syria, this time in the Idlib de-escalation zone. "Again, much like in the recent time, this is all about a preparation for a much talked about staged show, aimed at giving a free hand to the lawful Syrian government's opponents, predominantly among western countries led by Washington."

Both Damascus and Moscow accused militants and the non-governmental organization The White Helmets of staging several provocations involving chemical weapons attacks to influence public opinion and justify foreign intervention in Syria. Back in April, a staged chemical attack prompted the United States, the United Kingdom and France to strike Syria with well over 100 missiles.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has called the West to realize things as they are and stop defending the pseudo-humanitarian organization, whose members are provocateurs and extremists.

02.11.2018 - Evidence shows that White Helmets is Branch of al-Nursa - Moscow
Evidence Shows That White Helmets Is Branch of al-Nusra - Moscow

“It is no secret to anyone that this structure has worked exclusively on territories not controlled by the government and hasn’t avoided
contacts with terrorists and extremists,” The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"On top of that, there is a lot of evidence proving that The White Helmets is virtually a branch of the terrorist organization al-Nusra, included in the UNSC's sanctions list."

"We are sure that everyone will see, sooner or later, the White Helmets' genuine face. We are urging their western sponsors to realize things as they are and stop defending those who are in actual fact provocateurs and extremists," the ministry noted, further adding:

There is no need to outline all the “services” carried out by this organization. Let alone set-up videos of staged chemical attacks in the Syrian city of Douma. In actual fact, all reports on chemical substances emerging or moving around Syria feature the mentioning of The White Helmets.”

Both Damascus and Moscow accused militants and the non-governmental organization The White Helmets of staging several provocations involving chemical weapons attacks to influence public opinion and justify foreign intervention in Syria. Back in April, a staged chemical attack prompted the United States, the United Kingdom and France to strike Syria with well over 100 missiles. DETAILS TO FOLLOW

2 November، 2018 - Russian MoD: Terrorists transport chlorine containers to Hama to stage new chemical provocation
Russian MoD: Terrorists transport chlorine containers to Hama to stage new chemical provocation

Russian Defence Ministry revealed information confirming that terrorist organizations have transported two containers of chlorine substance to a granary , west of Hama province to stage a new chemical attack and accuse the Syrian Arab Army of launching it.

Sputnik quoted the head of Russian Reconciliation Center based in Hmeimim, Lt. Gen. Vladimir Savchenko as saying on Thursday that the terrorists delivered two containers with chlorine to a granary in the northern part of al-Madeeq castle. They are planning to use the chlorine substance to stage a chemical attack and accuse the Syrian Army of committing it.
Over 30 members of Tahrir al-Sham Hay'at (the Levant Liberation Board or the Al-Nusra Front) terrorists and pro-militant White Helmets Organization have been arrested after information leaked about the transfer of chemical weapons cargoes by the militants in Idlib province.

Tue Nov 06, 2018 - Tens of Terrorists, White Helmets Members Arrested over Leakage of Chemical Cargos Details

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted unnamed sources as disclosing that Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah terrorists arrested 29 of their own members and also 5 members of the White Helmets, accusing them of involvement in disclosing information about chemical weapons and poisonous gases, including their storage locations and transfer of them to new locations.

Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah set up a joint committee 3 days ago to investigate and find those behind the leak of chemical information.

The Arabic-language website of Sputnik quoted another source as disclosing on Saturday that Tahrir al-Sham and Jeish al-Izzah terrorists launched vast investigations to fine sources behind leaking information about the transfer of the chemical material cargos to different regions in Idlib province.

It further said that Tahrir al-Sham's move came after terrorist groups held a meeting in Khan Sheikhoun in Southwestern Idlib to set up an investigation committee.

The Arabic Sputnik went on to say that the committee is responsible for questioning the terrorists and members of the pro-militant White Helmets Organization over the leaked information.

Different Arab media outlets have released reports about chemical activities of the terrorist groups in Idlib in recent months.

In the meantime, informed sources reported in late October that Jeish al-Izzah transferred 2 cylinders of Sarin and Chlorine gases from al-Latamina to Qala Maziq in Northwestern Hama to hand over them to allied militants of Ansar al-Tohid.
smmsyria / 6 hours ago
At least 30 Hay’at Tahrir al Sham militants reportedly are not only behind enemy lines, but also are members of the White Helmets rescue team.
Our sources in Syria provided us with a number of photos and a list of HTS terrorists operating in Aleppo’s Qanatir town and its suburbs. According to the source, at the same time the majority of these militants are also members of the White Helmets.

Here is the list of terrorist/rescue team members:

1 – Mohammad al Khalaf ibn Hamid (محمد الخلف ابن حميد)
2 – Mahmud al Khalaf ibn Hamid (محمود الخلف ابن حميد)
3 – Jumah al Khalaf ibn Hamid (جمعة الخلف ابن حميد)
4 – Abdul Halim al Khalaf ibn Hamid (عبد الحليم الخلف ابن حميد)
5 – Abdul Karim Mohammad Amin ibn Hafez (عبد الكريم محمد امين ابن حافظ)
6 – Ayman Mohammad Amin ibn Hafez (ايمن محمد امين ابن حافظ)
7 – Malik al Rahmoun ibn Khalaf (مالك الرحمون ابن خلف)
8 – Wasem al Khalaf ibn Saleh (وسام الخلف ابن صالح)
9 – Abdel Sattar al Khalaf ibn Saleh (عبد الستار الخلف ابن صالح)
10 – Safwan al Khalaf ibn Mohammad (صفوان الخلف ابن محمد)
11 – Imran al Khalaf ibn Mohammad (عمران الخلف ابن محمد)
12 – Hassan al Khalaf ibn Mohammad (حسان الخلف ابن محمد)
13 – Zeid al Mohammad al Saleh ibn Mohammad (زيد المحمد الصالح ابن محمد)
14 – Hazem al Mohammad al Saleh ibn Naif (حازم المحمد الصالح ابن نايف)
15 – Mohammad al Mohammad al Saleh ibn Fa’iq (محمد المحمد الصالح ابن فائق)
16 – Khalidji Khalaf ibn Mohammad Sultan (خالدحجي خلف ابن محمد سلطان)
17 – Tayseer al Mustafa ibn al Furhan (تيسير المصطفى إبن فرحان)
18 – Khalid al Mustafa ibn Tawfiq (خالد المصطفى ابن توفيق)
19 – Ahmed Abdel Latif ibn Mohammad (احمد عبد اللطيف ابن محمد)
20 – Ramadan Abdul Latif ibn Mohammad (رمضان عبد اللطيف ابن محمد)
21 – Abdul Hamid Mohammad Saleh ibn Anad (عبد الحميد محمد صالح ابن عناد)
22 – Anad Mohammad Saleh ibn Abdul Karim (عناد محمد صالح ابن عبد الكريم)
23 – Mohammed al Ahmad ibn Abdullah (محمد الاحمد ابن عبد الله)
24 – Mufid al Ahmad ibn Saud (مفيد الاحمد ابن سعود)
25 – Ayman al Ahmad ibn Saud (ايمن الاحمد ابن سعود)
26 – Firas Mohammad Amin ibn Hussein (فراس محمد امين ابن حسين)
27 – Mustafa Mohammad Amin ibn Ali (مصطفى محمد امين ابن علي)
28-Ali Mohammad ibn Hussein (علي محمد ابن حسين)
29 – Malik Mohammad Amin ibn Ali (مالك محمد امين ابن علي)
30-Naif al Mustafa ibn Salahuddin (نايف المصطفى ابن صلاح الدين)




Clarity Of Signal Published on Nov 9, 2018
One hour video presentation provides extensive evidence of White Helmets collusion with Islamic terrorist groups operating in Syria, including Jabhat al-Nusra, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (al-Nusra Front), Jayesh al-Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, Nour al-Zinki, Jund al-Aqsa, The Islamic Army of Conquest and ISIS, amongst others. Video also provides a large number of screen-captured images of MSM articles and additional related material that highlight the lead mainstream media promoters of the White Helmets, as well as those that sought to tell the truth. Huge Cache of White Helmets Exposed Links All In One Massive Volume For Sharing and Red Pilling - Over 400 Images in 22 Files https://steemit.com/news/@clarityofsi... Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/02/2... Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture White Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria https://clarityofsignal.com/2017/05/0...
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