luke wilson
The Living Force
truth seeker said:So basically you don't want a friend that is a girl, you want a girlfriend. What's the main difference between the two? While there's much more to this, most people think sex first. So what you may want is sex and sex with no effort. Without having to really give anything back in return as you said. Unfortunately this stereotypes you. There are many people like this walking around. There is nothing special about it. Nothing that sets those people apart.
Perhaps you can try and view this from some girl's point of view. If the girl is used to being viewed as little more than an object to be used, don't you think that might make one wary of most people?
This sounds really bad. But the reason it might appear only as sex is because as I said. After years of dissapointment, I have removed the intellectual/emotional connection from the list. All that remain is the in-built almost genetic drive of physical desire. The most basic one. Cant remove that.
Under ideal conditions I'd like the whole thing. The whole relationship thing. I'd like to really know someone. To fall in love. To have someone fall in love with me. To share experiences with someone... Infact I'd give you an example. Acouple of weeks ago, I was at a social gathering at university and this girl I knew, not directly but she was a friend of a friend and she told me she liked me and I was are you joking? And she was, no, I am not joking. Problem is, I did not feel the same. Now, my friend was like, what does feelings have to do with anything luke? Use this opportunity as a chance to get some experience. Needless to say I did not, mainly because I was too terrified. Ok, see, clear example, not just sex eventhough it might appear so at first...
Mainly I am really after an emotional connection. Maybe even an intellectual one if that is at all possible. Atleast then one has firm foundations for something that is real. That's all.
Ok, I hesitate always because I do not think I deserve such, because I am not yet at an acceptable level. I am clearly broken. I wouldnt want to burden someone else with my broken-ness. First job, is to mend ones own machine or atleast come to understand it. Last thing I would want to do is end up in a feeding relationship.. The whole thing about talking to random girls at like a social gathering is abit like this, I have tried this acouple of times.
Ok, you are at a party. See a girl or group of girls. Go over and talk to them. Ok fine. Maybe one girl takes a particular interest in the discussion and the conversation continues. Ok, good. However, that is all it is. Just a conversation, I dont really know her. She doesnt really know me. After the conversation is done. Ok, that is it. I am not really into the whole dating thing. Most people at this time might ask for a number or something like that. I dont because people only date for one reason, and that is clearly sex so why cheat myself otherwise. Ok, I then think, hobbies, thing is, I am not really what can I say, a hobby oriented guy.... My hobby is pretty much doing whatever comes to mind aslong as it isnt like terrifying...
Ok, a clear problem presents itself given this scenario. Where do you meet girls and how do you generate an emotional/intellectual connection. Ok, the most ideal way is to get mega-lucky and meet someone that well you just function well together. Things just appear to work. You find each other interesting,maybe you have similar interests, maybe even similar goals etc. Ok, this is like winning the lottery... I am more likely to be hit by a meteorite than that scenario to occur. I am still waiting for the meteorite or the scenario...