This name is associated with a scientist trying to unravel Tesla stuff and came up with his website (he is not listed in search on the forum). There is not really an "about" on this fellows history on his website other than links to papers, videos etc. he presents in. He apparently had a number of labs that were taken down and there is a group trying to help him (asking for donations of lab materials) to continue his work. While doing a further web search, it seems there are some noticed known cointelpro sites that quote from his work.
It states on his site, that he is "The Only Scientist To Recreate Tesla's Work"
Here is the link to his site: _
On his donate page, it says:
From this site, the following is discussed about him:
So not sure what's up with him, and given the number of references here on Tesla, was surprised he was not also mentioned.
It states on his site, that he is "The Only Scientist To Recreate Tesla's Work"
Here is the link to his site: _
On his donate page, it says:
Donate to Eric’s personal fund
This is for Eric to live on. Eric doesn’t need much but he appreciates every penny....
Donate to Build and Outfit Eric’s New Lab
This is the fund for EPD Labs, a non profit organization setup for Eric. Eric Dollard is the treasurer and al funds go to rebuilding his lab
From this site, the following is discussed about him:
As a fifteen year old Eric was granted free access to RCA's great Bolinas Radio Facility. RCA, America's biggest Radio station at the time was happy to grand the young prodigy complete access to all of their facilities for his research into high frequency alternating current. Eric wasn't on the payroll for legal reasons but those in the know were aware of how how great a competitive advantage Eric Dollard could give them. Bell Telephone quickly snatched him up right out of High School and also gave him free reign to persue his experiments, while not officially on the payroll. Eric was still only sixteen. Eric left high school with three certifications as a full fledged engineer at the age of sixteen. Bell Labs called him their "Golden boy" and "Angel of Electricity".
To pursue true science is to pursue truth and all truth seekers are to tested. Eric learned this a hard way at an early age when his parents wrecked his garage laboratory and kicked him out of the house. This was to be the first time his laboratory and work would be deliberately destroyed. In desperation he enlisted in the US Navy. They gladly accepted the young recruit and after aptitude testing referred to him as "God's gift to the Navy". He solved their "impossible problems" with ease and later returned to RCA to save their network from the rapidly advancing threat of satellite communications.
Eric was happy to be back at the massive Bolinas station as he was beginning to see just how special it was among radio facilities. The great Bolinas Radio station, also called KPH was one of the oldest in the world and it held a secret that had been covered up for decades.
He began to see that much was being hidden about how radio really worked. With his free time he began peering into the forbidden history of radio. Then one day he read a copy of John O'Neill's book Prodigal Genius. The suppressed history of Nikola Tesla was laid before him. Eric began to see how the radio system as it was now was merely a shadow of what it was intended to be and once was.
Eric began reading all of Tesla's patents and lectures. What he discovered was that after reinventing alternating current in the 1890's Tesla then discovered an entirely new kind of electricity that was not electro magnetic in origin, hence completely different from the system we use today. This was confirmed by reading the court transcripts from the patent trial between Tesla and Marconi, where Tesla stated many times that his technology was not electro magnetic, a statement that at the time fell on deaf ears. Eric, however, heard him loud and clear.
If Tesla's discovery did not use electro magnetic waves then what kind of waves where they and how was it different? Eric did not turn to the false path of theorizing with nebulous mathematics as our modern day physics would but to experimentation, as Tesla himself always did. From his lab in California and working the salvage business Eric managed to recreate all of Tesla's key experiments. What he discovered would come as a surprise to even the most learned Tesla fan.
So not sure what's up with him, and given the number of references here on Tesla, was surprised he was not also mentioned.