Wow, a lot of good replies. I've directed my friend to this site to see your many replies.
That is one piece of racist propaganda! As if the US government would care more about feeding illegal immigrants - or anyone else for that matter - than waging wars to steal resources and enlarge their empire.
Water Bearer, I don't understand, but is your friend condoning these ideas himself? That's why he send this to you? To "educate" you? - Alana
Yes, and it was a she that sent this to me.
I was floored and because I do not live, work or visit Arizona - I hadn't a clue as to how to answer her.
While I agree no human should go hungry, or without medical care, shelter and access to good medical care, I do put my money where my mouth is, even though my job has now been outsourced to India, I still donate to a local food pantry, two nights a month to a food distribution center for the homeless and heavily to now two animal organizations.
I live right outside one of the largest cities in the midwest. Our homeless just a few years ago use to be drug addicts, mentally challenged, veterans and people that chose to or could not work.
Now, with every increasing month we are seeing people (legally born Americans) that were just a few years ago, middle class, with 9-5 jobs, a home, the whole "American Dream" now homeless. Many with children. These are American citizens.
This friend I worked with a long time ago did move to Arizona and she (not a he) was the one who sent this to me and I was floored as to how to reply.
Personally, everyone but the American Indians are immigrants and where do we draw the line?
I personally agree that I would rather have my tax money used feeding and clothing someone vs killing people.
I wonder if those that replied donate any of their time to helping hand out food, clothing and help with sheltering our own homeless?
We are seeing a dramatic increase in what was once middle class born Americans in line for a meal with no clean or warm clothing.
And while I do agree that it is far better to spend money feeding someone vs killing someone, still charity begins at home and many Americans are out of a job, having had one medical issue or job loss.
Just a few years ago, the people that are now standing in line for a meal were middle class, with a home, car etc and are now finding themselves jobless and homeless.
The concentration of wealth is very unevenly distributed, particularly here in America, but that is escalating globally as well.
On one hand you have Xe's and corporate heads that are makings tens of millions of dollars a year (and I have worked under a CEO that came in at 10:30 AM, took a two hour lunches, left at 3:30 PM for golf, racquetball or some other entertainment and then went home promptly at 5PM.
Beyonce is worth at last count over $650 million dollars. Does she add anything but entertainment value. Yes she employs people, and stimulates the economy with all the people that work for her and the people that make and sell her $2,000 shoes and purses, but our priorities are, again in my humble opinion warped.
We gladly pay entertainer's millions of dollars to dance around on a stage while begrudging our teachers, day care workers, hamburger flippers (my son applied for a job as one but they only hire Mexicans now) decent wages.
Yes, I agree all people should have access to food, clean water and shelter – but, doesn't charity begin at home?
And no Mexicans are not taking only the jobs Americans don't want. I applied for a maid job and my son applied for a hamburger, fast food job and were turned down in favor of immigrants because corporations know that they can get away with paying immigrants cheaper, they are known as cheap labor.
We are talking about tens of billions of our tax money going to non Americans while Americans that use to have a job, (cannot now find one), who use to own a home and are now homeless.
Years back I remember applying for a job as a maid at a Hyatt Hotel, because cleaning is Zen to me, I enjoy taking something dirty and making it shiny clean and I'm quite good at it. They did not hire me and you know why? Because all their maids were Hispanic. Yes I would have taken the minimum wage they offered, but I was discriminated against, in my own country.
France and England now, if my understanding is correct are enacting tougher immigration laws because of the vast number of immigrants flooding in.
Now, who really is to blame?
Okay and again this is my own humble opinion and I'm open to change – our planet is now run by corporations, not governments, our government officials are merely puppets to the people (banksters) who now own our governments. The banksters, the corporations and the CEO’s who are the corporation's henchmen are the real culprits.
Whats more, the elite handful of people on the planet are sitting down at the table and cutting themselves ¾ of the pie and leaving the other ¼ for the rest of us pions to fight over.
Now, I have several friends I e-mail, one in Mexico and he told me that they have excellent health care – why don’t we?
I have two friends in Canada that say while their healthcare is okay, it’s far better than anything we have here in America.
England and France I hear are now enforcing more stringent immigration hiring laws.
But again, let’s face it – as far as America is concerned, everyone but the Americans are immigrants.
The real culprit are the few that hold onto most of the money and wealth.
Question: and I know I’m going to get flamed for this – what in sam heck does Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the II do to earn the money she does – see quote and source below.
The Queen as a Monarch and the Head of State receives around 40 million pounds sterlings annually ( $ 80 million) (which is for the whole Royal Family). That money is to pay for the official royal residences, royal train, state royal trips, royal cars, royal household staff, royal official employees, royal secretaries, representative funds, security and etc.. The queen as Elisabeth Windsor is a private owner of thousands of acres of land, great private residences. She is a holder of shares, profitable hedge funds, investment accounts and much more ,and has a private income of around 11-15 million pounds a year from the private title, that she uses for private life. As a monarch she is the richest person on the planet, estimated around 40 billion pounds sterling (all the residences, pieces of art, royal collection, the lands, the ships and the financial resources hold by the monarch)
Somethings not right here when some people are paid tens of millions for not really contributing (doing real work) while the ones that are doing the real work are paid squat.
And most people do not see that the people at the top of the pyramid are bound and determined to destroy the middle class, leaving only two classes – rich and poor.
And they are doing it by in sourcing and outsourcing and pitting everyone against each other.
The planet is being operated on a global scale by psychopaths.
I still say charity begins at home.
Now, I don't know if this is true but one lady I worked with from Trinidad told me when she first came to America she did not have to pay Federal Income Taxes for the first seven years? Is this true?
I've always had to pay and to boot, while my property taxes went up by $1,300 my housing value decreased by almost $30,000.
Would love to hear more on everyone’s opinion out there, something is wrong with the way the pie is being cut, I believe in sharing. I’ve proven it by sharing what little I have with those that are less fortunate.
What is the answer here?