Why Arizona did the right thing. Got this from a e-mail buddy that lives in AZ

I used to get these sort of emails all the time from 'friends' who thought I would be 'with them' as far as the 'boat people' are concerned (being born white with English as my first language), however when I pointed out to them that I don't send them on and promptly delete them, they stopped sending them.
As much as people want to support those that cannot support themselves there are limits in this 3D STS world. Yes the Banksters are the core cause of the financial limitations, however until they are removed it is what it is.
The State and Local governments in the USA are being crushed by debt which cannot be eliminated through bankruptcy since they are considered sovereign. Illegal immigration and the proliferation of public sector employment (and earning much more than private sector) are the two major contributors to the financial crisis these states find themselves in. The Federal government is simply printing money to cover their growing infrastructure and wars. So we are basically bankrupt. As such not only are idealistic programs no longer sustainable basic services like road repair, police, fire and education funding need to be cut in order to balance the budgets. Some say raise the taxes on the rich, however the rich have the ability to move to lower tax states and they do. Florida has no income tax as do many others. So states like California and New York can raise them all they want but those taxpayers just leave and exasperate the problem.
Concerning borders I would like to know how widespread the problem is around the world. One certainly cannot enter Mexico illegally and lives are literally at risk if you attempt to enter their southern border from central america. Borders again are a reality of our 3D STS world. We can argue ad-infinitum as to whose are legit and whose are not. European borders have been set time and time again by war. As such I think in the name of peace we need to just recognize them and respect them. Those who want to continually re-fight these things are no better than the PTB whose wars we want ended. How are illegals handled in European countries? China? Russia? The middle east for that matter? Why are the Palestinians locked in Israel not allowed to flow into Egypt or Syria, Jordan and elsewhere in the Middle East? Generally the same people who advocate for illegal immigration in the USA turn a blind eye to the ability of the palestinians to migrate to middle eastern countries.
War is an ugly thing but at the end of it borders are set and one decides to stay under the new government or they become refugees to neighboring nations. Maybe the Mexican Illegals are refugees from an undeclared war within that country? Either way the hypocrisy of homeland security to crack down on Americans at airports and lobby for the renewal of the Patriot act at the same time they ignore the massive flow of illegals is breathtaking.
The problem as I see it is very simple. Capital can now range freely across the globe but labor can't. Just 25 years ago, capital was restricted in all kinds of ways when crossing international borders. So for the rich bankers they can move their money to wherever people are more exploited but those exploited people are not allowed to move where the pay is better. So now we get nation states for only those functions that keep us down like penning us in cages and preventing us from moving freely. If you have big money there is no restriction of mobility either for you or for your money.

RMJ said:
As much as people want to support those that cannot support themselves there are limits in this 3D STS world. Yes the Banksters are the core cause of the financial limitations, however until they are removed it is what it is.
The State and Local governments in the USA are being crushed by debt which cannot be eliminated through bankruptcy since they are considered sovereign. Illegal immigration and the proliferation of public sector employment (and earning much more than private sector) are the two major contributors to the financial crisis these states find themselves in. The Federal government is simply printing money to cover their growing infrastructure and wars. So we are basically bankrupt. As such not only are idealistic programs no longer sustainable basic services like road repair, police, fire and education funding need to be cut in order to balance the budgets. Some say raise the taxes on the rich, however the rich have the ability to move to lower tax states and they do. Florida has no income tax as do many others. So states like California and New York can raise them all they want but those taxpayers just leave and exasperate the problem.
Concerning borders I would like to know how widespread the problem is around the world. One certainly cannot enter Mexico illegally and lives are literally at risk if you attempt to enter their southern border from central america. Borders again are a reality of our 3D STS world. We can argue ad-infinitum as to whose are legit and whose are not. European borders have been set time and time again by war. As such I think in the name of peace we need to just recognize them and respect them. Those who want to continually re-fight these things are no better than the PTB whose wars we want ended. How are illegals handled in European countries? China? Russia? The middle east for that matter? Why are the Palestinians locked in Israel not allowed to flow into Egypt or Syria, Jordan and elsewhere in the Middle East? Generally the same people who advocate for illegal immigration in the USA turn a blind eye to the ability of the palestinians to migrate to middle eastern countries.
War is an ugly thing but at the end of it borders are set and one decides to stay under the new government or they become refugees to neighboring nations. Maybe the Mexican Illegals are refugees from an undeclared war within that country? Either way the hypocrisy of homeland security to crack down on Americans at airports and lobby for the renewal of the Patriot act at the same time they ignore the massive flow of illegals is breathtaking.
Oh man, this people are really pushing this divide thing now. All of a sudden its us vs islam, that is getting really deeply embedded that it isnt even seen as wrong anymore to have religious discrimination which is distinctly tied to racism towards arabs. Not only that, there is this whole multi-culturism has failed thing being pushed in europe by some of the leaders... That coupled with tough economic times is only going to get worse.

mr premise said:
The problem as I see it is very simple. Capital can now range freely across the globe but labor can't. Just 25 years ago, capital was restricted in all kinds of ways when crossing international borders. So for the rich bankers they can move their money to wherever people are more exploited but those exploited people are not allowed to move where the pay is better. So now we get nation states for only those functions that keep us down like penning us in cages and preventing us from moving freely.

Yah welcome to slavery 101 and the sad thing is seeing normal people endorse this things thinking they are safe because somehow they arent being targetted now... It is really telling how the world has supposedly got richer but how the majority arent actually benefiting from this in a real way. Not only that, in some spectrum of society things are getting worse. The people who benefit are soooooo few that it is unbeliavable there hasnt been an uproar of monumental proportions aimed at the pyschopaths. It only goes to show, the brainwashing, propaganda and general division between normal people is quite effective in keeping all the sheeple in line. Not only that, to also get them to police each other. Unbelievable stuff. Where has most of this wealth come from anyways? Oh yes, from the pillage of the planet and its people aswell some of who are exploited beyond endurance.
Wow, a lot of good replies. I've directed my friend to this site to see your many replies.

That is one piece of racist propaganda! As if the US government would care more about feeding illegal immigrants - or anyone else for that matter - than waging wars to steal resources and enlarge their empire.

Water Bearer, I don't understand, but is your friend condoning these ideas himself? That's why he send this to you? To "educate" you? - Alana

Yes, and it was a she that sent this to me.

I was floored and because I do not live, work or visit Arizona - I hadn't a clue as to how to answer her.

While I agree no human should go hungry, or without medical care, shelter and access to good medical care, I do put my money where my mouth is, even though my job has now been outsourced to India, I still donate to a local food pantry, two nights a month to a food distribution center for the homeless and heavily to now two animal organizations.

I live right outside one of the largest cities in the midwest. Our homeless just a few years ago use to be drug addicts, mentally challenged, veterans and people that chose to or could not work.

Now, with every increasing month we are seeing people (legally born Americans) that were just a few years ago, middle class, with 9-5 jobs, a home, the whole "American Dream" now homeless. Many with children. These are American citizens.

This friend I worked with a long time ago did move to Arizona and she (not a he) was the one who sent this to me and I was floored as to how to reply.

Personally, everyone but the American Indians are immigrants and where do we draw the line?

I personally agree that I would rather have my tax money used feeding and clothing someone vs killing people.

I wonder if those that replied donate any of their time to helping hand out food, clothing and help with sheltering our own homeless?

We are seeing a dramatic increase in what was once middle class born Americans in line for a meal with no clean or warm clothing.

And while I do agree that it is far better to spend money feeding someone vs killing someone, still charity begins at home and many Americans are out of a job, having had one medical issue or job loss.

Just a few years ago, the people that are now standing in line for a meal were middle class, with a home, car etc and are now finding themselves jobless and homeless.

The concentration of wealth is very unevenly distributed, particularly here in America, but that is escalating globally as well.

On one hand you have Xe's and corporate heads that are makings tens of millions of dollars a year (and I have worked under a CEO that came in at 10:30 AM, took a two hour lunches, left at 3:30 PM for golf, racquetball or some other entertainment and then went home promptly at 5PM.

Beyonce is worth at last count over $650 million dollars. Does she add anything but entertainment value. Yes she employs people, and stimulates the economy with all the people that work for her and the people that make and sell her $2,000 shoes and purses, but our priorities are, again in my humble opinion warped.

We gladly pay entertainer's millions of dollars to dance around on a stage while begrudging our teachers, day care workers, hamburger flippers (my son applied for a job as one but they only hire Mexicans now) decent wages.

Yes, I agree all people should have access to food, clean water and shelter – but, doesn't charity begin at home?

And no Mexicans are not taking only the jobs Americans don't want. I applied for a maid job and my son applied for a hamburger, fast food job and were turned down in favor of immigrants because corporations know that they can get away with paying immigrants cheaper, they are known as cheap labor.

We are talking about tens of billions of our tax money going to non Americans while Americans that use to have a job, (cannot now find one), who use to own a home and are now homeless.

Years back I remember applying for a job as a maid at a Hyatt Hotel, because cleaning is Zen to me, I enjoy taking something dirty and making it shiny clean and I'm quite good at it. They did not hire me and you know why? Because all their maids were Hispanic. Yes I would have taken the minimum wage they offered, but I was discriminated against, in my own country.

France and England now, if my understanding is correct are enacting tougher immigration laws because of the vast number of immigrants flooding in.

Now, who really is to blame?

Okay and again this is my own humble opinion and I'm open to change – our planet is now run by corporations, not governments, our government officials are merely puppets to the people (banksters) who now own our governments. The banksters, the corporations and the CEO’s who are the corporation's henchmen are the real culprits.

Whats more, the elite handful of people on the planet are sitting down at the table and cutting themselves ¾ of the pie and leaving the other ¼ for the rest of us pions to fight over.

Now, I have several friends I e-mail, one in Mexico and he told me that they have excellent health care – why don’t we?

I have two friends in Canada that say while their healthcare is okay, it’s far better than anything we have here in America.

England and France I hear are now enforcing more stringent immigration hiring laws.

But again, let’s face it – as far as America is concerned, everyone but the Americans are immigrants.

The real culprit are the few that hold onto most of the money and wealth.

Question: and I know I’m going to get flamed for this – what in sam heck does Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the II do to earn the money she does – see quote and source below.

The Queen as a Monarch and the Head of State receives around 40 million pounds sterlings annually ( $ 80 million) (which is for the whole Royal Family). That money is to pay for the official royal residences, royal train, state royal trips, royal cars, royal household staff, royal official employees, royal secretaries, representative funds, security and etc.. The queen as Elisabeth Windsor is a private owner of thousands of acres of land, great private residences. She is a holder of shares, profitable hedge funds, investment accounts and much more ,and has a private income of around 11-15 million pounds a year from the private title, that she uses for private life. As a monarch she is the richest person on the planet, estimated around 40 billion pounds sterling (all the residences, pieces of art, royal collection, the lands, the ships and the financial resources hold by the monarch)
Somethings not right here when some people are paid tens of millions for not really contributing (doing real work) while the ones that are doing the real work are paid squat.
And most people do not see that the people at the top of the pyramid are bound and determined to destroy the middle class, leaving only two classes – rich and poor.
And they are doing it by in sourcing and outsourcing and pitting everyone against each other.
The planet is being operated on a global scale by psychopaths.
I still say charity begins at home.

Now, I don't know if this is true but one lady I worked with from Trinidad told me when she first came to America she did not have to pay Federal Income Taxes for the first seven years? Is this true?

I've always had to pay and to boot, while my property taxes went up by $1,300 my housing value decreased by almost $30,000.

Would love to hear more on everyone’s opinion out there, something is wrong with the way the pie is being cut, I believe in sharing. I’ve proven it by sharing what little I have with those that are less fortunate.

What is the answer here?
And for the record RMJ's reply was very insightful.

Again, (I used spell check and it messed up my post a little).

Here in America, other than the American Indians, everyone else is a immigrant really.

Maybe once we start thinking on a global scale and really revamp our money system totally things might get better.

BUT and I sincerly mean this.

No, in my humble opinion, Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Beyonce, Tom Cruise, Tiger Woods do not deserve the tens of millions of dollars they are hoarding.

Sorry, no, check - simply research the retirement and health care package all of the American Senators, Congressmen and Presidents get upon retirement.

GWB (a war criminal) was able to buy 100,000 acres in Paraguay. Don't you wish you could buy just one acre somewhere?

And this guy (again in my humble opinion) stole one, maybe two elections, condoned torture and ripped what was left of our Constitiution to shreds.

Something has got to change.

We cannot keep letting the Psychopaths run the planet or we are doomed as a species.
Yes something has to change..

I think it is important to realise that the whole thing is rotten. Top to bottom.

I think it is wrong to blame it on immigrants solely. After all, as you said, immigrants provide a cheap labour source, why wouldnt organisations want that? Lower costs equals bigger profit. I dont think immigration will ever stop. For one, people have always moved since the dawn of time.

I think also, it is important to realise exactly what this world is, so that you dont like feel really down on yourself, this is a world where it is normal to take advantage of others and pillage. I believe they call it STS. You cant have a fair system. Even if psychopaths were removed from power, people with souls will still pretty much do the same to each other in my opinion, that is if the soul is oriented to service to self.

It is wrong to pay entertainers millions but entertainers maintain most of the illusion on behalf of the PTB. That is why they get rewarded so much. The queen also gets rewarded so much because apparently it is her divine right... Uhmm? Yah crazy I know. But that is it, crazy, I am sure most of the elite like to see everyone suffer because they feel they are better than everyone and I dont think they see the rest as humans at all. I think they see us as commodities to be used and abused for maximum gain... You can talk economics all day long and how to try to create a fair system but in my opinion I think economics is essentially a PR stunt made to justify some few people having more power and wealth than others. Then you get a spectrum from them down to the peasantry on the streets who literally have nuthing - the middle class featured in a relatively comfortable place on this spectrum in near close proximity to the overlords but why act surprised when the overlords decide to do what is in there nature and push you back down once you've served your purpose? Infact it is to be expected and only irrational to think otherwise. That is the arena of life. Where individual lessons are to be learnt based on ones specific soul profile, OSIT.

It's sad, I agree with you water bearer. I also admire the fact that you do so much for your community in a real way. IMO, I dont know if anything will change in like a massive scale, all I know is that it has been touted that chaos will ensue then the whole system will reset due to intervention of cosmic influences that will not only affect the earth itself but also its inhabitants.

Also have you noticed how they are driving this slave thing now, that people are literally fighting to be enslaved when the hand that feeds them gets taken away? You cry, you even cry to be a burger flipper. This is called re-enforcement. You should realise that this is conditioning. I once saw an interview on the head of the family who owns johnsons and johnsons, his son was asking him what he should do with his life. He said, that for one, he shouldnt like work, not in the sense of 9-5 because that is irrational and they have all the money in the world. Instead he should find a hobby and spend all his time doing that... I am not saying working is bad, I am just saying that, a 9-5 job is pure slavery. Especially when it is enforced upon you like you have no choice. Either do it or starve to death... Doing the same repetitive task over and over and over again on behalf of some organisation until you hit retirement age... Anyways, that's the nature of the world and I am not judging. I just wont ever see it as a gift from God is all.

Anyways, just my 2 cents.(As they like to say)

Before I forget your argument to do with the CEO, again I think it is important to realise you and the CEO are not on the same level. The CEO is an enforcer and as such has more priviledges than the ones underneath him. He isnt exactly a 9-5 slave, his job is to make sure everyone else does there job. If you take a giant concetration camp or gulag, the CEO would be the guy in charge of the camp. As such he has priviledges and the priviledges decrease the lower you move down the ranks.. OSIT.
RMJ said:
Concerning borders I would like to know how widespread the problem is around the world. One certainly cannot enter Mexico illegally and lives are literally at risk if you attempt to enter their southern border from central america. Borders again are a reality of our 3D STS world. We can argue ad-infinitum as to whose are legit and whose are not. European borders have been set time and time again by war. As such I think in the name of peace we need to just recognize them and respect them.

And what problem you are talking about ?

Only real problem mankind is faced with is complete criminal takeover of the world by pathocrats and the product of their making. It's been like this since the "beginning of history", where people live for their comunity, then some smarta$$ or his representative shows up claiming the territory under his/her authority, if any objections are there, gang of criminals called military sent to deal with disobedience. After it's been taken over establish a farm with a fence that is called USA, China, Russia, Egypt, Israel, etc. Where they ponerize the herd and do black magic to make people forget they are cattle on a farm. And these borders are nothing but the conquered territory of the pathocrats which people are actually called to defend and grow proud of.

RMJ said:
As such I think in the name of peace we need to just recognize them and respect them.
For the name of peace ? You mean for the name of illusion and a dream associated with it ? I really hope you are joking & I am not getting it. Because I'd rather die before I recognize or respect way of pathocrats and their system. There is no honor in respecting or recognizing pathocrats and their system.

People seem to believe that system pathocrats installed can be fixed or bring anything positive. It can not be anywhere further from truth. It was never designed to work, nor it can be possibly fixed. Only difference pathocrats know that, most of the people don't, since they believe as soon as we fix what we think is an issue everything is going to be nice and peachy. And throughout the history attempt to deal with what people are told is the issue usually turns out violent and disastrous. They know people love dreaming, and they are gladly assisting people with that for their own benefit. So you'll never wake up and let pathocrats be.

The Water Bearer said:
I wonder if those that replied donate any of their time to helping hand out food, clothing and help with sheltering our own homeless?

Is there a point for this question ?

The Water Bearer said:
And no Mexicans are not taking only the jobs Americans don't want. I applied for a maid job and my son applied for a hamburger, fast food job and were turned down in favor of immigrants because corporations know that they can get away with paying immigrants cheaper, they are known as cheap labor.

I feel bad for people from Mexico that they have been made a face of illegal immigration. For your information, it's far not only people of Mexico that are illegals. What you write about not being able to get a job because of illegal immigrants is a complete BS IMHO. I really do not get people, especially in US that complain there are no jobs. How come pretty much everyone, except for chronic complainers & dwellers of own misery that blame everyone and everything for their misfortunes, have no problem finding a job, legal or illegal. And do you really honestly believe that it is easier for a person with no proper documents to get a job ?

I mean people who promote capitalism as the best possible way of life known to a man complain about competition ? Isn't it kind of hypocritic ?

The whole idea about illegal immigrants taking welfare or applying fro medicaid is nonsense. First of all there are checks for that in place, at second from what I know illegals won't go anywhere close to the system, because going there and asking something from the system is equal to turning yourself in. I personally don't know a single illegal that does that.

I get the feeling along the lines that both you and RMJ see illegal immigrants as a partial blame for the issues in your homeland. To me you guys make no sense with most of your statements. You use exactly same type of mentality that "deport-em-all" folks do. I could be very well wrong.

Just because a pig is born in stables, it does not make it a horse. No matter how many generations.
To me, the problem is that people are pitted against each other - legal and illegal, worker and unemployed, man and woman, one race against another, even within families. This is what individuals unfortunately keep getting caught up in never realizing that for those in power, it is a strategy to keep people separate. People need to stop fighting each other and focus on the ones actually causing the problems. Period.

No one is taking anyone's job. This is the oldest trick in the book. Corporations hire whoever is willing to take the least amount of money - that way they get to keep more of it.

Borders (in my opinion) exist only to keep control of the masses. Who decided they have the right to tell anyone where on this earth they should live? Madness.

All of it is to keep people fighting over scraps. Just one big distraction.
agni said:
I get the feeling along the lines that both you and RMJ see illegal immigrants as a partial blame for the issues in your homeland. To me you guys make no sense with most of your statements. You use exactly same type of mentality that "deport-em-all" folks do. I could be very well wrong.

Agni, What exactly does not make sense? I "feel" you would advocate anarchy. Hopefully my feeling is wrong. Also my question was where else in this world are open borders ignored? The 3 psychopathic powers at play here are 1) Corporations wanting to drive down wages 2) The Politicians wanting to buy votes and 3) The PTB in the host nations encouraging the less fortunate to flee so they don't have to support them. Which of these are you lobbying support of?
RMJ said:
I "feel" you would advocate anarchy.

I advocate de-ponerezation of society, humanity & humility where human-to-human is a friend, not where human-to-human is a wolf.

RMJ said:
Also my question was where else in this world are open borders ignored?

Doing the right things does not derive from what majority does. Question on how others handle borders is irrelevant.

RMJ said:
The 3 psychopathic powers at play here are 1) Corporations wanting to drive down wages 2) The Politicians wanting to buy votes and 3) The PTB in the host nations encouraging the less fortunate to flee so they don't have to support them. Which of these are you lobbying support of?

I am not lobbying support of anything here. Do you ? (BTW, I am a pro-choice. Wanna ask me if I lobby child murder & people hatred ?)

If I to lobby anything, that would be de-ponerezation of society & education of masses.

RMJ said:
What exactly does not make sense?

You whole previous post. I see elements of typical media brainwashing elements present all over with a touch of hysteria of defend "your own", where idea of separation of humanity is promoted.
Re: Why Arizona did the right thing. Got this from a e-mail buddy that lives in

Agni, you may be a bit misinformed. I live around and work with illegal immigrants from Mexico. I live in Arizona. I personally know illegals who get hundreds of dollars in food stamps every month. The *checks* in the system can be bypassed. The same with employers. I work for a large company that supposedly e verifies all new hirees, yet illegals still get hired. Fyi
Re: Why Arizona did the right thing. Got this from a e-mail buddy that lives in

Also, someone mentioned that it wasnt the illegal Mexicans causing crime, but the American born Latinos, or *Chicanos* as they are referred to where I live. That is not correct. Crime is not defined by where a person is born.
A FB friend just posted this on here wall :
our car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers Arabic and your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbor is an immigrant?

Immigration problem is a false problem. Before WW2, people were able to re-locate easily as humans did for thousands of years (i guess Atlantis did have the same anti-immigration laws though). Today, what do you need to travel? a VISA!

Anyway. Why do people relocate? Because of geographical imbalances. So people nomadicity has the aim of restoring an imbalance. Since WW2, the governments create artificially economic/politic imbalances and keep people from restoring social imbalances. Nothing new.

The core problem IMHO is identification. I remember reading Nietsch say something like "why should i be proud of being prussian or french or whatever? did i choose that? it is just that i was born that way". And this is the problem. When we accept inside us the birth-right to live somewhere and deny that right to people just because they have been born somewhere else, why should we be upset thet some people have the born-right to detain power on us and deny to us? It is like a implicite contract : I deny work/rights to people because they are born on the other side of a border i don't know who decided to put there so you have the right to rule me because i was not born in a ruling family.

Why should we identify to the little priviledge given by psychopaths and use it agains other people to whom the psychopaths have given less priviledges? It is the same as accepting the police beat students because the psychopaths gave them more power to do so. Same insanity.

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