Why do they feed on us??

Gonzo said:
In our 3rd density environment, it seems it has always been a case of one thing eating another.

As we are starting to learn that plants have consciousness and feel pain, we are left with the realization that even a vegetarian diet causes suffering to lives. Unfortunately, the vegetarian movement was largely motivated by trying to find a way to eat without harming life and, out of a natural disdain for the killing of animal life, were oblivious to the reality that in this life on this planet, it is impossible to exist without taking another's life, OSIT.

Once we realize this, then we have to find peace and realize that the best we can do is to take as little as possible and express our gratitude for the lives we take.

I truly hope we will someday find a way to break free from this cycle of zero sum feeding, where one life can only exist by taking another. In a symbolic sense, however, I find it interesting to consider how life depends on life.

Perhaps life will always require life but in higher densities ending life won't be part of the equation.


I agree that when looking at it in those terms, it is sad to have to 'end life' or to 'feed on life' in order to continue one's own life. However, I tend to think that the lower densities 'want' to be of some service to higher densities, just like the lower centers 'want' to serve the higher centers and people 'want' to serve higher causes, etc., as if there exists some fundamental bias or impulse towards evolving into, or participating with something greater than themselves in the current existence (or incarnation).

I don't know how the 'suffering' of lower densities (like plants, for example) equates to how we generally consider the issue, but perhaps one day when we've cleared out all of our own internal garbage, the issue will seem more like 'transforming states of being', rather than "ending life"? All is just lessons, right? :)
Hey Bud,

That's an interesting notion. Do you think that is universal with lower density life forms, even in an STS environment? I'm interested in knowing your thought process.

There are all sorts of evidence in the animal kingdom of benevolence, for lack of a better term at the moment (ex. Interspecies adoption, protection, etc.).

As well, I saw a documentary about a monkey community (can't recall the ape or monkey type), where they ended up with a real nasty leader who killed a more benevolent leader to assume his position. Eventually the community turned on him en masse and killed him. So, at that level, there was a "for the good of the pack" behaviour, which I found interesting.

But I haven't really seen examples (at least none come to mind) where an animal intentionally gives itself up to a higher density being, a human.

hi there Gonzo,

Your two lasts post resounded with me, this subject of inter-dimension feeding came up in another topic (cattle and such) and I have the same concerns you expressed in both this topic and the other one.

I remember having read about how hunting prey "offered" itself to aboriginal australian hunters and also to indian american. I cannot give any reference nor do I know the accuracy or truth behind those instances, but found it interesting. That could be related to the notion of lower serving higher.

If we look at the animal world, the way that sick, old, young feeble animals, along with those in a vulnerable position get preyed upon we can clearly see that this must be the case too when going higher on the ladder, thus the need for protection via knowledge in our case.

Free will in this context is to be understood both ways imo, it is anyones free will to choose who they want to eat and it is anyones free will to try and refuse to be eaten (free will does not mean success at avoiding it...it does not for cows and surely not for us).

Plants have no free will and so on...the higher one goes the more free will one can actually execute at all and with respect to same dimension and to lower dimensions but still inferior with respect to higher dimensions.

Also "consent" to be food imo is to be understood somewhat rather as "negligence" to protect oneself, like when one choses "to hate predators" instead of choosing understanding of oneself and facing of issues. (to use luke wilson described processes as an example)

My thoughts.

Gonzo said:
Hey Bud,

That's an interesting notion. Do you think that is universal with lower density life forms, even in an STS environment? I'm interested in knowing your thought process.

There are all sorts of evidence in the animal kingdom of benevolence, for lack of a better term at the moment (ex. Interspecies adoption, protection, etc.).

As well, I saw a documentary about a monkey community (can't recall the ape or monkey type), where they ended up with a real nasty leader who killed a more benevolent leader to assume his position. Eventually the community turned on him en masse and killed him. So, at that level, there was a "for the good of the pack" behaviour, which I found interesting.

But I haven't really seen examples (at least none come to mind) where an animal intentionally gives itself up to a higher density being, a human.


Hi Gonzo. I was attempting to address "in this life on this planet, it is impossible to exist without taking another's life", and I was agreeing with the symbiotic nature of life and suggesting that the 'sadness about the whole thing' flavor of the post that I thought I picked up on is based on looking at the issue as it concerns us in the Work and from the 3D point of view with our limiting understanding.

The monkey examples don't really reflect the idea of a desire to advance to higher densities evolutionarily speaking, osit.

I suppose I am assuming that from a 4th or higher density point of view, the idea of 'life taking life' as you described it could/would be viewed as states of being in some kind of transformation and not necessarily something to feel sad about, because at some point on our path we must learn to see and accept the universe as it is, osit.

At least, that was what was on my mind. If that doesn't clarify, please let me know. :)
[quote author=Bud]
I suppose I am assuming that from a 4th or higher density point of view, the idea of 'life taking life' as you described it could/would be viewed as states of being in some kind of transformation and not necessarily something to feel sad about, because at some point on our path we must learn to see and accept the universe as it is, osit.

In the 3D world we exist in, taking life for the purpose of feeding is an inescapable fact. I sometimes feel the same sadness that Gonzo mentioned and try to accept that feeling as a part of life. I think both the sadness and the acceptance of the reality of our existence are equally valid and can exist together. Do we really need to drive out this feeling of sadness which seems to be a natural reaction to our current state of affairs?
Intellectually speaking, we can say that this taking of life ultimately is a transformation of state. A transformation of state or learning or evolving towards a higher level of existence can probably occur in ways different than the ones which we are familiar with here on earth. For example, it was stated in the C's transcripts somewhere that in a STO world such feeding on life is not necessary and evolution of consciousness proceeds without it.

[quote author=Bud]
I agree that when looking at it in those terms, it is sad to have to 'end life' or to 'feed on life' in order to continue one's own life. However, I tend to think that the lower densities 'want' to be of some service to higher densities, just like the lower centers 'want' to serve the higher centers and people 'want' to serve higher causes, etc., as if there exists some fundamental bias or impulse towards evolving into, or participating with something greater than themselves in the current existence (or incarnation).
I do not think it is common for a lower density being to voluntarily give up its life in a feeding scenario to serve the higher density being. It is bound by the laws governing its existence and under the conditions it may not have a choice - just as a cow may be helpless against human beings and human beings relatively helpless against the 4D predators.
obyvatel said:
Bud] I suppose I am assuming that from a 4th or higher density point of view said:
I sometimes feel the same sadness that Gonzo mentioned and try to accept that feeling as a part of life.

I do too.

obyvatel said:
I think both the sadness and the acceptance of the reality of our existence are equally valid and can exist together.

I do too.

obyvatel said:
Do we really need to drive out this feeling of sadness which seems to be a natural reaction to our current state of affairs?

We don't have to. We can work with it several ways. Hold onto it and use it for transmutation. Use it as a springboard for reaching the inner silence that helps us to get a grip on intent and will which could lead to DOing something about it. We could just accept it as part of life, acknowledge it, experience it and try to let it go. Ask ourselves is it a really genuine sadness (of ours) as it appears to be, or could it be a buffer against feeling our annoyance or anger at being in 3D with all it's 'limitations' of perception? Things like that.

obyvatel said:
Intellectually speaking, we can say that this taking of life ultimately is a transformation of state. A transformation of state or learning or evolving towards a higher level of existence can probably occur in ways different than the ones which we are familiar with here on earth. For example, it was stated in the C's transcripts somewhere that in a STO world such feeding on life is not necessary and evolution of consciousness proceeds without it.

I agree and I'm keeping the light on for said STO world. :P

obyvatel said:
[quote author=Bud]
I agree that when looking at it in those terms, it is sad to have to 'end life' or to 'feed on life' in order to continue one's own life. However, I tend to think that the lower densities 'want' to be of some service to higher densities, just like the lower centers 'want' to serve the higher centers and people 'want' to serve higher causes, etc., as if there exists some fundamental bias or impulse towards evolving into, or participating with something greater than themselves in the current existence (or incarnation).
I do not think it is common for a lower density being to voluntarily give up its life in a feeding scenario to serve the higher density being. It is bound by the laws governing its existence and under the conditions it may not have a choice - just as a cow may be helpless against human beings and human beings relatively helpless against the 4D predators.

I agree. I didn't realize I might be giving the impression that my statements were aimed specifically at the part: "willingly giving up life to a higher density". I take responsibility for that and apologize for the lack of clarity.

So, in summary, I was just saying "Cheer up, don't let it get you down". :)

Here's a few quotes about sadness from Don Juan that may, or may not, be interesting:

[quote author=The Active Side of Infinity]
Sadness, for sorcerers, is not personal. It is not quite sadness. It’s a wave of energy that comes from the depths of the cosmos, and hits sorcerers when they are receptive, when they are like radios, capable of catching radio waves. The sorcerers of olden times, who gave us the entire format of sorcery, believed that there is sadness in the universe, as a force, a condition, like light, like intent, and that this perennial force acts especially on sorcerers because they no longer have any defensive shields. They cannot hide behind their friends or their studies. They cannot hide behind love, or hatred, or happiness, or misery. They can’t hide behind anything.

The condition of sorcerers is that sadness, for them, is abstract. It doesn’t come from coveting or lacking something, or from self-importance. It doesn’t come from me. It comes from infinity.

[quote author=Tales of Power]
A warrior acknowledges his pain but he doesn't indulge in it.

I am going to disclose to you a warrior's secret. Perhaps you can call it a warrior's predilection. The life of a warrior cannot possibly be cold and lonely and without feelings because it is based on his affection, his devotion, his dedication to his beloved. And who, you ask, is his beloved? I will show you now.

His love is the world. He embraces this enormous earth. The earth knows that he loves it and it bestows on him its care. That's why his life is filled to the brim and his state, wherever he'll be, will be plentiful. He roams on the paths of his love and, wherever he is, he is complete.

This is the predilection of a warrior. This earth, this world. For a warrior there can be no greater love. Only if one loves this earth with unbending passion can one release one's sadness. A warrior is always joyful because his love is unalterable and his beloved, the earth, embraces him and bestows upon him inconceivable gifts. The sadness belongs only to those who hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings.

This lovely being, which is alive to its last recesses and understands every feeling, soothed me, it cured me of my pains, and finally when I had fully understood my love for it, it taught me freedom.

Listen to that dog's barking. That is the way my beloved earth is helping me now to bring this last point to you. That barking is the saddest thing one can hear.

That dog's barking is the nocturnal voice of a man. It comes from a house in that valley towards the south. A man is shouting through his dog, since they are companion slaves for life, his sadness, his boredom. He's begging his death to come and release him from the dull and dreary chains of his life.

That barking, and the loneliness it creates, speaks of the feelings of men, men for whom an entire life was like one Sunday afternoon, an afternoon which was not altogether miserable, but rather hot and dull and uncomfortable. They sweated and fussed a great deal. They didn't know where to go, or what to do. That afternoon left them only with the memory of petty annoyances and tedium, and then suddenly it was over; it was already night.

The antidote that kills that poison is here; this earth. The sorcerers' explanation cannot at all liberate the spirit. Look at yourself, you have gotten to the sorcerers' explanation, but it doesn't make any difference that you know it. You're more alone than ever, because without an unwavering love for the being that gives you shelter, aloneness is loneliness.
Only the love for this splendorous being can give freedom to a warrior's spirit; and freedom is joy, efficiency, and abandon in the face of any odds.[/quote]

[quote author=The Fire From Within]
There is no completeness without sadness and longing, for without them there is no sobriety, no kindness. Wisdom without kindness and knowledge without sobriety are useless.
The new seers recommend a very simple act when impatience, or despair, or anger, or sadness comes their way. They recommend that warriors roll their eyes. Any direction will do; I prefer to roll mine clockwise. The movement of the eyes makes the assemblage point shift momentarily. In that movement, you will find relief. This is in lieu of true mastery of intent.
You say that you feel terribly sad. Who cares about sadness? Think only of the mysteries; mystery is all that matters. We are living beings; we have to die and relinquish our awareness. But if we could change just a tinge of that, what mysteries must await us! What mysteries![/quote]

[quote author=The Eagle's Gift]
A warrior is someone who seeks freedom. Sadness is not freedom. We must snap out of it. Having a sense of detachment entails having a moment's pause to reassess situations.
obyvatel said:
[quote author=Bud]
I suppose I am assuming that from a 4th or higher density point of view, the idea of 'life taking life' as you described it could/would be viewed as states of being in some kind of transformation and not necessarily something to feel sad about, because at some point on our path we must learn to see and accept the universe as it is, osit.
[...] I sometimes feel the same sadness that Gonzo mentioned and try to accept that feeling as a part of life. I think both the sadness and the acceptance of the reality of our existence are equally valid and can exist together. Do we really need to drive out this feeling of sadness which seems to be a natural reaction to our current state of affairs? [...]

My impression is that such sadness (where genuine) comes from empathy and understanding of the issue from the point of view of the one who experiences it. Such understanding is if anything to be cultivated, and becomes even deeper in higher densities.

So someone in a higher density would see the issue from both those points of view - transition, as well as experience of those involved - at once. (and whatever other points of view apply that I haven't and/or cannot think of)

Hi Bud,

Yes, it was, as you suggested, that portion of your message I was attempting to better understand.

bud said:
I agree. I didn't realize I might be giving the impression that my statements were aimed specifically at the part: "willingly giving up life to a higher density". I take responsibility for that and apologize for the lack of clarity.

However, in case I gave the wrong impression, I was genuinely interested in pursuing the notion of an altruistic desire withing lower densities to server higher densities and was looking for examples to refine my take on things.

Someone had mentioned (somewhere, I can't recall if it was this thread or not) examples of hunted animals (perhaps birds?) actually giving themselves up to certain hunters in some obvious manner, but alas, it would be hard to discern the animal's thinking and the potential to misinterpret their intent would be pretty high, OSIT.

However, even though we are all living in an STS environment on 3rd density Earth, I wonder if animals had been affected like humans, to a sufficient degree to be more aligned to entropy. Or, is it only the human species that has been meddled with and the flora and fauna are pretty close to their original blueprint and only affected by man's effect on the world around him?

If it is possible that only man is STS (ignoring hyperdimensional residents of Earth for a moment), then the STSness we as humans experience, is limited to 3rd density and not 1st and 2nd densities. And the only reason I had originally lumped us and them (animals, plants, etc) together was because the Earth as we know it encompasses us all.

The possibility that 1st and 2nd density Earthlings could actually be STO (or less STS) honestly never occurred to me.

So, what do we think? Is it only man that had been directly meddled with and the lower densities have not and are merely affected by man's resulting consciousness and collective FRV?

This is quite an interesting area for me to consider.

Another is the thought of alternate realities;I would expect their is a parallel universe where man did not "fall" and retained his/her STO alignment with creation. If this is the case, what are the effects, including possible bleed through?

Thanks for humouring me as I try to wrap my mind around some of these concepts and my apologies if they are merely noise.

Respect and warm regards,
We are STS so in order to live we have to feed on something. I believe the key here is to limit the amount of feeding. Take only what you need and move on. It drives me crazy when people throw out food. If you are throwing out Pizza crust or a few grapes - not a big deal but when I had roommates they would throw out whole peaces of chicken, bowls full of pasta and veggies. I would say do you realize people die of hunger every day. (Didn't want to bring up the whole feeding idea they would of looked at me like I had 2 heads). They would just shrug it off with a whatever attitude. I feel taking more than you need or wasting food is a problem but as STS beings taking as little as you need, not wasting food and moving on - I see nothing wrong with that.

Also I would much rather go to the store and buy chicken breast, or tuna then be a STS 4D being and torment people, mess with their minds in order to feed. I feel that if we were to take a poll and it said "What is a better way to feed" and the options were

1) Going to the grocery store to buy food


2) Tormenting people to produce negative energy

Most people would chose number one.

Maybe I am subconsciously trying to justifying feeding on 1D and 2D beings - trying to say well this is the best of the worst but when it comes down to it - Until the wave comes there is no changing it only managing/controling it
Last question. I have also in the wave read about abductions. I am a novice in this area and so I find it very very hard to understand. From what I can gather, the C's say the lizzies dont abduct people physically, they just take the soul into 4th density and do stuff to it like, put implants, look at its decomposition then make somekind of clone copy. But later on in the text, the c's said that once the soul is returned back, the clone copy seazes to exist. I AM CONFUSED. Why make a clone copy if you can't keep it. Someone help me understand this or explain it better to me please. Also, why are they interested in souls?? I thought all they want is food so why abduct souls???

The Cassiopaeans said that when a fourth density entity comes and abduct a third density human they do not take the physical body in a sense but a soul copy which every human being has. Because this process happens in fourth density which is a variable level of physical and ethereal existence. And they do not want to Permanently abduct you or go through so much trouble by trying to access your body in a physical sense which may be hard if it is done this way. So the entity take a copy of your soul imprint and do procedures on your spirit or what ever and bring it back and it manifest on the physical third density body. So they may not be interested in the soul itself but what it can do to the soul so they can control us on third density by performing whatever on this soul copy. Now I do not know if this is a absolute reason why they copy the soul or bring it to their level or do it the way they do. It could be many reasons why which may be a lot more complicated then we can understand.

Last question. Why cant our 4th density STS rulers who have absolute control over this world just kill off people who have STO potential.

Because those that are STO candidates have knowledge and the Cassipaeans constantly say "knowledge protects". Because knowledge builds awareness
and light which gives that person power to defend himself from any STS ethereal entity that try's to destroy him or her progess to spiritual growth. And they
have a hard time manifesting physically in our reality to do these things and It is some Law by the Divine creator.
Whenever I hear this I just start getting angry... It is our choice, we made the choice.... who is we?? I did not make such a choice - why would anyone make such a choice!! I hate the fact that I am on somebodies dinner plate, I hate the fact that If I do have a soul, they can just take it at will, I hate the fact that they can just zap people with invisible waves meant to cause chemical imbalances.. I am sorry but the more I read the wave the more angry I get. I swear to God, If I ever graduate up there to 4D, when I do see a lizzie, I'll be less than friendly towards them. Infact I am just going to just say it, If they were to just stop existing, I'd be happy, a universe without lizzies is a good universe in my opinion! I am sorry if this breaks the love and light rule towards all things in creation.... Can you imagine if one of them managed to make it into 6D, OMG, the carnage that would ensue would be biblical. Thank God for whatever natural Laws that stops this from happening.

Luke I understand your anger in this but I see a lot of subjectivity in your words. The Lizzies are STS just like we are so it is natural for there behavior to be like this. Human beings need obstacles before
we can grow spiritually we need to suffer in a sense. And there will always be that opposing force of light that will try to see you don't grow as a person. And this is what is it is part of our lesson it is part of the divine creation and we must accept it and learn how to protect our selves from attack. Light cannot exist without the dark period so don't let this stop you from progression and beat them at their own game and you can do this by first acquiring knowledge. They want you to be angry and be upset with the dark side so you can stay strictly on the light which then creats forms of attack on your part.

How do I do this? How do I evolve a purpose? Anger just immobilizes me, it consumes me when it shows itself. It is something that I havent learnt to use, I put it down as soon as it shows itself - anger demands action and to act constructively out of anger is something that is extraordinarily hard for me. So for me it is unusable. In all honesty, I have only learnt to deal with anger in one way and one way only, and that is to extinguish it.

And I would lastly suggest Eiriu Eolas as this releases stress and can help your anger on this. Sorry for so many post I got to the other comments later

[Mod note: Removed celtic's double post]
One thing we try to do with emotional energy like anger is to transmute it. This is done through self observation: paying strict attention to oneself physically, mentally, emotionally.

Scan your body slowly from head to toe and take note of every sensation your body is experiencing - tingles, tightness, heart racing, heavy breathing, pain, rigidity, etc.

What thoughts go through one's mind? Try to objectively analyze the various thought processes. Are their violent imaginings, thoughts of running away, etc.?

What other emotions are present? Sadness, fear, frustration, etc.

This is something that takes effort and practice and what you will notice is that it actually creates some distance between you and the emotion. Eventually you end up with a catalogue of physical, mental and emotional characteristics associated with every mood or emotional headspace.
This leads to transmuting the negative aspect into a positive, creative one, thereby turning a loss into a gain.

At least that's as far as I have gotten with it.

This observation of ones self, is very important.

I would easily fly into a rant when things seemed to be going wrong or seemed to purposely interact with me, in an effort to get me ranting. For me, driving a vehicle is one area that can get me going, and I drive a lot. Knowing and understanding the kinds of situations that set me off, seems to be the key for a relaxing drive.

Now, I tend to be guilty of pushing other drivers buttons by doing these things to them, and watching their reactions in the mirror. I am not sure if that is entirely good, planing and getting specific reactions from certain drivers, just by seeing their driving habits, understanding what will push their buttons and causing a planed reaction. The only good thing could actually be seeing this in action enacted by a fellow human who could easily have been me 6 months ago.

I try to not upset other drivers now, but understand it is simple to push their buttons for a reaction. The end result seems to be helping me drive without anger, as I just avoid going there in the first place. I was behind a semi truck and trailer the other day. It was hard to pass so I laid back several car lengths and ran with the cruise control, keeping pace with the truck. There was a driver in the vehicle behind me, who drove 20km with less than a car length between us and he did not look happy at all. He finally passed me, but sat on the back bumper of that truck for another 10km, till we all arrived in town, within seconds. I can just bet the feeding off him tasted pretty good. Do I want that for me? No thanks....I gave at the office. lol

It seems the petty tyrant attitude is like this also, in that we need to learn to deal with petty tyrants, without loosing our cool. As world woes escalate, there seems to be petty tyrants at every button.

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