Why do they feed on us??

luke wilson said:
Thanks Jerry and Ana.

I will definately try and do the pipe breathing more.

Ana said:
I would say that in order to properly know how to handle anger for our growth we need first to know how and when it manifests. There are specific context or life situations, or is it a recurrent feeling with no inmediate context?

Yes, I know how and when it manifests. There are triggers that just make it appear and I know what they are. I have tried to self-observe when this happens. To really look into myself and see why I am feeling this way at this time in the hope of transforming the emotion or maybe even learning something about myself. If I cant, I make whatever is causing it to go away and there is no specific thing that just makes me feel almost violated than the voice of some people when they sing or make certain types of noise. I dont know why, but I cant handle it. Usually what I do is I either ask them politely to sing quietly to themselves, sometimes this just provokes someone into singing even more loudly, then I just put on earphones and listen to music that calms me down. Another common source of my anger, is anger towards the self at failing to do something that should be otherwise easy to do.

Thanks for the insight ana - need to keep in mind what you say and not forget.

Getting back to the topic of this thread, 4th density STS feed on negative emotion, does anyone know how this happens, let us say you feel sad or angry or some other negative emotion, how do they feed on it? Do they feed on it when you release it like how you explained ana? What happens if you transform it?

I have tried to self-observe when this happens. To really look into myself and see why I am feeling this way ...
are you purely self observing or are you introspecting? In self obseravtion we don't look for reasons/causes/histories or theories, but just take snapshots without commentary in order to build a clean uncontaminated picture of our actions/reactions in reality without stories, reasons, excuses, imaginations.
stevie argyll said:
are you purely self observing or are you introspecting? In self obseravtion we don't look for reasons/causes/histories or theories, but just take snapshots without commentary in order to build a clean uncontaminated picture of our actions/reactions in reality without stories, reasons, excuses, imaginations.

Definition of introspect: reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings.

I suppose that is what I am doing. I try and find the reason why I am feeling that whilst I am feeling it. I wouldnt say I reflect on it per se, I would say I just try and understand it better. I just dont passively stare at myself whilst this is happening in this case but I try and figure it out, understand it more, understand the underlying causes. Maybe this is the wrong approach??
luke wilson said:
stevie argyll said:
are you purely self observing or are you introspecting? In self obseravtion we don't look for reasons/causes/histories or theories, but just take snapshots without commentary in order to build a clean uncontaminated picture of our actions/reactions in reality without stories, reasons, excuses, imaginations.

Definition of introspect: reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings.

I suppose that is what I am doing. I try and find the reason why I am feeling that whilst I am feeling it. I wouldnt say I reflect on it per se, I would say I just try and understand it better. I just dont passively stare at myself whilst this is happening in this case but I try and figure it out, understand it more, understand the underlying causes. Maybe this is the wrong approach??

Hi Luke
If you are - quote ' I try and find the reason why I am feeling that whilst I am feeling it. I ' then that may be useful to you but it isn't self observation.
In self observation you stay in the moment and observe posture, emotion and thought, you may want to include your introspection as a subject of self observation, merely as a subject not as a component . so taking your anger thing you spoke about - in self observation you could observe how your body is, does breathing stop, does jaw tighten, does head pull onto neck, are elbows relaxed, what about knees and ankles, how wide are my eyes. What thoughts am I thinking, are these new thoughts each time or old recycled thoughts, what emotion am I feeling, where exactly am I feeling it, Am I talking to myself, what is the subject matter , am I tending to go internal into introspection and losing myself from the here and now. Am I present, do I accept these feelings or do I try to suppress or discharge.

Gradually you will build a picture - thoughts, feelings, postures, tensions eg: what you do. And when the 'internal story' suspends one day you might see the 'other' so called cause of the anger as someone/thing entirely different.
just a suggestion. sometimes we can spend for ever looking for a cause and then the cause when found doesnt change the habit, just like finding the nettle that stung you doesnt ease the pain of nettle rash, sometimes better to look for a dock leaf instead.

again, just a suggestion, take it for checking.
Luke. I think is great that you are so interested in certain topics that are part of the process of gaining knowledge in order to "free" yourself. I can certainly relate myself to your apprehension of doing the full EE program. For some months I skipped the beatha part. But I realised that just repressed emotions just would not leave at all without the proper work. So yes, I guess it is not comfortable to face those emotions but It is part of knowing ourselves. To get to love us for who we are.
Imagine a place where you could create your own reality, where it seemed (until the Wave arrives) you got endless do-overs of your actions to manipulate all possible consequences of said actions. Engineering a food supply to cheat the system, avoiding (until the Wave arrives) the karma of your actions by transferring the price paid to your food. Did we not hijack the indigenous anthropoids of this planet, altering their true destiny, along with all the other life-forms? How many truly choose to reign in "hell" rather to serve in "heaven"!
Avala said:
Because they can? Why do we eat?

Therein lies the parallel I think. We eat because we need to as service to self. Since we are in a physical realm we need to eat physical food to survive. Also psychic/emotional energy is also 'eaten' by us as well (for example one person provoking and another to get them angry and feeding off that anger). Using "as above so below" as a reference, I think that in a 4th density realm (part ethereal/physical) it will be less physical food (prob none at all really) and more along the lines of psychic/emotional energy. When you consider the suffering of man's history it seems like this place is one of the Universe's top restaurants in terms of what the lizzies like to eat. At the same time this is what makes it one of the 'top schools' (for the soul). Although one might not be aware if it at the moment, perhaps at a level you aren't aware of, you choose to incarnate here and a condition of that is we have to be food for those above... until we learn to choose NOT to be food...osit. (Sorry if I digressed)
Guardian said:
Because we're crunchy and good with ketchup? ;D

I betcha some prefer brown stadium mustard. :D :D :D

edit: sorry about that al today, thought I hit the quote button! :-[
Al Today said:
I betcha some prefer brown stadium mustard. :D :D :D

~Fabric~ said:
Therein lies the parallel I think.

I think ya might be onto something there Fabric :)

All the 3D v 4D controversies just tickle me sometimes.
4D Beings all into what's going on in 3D.... and 3D Beings all into what's going on in 4D.
Classic "Grass is always greener" ;)

I'd be willing to bet that 3D and 4D don't really seem all that different once you're in them?
In reality, there is little difference between our move towards genetically modified organisms, animal cloning, etc., to what certain beasties are doing to humans. It's just that we had been programmed to believe we were at the top of the food chain and did not know there were higher levels.

There have been examples of some more sustainable forms of feeding in human history (mostly from aboriginal cultures) that paid a degree of respect to the life they were taking, but I really don't know how widespread such practices were.

In our 3rd density environment, it seems it has always been a case of one thing eating another.

As we are starting to learn that plants have consciousness and feel pain, we are left with the realization that even a vegetarian diet causes suffering to lives. Unfortunately, the vegetarian movement was largely motivated by trying to find a way to eat without harming life and, out of a natural disdain for the killing of animal life, were oblivious to the reality that in this life on this planet, it is impossible to exist without taking another's life, OSIT.

Once we realize this, then we have to find peace and realize that the best we can do is to take as little as possible and express our gratitude for the lives we take.

I truly hope we will someday find a way to break free from this cycle of zero sum feeding, where one life can only exist by taking another. In a symbolic sense, however, I find it interesting to consider how life depends on life.

Perhaps life will always require life but in higher densities ending life won't be part of the equation.


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