luke wilson
The Living Force
I have just finally recognised 'one' of those deeply ingrained assumptions that has almost gone into 'unquestionable' territory because that is just how everything has been and is.
The thing is that most people, including me, live our lives on the 'paradigm' of 'wanting' things or maintaining what we already have. For those wanting things, it is either, material stuff, or immaterial stuff like to be happy, to be more open, etc and those wanting to maintain the status quo, it is because of the fear of them losing what they already have will lead them down into the abyss. I mean, life all of a sudden seems to be all about, 'acquiring' wants, whatever they may be.
I know, G. says that we are incapable of doing anything and anything that happens to us, just happens, but still all the little I's despite there constant changing nature, are always after something. One I wants, praise, another wants a better house, another a better car, another a better lover, another better health for the body etc. Then if we fuse all the I's together, do we just end up with one big I that is still a slave to 'want.' I want this, I want that, I am not satisfied, this is not right, it should be this way, it should be that way, I want it to be this or that way. Omg, our I's are little pre-madonnas.... I want people to be this way, I want people to be that way. I want the world to be this or that etc. I dont want this, I want that, I want to help other people, I want to help myself and it just continues forever. It seems to be the 1 constant that follows us through life. I even dare say it, I want to be master of my machine. Our endless stream of wants... Is there a difference between wanting something and knowing why you want it compared to just wanting something blindly e.g. because of external influences? Surely it all amounts to one thing? The logic I suppose, is accumulation of wants equals to gain and conscious accumulation of wants equals to conscious gain which then can be put to conscious use, but to me, it still seems like moving onto the world from the wrong perspective, the perspective of conquerors..
Look at how we live life, we live life as conquerors, we conquer everything, we conquer other people, we conquer the planet, we conquer our children, our loved ones etc, we even dare to try and conquer ourselves, whatever that means, like in some twisted logic, by overcoming ourselves, we will be better, we will be free. I mean, let us start from scratch, 'freedom' is an unknown thing, no one has ever seen it, no one knows what it is, 'freedom' for us is something defined within the limits of our environment, so by saying, I want to master myself so I can be free, what type of freedom is being talked about? Ok, freedom from programs and external influences, but if you gain that freedom what do you do? You already assume you'll know what to do, as if winning freedom will all of a sudden illuminate the whole path, in my opinion, you'll be free only to realise it counts for nothing, I suppose your new aim will be, now that I am free, I want to [add whatever you desire]. To me it appears, being 'free' of programs, traumas, illusion is equivalent of being 'free' of the universe. if everything reflects everything else, then the matrix is just a 'miniature' version of the universe. HOW DO YOU BECOME FREE OF THE UNIVERSE? Absolutely mind boggling... ok! How do you become free of the matrix? Those 3000 or so people that managed to achieve this rather mind boggling stuff, if I ever meet one of them, I will make sure to ask them how they first of all defined what the matrix is and how did they proceed to get out... What clever piece of trickery did they use. It is almost like trying to figure out how the clever bank robber done it... One theory I have, is the bank robber for one didnt walk into the bank and walk out the bank with the money... That is impossible, not with the kind of security employed. He must have done something else more devious.
On the subject of living life guided by 'our wants' is there another way apart from this? This is an insidious program IMHO. I mean thinking that acquiring a 'special' kind of 'want' the 'holy grail' of all wants will lead to victory, then uhmm, hmm. It seems this kind of victory will be the mother of all traps and from what i've heard of those 4D STS people or just 'STS' nature in itself, I wouldnt put this beyond them or the sheer force of 'STS' energy... If this is a 'game' then there is a trap in here somewhere and the fact that no one is talking about the trap is worrying. It is like, oh look, '4th way' walk that road and it'll lead you straight out. It might be abit rugged, abit narrow, it might be a tough walk but eventually you'll get out.
:O :O :O Yah! Imagine I am 4D STS or just STS energy in general and I know there is supposedly a 'way' out of me.. What will I do? For one, I will invent another road that looks almost exactly like it and obscure the original road as much as I possibly can. That seems like a clever thing to do... I mean, all the talk about this road is 'hearsay' so it is a very high probability, that if it looks like it, feels like it, rings true with all our centres as much as possible, chances are it must be it and the little anomolies are just our 'imperfections' or distortions which are sure to be corrected in due time. Furthermore, without the 'right' questions, the Cs wont utter even a single word, that oh, by the way, we forgot to mention that, uhmm, you're doomed. Free will can be cruel like that sometimes... Think red indians.
The thing is that most people, including me, live our lives on the 'paradigm' of 'wanting' things or maintaining what we already have. For those wanting things, it is either, material stuff, or immaterial stuff like to be happy, to be more open, etc and those wanting to maintain the status quo, it is because of the fear of them losing what they already have will lead them down into the abyss. I mean, life all of a sudden seems to be all about, 'acquiring' wants, whatever they may be.
I know, G. says that we are incapable of doing anything and anything that happens to us, just happens, but still all the little I's despite there constant changing nature, are always after something. One I wants, praise, another wants a better house, another a better car, another a better lover, another better health for the body etc. Then if we fuse all the I's together, do we just end up with one big I that is still a slave to 'want.' I want this, I want that, I am not satisfied, this is not right, it should be this way, it should be that way, I want it to be this or that way. Omg, our I's are little pre-madonnas.... I want people to be this way, I want people to be that way. I want the world to be this or that etc. I dont want this, I want that, I want to help other people, I want to help myself and it just continues forever. It seems to be the 1 constant that follows us through life. I even dare say it, I want to be master of my machine. Our endless stream of wants... Is there a difference between wanting something and knowing why you want it compared to just wanting something blindly e.g. because of external influences? Surely it all amounts to one thing? The logic I suppose, is accumulation of wants equals to gain and conscious accumulation of wants equals to conscious gain which then can be put to conscious use, but to me, it still seems like moving onto the world from the wrong perspective, the perspective of conquerors..
Look at how we live life, we live life as conquerors, we conquer everything, we conquer other people, we conquer the planet, we conquer our children, our loved ones etc, we even dare to try and conquer ourselves, whatever that means, like in some twisted logic, by overcoming ourselves, we will be better, we will be free. I mean, let us start from scratch, 'freedom' is an unknown thing, no one has ever seen it, no one knows what it is, 'freedom' for us is something defined within the limits of our environment, so by saying, I want to master myself so I can be free, what type of freedom is being talked about? Ok, freedom from programs and external influences, but if you gain that freedom what do you do? You already assume you'll know what to do, as if winning freedom will all of a sudden illuminate the whole path, in my opinion, you'll be free only to realise it counts for nothing, I suppose your new aim will be, now that I am free, I want to [add whatever you desire]. To me it appears, being 'free' of programs, traumas, illusion is equivalent of being 'free' of the universe. if everything reflects everything else, then the matrix is just a 'miniature' version of the universe. HOW DO YOU BECOME FREE OF THE UNIVERSE? Absolutely mind boggling... ok! How do you become free of the matrix? Those 3000 or so people that managed to achieve this rather mind boggling stuff, if I ever meet one of them, I will make sure to ask them how they first of all defined what the matrix is and how did they proceed to get out... What clever piece of trickery did they use. It is almost like trying to figure out how the clever bank robber done it... One theory I have, is the bank robber for one didnt walk into the bank and walk out the bank with the money... That is impossible, not with the kind of security employed. He must have done something else more devious.
On the subject of living life guided by 'our wants' is there another way apart from this? This is an insidious program IMHO. I mean thinking that acquiring a 'special' kind of 'want' the 'holy grail' of all wants will lead to victory, then uhmm, hmm. It seems this kind of victory will be the mother of all traps and from what i've heard of those 4D STS people or just 'STS' nature in itself, I wouldnt put this beyond them or the sheer force of 'STS' energy... If this is a 'game' then there is a trap in here somewhere and the fact that no one is talking about the trap is worrying. It is like, oh look, '4th way' walk that road and it'll lead you straight out. It might be abit rugged, abit narrow, it might be a tough walk but eventually you'll get out.