The Living Force
The question of "want" is tied to "aim". You may find the cassiopedia entry on aim helpful.luke wilson said:In one short sentence, this whole thread was just about, my idea of struggle with, my idea of what it means to want something.
[quote author=luke wilson]
At the end of the day, this is a research forum, and eventhough I might provide an excellent specimen as to this is what happens when this and that centre steals that energy etc,
You are not a research specimen in a laboratory as far as the forum is concerned but an active member of a network of people who are trying to know themselves and the world around them.
[quote author=luke wilson]
for most of the part, there is noise on my part which is not considerate at all. I will try my best to put only 'useful' contributions. My apologies on my part.
You may not always know what is "useful" and what is not. So the idea is to share your thoughts in a way that shows consideration towards the readers. If a post is hard to understand and rambling then it takes much more energy on the part of the readers to read and respond. Imagine if 200 people are reading one post and each has to spend a disproportionate amount of time and energy to figure out what is going on. Many people here squeeze out time for the forum by cutting down on other activities including family time, sleep etc - so it is courteous to write in a way that conveys the core idea in a relatively concise manner.
It is also a very useful exercise for the person writing the post - it helps in organizing and clarifying thoughts. This also means that more time will be needed to write one post which, depending on the individual circumstances, may mean less number of posts overall - at least in the beginning. As time goes on, with practice, less time will be needed to write a concise post.