Why Isn't My Brain Working? A Revolutionary Understanding of Brain Decline

Something I've found really handy for neurogenisis is Lions Mane (it's a really good mood stabilizer and seems to improve vagal tone too)
Lion's Mane mushroom: Unparalleled benefits for your brain & nervous system

In Asia, it is said that lion's mane gives you "nerves of steel and the memory of a lion," and from what science is revealing, that's apt prose. Thus far, evidence exists that lion's mane mushroom confers the following health benefits:

Improved cognitive function
Nerve regeneration, remyelination, and increased Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)
Improved digestive function and relief from gastritis
Immunosupportive, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
Anticoagulant; mild ACE inhibitor; improved lipid profile

The science about lion's mane is in its infancy, but evidence already points to unparalleled therapeutic benefits for numerous diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, summarized in the table below, and the list seems to be growing by the day.

Conditions That May Benefit from Lion's Mane Mushroom

Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
Parkinson's disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Muscle cramps and spasms
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Stroke recovery
Seizures and seizure-like post-stroke episodes
Anxiety and Depression
Mother Nature's First "Smart Mushroom"

On neurogenisis, it should be noted that the brain is producing new cells all the time, but they die off pretty quickly if not utilized!
You can do whatever you want to help stimulate new nerve cells, but without added learning and knowledge you'll get nowhere.

How to Save New Brain Cells
No Pain, No Gain

Although learning must occur if newborn hippocampal neurons are to survive, not all types of learning work. For example, training an animal to swim over to a platform that is visible in a pool of water does not enhance cell survival. Nor does training an animal to recognize that two stimuli, such as a tone and an eyeblink stimulus, occur almost simultaneously.

The reason these tasks fail to rescue new cells from death, we surmise, is that they do not require much thought. Swimming to a visible platform is something rats do readily. After all, they do not want to drown. And if eyelid stimulation overlaps in time with a tone, the animals do not need to form a memory trace of an event that happened in the past - the sound of the tone - to help them predict when the eyeblink stimulus will occur. They simply respond when they hear the sound.

We think that the tasks that rescue the most new neurons are the ones that are hardest to learn, requiring the most mental effort to master. To test this hypothesis, we took a task that is a bit of a no-brainer and made it a little more challenging. We started with the easy eyeblink task, in which the tone precedes but still overlaps in time with the eyelid stimulation. Learning that connection, as indicated above, does not typically rescue new neurons. Then we made this task more challenging by greatly extending the duration of the tone so that now the stimulus arrived toward the end of a very long sound.

Learning when to blink in this task is more difficult than in the easy test, because in this case blinking soon after the tone begins, like runners taking off after hearing the starting pistol, is not the correct response. The task is also more difficult than the standard, 500-millisecond trace test because the animal cannot use the end of the tone as a signal to "get ready." Rather the rat must keep track of exactly when the tone started and estimate when the eyelid stimulation will occur - a real challenge for all animals, including humans. And we found that this challenge rescues as many, and sometimes more, new neurons than does the standard trace conditioning task.

Interestingly enough, among the animals that learned in our conditioning tasks those that were a bit slow - in that they required more trials to learn how to master a task - ended up with more new neurons than animals that learned fast. Thus, it seems that new neurons in the hippocampus respond best to learning that requires a concerted effort.

Meditation can also help the new cells survive - which if done correctly is concerted mental effort.
This is an old one, but it fits nicely with the above

How your brain can heal itself
And, crucially, to work hard at their own care. "We have been habituated to a way of thinking," notes Doidge, which derives from what he calls the military metaphor of medicine, "the idea that the patient is merely the passive battleground where the two antagonists, the doctor and the disease, fight it out. The patient's job is to endure until the doctor comes up with something, or, these days, to become involved in a fundraising event that will send money to researchers so they or the drug companies can come up with the answer." But the plastic brain, capable of so much, still needs the help of mind and body to realize its possibilities.

Consider Dr. Michael Moskowitz, who knows pain both professionally and intimately. The co-operator of Bay Area Medical Associates in Sausalito, Calif., Moskowitz is a star in the treatment of pain, the man who sets the exams in pain medicine for aspiring American doctors. His clinic treats intractable cases, patients who have tried everything for their agony—all known drugs, nerve blocks, acupuncture—without result. "We are where people come to die with their pain," he told Doidge. By 2007, 13 years after a waterskiing accident, it looked like Moskowitz would be one of them. The acute pain from his neck injury had morphed into permanent, and growing, chronic pain.

It did so via the same mechanisms that create that transformation in anyone. "Chronic pain is plasticity gone wild," Doidge says. The injury to Moskowitz's neck had also affected his body's pain system, specifically the neurons in the brain associated with the neck area, causing them to fire repeated false alarms long after the neck had healed. What happened next illustrates core laws of neuroplasticity. Neurons that fire together, wire together: the more Moskowitz's pain signals flared, the better and quicker they became at it. Use it or lose it: the fight for brain territory is competitive. The more Moskowitz favoured his neck because of the pain, the less the neurons involved with it had to do, and the more vulnerable they become to hijacking by nearby areas, including the pain sensors now working overtime. Moskowitz was caught in a vicious circle. His pain, 3/10 on the standard scale at the best of times, and spiking frequently to 8/10, was only getting worse. "Plasticity is a blessing when you're listening to classical music and developing an appreciation for it," Doidge wryly notes, "but it's a curse when you are reinforcing pain."

As his quality of life inexorably eroded, Moskowitz sat down to read 15,000 pages of cutting-edge neurological research, seeking a way to make plasticity work for him. Moskowitz concentrated on two areas of the brain among the dozen that do at least some pain processing, the posterior cingulate and the posterior parietal lobe, areas whose primary purpose is to deal with visual information.

He knew already that when a brain area is processing pain it uses about five per cent of the neurons in the area, but the reinforcement involved in chronic pain means about 15 to 20 per cent of the neurons become involved. By concentrating on an image of his brain—an image in which it changed from being lit up by pain activity to being calm and pain-free—Moskowitz thought he could quiet the original pain receptors and force the hijacked neurons back to their day jobs as visual processors.

It required relentless dedication at first, a conscious response to every twinge. In three weeks, Moskowitz thought he detected slight improvement, enough to spur him on; by six weeks the pain that had spread to his back was gone; within a year he was almost always pain-free everywhere.
He had turned the vicious circle virtuous. "Relentlessness was the most important factor, absolutely," Doidge agrees. "As a psychiatrist, I know that if you reframe a symptom attack as an opportunity, if instead of becoming crestfallen and pulling back, you treat every pain, anxiety or inhibition—reframe it as your moment—that's the route to altering that circuitry. That's what Moskowitz did. He didn't let a single twinge of pain go by."

Intense dedication is a hallmark of those who, all on their own, accomplish large-scale change in their brains. John Pepper, a South African now in his late seventies, was diagnosed in his thirties with the incurable, chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease known as Parkinson's. By all odds he should be immobile, if not dead, by now, but Pepper has fought his symptoms to a standstill by vigorous exercise carried out with ferocious determination and conscientious attention to detail. "Even as his unconscious ability to walk unravelled," Doidge explains, "Pepper realized that if he analyzed how he walked and used his conscious mind to guide him, he could still do it. So he used a different part of his brain, the frontal lobes, and—like a child learning to walk—thought himself into efficient walking."

Pepper's case has fascinated everyone who has encountered it, partly because of his admirable bloody-mindedness, and partly for the way it demonstrates the importance, in recalibrating brain activity, of walking, the king of exercise. "It's our evolutionary history at work," Doidge argues. "When do animals do a lot a walking? When the environment they are in is being swarmed by predators or falls short of food. Moving to a new territory means entering a place where they have to do a lot of learning. When the brain takes note of a lot of walking, it and the body together secrete growth factors which put the brain into a super-plastic state, primed to learn."

People with Parkinson's have six times the dementia rate of those who do not, and Pepper is reaching what are the danger years for anyone, yet his mind is sharp. That, together with his mode of exercise and the first-the-right-heel-then-the-left-knee precision with which he pursues it, raise a question about Alzheimer's, a disease where both exercise and conscientiousness are proven factors in delaying onset. Is Alzheimer's a disease of plasticity, or rather of its absence? Doidge is cautious in response. "There are so many ways of looking at Alzheimer's. Most researchers analyze it chemically, because of the proteins involved, in hopes of finding alleviating drugs, but to look at Alzheimer's that way is to put it under the microscope at very high power—it is more holistic to think of an Alzheimer's brain as one that is losing plasticity."

Whether walking battles the onset of dementia through its link to plasticity or by its more general health benefits, it's one of the most potent anti-dementia forces known. "Now we have the Cardiff study looking at the British men over 30 years and it shows that if you did five things, including walking at least three kilometres a day," Doidge says, "the risk of dementia falls a staggering 60 per cent. If any medication did that, it would be the most talked-about drug in history."

Not that drugs have any role in the story Doidge tells. Moskowitz, who has switched the goal of his clinic from pain management to pain eradication, recognizes that he himself (and the likes of Pepper) is an outlier set apart by his iron determination. Not all his patients can follow him down his own relentless road. Even so, Moskowitz does not always seek to aid them with drug therapy—instead devoting considerable effort to weaning them from painkillers—but with touch, sound and vibration. It's a pattern Doidge sees everywhere. "Almost all the success stories involve a combination of mind and energy."

So if chronic pain can be learned, and unlearned, is the vagal disconnect (brain-gut connection) learned too?
The mentioning of gargling to stimulate the brain-gut connection may also fit with the PoNS system mention in the article, which stimulated the nerves in the tongue.

Light and other energy therapies have fallen from favour, Doidge believes, because for 50 years scientists have focused on the brain's material and chemical side. Chemicals do work in small regions for signalling, he says, but the true universal language of the brain lies in its pattern of electrical signals. "All our senses take energy from outside and translate it into another form of energy inside the brain. Clinicians can now use these natural forms of energy to 'talk' to the brain." And nothing speaks more loudly and clearly than the electrical pulses of the PoNS.

Originally thought of by its inventors as an aid for brain-injured people with balance troubles, the Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator has astonished even them with its effectiveness over a range of conditions and, especially, the speed with which it helps. (See the book excerpt that follows.) A small, pocket-sized device, part of which went into the mouth and rested on the tongue and part of which stayed outside—144 electrodes that fired off electric pulses to activate the tongue's sensory neurons. After two weeks of sessions with it, a voiceless MS patient could sing; a woman immobilized by Parkinson's could walk; a stroke victim who couldn't understand a newspaper article could read whatever she wanted.

All this because the tongue, Doidge says, "is the royal road to the brain"—with no dead skin and a moist surface making it an excellent conductor, and rich in sensory preceptors for touch, taste and pain that lead directly to the brain stem. "The PoNS turned out to be a very good stimulator for the whole brain." Doidge thinks it clears up "noise" in the brain caused by disease or injury. "People tend to think neurons are either dead or alive afterwards, but actually many are firing at an irregular or wrong rate. Incoming information is thus chaotic and noise-filled, with even the healthy cells unable to communicate." The PoNs, via the tongue's access to the brain stem and hence the entire brain, can reset the circuitry, allow effective electrical communication and return the brain to a state of equilibrium. That's why the application is so wide-ranging: with the noise gone, the brain starts working with what it has, in whatever condition it finds itself.

For decades, Doidge remarks, scientists wouldn't use "healing" and "brain" in the same sentence, because they thought the brain was so sophisticated that it lacked self-healing powers. That turned out to be wrong—the brain is even more sophisticated than anyone realized.


Research shows that electrical stimulation of the tongue stimulates two major cranial nerves: the trigeminal (the nerve responsible for sensations in the face, biting and chewing) and the facial (the nerve responsible for motor control of most of the muscles of facial expression). The electrical stimulation of the cranial nerves creates a flow of neural impulses that are then delivered directly into the brain stem—the main control center for many life functions, including sensory perception and movement. From the brain stem, these impulses travel throughout the brain and activate or reactivate neurons and structures involved in human function—the cortex, spinal cord and potentially the entire central nervous system.

Researchers believe that this sustained stimulation initiates a sequential cascade of changes in the actual interconnected nuclei, or the neuronal network, that are at the core of major anatomical components of the brain.

Based on this theory, it is believed that CN-NINM may be applied to improve a large variety of neurological symptoms.
Thanks for the post Pashalis. Very interesting indeed. The book just arrived and am now reading. Hope to add to this thread soon!
Just finished reading this one and thought his emphasis and warnings on staying away from metal chelators like EDTA and DMSA if you show any signs of a leaky gut/brain barrier as well as chemical sensitivities and intolerance were valid and was shocked when he said that doing a metal detox while showing signs of gut/brain permeability and low chemical tolerance could actually lead to more metals being lodged in the brain and permanent neurological damage occurring! This really brought home for me all the warnings that are given in just about every diet and health thread about doing the research, reading up, paying close attentions to any symptoms or reactions to different protocols.

Chris Shade has said similar things along the lines that when he was doing DMSA for metal detoxing, he started to 'fade' very quickly and that when up-regulating glutathione without involving any of the major chelators (EDTA, DMSA, etc.), that over the course of several months while testing patients, they started to show a marked decrease in heavy metal in their systems.

Dr. K's list of supplements to use to help heal neurological damage and brain degeneration seemed unique and different and was positively surprised to find out that his initial recommendation that if a person has a lot of ongoing inflammation and head trauma's, that starting off with emulsified resveratrol combined with turmeric can significantly lower brain inflammation. This actually works really well if you take a high enough amount dose.

Normally if I eat anything with rice, onions or tomatoes in it, I suffer from brain fog about half-way through the meal, so tried an experiment and took:

1. 5g of L-glutamine in water
2. Two digestive enzymes
3. A megadose of 6 Turmeric capsules - 2400 mg (Dr. K suggests 400 mg of Resveratrol and 800 mg of Turmeric on average which he says increases the effectiveness of each by 4-fold - not sure how he came across that number though)

Before a meal that had all three in it, and even though I could sense inflammation in my body, some left side numbness in my arm and leg as well as tingling in some fingers and a slight chill, there was no brain fog whatsoever afterwards. So for those that do suffer from brain fog and mental sluggishness might want to try getting both and experimenting with it to see if it helps.
Thank you for sharing information on this book! I will have a read as well.

I came across this article where a link between the herpes simplex virus (the virus responsible for cold sores) and Alzheimer's disease is found. Some interesting bits:

We discovered in 1991 that in many elderly people HSV1 is also present in the brain. And in 1997 we showed that it confers a strong risk of Alzheimer’s disease when present in the brain of people who have a specific gene known as APOE4.

The virus can become active in the brain, perhaps repeatedly, and this probably causes cumulative damage. The likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease is 12 times greater for APOE4 carriers who have HSV1 in the brain than for those with neither factor.

Later, we and others found that HSV1 infection of cell cultures causes beta-amyloid and abnormal tau proteins to accumulate. An accumulation of these proteins in the brain is characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.

We believe that HSV1 is a major contributory factor for Alzheimer’s disease and that it enters the brains of elderly people as their immune system declines with age. It then establishes a latent (dormant) infection, from which it is reactivated by events such as stress, a reduced immune system and brain inflammation induced by infection by other microbes.

Reactivation leads to direct viral damage in infected cells and to viral-induced inflammation. We suggest that repeated activation causes cumulative damage, leading eventually to Alzheimer’s disease in people with the APOE4 gene.

Presumably, in APOE4 carriers, Alzheimer’s disease develops in the brain because of greater HSV1-induced formation of toxic products, or less repair of damage.

It’s important to note that all studies, including our own, only show an association between the herpes virus and Alzheimer’s – they don’t prove that the virus is an actual cause.

An anti-viral approach seems to have helped some people in Taiwan with preventing Alzheimer's disease, the article concludes. This may stress the importance even more of dietary changes (that boost the immune system) to keep the brain healthy! Of course, these researchers immediately think of 'vaccines' (which I doubt would be effective) when a natural anti-viral approach could be very effective in the way of a diet plan and supplements (such as L-Lysine) supporting the immune system, as well as practising anti-stress methods, such as EE, to prevent HSV1 virus (for those who could have it) to repeatedly activate and cause more and more brain damage.
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