Why You Should Care About the Psychology of Disgust


The Living Force

I ran across an interesting article on truth-out.org. In this article, the writer explains how the natural physiological reaction of "disgust" is used by the PTB for their purposes. Of course, 'disgust' is not the only reaction that is manipulated consciously/unconsciously, by either the PTB or others, but it is nice to see the information being published to the public.

Why You Should Care About the Psychology of Disgust
Monday 31 May 2010, by Joe Brewer, truthout | Op-Ed

[quote author=Brewer]
Are you someone who struggles to understand why people behave the way they do in politics? Perhaps you've been confused by all the fervor against gay marriage. Or maybe you're taken aback by the strong emotions waged against government-sponsored health care.

To understand political behaviors like these, you'll need to become familiar with the psychology of disgust. Researchers have learned a lot about it in recent years, such as:

* Disgust – like all emotions – is biological and can be explained through the workings of the brain;
* Disgust is the physiological foundation for moral notions of purity and sacrilege;
* Disgust, once felt, creates a persistent association that is very difficult to get rid of;
* Disgust is a powerful motivator of behavior, helping deter us away from perceived threats to our health.

So what does this have to do with politics? In a word, everything.

Politics on the Brain

If you've read the work of George Lakoff, Drew Westen, or Jonathan Haidt you'll know that there's quite a buzz in the academic world around recent discoveries into the political mind. Distinct moral worldviews have been systematically explored. Profound biases have been demonstrated in the ways brains process information depending on whether the person identifies as a liberal or conservative. And distinct moral sensitivities have been found across different political groups that correspond with key social emotions.

As I argued in a recent article, the understandings coming out of this research are absolutely critical for cultivating a political culture that is conducive to participatory democracy. This is especially true for the emotion of disgust.

Emotions are physical. They are very complex processes that occur in our brains, each serving vital purposes for our survival. Disgust in particular is the result of our bodily need to avoid toxic substances, especially rotten and poisonous foods. Thus it is most closely associated with bodily functions having to do with digestion.

At its most basic level, disgust can be thought of as the unpleasantness that arises when the body is contaminated. The brain has sensors to recognize when the body has been contaminated and it uses specific chemical markers to remember events that may have lead to the unpleasantness that followed.

The Feeling of Morality

For a long time, the study of morality was relegated to the halls of our philosophy and political science departments. This has changed in a serious way. There are now a wide variety of scientific research programs dedicated to understanding the physical, biological, and evolutionary foundations of morality. When Sam Harris took up this topic a few weeks ago, he barely scratched the surface of what is known today.

Research centers include the International Institute on Cognition and Culture at the London School of Economics, the Greater Good Science Center in Berkeley, the Institute on Cognition and Culture in Belfast, and the Center for Human Evolution, Cognition, and Culture in Vancouver, just to name a few.

One of the major discoveries so far is that morality is grounded in our bodily experience. We literally feel right and wrong in our bodies. Disgust is a physical experience that applies to notions of moral purity, moral health, and our judgments about how to handle situations like incest, cannibalism, and rape. For each of these emotionally potent topics, the strength of our feelings corresponds directly with our sentiments about how they should be handled in society.

Research tailored to the study of moral purity and the emotion of disgust was conducted by Paul Rozin, Jonathan Haidt, and Rick McCauley. (A copy of their seminal article can be requested here.) They showed that the physical experience of disgust provides the bodily foundation for the moral concept of purity. Put succinctly, when you experience the feeling of moral disgust – via the tainting of something you hold sacred and pure – it is produced by the same neural and chemical process that arise after biting into a moldy piece of bread or some rotten fruit.

Avoiding the Rotten Apple

The experience of disgust is very persistent. Once we associate those negative feelings with an idea (like 'liberalism' or 'Obama the Muslim') it is very hard to shake off. The explanation for this comes from the field of evolutionary psychology, which explores the evolutionary origins of human thought and behavior. Animals that remember the foods that make them sick are more likely to survive and reproduce. So those who have a long memory of disgust are better adapted for survival.

Applied to politics, this phenomenon implies that once a political idea becomes a rotten apple it will remain a rotten apple. Disgust tends to stick around. This is why so much time, effort, and money is dedicated to painting the opposition with negative feelings. If a disgust response can be evoked, it will tend to stay around.

Think about the ramifications for gay marriage. If children are taught that homosexuality is disgusting, they will want to stay far away from it. As their moral sentiments develop, they will begin to see homosexuality as a contaminant in society. When thinking about the sacred institution of marriage, they will feel the threat of this impurity to something they want to keep clean. It's pretty easy to mobilize them against this threat because the feeling is long-lasting and easy to activate with a political sound bite.

There are two lessons to learn from this. First, if you want someone to support your idea (like the notion that addressing global warming might be a sensible thing to do), don't let it get associated with disgust (such as how people feel about the elitism of scientists - be it real or imagined). Second, if you want someone to oppose an idea, just riddle it with associations to the profane and impure. Do so with references to basic bodily functions and you'll be particularly effective.

These tactics have long been used in politics to the detriment of civil society.

Mobilizing an Opposition

How do different political communities respond to the phrase "Rush Limbaugh?" For progressives, a strong feeling of disgust will arise at the mere mention of his name. He is associated with hate speech, xenophobia, and violent rhetoric that violates our civil sentiments. Yet, conservatives who have been primed by repeated messages on Limbaugh's show will experience a powerful sense of solidarity with anyone opposed to the revolting 'liberal elite.'

Same stimulus, different response. Yet both are examples of disgust influencing political behavior.

Disgust is a social glue that binds people together against a common threat. Once opposed to a person, policy or idea at this basic level, it is very easy to mobilize around any effort to remove the threat. This is a foundational theme in politics. So if you ever hear an assertion that people are rational actors who reason their way to conclusions, remember this powerful ability of disgust to stand in for reason and compel action.

Why Am I Telling You All of This?

Knowledge about the psychology of disgust can be detrimental to democracy if held in the hands of a scrupulous elite. When political strategists learn about the power it can have to influence behavior, they may play their hand at being gods and use it to manipulate the citizenry. This begs the question why I'm publishing these findings to the world.

My answer is that I firmly believe in the democratization of knowledge. The more people know about how the political mind actually works, the more likely it will be that tactics that exploit disgust are recognized and called out for being unethical. This extends beyond politics proper. I like to imagine a world where marketing techniques are based on fundamental trust between people that grows out of honest communication intended to resonate authentically with an audience. To get to this world, a lot of people are going to have to learn about the workings of the political mind. Eventually, it will need to be taught in our schools as part of the standard curriculum for civic life.

For too long, insights like these have been held in secret to be used for elite control of the populace. I hope to do my part by sharing knowledge about the political mind with the world so that we can work together to build safeguards into the fabric of our society and restore faith in our democratic institutions.
Thanks for posting this interesting article, Bud. I can see how the PTB use disgust for their own purposes.

On the other hand, I can see how having your disgust-ometer activated could actually be a good thing as well. Since stumbling upon the info presented here, I'm thoroughly disgusted by a wide range of things I wouldn't have given a second thought before. Namely western medicine, the thought of wheat, dairy and other toxic ingestibles, the manipulation of humanity by psychopaths, and the list goes on and on.

I guess being disgusted goes hand in hand with have your eyes opened. As long as you're disgusted by something that is objectively disgusting, that is....
Odyssey said:
...As long as you're disgusted by something that is objectively disgusting, that is....

Exactly, and I was thinking anyone in the Work can use their own objective disgust the same way...or at least be able to point out the technique to others as one of the PTB 'devices', should the opportunity arise in a social context. :)
Thanks for posting this Bud, I had never thought of this perspective before. It certainly makes since. It reminds me of how Obama said "...and I'll find out whose a** to kick." as if you had to pick a side.

BP doing everything they can OR Obama taking charge. Neither is true exactly, but I can tell how they polarize absolutely every issue, then continue to divide, divide and divide some more.

As if the speech writers thought "well, let's shock them with disgust." Then the radio announcers played that sound bite over and over again. :rolleyes:
Hi Bud,

Thanks for posting the article. From what I've studied, emotions are there to motivate us to do certain things.
Such as - fear, motivates us to keep safe from perceived harm; and now - disgust, motivates us to steer away from perceived threat to health.

I think it is very important to give that particular feeling a check, i.e. if it's based on reality. FWIW, I think objectivity is very important when dealing with emotions!
Thank you Bud for sharing this article.
I understand that disgust is a physical expression but aren't many expressions of disgust learned behaviors and subjective? It may be implied in the article but I didn't catch it. I like the fact that the author uses the phrase "perceived threat".
I have noticed how people can be both attracted to and repelled by something or someone at the same time. Could this be a form of cognitive dissonance caused by the real self trying to emerge?
It is interesting to see how these feelings are often created and used by the PTB and even by the psychopath next door or in one's own living room (or one's own mind/little i's?).
Most people can recall at least one incident when they have witnessed a child actually "catching" this feeling from a parent or admired other when it was unfounded.
I think disgust is a feeling in ourselves that should be thoroughly examined and dealt with in the same capacity as other negative emotions. I mean, to find out what is real and useful and discard the rest.
I don't remember where I read it but I thought Ouspensky, quoting G, once said that ,"..most expressions of revulsion/disgust were artificial and had to do with the ego and identification." [paraphrased]I will try to look it up, does anyone remember this? I could be wrong but the reason I remember this statement (whomever said it) is because I was baffled and embarrassed about it for a long time until it became obvious and I began to see it as humorous at times that I would catch myself being disgusted by something very benign in reality.
I guess in the end it all boils down to the same thing. We must remember ourselves.
Again, thank you Bud for sharing this thought provoking article.
opossum said:
Thank you Bud for sharing this article.
I understand that disgust is a physical expression but aren't many expressions of disgust learned behaviors and subjective?

Indeed they are. A child can easily learn to mimic the expression of disgust or anything else, as well as how to use this expression without even knowing what it means.

opossum said:
I like the fact that the author uses the phrase "perceived threat".
I have noticed how people can be both attracted to and repelled by something or someone at the same time. Could this be a form of cognitive dissonance caused by the real self trying to emerge?

I wouldn't say no. It might also be contradictory aspects of the individual that are completely within the realm of False personality.

opossum said:
I don't remember where I read it but I thought Ouspensky, quoting G, once said that ,"..most expressions of revulsion/disgust were artificial and had to do with the ego and identification." [paraphrased]I will try to look it up, does anyone remember this? I could be wrong but the reason I remember this statement (whomever said it) is because I was baffled and embarrassed about it for a long time until it became obvious and I began to see it as humorous at times that I would catch myself being disgusted by something very benign in reality.

O mentioned disgust as his personal reaction in connection with the revolution involving St. Petersburg. In "The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution", he mentioned it in connection with the Instinctive center as it relates to a biologically programmed orientation to life. IOW, if one were to totally conquer the natural disgust of unpleasant sensations, he might accidentally poison himself, leading to illness and death.

In ISOTM, G mentions it in connection with the concept of "postures" and the relationship between movements and the automatic experiencing of certain feelings like disgust.

In Struggle of the Magicians, the lesson of "as you sow, so shall you reap" was demonstrated with the character "Gafar". Essentially, the lesson demonstrated the connection between one's inner disposition with it's outer manifestation on his face and body and the way people in his social environment either revered and respected him or threw stones at him in revulsion and disgust.

opossum said:
I guess in the end it all boils down to the same thing. We must remember ourselves.
Again, thank you Bud for sharing this thought provoking article.

Indeed, and you're welcome (to everyone else also).
Very interesting article, thanks Bud.

My conclusions are basically the same as forum members have posted. Disgust can be a learned emotion. As we get more aware of ourselves objectively, disgust can be used as a more sufficient tool. I know how I react to most of the politics going on in the US, it is disgust. And now I can see more clearly that it is a self-preservation of my health. Though the stress that can come from this disgust has to be kept in check which can go against my health. For example how politician take a word they know creates disgust in people and use a more "political correct" slogan. As an example changing the word "war" and using "conflict". Maybe the politicians don't think the word "conflict" creates as much disgust as the word "war". And now instead of using the words "increasing taxes", Obama is using the words "increasing revenue". More platable he figures for the folks that do not want to be taxed more then they are.

I can see how either mind (liberal vs. conservative) set can see opposite perspectives of an issue like gay marriage. Depends on the conditioning of their mind set. It is an amazing observance though. To see two sides to an issue so passionately fought to one degree or another. One side is in disgust, while the other side fights for the same rights as everyone else. So being disgust is an emotion, it can be played upon for nefarious purpose or utilized as a tool for enlightenment. Just depends on who is using the tool.
Bluestar said:
My conclusions are basically the same as forum members have posted. Disgust can be a learned emotion.
One of the saddest examples I have heard of this is when a young college girl informed me that many of the girls her age thought breast feeding was disgusting! :O They really used that word (along with the physical facial expressions), disgusting.
Bluestar said:
I can see how either mind (liberal vs. conservative) set can see opposite perspectives of an issue like gay marriage. Depends on the conditioning of their mind set. It is an amazing observance though. To see two sides to an issue so passionately fought to one degree or another. One side is in disgust, while the other side fights for the same rights as everyone else. So being disgust is an emotion, it can be played upon for nefarious purpose or utilized as a tool for enlightenment. Just depends on who is using the tool.

I completely gree. Having a disgust doesn't mean you are going to destroy the source of your disgust, kind of external consideration, everyone has their own right to live, and how they do. The problem is that psychopaths take this too literally, and destroy what they don't like.
Great article Bud.

I find it interesting that disgust can be used as a negative? .... vector.

For example, I find that everyone can have disgust with anyone of us here on the forum.

Our smoking is disgusting to many.

Eating fat and meat is disgusting to most.

Being non-patriotic (in their view) is disgusting.

Being a 'conspiracy therorist' is disgusting.

Not eating veggies is disgusting.

Not trusting our governments and mass media is disgusting to many.

Not believing 9/11, the warren commission and many other main stream explanations of events disgusts many.

It just goes on and on. I am very vigilant with what I say these days, which IMO is a good thing. I really find things are heating up against us these days and that we all should watch out. I think that the Bin Laden killing was a ploy to further separate us from the sheeple and to draw us out into the open. Just my 2 cents FWIW.
Harold said:
Oh.... and by the way.... The State of Israel disgusts me.

Now that's why we should care about the psychology of disgust. It takes a bit of confidence to use it this way in public, but that's the very idea!

Thanks for making my day Harold! :)

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