Julian Assange Discussion

Very disappointed in British justice.

Above is a statement by Stella Moris, Julian Assange's fiance, after the UK Court denied his appeal of the US extradition appeal that overturned his original case victory from January 2021.
Julian Assange is the only person in history to have won their extradition case, only to have the prosecution entirely change their argument post-judgment, and then force an overturn on an appeal that introduced new arguments unheard by the original judge.

This process and legal precedent is insanely dangerous for the British public to accept and is, blatantly, an attack in their individual liberties.
The British courts have enshrined the overturning of the parlimentary process in favor of indebted special interests on a national scale; putting profit before the Public.
But in this case, it has far-reaching international implications.

If British Secretary of State Priti Patel wishes to be remembered favorably by history, she would do well to recognize what is at stake here, for everyone.
There was the wedding of Stella Morris and Julian Assange last Wednesday.
This event was reported by Chris Hedges:

"The day is bittersweet. Julian may never be able to live with his wife and family. Yet it is an affirmation of love and commitment and hope carried out in a small side room with folding chairs and a laminate table.The prison authorities denied Julian and Stella use of the chapel. The ceremony was witnessed by six family members, including Julian and Stella’s two young sons, one of whom fell asleep and the other of whom was preoccupied with a paper plane and tried to turn on one of the alarms. Two guards were stationed in the room.

There was no reception. There was no cake. The prison denied Julian and Stella’s request for a photographer. A guard took a few pictures, but prison authorities told Julian and Stella they could not be posted on social media or shared with the public. They were allowed to kiss. This prompted the older boy, Gabriel, to say, the family told me, “Oh, that’s a sloppy one.” Afterwards, the Catholic chaplain, who had the foresight to bring a white tablecloth and candles, gave them his blessing. Julian and Stella were given half an hour together in a crowded visitors hall. And then Julian, prisoner A 9379AY, was escorted back to his cell to the applause of the prisoners on his tier.
“For their love to have grown and flourished in these dire circumstances of ceaseless persecution and psychological torture,” John Shipton, Julian’s father tells me. “Love transcends the circumstances.”

He turns towards his two young grandchildren.

“You can see it produced two lovely, joyful children,” he says.

It is late. Stella cuts her wedding cake on the wooden kitchen table. The top tier is lemon. The bottom is raspberry. We eat silently.

Pray for Julian. Pray for Stella. Pray for their children. Pray for us all."
Chris Hedges: The Marriage of Julian Assange

Prayer should not express our powerlessness, prayer is realized through our own realization, our commitment to see, contradict and undo the lies and injustices of our daily lives, a commitment to be better, imprinted of knowledge, light and love.
Prayer takes shape at the end of the words spoken, when we separate our hands so that they become a tool of creation.
And I believe even more so when other hands join in the long and laborious work.

I wish Stella and Julian a happy ending, like in those romantic novels.
Assange's extradition order doesn't actually mean he's going to be extradited immediately, or at all, yet.


Assange extradition order issued by UK court

The Australian-born journalist is facing an effective life term in American prison, if the decision is signed off by Home Secretary

Apr. 20, 2022

A magistrates court in London has issued a formal order to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the US to face espionage charges there, and a possible life imprisonment. Wednesday's ruling may be appealed.

The Westminster Magistrates’ Court decision reverses its previous ruling that denied the US extradition to the US based on Assange’s poor mental state and the harsh conditions in American high-security prisons. UK Home Secretary Priti Patel will need to authorize the extradition before it can be executed.

WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said the UK court was issuing a “death sentence” to Assange by passing its decision. He is facing up to 175 years in prison under the espionage charges he faces in the US indictment.

The legal team defending Assange said it will make representations to Secretary Patel, asking for a chance to make an appeal against the court order. The lawyers said they may appeal to the High Court, even if the secretary grants the extradition.

The previous British rejection of the extradition request was issued by the same court in January 2021. The American side successfully appealed the decision by challenging the testimony of defense experts, and by offering to give formal assurances that Assange would not be put under the worst security regime during his prosecution in the US.

Assange, who is best known for his organization’s pro-transparency activism and its publication of leaked classified documents, which has exposed the dark secrets of many governments, has been in British custody since April 2019. He is kept at the high-security Belmarsh prison, dubbed “British Guantanamo” for its role as the incarceration site of the most dangerous criminals in the UK. He had previously spent seven years locked inside Ecuador’s embassy in London, before a new government in Quito revoked his asylum.

During his self-exile at the embassy, the US unsealed its case against Assange and filed a request to the UK to hand him over for prosecution.

The prosecution in Britain has sparked international criticism against the British government by advocates of media freedom. Assange supporters see him as a prisoner of conscience, who is being persecuted by Washington and London for his work as a publisher. The precedent sends a chilling message to any journalist wishing to investigate misconduct by Western governments that their lives may be ruined in retribution, critics said.

On March 23, Assange married Stella Moris, with whom he has two children. The ceremony was conducted inside the prison, and only a limited group of people was allowed to attend.

Julian Assange has been a target for the US since 2010, when Wikileaks published a trove of State Department cables and Pentagon documents that depicted alleged war crimes committed by US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. He has been accused of attempting to hack Pentagon computers and has been charged under the Espionage Act, which prohibits obtaining information related to national defense which can be used to undermine US interests or benefit foreign nations.

Assange has denied all the charges against him, with his legal defense team arguing that he had not been under US jurisdiction and had engaged in completely legal journalism. They also deny allegations of conspiring to hack Pentagon computers, insisting that the case is based on discredited testimony of the convicted Icelandic criminal ‘Siggi the Hacker’.


Scholars: Promoting Human Rights While Extraditing Assange Brings West's Legal System Into Question

Apr. 21, 2022

The London court on 20 April made a formal decision to extradite Julian Assange to the United States. Should the WikiLeaks founder be extradited to the US, where he is charged with espionage, he would face up to 175 years behind bars.

"The decision of the Westminster Magistrates' Court to extradite Julian Assange to the United States astounds me," says Andy Vermaut, Belgian human rights activist of the International Alliance for the Defence of Rights and Liberties. "I expected the UK to consider the core fundamental rights and human rights treaties it has signed, particularly the civil and political rights it has ratified. I think there are still legal avenues open to fight this judgement further."

Assange is indicted by the US on 18 federal charges carrying a maximum sentence of 175 years in jail over alleged espionage and hacking which resulted in the publication of classified Afghan and Iraq war logs and State Department cables by WikiLeaks. The bombshell materials shed light on US troops' conduct and alleged war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. The WikiLeaks founder's legal team has long insisted he should be entitled to First Amendment protections of freedom of speech since he acted as a journalist.

According to Vermaut, in this case, the US judiciary serves "as both a judge and a party." The Belgian human rights activist expresses concerns whether Julian Assange will be able to have a fair trial given the huge political pressure on the judges who will have to rule on him there.

"I regard Julian Assange to be a journalist, and I believe that a journalist who has done his job in good conscience, informing people as best he can about the horrors committed by the US in Afghanistan and Iraq, should be honored with a monument and treated as a VIP for his bravery and energy," highlights Vermaut. "We observe Press Media Freedom Day in early May. I believe we should also include Julian Assange, who gave his life to get us closer to the truth."

Assange looming extradition is a shocking situation for all journalists throughout the globe who are fighting for freedom of information, according to Vermaut.

"Journalists everywhere should be concerned about the future of the free press," agrees Taylor Hudak, journalist and editor at AcTVism Munich. "Journalists, in particular, who publish national security related information that is not favorable to the United States may self censor as a result of the ongoing proceedings against Assange to prevent from experiencing his same treatment. This sends a message to the world that the United States doesn’t value adversarial journalism."

'Monstrous Cruelty of British Justice System'

In December 2021, the London High Court approved the US appeal to extradite Assange, overturning an earlier ruling that the WikiLeaks' founder could not be extradited to the US due to his health issues and inhumane conditions that await him in a US prison.

"This magistrates court decision on the extradition of Julian Assange is another piece of monstrous cruelty by the so-called British justice system," notes Professor Stuart Rees, director of The Sydney Peace Foundation, an Australian academic, human rights activist and author. "No-one should trust the US government or courts in the first one minute. A country so fascinated with prisons, with punishment and in the case of Julian, this significant journalist and international citizen, is bound to ignore the rule of law."

What's more, US politicians "have already said they want Assange dead," Rees notes. According to the professor, "the conduct of successive US, UK and Australian governments in this matter has been cowardly and cruel, beyond belief."

"And in the same breath, such governments say they believe in human rights, fair play and justice. The hypocrisy stinks," Rees says.

Calling for holding foreign governments accountable for human rights violations throughout the globe and then extraditing a journalist brings the whole legal system into question, echoes Vermaut. According to him "it looks to serve mainly imperialist politics and cronyism between states."

"The issue of the extradition order is practically the death sentence for independent journalism and journalist protection globally," the activist points out. "Julian Assange is not simply a journalist who should not have been imprisoned; he also exemplifies the deterioration of Western norms of press freedom in the United Kingdom."

Assange has been held at the Belmarsh maximum-security prison in southeast London since October 2020, after serving an 11-month sentence for breaking bail conditions. Prior to this, the journalist had spent roughly seven years at the Ecuador Embassy in London. He was pulled from the Ecuadorian Embassy in late 2019 after having his political asylum status revoked.

"There is still hope," insists Taylor Hudak. "Those who care about the free press and human rights ought to continue those efforts to prevent his extradition to the US, which will lead to the further destruction of our rights. The order for extradition will be sent to UK Home Secretary Priti Patel and once she makes her decision, Assange may appeal yet again."

Assange Extradition Move Highlights UK Govt. Hypocrisy on Human Rights, Ex-Ambassador Says

Apr. 21, 2022

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The decision by a London court to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States exposes the double standards and hypocrisy of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson's government in attacking Russia over the Ukraine conflict, former United Kingdom ambassador Peter Ford told Sputnik on Thursday.

"The latest twist in the tale highlights the hypocrisy of a British government which sanctimoniously denounces Russia for suppression of free speech and war crimes while itself persecuting a journalist for revealing war crimes committed by a UK ally," Ford said.

On Wednesday, the Westminster Magistrate's Court ordered for Assange's extradition to the United States where he is facing a possible sentence of up to 175 years in prison. Assange is in poor health and suffered a stroke while being in UK custody.

"It would be ironic to say the least for the UK to extradite Assange for publishing leaks about US war crimes at just the moment when the UK propaganda machine is attempting to exploit to the maximum alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine," Ford said.

Drawing attention to the double standards in the latest development in Assange's long struggle to avoid being deported back to the United States for exposing so many state secrets might cause UK Home Secretary Priti Patel, a pro-American hardliner, to hesitate in implementing the move, Ford said.

"While it is unlikely that considerations of consistency and decency would deter an un-shameable British government from proceeding to extradite the journalist, the thought that it might prompt accusations of double standards and thereby undermine the pro-Ukraine propaganda, will likely incline the government to stall for the moment on any decision," he said.

In any case Assange's legal team still have options to appeal other elements of the earlier court rulings which effectively obliged the Westminster Magistrates Court to authorize the Home Secretary to extradite, Ford continued.

"And if and when the case does go to the Home Secretary for final decision Assange's lawyers can also introduce fresh evidence, which they cannot in court," Ford added.

Assange's defense team does not rule out the possibility of applying to the European Court of Human Rights to seek to block his extradition, Carlos Poveda, Assange 's lawyer, told Sputnik on Thursday.
The Audiencia Nacional requests the interrogation of Mike Pompeo for an alleged plan to kill Julian Assange.

National Court Judge Santiago Pedraz has sent a rogatory commission to the United States requesting that it allow him to question former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former counter-surveillance chief William Evanina as witnesses on the alleged existence of a plan to kidnap and kill Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
The Spanish court is investigating the alleged espionage that UC Global, directed by the Spaniard David Morales, allegedly facilitated against Assange as it was in charge of security at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London when the events allegedly took place. Both Morales (who is on provisional release with precautionary measures) and UC Global are being investigated for crimes against privacy and the secrecy of lawyer-client communications, bribery and money laundering.
La Audiencia Nacional solicita interrogar a Mike Pompeo por un presunto plan para matar a Julian Assange

Mexico will ask Biden to free Assange – president​

"He also said he intends to ask Biden to drop charges against Assange when they meet next month. Such an action would go counter to the “hardliners in the US” but “humanity must prevail,” AMLO added."

What about freedoms? Are we going to remove the Statue of Liberty from New York?
“Julian Assange is the best journalist of our time in the world and he has been treated very unfairly, worse than a criminal,” AMLO said. “This is a shame for the world.”

Today, marks Julian Assange's 51st birthday, and third consecutive year in maximum security prison, without crime.

In fact, the publisher originally won his case in January of 2021, and has only remained imprisoned at the behest of the United States, who seeks to extradite the publisher and use him as a vehicle to destroy first amendment rights and press protections the world over.

Today is a solemn day.
It is a day in which we are reminded that the balance of power surely exists out of favor of the common citizen.
That the egalitarian idea of equality has yet to be actualized.
We stand only with the crumbling edifice of this in tow. A system that sharply veers toward protecting an elite class of criminals, while punitively punishing all who would seek a better world with different masters.
In the case of Assange, more than a decade has been spent ruthlessly persecuting him and attempting to malign/kidnap/kill him in any way possible. Conversations were had at the highest levels about assassinating him. Discussions within the US government took place over murdering him on foreign soil, even as the US DOJ planned to serve him with a superseding indictment based off of the testimony of a sociopathic pedophile the FBI had hired and granted immunity to for unrelated crimes against children.

The Assange case has put on full display for the World, the decrepit and false nature of what is being done to people under the guise of "justice". It has shown us, as a society, as a collective of people of all ages, of medical professionals, of journalists and reporters, exactly how far we have to go.
The price of speaking truth to power, of embarrassing it before the world, seems to be an endless amount of state-sanctioned murderous intent directed at the individual and all those surrounding them.
Assange's family is at stake here too.
As are your own.
Because once the extradition they are seeking has gone through, they will have effectively set precedent for all the illegal and heinous acts they actively attempted on foreign soil.

Far more is at stake than people realize.

Azerbaijani president destroys BBC report on the subject of Julian Assage. Just the first 45 seconds of the video.

Well, it seems he got Russian passport and has sworn the oath of allegiance to Russia.

It would be nice if Julian Assange could find sanctuary in Russia like Snowden too but it is probably not likely.

Musk launches poll on Snowden and Assange

The Twitter CEO is asking users whether the two men accused of exposing US secrets should be granted pardons

“I am not expressing an opinion, but did promise to conduct this poll,” Musk tweeted, asking users: “Should Assange and Snowden be pardoned?”

So far, with more than 1.3 million people voting, 79% say ‘yes’, 21% ‘no’.

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