Will Britain declare a state of war?

You know that was almost word for word what someone told me awhile back at work when the subject of the migrants came up. They will likely be sent to fight for their 'right for citizenship' or something nefarious like that. (Which makes it all feel planned far in advance.) I also can't see anyone else signing up to fight there's the whole 'it doesn't even feel like the country I was born in anymore so why fight and die for it' kind of thing.
They've imported an army...there are more 'illegal' immigrants than there are in the British Army now. And they are young men, fit and able. And they don't give a toss for us. So, when the idea of a new National Service is touted, the young British born and bred say "No way!"
But the imported army will. They have no choice. And they really don't like us. Imo, it's so easy to see the plan.
Hopefully George Galloway’s “Hell No! Our Kids Won’t Go” campaign gets traction. I don’t put much faith in it, but at least it’s being said by one voice in Parliament.

DCM bless George Galloway. He's been a thorn in the side of the UK establishment for years. His GB Workers Party will run in many seats in the July 4th general election. If they have a member in my constituency I'd welcome them. If not I'll vote for an independent. Never vote for Labour or the Tories, as Galloway memorably put it a while back, "they're just 2 cheeks of the same arse!":lol:

The Conservatives have basically thrown the towel in, and they fully expect Labour to mop up all those dissenting votes, safe in the knowledge that they're basically "the same" in terms of general policies. Gaza has laid this out plainly. How they worked to eject Jeremy Corbyn from the party and the whole faux antisemitism crisis shames them in my eyes. They're all "Labour friends of Israel" now. Their allegiences and policies have enabled genocide. Awakened minds in the UK will never forgive them. Sadly we are still a noisy but small minority in the UK body politic. The student movements however give me hope. And I remain very mindful of the precarious state we are in now, and sense (re:-C's latest sessions) that this upcoming "marker event" may be a new terrorist attack during the sporting summer. Something is gonna happen, to deflect blame from the guilty parties in our current crisis. And so the suffering will go on, along with the fetid stench of a howling injustice. May the truth arise into the minds of enquiring minds, it's our only hope.
They've imported an army...there are more 'illegal' immigrants than there are in the British Army now. And they are young men, fit and able. And they don't give a toss for us. So, when the idea of a new National Service is touted, the young British born and bred say "No way!"
But the imported army will. They have no choice. And they really don't like us. Imo, it's so easy to see the plan.
While our army is off fighting, could this imported army be used to keep the natives in line?
I share your sense of doom but I just can’t see anyone signing up to fight, barring a false flag on uk soil but even then I’m not sure.
When I put my tinfoil hat on and see all these fighting age men imported here and in hotels in every town and city up and down the country, what will they be used for? Is it just votes?
the plan is to use them for instigate civil war across the europe, i can't find the article cause i have read it over decade ago on zerohedge before even mass migration started and anyone imagined that europe gonna be pushed to fight russia
it was either or, war with russia or civil one, all to get rid of unpayable debt of usa
A lot of people around me are saying this Tory national service thing is just them trying to appeal to old people and nothing more. I really do wonder whether it's that or a prepping of the population for future military action.

At some point you'd have to think that the PTB, when they feel they are about to lose (e.g. due to Russia/China and COVID vaccine side effects becoming common knowledge) that they'll see a war as their trump card. A war will a) get rid of huge numbers of people and b) potentially mean that at the end they are still "the ptb".

So I'm not entirely unconvinced that they will play that card if they feel there is no other card to play.
A lot of people around me are saying this Tory national service thing is just them trying to appeal to old people and nothing more. I really do wonder whether it's that or a prepping of the population for future military action.

At some point you'd have to think that the PTB, when they feel they are about to lose (e.g. due to Russia/China and COVID vaccine side effects becoming common knowledge) that they'll see a war as their trump card. A war will a) get rid of huge numbers of people and b) potentially mean that at the end they are still "the ptb".

So I'm not entirely unconvinced that they will play that card if they feel there is no other card to play.
I agree with you about TPTB but at the minute there just isn’t an appetite for war amongst the general population. Something would have to drastically change.
I agree with you about TPTB but at the minute there just isn’t an appetite for war amongst the general population. Something would have to drastically change.
They can always manufacture something and get the media to do their usual wall to wall 24/7 broadcast of the same message and voila, as if by magic, all of a sudden, there will be queues at your local enlistment office and those not wanting to sign up will be seen as traitors and cowards.
Why does it seem the most crazy countries in the world right now all speak English (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US)? Well the Poles and the Germans are pretty close too... I am guessing the UK never really lost control over its vassal states including the US...or at least managed to re-establish it from the City of London. Someone pointed out the other day that technically the largest country on earth is not China, it is the British Commonwealth. I looked it up - 56 countries, 33 small states, and 2.5 billion people! The Queen on paper is still head of state in these countries despite the trappings of democracy, something an Aussie acquaintance pointed out many years ago. The fact the UK exerts some control over most of these countries is disturbing.

It really is ashamed that Farage just walked away from the Brexit party. He could have really been a thorn in the side of the establishment. He should have known better than anyone you have to keep the pressure on these people. Or maybe he just wanted to keep his head...

Clearly an escalation is coming though. All the signs are there. Project Ukraine will not be allowed to fail, even if it means making the Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable for 300+ years. Although given how pathetic the West is, I would not be shocked if Russia and China got off a first strike and the West got so caught with their pants down they could not retaliate. This appears the scenario that Deagel predicted over a decade ago...eerily enough for 2025. All part of the script...
Why does it seem the most crazy countries in the world right now all speak English (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the US)? Well the Poles and the Germans are pretty close too... I am guessing the UK never really lost control over its vassal states including the US...or at least managed to re-establish it from the City of London. Someone pointed out the other day that technically the largest country on earth is not China, it is the British Commonwealth. I looked it up - 56 countries, 33 small states, and 2.5 billion people! The Queen on paper is still head of state in these countries despite the trappings of democracy, something an Aussie acquaintance pointed out many years ago. The fact the UK exerts some control over most of these countries is disturbing.

If we look into the history of the British Empire, and the transition of hegemony to the Americans during the two world wars, there's a lot of data for 3D material reasons for the craziest countries being Anglos. The book Conjuring Hitler is a good one in this respect, speaking about the two world wars and the way the Anglos (and certain shady characters in particular, like Bank of England chief Montagu Norman and the Dulles brothers) played everyone like fiddles.

Post-WW2, the Anglo countries - but also many non-Anglo European countries - had some very good times through the plunder and utter destruction of other peoples. As Lobaczewski wrote, these good times make weak men (aka psychologically abnormal deviants being their rise to power), and these weak men create bad times (aka they use that power to normalize pathology). That's the point we're at now in the hysteroidal cycle in the West, where ponerization is quickening. Luckily, there's enough common sense here keeping it at least somewhat in check. We're haven't seen a blue-haired Stalin just yet.

There's a deeper question though - why the British? What gave them ascendancy in the first place?

For that, it's hard to trace exactly where the fire started, but one point that's good enough for me would be Britain becoming the workshop of the world in the Industrial Revolution. It became industry leader, technological leader, and thus also military leader in a very short period of time. I went through Hobsbawm's book Age of Revolution recently, and it was a great read in that respect. Once the British had overwhelming superiority, maybe it was a case of simple greed taking over, which doesn't hesitate to use violence to fulfill its aims.

But there is also the 'theological reason', though, or the hyperdimensional reason for the craziness of the Anglosphere. For some reason the Anglos were chosen to be the attack dogs for the PTB. Maybe due to the potential of Nordic 'power centres' in the lineage, corrupted and weaponized.

The C's have said that the one key strategic concern of 4DSTS is to destroy the true Semitic line. The Nazis (propelled by the Brits and Americans) were anti-Semitic, yes. But that anti-Semitism was not what it seems. The Nazi hatred in actual practice was what we might call 'true anti-Semitism' - it was directed mostly at the slavic peoples, the true Semites. Not to downplay the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, of course, but many more millions of Russians were slaughtered in the two world wars, probably disproportionately targeted for death, in line with 4DSTS plans. This Russophobia appeared on the scene - seemingly out of the blue, and with no clear reason - back in the 1800's. I think it was an egregore:

(Navigator) Do "egregores" exist as Stavish describes them? A being created from the thoughts of a group of people which then takes a consciousness of its own, and needs to be fed from time to time, and being either positive or negative.

(L) Okay. That's basically what Stavish's main egregore definition is...

(Andromeda) Basically like a group attachment.

A: He is close except it usually happens from the top down. That is, a being can influence a group of people to take certain actions and thereby establish a feeding pool for itself.

Q: (L) Okay. But still can human beings create a being, like Stavish described?

A: Not really. Such a creation is more a function of FRV and will dissipate upon breakup of the group.

Q: (L) But for a period of time there is something that is drawing and recycling energy within a group.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) But it has no persistence or autonomy...

A: No.

Q: (L) Okay. So, in the cases that Stavish talks about where it's more prolonged and it seems like it changes and begins to become demanding and basically rebels, what is that?

A: Usually 4D STS using a group of people to feed and plant ideas into 3D. Note that often the eminence grise in such groups is a psychopath and you can read current studies to see how the morphing works.

Q: (L) So I think that might be referring to Lobaczewski when he describes how psychopaths within a group can shift the direction, the ideas, and then change the ideology and all that?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Right. Okay.

It could also have been undergrounders who were the impetus for the Industrial Revolution, for instance, coming to the surface with new technologies in Britain, which was sure to give them a world advantage. Hard to say how much in history is scripted, and how much is more or less natural. I'd be willing to be that just like the advent of Agriculture, the Industrial Revolution didn't occur all on its own.

Clearly an escalation is coming though. All the signs are there. Project Ukraine will not be allowed to fail, even if it means making the Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable for 300+ years. Although given how pathetic the West is, I would not be shocked if Russia and China got off a first strike and the West got so caught with their pants down they could not retaliate. This appears the scenario that Deagel predicted over a decade ago...eerily enough for 2025. All part of the script...

An escalation is already here, I think, what with all the attempted assassinations and deaths of numerous world leaders recently. It depends on how fast the escalation escalator goes now, or what one means by escalation. A hot war between superpowers isn't on the table I think. And Russia and China will not strike first, as they have no reason to start WW3.
Not to downplay the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, of course, but many more millions of Russians were slaughtered in the two world wars, probably disproportionately targeted for death, in line with 4DSTS plans. This Russophobia appeared on the scene - seemingly out of the blue, and with no clear reason - back in the 1800's.

It's also interesting that Hitlerism came from Austria, because otherwise Hitler's obsession with the Slavs cannot be understood. In Austria between the late 1800s and the Nazi time there was a lot of ethnical tension between the Germans and the Slavs (this being the Habsburg Austria-Hungarian Empire). The Germans had many grievances, many of which justified, against what they perceived to be an overly pro-Slav policy. For example, the decision was taken that public servants had to speak both Czech and German in certain provinces, which meant Germans had a hard time because most of them didn't speak Czech, whereas the Czech did speak German. Also, the government stirred things up by appointing Czech clergymen to German parishes, and many other such issues. Then there were many Jewish immigrants settling in Vienna at the time, further upsetting the balance. Hence a nationalist, pan-German movement grew in Austria - the typical dialectic.

It was all extremely unlikely that an Austrian guy became the German dictator, so you gotta wonder. From a hyperdimensional perspective, if part of the agenda was to attack the Russians and kill Slavs (among other things), this timeline makes sense though.
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