"Here it will do you no harm to say, that among your favorites there have long existed in each locality, special forms for outward relationship, for the reason that the inner feeling of relationship common to all the beings of the Universe without difference of form or place of existence, has long been destroyed in them.
"Good or bad relations among them are established at the present time only by external manifestations, chiefly by politeness, as it is called, that is to say, by empty words.
"However much one being might inwardly wish another being good, if for some reason or other, he should express himself in the wrong words...all would be over. The other being would be quite certain that his real well-wisher only lived to give him trouble.
"It is therefore extremely important to know the customary forms of speech in order to make friends and avoid making enemies.
"It is also interesting to note that the abnormal existence of your favorites has not only spoiled their own psyche, but it has reacted on the psyche of other forms of beings on this same planet.
"Such an inner feeling is entirely atrophied in those forms of beings with which your favorites have a frequent contact, and it has been preserved only among those other forms of beings, whose form of existence is such that they have no contact at all with these biped beings of yours; as for example, those called tigers, lions, bears, hyenas, snakes, falangas, scorpions and so forth.
"In the psyche of these forms of beings moreover, a very strange peculiarity has been formed. These tigers, lions, bears, hyenas, snakes, falangas, scorpions and so forth, perceive the inner feeling of fear of other beings as hostility, and hence try to destroy them in self-defence.
"This strange peculiarity in their psyche was also acquired on account of your favorites. Thanks as usual to their abnormal conditions of existence, they gradually become cowards from head to foot; and at the same time, and equally completely the peculiarity of destroying the existence of other beings entered into them.
"Being thus by nature cowards of the highest degree, whenever they set out to kill other forms of beings or accidentally meet any of them, who, physically and in other respects, are much stronger than themselves, they sweat with fear, and long with all their being for a means of killing them. In this manner, in the psyche of beings who have no frequent contact with your favorites, side by side with the real function placed in them by Nature, instinctively to pay respect to those forms of beings, which in the gradation of the sacred reasonableness are higher than themselves, an instinct is gradually acquired and formed, owing to which the feeling of fear in others is perceived as a menace to their own life, which menace they try accordingly to destroy.
"In spite of the difference of their exterior forms, all the beings of this planet lived together at first in peace and concord; and even at the present time, it happens occasionally that one of your favorites so perfects himself that he realizes that all living creatures are alike to Our Endlessness; and then succeeds in completely destroying his fear of other forms of beings. In consequence not only do these other forms of beings not attempt to harm him but they even pay him every respect and render him every service as a being higher in the scale of reasonableness.
"In short, my dear boy, thus arose among your favorites, various forms of politeness and in each locality, these forms differ.