Woolwich attack : UK soldier decapitated on street


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member

BBC said:
Police called to 'frenzied machete attack' in Woolwich, south-east London, in which one man, reported to be a soldier, died

Incident now being treated by the government as a suspected terrorist attack, says the BBC's Nick Robinson

Reports suggest a man was attacked in the street by two individuals who were later shot by officers

Video footage emerges showing a man wielding a bloodied meat cleaver and making political statements

Home Secretary Theresa May calls a meeting of Cobra, the government's emergency response committee, describing the attack as "sickening and barbaric"
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street


Dramatic footage has emerged of the suspected terrorist attack near the London barracks that left one man dead, showing a suspect with blood-covered hands using jihadist rhetoric to justify the violence.

On Wednesday night the prime minister, David Cameron, vowed that Britain will "never buckle" in the face of terrorist incidents, and condemned the "absolutely sickening" killing in Woolwich.

As the government's emergency committee Cobra convened in central London to assess the implications of the incident, ITV News broadcast footage of one of the alleged attackers.

Brandishing a cleaver and a knife, and with the body of the victim lying yards away, the man said: "We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"We must fight them. I apologise that women had to witness this today."But in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don't care about you."

The man then walks away and talks to another suspected attacker.

Police at the scene in Woolwich, south London, where a man was killed Police at the scene in Woolwich, south London, where a man was killed and two others were taken to hospital with gunshot wounds following a 'serious incident'. BBC screengrab

It is believed the person died after suffering knife injuries, possibly around the head area.

Two people have been taken to hospital after they were shot by armed police.

There were reports that the man who was fatally attacked was wearing a Help for Heroes T-shirt.

The Woolwich and Greenwich MP, Nick Raynsford, said it was his understanding that one person, a serving soldier, was dead but there was no immediate confirmation of this from the Ministry of Defence.

The prime minister said: "Tonight, our thoughts should be with the victim, with their family, with their friends."

"People across Britain, people in every community, I believe, will utterly condemn this attack.

"We have had these sorts of attacks before in our country and we never buckle in the face of them."

Cameron was speaking at a Paris press conference with French president Francois Hollande but confirmed he would cut short the visit to return to the UK tonight to chair a meeting of the Government's Cobra emergency committee in the morning.

Chiefs at the Woolwich barracks were understood to be trying to account for military personnel, amid reports the dead person may have been connected to the military. The incident happened 300-400 metres from the perimeter of the barracks.

The barracks is home to the Princess of Wales regiment and the Kings Troop, which is a ceremonial unit, that relocated to Woolwich last year.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is investigating the shooting by police, which is standard in cases where officers open fire.

In a statement the IPCC said it had "been made aware by Metropolitan Police Service of an incident in Woolwich, south London. IPCC investigators have been deployed to the scene and to the post-incident process. The IPCC has declared this as an independent investigation."

Earlier Raynsford said: "The incident occurred early afternoon. One individual is dead, two others are seriously injured and in hospital.

"We think a serving soldier was the victim. We don't know the circumstances surrounding the incident.

"We do know a number of weapons have been seized. They include a gun, various knives, and a machete, apparently."
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

I am sad to say that we have seen much worse in the past:


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Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

BBC news have the headline here as

"Woolwich killing: The long feared attack"


Provocative or what :rolleyes:

It's causing quite a stir among people on my FB, and it seems to be ponerization in action, as people are being divided into 'us v them' camps and people in between who are confused (and some who blame irrelevant factors, possibly as an attempt to 'explain' the process of ponerology, but who don't know about it) but can see the irrationality of it all.

There seems to be a disproportionate focus on this event, which is just a subjective impression of mine, but it also seems to be an attempt by the PTB to vector the populace into a direction I guess they may have 'planned'.

Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

John Ainhirn-Williams said:
I am sad to say that we have seen much worse in the past:


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I am actually really quite angry, and have been all day at this selective empathy for a soldier who was obviously brutally killed and ANY life lost is tragic in it's own right, but wheres the outrage for the hundreds of men, women and children killed in Palestine? Or our fellow human beings killed in drone strikes? Among countless other atrocities against humanity. It just seems to target the UK's mass psyche perfectly in that, they KNEW this would provoke an emotional reaction so that they could use it to further their own sick aims.

I walked past a stall for an army charity positioned outside my local train station this morning, so obviously and conveniently there the day right after this event, as part of the agenda to manipulate and vector the masses into accepting authority and the government as the 'saviours' against these 'immigrants' and 'benefit dodging scum' etc etc....

The PTB have special psychological knowledge and they use it against normal people who are so out of it with regards to what is REALLY happening with the world, that everyone starts to fight against each other and we loose our conscience and critical thinking abilities. ( That is, if some of us had any to begin with!)

Or so I think. I realise that I am somewhat emotional about this so any objective feedback if needed, would be appreciated.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Paragon said:
Or so I think. I realise that I am somewhat emotional about this so any objective feedback if needed, would be appreciated.

You're quite right to get riled up about this Paragon. UK has descended into a culture celebrating Beer, football and military imperialism.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Pob said:
Paragon said:
Or so I think. I realize that I am somewhat emotional about this so any objective feedback if needed, would be appreciated.

You're quite right to get riled up about this Paragon. UK has descended into a culture celebrating Beer, football and military imperialism.

Well, I'm glad that I am not going insane then!

What scares AND angers me the most is that critical thinking and normal human behaviour is so in the minority nowadays, that I am beginning to suspect that it's getting worse ( the ponerization of society), on an exponential level. Nevermind those of us who have the ability to see the bigger picture. I'm not sure who I could 'trust' if a time comes when an overt police state or some other similar 'big' change occurs. Nobody seems to be home in a lot of people. It's like there is a culture of 'what the hell, who cares, someone else will try and sort it out'. But y'know what? It seems like the people who in past times who would even try and change things, are dying out. Fast.

I don't know if this makes sense, but it feels like (subjectively) that people everywhere are so hysterical, that it's actually quite hard to be 'normal' and act like a human. Little things feel like they are blown out of proportion and the actual important issues in life, well, no one gives a hoot!

That could just be my own skewed perspective of course, but I am reminded of a lot of things said in political ponerology when observing society in the UK.

I am so glad however, to be able to log on here and read and learn, even just doing that every day for me, clears my mind and I feel calmer.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Paragon said:
Well, I'm glad that I am not going insane then!

Well, I could be just as insane :)

What scares AND angers me the most is that critical thinking and normal human behaviour is so in the minority nowadays, that I am beginning to suspect that it's getting worse ( the ponerization of society), on an exponential level. Nevermind those of us who have the ability to see the bigger picture. I'm not sure who I could 'trust' if a time comes when an overt police state or some other similar 'big' change occurs. Nobody seems to be home in a lot of people. It's like there is a culture of 'what the hell, who cares, someone else will try and sort it out'. But y'know what? It seems like the people who in past times who would even try and change things, are dying out. Fast.

I don't know if this makes sense, but it feels like (subjectively) that people everywhere are so hysterical, that it's actually quite hard to be 'normal' and act like a human. Little things feel like they are blown out of proportion and the actual important issues in life, well, no one gives a hoot!

That could just be my own skewed perspective of course, but I am reminded of a lot of things said in political ponerology when observing society in the UK.

I am so glad however, to be able to log on here and read and learn, even just doing that every day for me, clears my mind and I feel calmer.
Glad to hear that, always worth taking a step back. You're right about ponerization, it's quite interesting to see it play out.

Found an interesting video that raises questions about the authenticity of the attack and it being staged actors.

Side by Side of London Machete Terrorist Before/After BLOOD WAS ADDED _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOtHT_jD7I&feature=youtu.be

Below it is a comment:

Paul Joseph Watson from infowars debunked this video

The following debunking that debunking from the comment to this article: _http://rinf.com/alt-news/breaking-news/woolwich-sparks-snooper-charter-return/35664/:
Alex Jones & Company use government photoshopped still to undebunk Woolwich attack. Of course, the fact that there is no blood on the MI5 actors’ clothing (only their hands and weapons), is further evidence of a badly staged operation.

Sky News reports “large pools of blood on the street”, and the attack lasted “up to twenty minutes”…”Armed police turned up about 20 minute after the initial attack on that soldier”.

What large pools of blood?

Where were the police for those twenty minutes?

The first clue that something was amiss was the total lack of blood on the ground, not to mention no blood on the body, excepting maybe on the hands. The official narrative has the two MI5 actors hacking and stabbing the soldier where the car crashed, then attempting to behead the soldier. Then the body is dragged out into the middle of the street. As one can see from the initial pictures released there’s not one drop of blood on the ground in the immediate area where the car crashed, let alone pools of blood, nor a trail of blood leading away towards where the body lies in the middle of the street.

Note too the three MI5 female handlers managing the scene, supposedly confronting the two attackers. As if!

For more on this obvious false flag operation, you’ll have to go to DNotice.org (scroll down to the “Jackson Report” for today’s postings) because everyone else is too busy shilling for MI5.

The 'jackson report' below from _http://dnotice.org/

MI5 stages ludicrously fake false flag operation in London _http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2329089/Woolwich-attack-Two-men-hack-soldier-wearing-Help-Heroes-T-shirt-death-machetes-suspected-terror-attack.html. Translation: The first clue that something was amiss was the total lack of blood on the ground, not to mention no blood on the body. The official narrative has the two MI5 actors hacking and stabbing the soldier where the car crashed, then attempting to behead the soldier. Then the body is dragged out into the middle of the street. As one can see from the two pictures titled 'Confrontation' there's not one drop of blood on the ground in the immediate area where the car crashed, nor a trail of blood leading away towards where the body lies, just out of view in the first picture referenced.

Note too the three MI5 female handlers managing the scene, supposedly confronting the two attackers. As if!

Sky News reports (fast forward to 3:55 minutes in video titled, "Woolwich killing: Latest on investigation") "large pools of blood on the street", and the attack lasted "up to twenty minutes"..."Armed police turned up about 20 minute after the initial attack on that soldier". What large pools of blood? Where were the police for those twenty minutes? _http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4939124/Woolwich-terror-suspect-revealed-sources-name-man-as-Michael-Adebolajo.html#ixzz2U7bDTXfJ

Was the Woolwich Attack a Hoax? (Debunked)._http://www.infowars.com/was-the-woolwich-attack-a-hoax-debunked/ Translation: Alex Jones & Company use government photoshopped still to undebunk Woolwich attack. Of course, the fact that there is no blood on the MI5 actors' clothing (only their hands and weapons), is further evidence of a badly staged operation.

See my comments to the article.

RAW FOOTAGE AFTERMATH TERRORIST ATTACK ONE DEAD WOOLWICH SOUTH EAST LONDON 22/05/2013._http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQxM9iSXz6M Translation: Where's the "large pools of blood on the street" and clothing of the attackers? Why did the person recording refuse to film the "soldier's" body in the first section of the video?

See my comments to the video.

edit: reordered and comment added
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Paragon said:
Pob said:
Paragon said:
Or so I think. I realize that I am somewhat emotional about this so any objective feedback if needed, would be appreciated.

You're quite right to get riled up about this Paragon. UK has descended into a culture celebrating Beer, football and military imperialism.

Well, I'm glad that I am not going insane then!

What scares AND angers me the most is that critical thinking and normal human behaviour is so in the minority nowadays, that I am beginning to suspect that it's getting worse ( the ponerization of society), on an exponential level. Nevermind those of us who have the ability to see the bigger picture. I'm not sure who I could 'trust' if a time comes when an overt police state or some other similar 'big' change occurs. Nobody seems to be home in a lot of people. It's like there is a culture of 'what the hell, who cares, someone else will try and sort it out'. But y'know what? It seems like the people who in past times who would even try and change things, are dying out. Fast.

I don't know if this makes sense, but it feels like (subjectively) that people everywhere are so hysterical, that it's actually quite hard to be 'normal' and act like a human. Little things feel like they are blown out of proportion and the actual important issues in life, well, no one gives a hoot!

That could just be my own skewed perspective of course, but I am reminded of a lot of things said in political ponerology when observing society in the UK.

I am so glad however, to be able to log on here and read and learn, even just doing that every day for me, clears my mind and I feel calmer.

You're not alone. The few 'average joe' types I still have on Facebook were predictably riled up about this, with predictable responses. They managed to fit in a status about it, between their football, complaints, food, and uni work statuses. "Hang the bastard! We are so outraged!" .. "time to play angry birds".

There is something so obviously fishy about this, and I haven't even looked at any real evidence yet (though while reading the story, I did wonder where these "pools of blood" were? I can't see any?). You couldn't come up with anything better to rile up the morons in the British public, than killing one of their precious "heroes" in broad daylight, and throwing in a bit of jihadist rhetoric. And every word out of David Cameron's mouth makes my skin crawl.

Sorry, I still feel a large amount of contempt for those I have to share this island with :P . Football, beer, and military indeed.

In short, yeah, if ponerisation level could be graphed over time, the line is now well on it's way up into the stratosphere. If you feel like a depressing couple of hours, watch the movie "idiocracy" (meant to be a comedy). Still, petty tyrants in abundance :) .
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Carlise said:
There is something so obviously fishy about this, and I haven't even looked at any real evidence yet (though while reading the story, I did wonder where these "pools of blood" were? I can't see any?). You couldn't come up with anything better to rile up the morons in the British public, than killing one of their precious "heroes" in broad daylight, and throwing in a bit of jihadist rhetoric. And every word out of David Cameron's mouth makes my skin crawl.

Sorry, I still feel a large amount of contempt for those I have to share this island with :P . Football, beer, and military indeed.

In short, yeah, if ponerisation level could be graphed over time, the line is now well on it's way up into the stratosphere. If you feel like a depressing couple of hours, watch the movie "idiocracy" (meant to be a comedy). Still, petty tyrants in abundance :) .

Know exactly how you feel there. :( There is also this political angle : http://www.sott.net/article/262076-Woolwich-terror-attack-Fishy-things-to-be-aware-of
Currently the UK has a weak government with strong ties and support for the EU -

There is a significant groundswell from the population to hold a public vote to leave the EU. The citizens were duped into supporting the EU as a trading scheme... not the all encompassing one world government it turned out to be.

The main opposition to EU is Nigel Farage leader of the fast rising UKIP party

... He is a thorn in the side of all things NWO.

Recently the EDL threw its support behind UKIP.

This embarrassed UKIP who are afraid they will be tainted by an extremist label and lose their reputation in other voting sectors.

The English Deference League (EDL) is a group of English patriots who want their country back. They are labeled as extremists and have taken the extreme route to bringing England back to the English, often violently through frustration.

The EDL mobilized swiftly to protest the Woolwich soldier death event and swore revenge.

Recently, 6 radical Muslims were tried in the Woolwich court, they had planned to bomb an EDL rally.

Should the Woolwich "event" develop into a race war, would UKIP and Nigel Farage be smeared and tainted and virtually taken out of the next election as a strong candidate?

Would this be a great benefit to the EU-UN-NWO and Tory support for it?

To whose advantage was the Woolwich event?

Was the Woolwich event staged for purpose?
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

[quote author=Pob] Glad to hear that, always worth taking a step back. You're right about ponerization, it's quite interesting to see it play out[/quote]

Thanks Pob,

I guess that I personally should try to not become too identified with the ponerization and society etc. Still, in some way, I am glad that I got angry about it, as it shows that a part of me at least recognises the insanity of the world, i.e my conscience?

The links and material you provided are interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if some aspect of the whole thing was 'staged', but now we have the COINTELPRO cover of a cover type thing that is going on now, that uses the 'staged' narrative, so who knows what the script is yet.

The lack of blood around the scene is strange though. I saw one commenter on the youtube video ( I think it was there), said that 'maybe they edited out the blood because it was too disturbing for the viewers'. That doesn't seem to make sense to me, since people have been normalized to seeing 'gory' stuff for a while now OSIT.

author Carlise said:
You're not alone. The few 'average joe' types I still have on Facebook were predictably riled up about this, with predictable responses. They managed to fit in a status about it, between their football, complaints, food, and uni work statuses. "Hang the bastard! We are so outraged!" .. "time to play angry birds".

There is something so obviously fishy about this, and I haven't even looked at any real evidence yet (though while reading the story, I did wonder where these "pools of blood" were? I can't see any?). You couldn't come up with anything better to rile up the morons in the British public, than killing one of their precious "heroes" in broad daylight, and throwing in a bit of jihadist rhetoric. And every word out of David Cameron's mouth makes my skin crawl.

Sorry, I still feel a large amount of contempt for those I have to share this island with :P . Football, beer, and military indeed
In short, yeah, if ponerisation level could be graphed over time, the line is now well on it's way up into the stratosphere. If you feel like a depressing couple of hours, watch the movie "idiocracy" (meant to be a comedy). Still, petty tyrants in abundance :)

They literaly are machines aren't they? Sick human predator at the top presses button that makes the media press another button that presses the button on human machine to make them react in a predictable manner. :P it'd maybe be a funny movie, but that is quite the reality isn't it.....

Yeah, it stinks to me of being an emotional hook of the same 'flavour' as the boston boming (though maybe not as vast a scale, but perhaps like a tester for something in the future?). The esteem to which soldiers are held up to here actually makes me feel a bit sick, especially when its in the name of 'fighting for our country'. Ehhhh yeh right, lets invade another country who hasn't bothered us to fight 'terrorism'. It's really brainwashed quite a majority of people in the UK :rolleyes:

I think it's only natural to feel contempt Carlise, we are only human after all, and I think that it's good to feel that way since we have an idea of what should be normal and isnt, and what SHOULDN'T be normal, but is! The balance is, well what we do with that emotion, and working on ourselves here, learning etc is what helps us all.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Pob said:
Know exactly how you feel there. :( There is also this political angle : http://www.sott.net/article/262076-Woolwich-terror-attack-Fishy-things-to-be-aware-of
Currently the UK has a weak government with strong ties and support for the EU -

There is a significant groundswell from the population to hold a public vote to leave the EU. The citizens were duped into supporting the EU as a trading scheme... not the all encompassing one world government it turned out to be.

The main opposition to EU is Nigel Farage leader of the fast rising UKIP party

... He is a thorn in the side of all things NWO.

Recently the EDL threw its support behind UKIP.

This embarrassed UKIP who are afraid they will be tainted by an extremist label and lose their reputation in other voting sectors.

The English Deference League (EDL) is a group of English patriots who want their country back. They are labeled as extremists and have taken the extreme route to bringing England back to the English, often violently through frustration.

The EDL mobilized swiftly to protest the Woolwich soldier death event and swore revenge.

Recently, 6 radical Muslims were tried in the Woolwich court, they had planned to bomb an EDL rally.

Should the Woolwich "event" develop into a race war, would UKIP and Nigel Farage be smeared and tainted and virtually taken out of the next election as a strong candidate?

Would this be a great benefit to the EU-UN-NWO and Tory support for it?

To whose advantage was the Woolwich event?

Was the Woolwich event staged for purpose?

I see, the pathological top-dogs are benefiting, by playing the divide and conquer strategy. I'm sure I've seen this before, now where was it? Oh yeah, pretty much every major event in human history. Good job people don't read too many books, eh!

Lobaczewski was so incredibly spot on, it continues to amaze me every day.

Paragon said:
I think it's only natural to feel contempt Carlise, we are only human after all, and I think that it's good to feel that way since we have an idea of what should be normal and isnt, and what SHOULDN'T be normal, but is! The balance is, well what we do with that emotion, and working on ourselves here, learning etc is what helps us all.

Yeah. It's in dealing with the righteous anger, without going insane, where this forum is such a blessing. Det, EE, self work, and networking stops us from going under, and allows us to actually use the negative emotions for something good. It's a shame we can't just go shake people up a bit to wake them up, but then we're not here to save people, only to do what we can with respect to the Universe :).
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Which of the two knives the man is holding is supposed to be a machete? They look to me like what I would call a large kitchen knife and a large kitchen cleaver or butcher's cleaver. But don't take my word for it. Do a Google Image search for "machete" and see if you can see anything like the two knives the man was holding.

A machete has a longer blade, and is used to clear vegetation by swinging it back and forth. Both the knives the man is holding have blades that look too short to be useful for that purpose.

Or was there a third knife, a machete, not shown in the pictures I have been looking at?

Perhaps "machete" is more evocative though than "kitchen cleaver" (i.e. evocative of unruly savage uncivilised tribes and headhunters, whereas "kitchen cleaver" might bring more to mind P. G. Wodehouse's novels of English gentlemen and butlers and serving staff).
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

The problem of seeing that can be staged, is to decipher who is who in this mess (you can see "actors" everywhere. Perhaps one of the advances in human psychology by the psychopathic elite is his capacity to use the sleepers how they want, in their planned scenarios)
Another strange thing about the blood is that the lady who came to talk to the attackers, Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, could not see the wounds of the victim, or his face. There was another lady next to the soldier, she covered his face. But before that, the most aggressive of attackers told Ingrid don't go too close to the body. Ingrid ignored, and then the lady next to the body told he was dead. And then she confirmed what the other woman said. Imposion of an impression or reality? Sorry, but all this is very strange (or staged?).
is disheartening to see Psychopaths writing the story and the rest of us trying to see what going on. Since always.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Pob said:
You're quite right to get riled up about this Paragon. UK has descended into a culture celebrating Beer, football and military imperialism.

I agree with you both Pob & Paragon.. jumping onto the insane bandwagon ;D

All aside it is a little heart-wrenching to watch the attempts to amplify the connotations.

Carlise said:
I see, the pathological top-dogs are benefiting, by playing the divide and conquer strategy. I'm sure I've seen this before, now where was it? Oh yeah, pretty much every major event in human history. Good job people don't read too many books, eh!

Lobaczewski was so incredibly spot on, it continues to amaze me every day.

It is very strange/staged - history repeats itself?

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