Woolwich attack : UK soldier decapitated on street

Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Pashalis said:
There seems to be a definite possibility that somebody has spiced up the original video so that the hands, knive and cleaver look more bloody, more red...
But even in this video, I think we can clearly see a pretty bloody cleaver at 00:13 - 00:14...

I think it's the other way around. The original video is the one with the red blood, the "orange" hands is the one with the filter (or whatever) applied so that all red/yellow, looks more orange. Somebody tried to remove the red blood from the guy's hands. Either a pious media or someone trying to promote the "actor" meme.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Perceval said:
Pashalis said:
There seems to be a definite possibility that somebody has spiced up the original video so that the hands, knive and cleaver look more bloody, more red...
But even in this video, I think we can clearly see a pretty bloody cleaver at 00:13 - 00:14...

I think it's the other way around. The original video is the one with the red blood, the "orange" hands is the one with the filter (or whatever) applied so that all red/yellow, looks more orange. Somebody tried to remove the red blood from the guy's hands. Either a pious media or someone trying to promote the "actor" meme.

I agree, that certainly could also be the case...
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Perceval said:
Pob said:
Found an interesting video that raises questions about the authenticity of the attack and it being staged actors.

Side by Side of London Machete Terrorist Before/After BLOOD WAS ADDED _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fOtHT_jD7I&feature=youtu.be

That video doesn't raise any questions, it's some guy making stuff up about there being no blood on his hands when there clearly is. The guy's hands are orange in the second video, but so are the road lines and the road sign, all of which appear to have had a filter applied to make the orange rather than red. Could have been the media trying to be "sensitive" to the public's squeamishness, or, someone deliberately trying to promote the ridiculous "actors" theory, that is specifically designed to make anyone trying to look seriously at who is behind these attacks look ridiculous.

Agree with you Perceval. What I found interesting was how this event was generating similar speculative videos, images and discussion to the Boston bombings. Agree also that it unnecessarily detracts from the important details and also creates uncertainty and confusion for people trying to make sense of these events.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Now France:

In Saturday's attack, the soldier was on patrol with two other soldiers and police officers at La Defense's metro and train station, when he was approached from behind and stabbed in the neck with a knife or a box-cutter.

The attacker fled into a crowded shopping area before the other soldier and police officers were able to react.

A senior police officer said the 23-year-old victim had lost a considerable amount of blood but would survive.

French reports said the man had been wearing a light-coloured robe called a djellaba.

The attacker was monitored on security cameras and was seen taking off his robe and running away wearing European clothes, police officers said.

Nanterre prosecutor Robert Gelli told AFP news agency that anti-terrorist investigators were handling the case.

Interior Minister Manuel Valls told France 2 television: "There are elements - the sudden violence of the attack - that could lead one to believe there might be a comparison with what happened in London.

Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Pashalis said:
"So the video was edited to make the hands of the guy look bloody when they weren't..."

Where do you got that information? I can't seem to find a reference or source of that or something that proofs it...

"Plus, the story was probably spiced-up with claims about machetes and a beheading, when that wasn't the case."

How did you come to that conclusion?

Hi Pashalis, I see that the thread has already covered this and more.

Regarding the 'machete' and 'behading', the first version I saw on a BBC or Sky News headline was of 'a machete attack' (I'm in the UK and they got screens with ongoing news at my job). Then they were talking about a 'behading'. Then they changed it to 'a machete-like knife' and 'an attempted beheading'.

About the bloody hands, I'm undecided about which version came first, the orange or the red one. I've watched both again and now I get the impression that the color is not right in neither. That's subjective of course. But it is certain that at least one was doctored and in the end they kept showing the redder one, which means that they opted for maximum shock. As I said, that doesn't mean it was all staged - it means the media (and the authorities) did what they always do. And of course they wanted maximum shock if they wished to insert the 'terrorism' meme in there.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Windmill knight said:
At the moment my hypothesis is that the soldier was run down by the car - hard enough to knock him unconscious or even kill him - and he might or might have not been stabbed later (what for if he was dead already?). That would explain why there was little to no blood, although the media tried to make a point that there was lots of it. Then, the perpetrator made some references to Islam that were recorded by someone with a smart phone, because he was either brainwashed, greenbaumed or an idiot. (They also said he was shouting "Allah Ukbar" but I think that's also part of the spicing-up, as I haven't seen a video of that.) The authorities and the media saw a great opportunity to remind people "why they need us" and did what they always do with the facts: twist them for their own purposes. Now a murder, as there are many on a daily basis which are handled through the regular channels, has become an act of 'terrorism' that will of course require drastic measures concerning us all. :rolleyes:

I was under the assumption that brainwashing and greenbauming were one and the same?
Not sure if my reasoning is accurate, but it seems to me that in older psy-ops, there was a stronger effort to only have one version of the facts circulating as in 9-11. Now the tactic seems to be to have a little number of versions of the same event, or versions with slight details altered, giving some "candy" to everyone, rendering everyone even more confused.
Iron said:
Windmill knight said:
At the moment my hypothesis is that the soldier was run down by the car - hard enough to knock him unconscious or even kill him - and he might or might have not been stabbed later (what for if he was dead already?). That would explain why there was little to no blood, although the media tried to make a point that there was lots of it. Then, the perpetrator made some references to Islam that were recorded by someone with a smart phone, because he was either brainwashed, greenbaumed or an idiot. (They also said he was shouting "Allah Ukbar" but I think that's also part of the spicing-up, as I haven't seen a video of that.) The authorities and the media saw a great opportunity to remind people "why they need us" and did what they always do with the facts: twist them for their own purposes. Now a murder, as there are many on a daily basis which are handled through the regular channels, has become an act of 'terrorism' that will of course require drastic measures concerning us all. :rolleyes:

I was under the assumption that brainwashing and greenbauming were one and the same?

Basically pretty much the same I think. Aka brainwashing...
Apologies, I should have been more precise. In this particular instance, I meant 'brainwashing' in a loose and generic sense. For example, you can be 'brainwashed' by society, the media, religion, the family, etc. Greenbaum, on the other hand, is a very specific type of mind control.
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Windmill knight said:
Regarding the 'machete' and 'behading', the first version I saw on a BBC or Sky News headline was of 'a machete attack' (I'm in the UK and they got screens with ongoing news at my job). Then they were talking about a 'behading'. Then they changed it to 'a machete-like knife' and 'an attempted beheading'.

A look at the main UK newspaper front pages is a useful barometer of the message: _http://liberalconspiracy.org/2013/05/22/all-of-tomorrows-harrowing-newspapers-about-the-woolwich-attack/

e.g The Mirror:

Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Windmill knight said:
About the bloody hands, I'm undecided about which version came first, the orange or the red one. I've watched both again and now I get the impression that the color is not right in neither. That's subjective of course. But it is certain that at least one was doctored and in the end they kept showing the redder one, which means that they opted for maximum shock. As I said, that doesn't mean it was all staged - it means the media (and the authorities) did what they always do. And of course they wanted maximum shock if they wished to insert the 'terrorism' meme in there.

It looks like the red hands version is the original. There are double red lines on the road in that one, and they map to reality because that area of London is a 'red route'. See here:

Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Perceval said:
It looks like the red hands version is the original. There are double red lines on the road in that one, and they map to reality because that area of London is a 'red route'. See here:


Good point. I didn't know what to make of the red lines since I didn't know there were areas with red lines (usually they are yellow).
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Windmill knight said:
Perceval said:
It looks like the red hands version is the original. There are double red lines on the road in that one, and they map to reality because that area of London is a 'red route'. See here:


Good point. I didn't know what to make of the red lines since I didn't know there were areas with red lines (usually they are yellow).

double red lines mean no stopping at any time, for any amount of time by anyone! "Secure beneath the watchful eyes!" :scared:
Re: Woolwich attack : UK military decapitated on street

Windmill knight said:
Perceval said:
It looks like the red hands version is the original. There are double red lines on the road in that one, and they map to reality because that area of London is a 'red route'. See here:


Good point. I didn't know what to make of the red lines since I didn't know there were areas with red lines (usually they are yellow).

Here's an image from the crime scene showing the red lines in normal coloring/lighting. http://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/ay_110840784.jpg?w=650&h=0&crop=1
I live in England about half an hour drive from Woolwich and something very strange happened to me last week. On Sunday evening last week, three days before this event, I had a dream. In my dream I was looking out of the window of my house and in broad daylight in the middle of the street, 2 people were standing above somebody knelt on the floor, and one of them beheaded the person. I saw the event in gruesome detail and was absolutely horrified to my core.

In the dream I tried frantically to call the police and tell someone but for some reason nothing would work. Later on in the dream I was in London with my girlfriend, brother and brother's girlfriend and for some reason the person who had done the beheading was there. For some reason, I had to pretend that I didn't know anything about it and that I didn't mention it to anyone. Then my girlfriend and brother's girlfriend went into the same place as this guy and for some reason I couldn't go in, and I was terrified that something would happen to them.

The next morning I told my mum and girlfriend about the dream and they thought it was horrible. Then two days later I found out about it all, but had forgotten about the dream. Then I remembered and thought it was really strange, and the more I think about it the more it seems that the most likely conclusion is that it was a 'prophetic' dream or vision of some kind. Only, I don't know why!

Just thought I would share this as it was a strange experience...any thoughts are welcome!
Arrested for extreme 'opinion'?

Woolwich attack: Student sentenced for 'joke' tweet

Some of the replies she received included threats to rape her and kill her by burning down her home, the court heard.

Chairman of the bench, Nigel Orton, told her she could have been jailed for the tweet but magistrates accepted she had not known it was a soldier who had been killed when she sent it.

"The tragic events in Woolwich that day have created a context which made this tweet appear extreme," he said.

"It had a huge impact and clearly caused offence and distress. We accept you didn't intend to cause harm and you felt it was a joke.

"Your act was naive and foolish and without regard to the general public at a time of heightened sensitivity."

The court heard Hassan's father works in Somalia for organisations including US Aid and Prevent which aim to combat extremism.

I haven't read the tweet but the article doesn't read justifiably.

Another thing that has been on my mind for a while was that in early May, compensation payments were issued by London government to Kenya as mentioned in this article: Rule Britannia for global crimes

This was a few days before the Woolwich attack occurred & one of the suspects was sent to Britain from Kenya as a result of misconduct.

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