World on Fire? Protests everywhere... Celestial Intentions?

The wave acts on men like a carpet that is shaken and undulated. The show is appreciated in collective events but also at the individual level, around us, friends or strangers. Expansion of consciousness and exacerbation of behaviours and feelings (depression, anxiety, existential crisis, violence, incivility, severe fatigue...).

It is interesting to note that some people seem "insensitive" to these waves of energies that are breaking out on Earth. They seem imperturbable in this fast-paced world. Can I dare to make a hypothesis? What if these people don't have a soul? The wave is like a cataclysm for the soul, isn't it? So how does the wave affect the PO?

Isn't that one of the other lessons? Observe and enjoy!
And every other week there’s a discovery of a new “not really a danger” asteroid or comet that is headed towards earth.

The social chaos in the world has a different flavor this time around, for me at least, it seems so unjustifiably disproportionate, or maybe not disproportionate... but so harsh and widespread

like if someone had read my post

Aste-RISK! NASA warns space rock twice the size of Eiffel Tower is bearing down on Earth
Aste-RISK! NASA warns space rock twice the size of Eiffel Tower is bearing down on Earth1571755980578.png
It always seemed strange to me that the economy could possibly ever collapse in any way that isn’t an illusion. Reading that quote from the C’s just clicked in my head like it hadn’t before. The logic is simple - if we all just continue to work and output our talents, the exchange of goods and services continues. It makes no sense that the economy can do anything as long as people continue to do their part like always. Yes if people stop showing up to work, stop investing and multiplying their money, stop doing stuff for each other, that’s the only time a true “real” collapse is possible. This can happen from a natural disaster or whatever.

So it makes total sense what the C’s said. If you nudge a few numbers in the stock exchange, even if you nudge all of them, nothing would change if everyone ignored it. Everyone still continues to drill for oil, work the fields and livestock, develops websites, etc, and nothing changes. But if people react to that nudge by withdrawing their energies/money/work/effort out of panic, then it’s the physical actions of people based on fear/belief that has a real tangible impact economically, which then cascades. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it’s the only way it seems like it can go.

It’s like Bob and Steve work together and split up duties around the business. Someone came along and told Steve that Bob doesn’t want to do his part anymore. Steve gets mad and stops doing his part, even if it was a lie. Suddenly a real economic impact is created but only as a result of the physical action of Steve. If they both kept doing what they always did, nothing would’ve changed, no jobs lost, etc.

Unfortunately people are like Steve - they see on TV that some banker guys are panicking, a few meaningless stock numbers are changed on a meaningless display, and CNN says the economy is in recession or whatever, and then they change their behavior, which is what creates the real recession. They stop outputting energy out of fear, and when everyone curbs their output, everyone suffers. It’s all because Steve is an idiot. We would have an eternally growing economy if it wasn’t for Steve. Don’t be like Steve.

This is why I think being part of a community that is largely self-sustaining is important. It can really mitigate the impact of a bunch of Steves in the larger economy doing stupid things. Get food, water, clothes, and a roof over your head handled locally as much as possible. Then when everyone else panics and stops producing, your community keeps chugging along and no one has to starve or freeze to death.
How to start a financial crisis …

First you have to understand how money is made. It is simple ‘you lie’. The bigger the lie the more money you can make. Just look at the current stock markets, corporations, financial institutions ...

So, to start a financial crisis, to crash the markets, just start telling the truth. Haiku …
Speaking of celestial intentions, there is actually an "interstellar" comet called 2I/Borisov (it passes beyond the orbit of Mars though). After the unusual things about Oumuamua two years ago, so far comet Borisov is surprisingly unsurprising. Wonder what it means.
Prepping is good and standard thing to do. I’ve done it twice and had it all come to not twice. Even if you can get back to your “stuff” it’s probably not going to last as long as you will need. In the end, it looks like what you will have is, the best functioning body you can bring to the task, what’s in your mind, and what’s in your heart. And surrounded by people in mass chaos just like you. And the task is to do the best you can with what you have for as long as you can.
Credo Mutwa is gravely ill. He's almost 100 years on this planet. If we are souls having a human experience in this geographical space/time, what are we afraid of? The choices we make determine the future. Nothing is wrong with planning, but Live life. There is still much joy to be experienced. Connect with nature & live one breath at a time. Worrying consumes energy that could be used to Do.
While reading the about the protests and how people face difficulties as a direct or indirect result, including worries about their futures, I thought about the ideas in the following excerpt where the C's mention "[t]heSTS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality". Some of the chaos occuring around the globe may from the perspective of those involved be reasonable and legitimate concerns while at the same time it is possible for STS forces to use and direct events and any knock-on effects in support of their goals. The Cs mention that important part is the destruction of Christianity.
Session 18 May 2019 has
A: How do you propose that they could make it possible to destroy Christianity?

Q: (L) Well, exactly what they're doing. Set up an opposition and then defend the opponent as a downtrodden minority.

(Joe) The point is that... I mean, you have in your head that there's going to be some kind of clash of civilizations, but that doesn't seem to be the point. If you look at social media today, they've gotten to the point where Christians are denounced as basically atavistic racist backward nutjobs. When they...

(Artemis) I think they want to speak...

A: It was the plan all along. Beware! It is coming to fruition and only those who stay awake and aware can navigate. The STS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality.

Q: (L) So you're saying that - and I guess you've said it before - that the importance of tuning the antennae of a group of people, the importance of staying awake and aware, is because you then become a receiver for creative energies?

A: Yes yes yes!!!

Q: (Joe) Is it that people who have a certain awareness which is equivalent to information or ideas or conception of the world in their mind, that this contributes building blocks for a new reality?

A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!


(L) So that is basically being addressed to anybody who reads this session.

(Andromeda) It's not just surviving or enduring that's the point.

(L) It's to survive and serve others!
This is why I think being part of a community that is largely self-sustaining is important. It can really mitigate the impact of a bunch of Steves in the larger economy doing stupid things. Get food, water, clothes, and a roof over your head handled locally as much as possible. Then when everyone else panics and stops producing, your community keeps chugging along and no one has to starve or freeze to death.

Self-sustainability is obviously the key issue. You didn't mention credit or a credit crisis though.
In that case Steve and Bob would have mortgages on their houses, a loan on their truck.

The closest gas station in their rural area may go out of business and the company running the tank trucks.

Steve and Bob's faithful customers may be unable to buy due to their maxed out credit cards.

With local grocers long out of business it might take half an hour's ride to the next shopping mall, with gas already running low...

Credit may be a scam but it's not an illusion. :whistle:
Self-sustainability is obviously the key issue. You didn't mention credit or a credit crisis though.
In that case Steve and Bob would have mortgages on their houses, a loan on their truck.

The closest gas station in their rural area may go out of business and the company running the tank trucks.

Steve and Bob's faithful customers may be unable to buy due to their maxed out credit cards.

With local grocers long out of business it might take half an hour's ride to the next shopping mall, with gas already running low...

Credit may be a scam but it's not an illusion. :whistle:
Its an illusion when the underlying machinations are fully understood. 3D existence is an illusion too though we experience it in a very real way.

STS can play the longest game ever since time can be manipulated in 4D. What entraps everyone is the idea that we all must be part of the current economic systems to survive. The very idea of the civilisation as it exists today is the greatest meme which keeps everyone interested and hooked in. People believe in the meme and think that the way world currently is the best they’ve had(materialistically speaking) and it must be protected or bettered in some way via technological means.

Revolution is also a meme hence why it spreads like its spreading now. However all revolutions fail - revolutionists dethrone the rulers only to become the rulers themselves. The civilisation and the economic systems continue unabated. That’s how the 4D STS maintains control by playing the hidden hand behind the curtain. Of course, cosmos has different ideas and we shall see those play out too.
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Self-sustainability is obviously the key issue. You didn't mention credit or a credit crisis though.
In that case Steve and Bob would have mortgages on their houses, a loan on their truck.

The closest gas station in their rural area may go out of business and the company running the tank trucks.

Steve and Bob's faithful customers may be unable to buy due to their maxed out credit cards.

With local grocers long out of business it might take half an hour's ride to the next shopping mall, with gas already running low...

Credit may be a scam but it's not an illusion. :whistle:
Good points. I do think all of these problems could easily be solved with people coming together to work things out - there is a lot of wealth when you combine the resources of thousands of people who are not individually wealthy. If someone in my town needs a house, we all come together and lend our talents/money/time to build it. If a gas station is needed and runs out of business, we all come together and implement one. This is the "idea" behind taxes to some degree, but unfortunately it's forced on us and the money is spent on things like war and enriching a few private government contractors rather than for the needs of the people.

The prices of things like houses or education have been skyrocketing despite stagnant wages, simply because loans are freely available to anyone and the banks take advantage. Banks have all the wealth from all the interest, even on money they invent out of thin air because of "promises to repay", which they loan out again at interest, and so on. It's definitely a scam. And it's definitely our reality.

However, even in the scenario of a credit crisis, I think the basic point still stands - the amount of people remains, the amount of labor and talent remains, the amount of material needs remains. We have all the things necessary to keep things running - the people, the tools, the skills, the time, etc. For a whole community to collapse because a gas station couldn't pay its bill or loans, or because of the "mortgage crisis" or whatever, is a result of people depending on the "system" rather than taking matters into their own hands. How did people survive before banks and debt were ubiquitous and a bank loan / credit card was needed for everything? Prices of things had to be adjusted to be reasonable within that framework. People trusted each other with payment plans when needed without having to get their full money NOW, which is what the bank allows, while it creates a payment plan with interest for the buyer, etc.

Banks / loans / credit allows prices to skyrocket on one hand, and enrich someone not even involved in a transaction on the other. Most of the money goes to the bank. If I buy a house, the seller gets $500,000 (price of the house) from the bank, but I pay the bank like $1,500,000 over 30 years. Here's the REAL fun part - if I pay them like $500,000 over the first 10 years with 1 million to go and then lose my job and fail to pay, the bank keeps the $500,000, takes the house back, and puts it back on the market for the entire price from scratch (which probably went up anyway in 10 years). So the bank wants me to fail because then they can sell the house for its entire price all over again while keeping all the money I already gave them! So if everyone who buys that house always fails to pay before they pay it off, it's a bottomless well for the bank because it becomes a permanent "lender" property - making money indefinitely WAY beyond its actual value!

So it is absolutely an incredible scam, but I do think it is unnecessary and any collapse of the system can be mitigated by people just saying "hey we're all still here right, standing around twiddling our thumbs right? We have skills, and we all need to live and eat right? Let's do it then". Suddenly all the credit becomes meaningless.
Very thought provoking conversation, thanks. Its been years since I've looked closely at the Denver airport murals. It was always clear to me that here was the "plan" for the world but also there was a vagueness like whats it all about. Studying them now, the sense of vagueness is gone because the plan is clearly being implemented now, Extension Rebellion etc. (they left out the microwave towers in the scenes however) . Especially the mural of all the children in the world uniting, bringing the weapons of war to be transmuted because of the death of animals, native women, ( Mother Earth) destruction of the natural world. The whole scene is wrapped in a rainbow which is a real mind programming image for the idealistic youth along with the rest. These murals have been there for a lot of years and millions(?) have seen them, images stored in their minds. Could this be an example of Black Magic?

The meteors zooming close to Earth bring energy and new information to the planet and people. What an amazing idea! Groups of people represent portals bringing energy and information into the system! I thought a few days ago ( before or the same time Laura started this thread so a sync. in the group mind?) maybe this group is such a portal, I hope so. Even though we are scattered all over the world we are united in one mind. Let the information we bring be one of Love, Truth and Knowledge, that's also such a very inspiring thought and full of practical guidance.

And the attack on Christian people we see is thought provoking. That seed was planted years ago. The C's said something once, what happened to the American Indians would happen again (paraphrasing) I couldn't find the session. Which made me think of this Puritanical mind erupting in these various protests and something discussed in the Albion Seed thread. Albion's Seed and much more

I've seen that anti-Christian sentiment unexpectedly and spontaneously erupt from an individual and it seemed like a foreign thought form separate from the individual, an implant. An example of a human being as a portal and not in a good way. I'm getting all weird and spooky on you now so good-bye for now. 👻
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While reading the about the protests and how people face difficulties as a direct or indirect result, including worries about their futures, I thought about the ideas in the following excerpt where the C's mention "[t]heSTS forces are determined to quash awareness and the possibility of seeding a new reality". Some of the chaos occuring around the globe may from the perspective of those involved be reasonable and legitimate concerns while at the same time it is possible for STS forces to use and direct events and any knock-on effects in support of their goals. The Cs mention that important part is the destruction of Christianity.
Session 18 May 2019 has

To be honest, I've never really understood this part: "A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!"

I mean, if everything is a lesson and the realm we currently inhabit is a STS environment which serves as a classroom, just as there must be STO environment who also serve as classroom, what do people need to be saved from? The threads about the after-life shows that damnation doesn't exist quite in the way it is written in holy books, so it's not damnation people would need to be saved from, I guess?

As for the physical world, there have been many civilisations before ours and my current feelings is that we will end just like them. And the few who survive might become the enigmatic figures of our past such as the likes of Zarathustra or become the new people to leave drawing in caves so to say. And ultimately, the new civilisation to come after ours will be wiped and so on and so forth because such is the nature of this realm (or at least that's my current understanding so far).

Unless, perhaps what people need to be saved from is reincarnation is this particular realm?
My thought about this ...

Now, you know / we know some things. Would you rather go back to the time when you didn't know anything?

Despite what it means to know what you know, it is unlikely that you will choose "ignorance."

Perhaps "saving" someone has some resemblance to "helping" someone.

We will do what we will do.🤔
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