davey72 said:
How have you figured out what exactly to feed them according to their size, breed, and energy expenditures?
This is off topic but perhaps this thread could be split. Here is you info Davey:
Many dog owners are intimidated with the idea of preparing home made meals for their best friends. This is hardly a rocket science and making your own dog food is easier than you think, and can also be quite inexpensive!
In a nutshell
Domestic dogs’ diet should approximate the normal, natural diet that dogs would eat if they lived in the wild.
Therefore, species appropriate diet for dogs is based on animal protein sources and has a low grain, high vegetable carbohydrate ratio. Another important factor is moisture content, both dogs and cats were designed to eat a diet that contains about 70% moisture, which is what live prey contains. When we feed them entirely dry food diet – which normally contains not more then 12% moisture, dogs live in a chronic state of mild dehydration that ultimately can cause organ stress.
So to sum it up species appropriateness for our canine friends is high protein, high moisture with appropriate amount of unsaturated (animal) fat, and no starch.
Starch is found mostly in grains (wheat, corn, rice, soy) and also some tubers like potatoes. These are carbohydrates that are not biologically necessary and they can actually cause all sorts of health issues not just because of gluten that accompanies most of grains but whole host of other anti- nutrients that are usually found in them.
These days most of soy and corn from USA is genetically modified which presents another important health challenge. Having all this in mind starchy foods should never be on dogs’ menu.
Secondly but equally important – all food should be fed raw. Raw meaning unprocessed. Raw food contains whole range of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and micronutrients, which can be inactivated by relatively low temperatures. Therefore feeding unprocessed, unadulterated food is of utmost importance.
I also recommend a lot of variety. Whatever fruits and vegetables are in season or whatever meats you are able to source you can use them in rotation, which provides really good variety for your dog.
How to calculate quantities and balance the meal
It is very difficult to design an universal dog diet plan that would fit each and every type of dog. Some dogs have faster metabolism then others. Some dogs are more active then others.
Generally the amount of food dogs need on a daily bases for maintenance is about 2 - 3 % of their body weight.
Obviously this requirement is much higher depending on their expenditure of energy- for example, during the pregnancy or lactation the needs will go as high as 6%. For a moderately active dog 2.5 - 3 % body weight food intake would be optimal.
Once we have ascertained the weight of our dog the next step is to balance the meal. There is very simple formula for this : Out of the whole amount required on daily bases 75% should be comprised of raw meat. ‘Meat’ – means meat cuts together with some fat, organ meat, fish, bones, tripe etc. The remaining 25% is comprised of fresh fruit and vegetable content.
For example:
A dog that weighs 12 kilos and is moderately active (on average 2h of exercise per day) needs to get daily about 360 grams of food.
Out of these 360 grams, 270 grams should be meat and the remaining 90 grams fruits and vegetables.
If organ meat is fed daily then it shouldn’t exceed more then 1 quarter of total protein source. In our example this would be 90 grams. The meat shouldn’t be too lean, as dogs need animal fat as a source of energy.
The meat can be mixed with finely chopped vegetables or fruits such as carrots, parsnips, marrows, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and green beans. The vegetables can be lightly cooked or steamed. They are usually used as fillers.
These guidelines are foundation but then every individual case is different. Very energetic, highly-strung and hyperactive dogs like border collie type dogs for example, or some smaller breeds may have higher metabolic rate and may requite more energy.
The best rule of thumb here is to experiment with different quantities and feed the amount needed to maintain the optimum weight and proper energy level.
A check list
The most important thing when feeding home made meals to your dog is to have good relationship with your butcher. Ideally your butcher should prepare a mince with off cuts of meat that is still of good quality but normally not sold to people, organ meats such as liver, heart, lungs and kidneys. He should also be able to supply you with juicy bones that still have cartilage attached to them as well as chicken necks or other parts of chicken from reputable supplier. Never go for cheap frozen chicken originating from dubious sources in some far away countries.
Dont forget to add some water to your dogs meal, as discussed before whole pray contains up to 70% moisture. Regular serving of bone broth is excellent source of moisture and nurishment for your dog.
It is very important to feed only raw bones. Cooked bones can cause different issues and should be avoided at any cost.
Generally its best to use pork bones because they are much softer then beef bones and will be easier on your dogs’ teeth. The cartilage attached to them and marrow inside them contains essential fatty acids as well as substances like glucosamine and chondroitin, which are vital for you canine friend’s health.
Bones are the best natural source of calcium and when feeding this diet there is no need for calcium supplementation.
Since most of the meat available these days has unfavorable Omega -3/Omega-6/ Omega-9 ratio due to intensive farming practices its also very important to include good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. There are many products on the market and it is always important to read the label in order to make sure you supply your dog with at least 400mg of DHA and EPA on a daily bases. Some of these products are very expensive and yet they are very poor in Omega3 acids so this is something to bear in mind.
Green Tripe should be a regular component of canine menu and fed at least two times a week.
Raw egg is an excellent and inexpensive source of nutrients for your dog and it can be fed several times a week.
Dairy products should generally be avoided. Most of the dogs are not capable of digesting lactose but this is not the only issue, dairy products contain casein, a protein which is also dubbed as gluten’s evil twin which means that it can cause inflammation and allergic reactions. Butter is the safest of all dairy products as it contains minimal amounts of casein and it is packed with good fats. Some dogs tolerate well yogurt and sour cream. Just make sure to always avoid ‘low fat’ labels or fruity varieties.
Last but not least probiotics are very important supplement for any home made diet.
Having in mind basic guidelines mentioned above I encourage you to get creative with your dog’s meals. When it comes to quantities you should use common sense and size of the meal that looks appropriate for your dogs size.
The most important thing is to be perceptive of your companion’s reaction to the diet; weight loss and weight gain and adjust quantities accordingly.
Just for the illustration purposes this is what I normally feed my dogs on regular bases:
Morning Meal:
3 times a week - Raw meat/organ mince mixed with vegetables of the season.
3 times a week – Green tripe
Raw egg is added 3 times a week.
Evening Meal:
3 times a week - Raw bone with the attached joint surface
2 times a week - Chicken necks or wings – whole and raw
Once a week canned sardines or mackerel mixed with some vegetables
Once a week daily fast.