Young tennis player assaulted by her coach in public - she is 14 and he is apparently her FATHER.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Warning - Disturbing Footage

I just saw this story on TV news.

The rage I felt watching this was intense, 🤬 every part of my body tense, coiled like a spring, willing her to fight back or at least scream for help, but I realised I was observing behaviour related to 'Pavlovs dogs'. It was sickening to watch.

I cannot believe these people filming did not intervene sooner - but finally they did something.

If this psycho assaults and abuses her like this in public, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors;
and how much worse things will be for this young girl once he has contact with her again. 🥺

"The tennis world has been left horrified after a video circulated of a young tennis player being brutally assaulted after a practice session in Serbia. [the girl is not Serbian]

The graphic video shows a 14-year-old player being kicked and slapped by a male, who is believed to be her father, before being thrown to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

The video was posted by anti-violence advocate Igor Juric, who believed the horrific incident was a result of a poor training session.

“Another brutal (act of) violence from a father against his daughter. I was informed that this is a family coming from China. We will be filing criminal charges against this monster as well,” he wrote above the video.

“I can say that I am mildly shocked, regardless of the many terrible things we have seen, this has left the strongest impression so far,” Juric said, via Sportskeeda.

“The reason for this violent behavior was allegedly that one of the coaches, who was working with her at that moment, said that she did not put in enough effort and that she did not want to move, ie, to do what was asked of her. Allegedly, this was the reason for this crude and brutal violence that happened.”

Juric said he was aware of the pair’s identities and would file a criminal complaint, adding: “These are Chinese citizens, but I can’t tell you how many others live in Serbia. What I know is that the abusive father does not speak the Serbian language.”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgrade confirmed that officers from Palilula police station identified and arrested a Chinese national believed to be the man in the video."
I wish someone would have run to the child's aid and put their arms around the father in a hold and another to comfort the daughter. Filming an act of violence does not stop it....Nor do I think filing a criminal complaint will help will only enrage the 'father' further. I wonder if it is ingrained in Chinese culture to own a child as property?

On Children​

And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, Speak to us of Children.

And he said:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you,

And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

You may give them your love but not your thoughts,

For they have their own thoughts.

You may house their bodies but not their souls,

For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.

You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.

The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.

Let your bending in the Archer’s hand be for gladness;

For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

FROM: "The Prophet"

by Kahlil Gibran​

oh wow.. that is awful.

Talk about the best depiction of narcissistic behavior, I beat you up because I want to shower in your greatness, her greatness is about him.

The sad part is that, she could grow to internalize all that abuse to push her for excellence in the court, and be a great player, but at what cost? And then she could grow confused about abuse, and either end up abusing her own children, or learning to "enjoy" it as the only form of intimate interaction.

This is awful.
Warning - Disturbing Footage

I just saw this story on TV news.

The rage I felt watching this was intense, 🤬 every part of my body tense, coiled like a spring, willing her to fight back or at least scream for help, but I realised I was observing behaviour related to 'Pavlovs dogs'. It was sickening to watch.

I cannot believe these people filming did not intervene sooner - but finally they did something.

If this psycho assaults and abuses her like this in public, I can only imagine what goes on behind closed doors;
and how much worse things will be for this young girl once he has contact with her again. 🥺

"The tennis world has been left horrified after a video circulated of a young tennis player being brutally assaulted after a practice session in Serbia. [the girl is not Serbian]

The graphic video shows a 14-year-old player being kicked and slapped by a male, who is believed to be her father, before being thrown to the ground and kicked repeatedly.

The video was posted by anti-violence advocate Igor Juric, who believed the horrific incident was a result of a poor training session.

“Another brutal (act of) violence from a father against his daughter. I was informed that this is a family coming from China. We will be filing criminal charges against this monster as well,” he wrote above the video.

“I can say that I am mildly shocked, regardless of the many terrible things we have seen, this has left the strongest impression so far,” Juric said, via Sportskeeda.

“The reason for this violent behavior was allegedly that one of the coaches, who was working with her at that moment, said that she did not put in enough effort and that she did not want to move, ie, to do what was asked of her. Allegedly, this was the reason for this crude and brutal violence that happened.”

Juric said he was aware of the pair’s identities and would file a criminal complaint, adding: “These are Chinese citizens, but I can’t tell you how many others live in Serbia. What I know is that the abusive father does not speak the Serbian language.”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in Belgrade confirmed that officers from Palilula police station identified and arrested a Chinese national believed to be the man in the video."
Bear in mind that identity of the persons in video is not known. There is only video and the story after that.

Why is that important? Because in Serbia, as in any other eastern european country, the media is run by the West and Soros's NGO's (as the whole of those countries are). They are always in campaign for promoting any division in the society, and more important in campaign for legislature to land new laws. That laws are, of course, written by the same NGOs (no need to say what their goals are). And, at this moment one of such laws is about to get in power by the serbian parliament). Law on children rights, to be precise. Where children are more property of the state than of their parents (imagine ultra LBGT libtard agenda, thats it).

So this could be just part of the campaign. There are already several stories in the air on "children rights", mostly how parents are beating their kids. One of them was "fishy" from the beggining and is debunked (romany "gipsy" mother was beating her daugther. Never hapenned). People in Serbia are taking those stories with the grain of salt. Because they are fed up with that Soros NGO shit and their libtard agendas.

That guy Igor Juric, was light criminal character, until he lost his daughter under peculiar circumstances. He is now fighting for children rights (amber alert and similar), and in a nutshell is NGO useful idiot.

So, it could be just dirty play there. I'm not saying that it is for sure, but there is big chance for that.
I wonder if it is ingrained in Chinese culture to own a child as property

I was wondering along similar lines as mentioned in the article seek10 posted...The father is claiming cultural differences:

According to the same report, the man had not denied that he was responsible for the attack, but instead tried to explain his behaviour in terms of cultural differences.

As Mondo reported: “Among other things, in his defence, he justified his actions by saying that his daughter refused to continue training on the critical day and that is why he wanted to return her to the field.

“All this while pointing out that it was not his intention to hurt her and that it is a tradition in China to respect hierarchy and that he believes that he did the right thing because it is allowed in China.”
“All this while pointing out that it was not his intention to hurt her and that it is a tradition in China to respect hierarchy and that he believes that he did the right thing because it is allowed in China.”

The defendant may actually be right and authorities might have to apologize to him...

Immigrants are bringing their cultural and religious conceptions to Europe which often amount to much worse and deadlier results than the case shown.

As it stands we have to put up with such events or otherwise be called supremacist or racist.
Though I think abuse in sports is horrible, it is a rather common practise. I would not be surprised if abuse takes place in more hierarchical societies such as for example China, South Korea and Japan. However we cannot exclude the west. We had our own bullying controversy here in the Netherlands with female gymnastics.

Also don't forget the female figure skating in Russia Tutberidze who ruins the body of young athletes by making them perform jumps not suitable for an aging body (going through puberty), which ends in a short lived career (retiring before reaching 25 with bodily damages beyond repair).
I'm not trying to deflect from anything anyone has said here but I'm slowly beginning to notice that there seems to be a growing trend to denigrate anything Chinese. We have established 'Russia Bad" so now we have to work on "China Bad. No attempt was made to assist the girl yet the camera rolled on. My gut tells me it's staged. Just one opinion of course.
My gut tells me it's staged.

It's a nasty world we live in. Something inside us hopes that scenes like these cannot really be true.

The individual doesn't seem to count that much in Asian societies. It is all about family, clans, society.

No, I don't think that everything in China is fine and fair.

With all the imperialism and inequity that has taken hold of Western culture and society, in the end it is individualism that stands in the way of repression and dictatorship the most.

No doubt a balance between individualism and collective behavior would be preferable.
That is indeed disturbing to watch! No matter which country this come from, and which culture accepts this behavior or not, it pulls at the heart. My concern is the daughter, if indeed she is his daughter. She made no attempt to defend herself! She simply let him do his worst as if she knew it was coming. That is what sickens me the most: the child has been abused before and expect this behavior to keep coming toward her in any of her failures! Good grief, where is the humanity in all this?
It is true that Chinese people have always been really hung up on honor to their elders and their achievements, particularly in sporting events. They work hard and expect only the best possible outcome to anything they do. Failure is not an option!
I recall a book that was written many years ago by a Chinese woman living in Canada who called herself a dragon mom because she was forcing her two daughters to excel in everything they did, whether it be sports, music and even drama at school! If they did not, they would be severely punished! She stated that those girls should count themselves lucky to have such an upbringing as they need to understand that learning music should be done perfectly, otherwise it was wasting all resources to let them fail! The lady appeared on TV and got a lot of backlashes for her vision on how her kids were being raised! If i ever find that book again, i'll post it here.
As Tuatha de Danaan stated, it may have been staged but if so, to whose benefits?
That is indeed disturbing to watch! No matter which country this come from, and which culture accepts this behavior or not, it pulls at the heart. My concern is the daughter, if indeed she is his daughter. She made no attempt to defend herself! She simply let him do his worst as if she knew it was coming. That is what sickens me the most: the child has been abused before and expect this behavior to keep coming toward her in any of her failures! Good grief, where is the humanity in all this?
It is true that Chinese people have always been really hung up on honor to their elders and their achievements, particularly in sporting events. They work hard and expect only the best possible outcome to anything they do. Failure is not an option!
I recall a book that was written many years ago by a Chinese woman living in Canada who called herself a dragon mom because she was forcing her two daughters to excel in everything they did, whether it be sports, music and even drama at school! If they did not, they would be severely punished! She stated that those girls should count themselves lucky to have such an upbringing as they need to understand that learning music should be done perfectly, otherwise it was wasting all resources to let them fail! The lady appeared on TV and got a lot of backlashes for her vision on how her kids were being raised! If i ever find that book again, i'll post it here.
As Tuatha de Danaan stated, it may have been staged but if so, to whose benefits?
Here is the book and an opinion on it.
I remember when my children were young that we lived near a Korean family. There were three children, two girls and a boy. The boy could get away with any type of behavior; the girls, not so much. The boy grew up very spoiled and didn't want to do well in school and didn't want to go to work. One girl did as was expected of her and managed to rise to their expectations. The younger girl (who was my daughter's best friend) rebelled against the strict upbringing and was ostracized for it. However, this younger girl - even though she did well in school through the years and became successful, was very depressed, and still is.

My children, a girl and two boys, weren't spoiled and they were expected to do their best, but I had two children who were successful and one who is successful but very temperamental and still rebellious. I think that a lot has to do with the child's personality. We also have to remember that up to 50 some years ago children in the Western countries as well as the Eastern countries were treated as small adults from the time they could walk and talk and were expected to work as hard as they were able to help the family (if you weren't in a well-to-do family, that is) and do as society expected. Just my four cents (inflation you know...).

EDIT: additional info
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