How did you build trust in Cassiopaea?

Hello friends

(Sorry for the broken English. Web translator only)

I add Cassiopea or some of her stories to social media discussion groups in Turkey. I am getting this question. How do you believe this truth? What convinced you of this? I think we learned a lot from that and thought it was a real contact with the future. I say. They ask what I learned this time. They ask what affects me. There can be no definitive (specific) answer to this, and I think it would be nice to read the entire text. I say.
I couldn't answer that alone. I want to ask you all this.

What really convinced you? How did you decide that what is described here might be true? and how did a bond of trust develop?
Other than that, what would you like to say to scientific skeptics? What has been added to the knowledge base for those who think they really learned a lot from this text?

Thanks in advance for the answers. I wish you pleasant conversations and forums
Hi Ontologia, you ask a good question, and it gets really close to the nature of reality, and the possibilities that are available to us all. The truth about critical channeling (like the cassiopaean experiment) is that it applies a scientific method in a way that really gets to the core of reality. It does that in such a way that fully apprehending such a truth would upend a lot of life lessons and plans that many people have designed to learn in this life. Because of this there can be blocks in assimilating certain knowledge, and these blocks are often emotional or ideological in nature. Many people for whom learning about deeper parts of reality is part of their life lesson may see or feel a glimmer of truth in what the C’s say or what Laura writes about, and often that can give people impetus to overcome what blocks there are in the kind of information presented in the investigations written about in The Wave and other books.

This is why, even if people ask for evidence about why something is credible, they often won’t be able to listen. But for some people it might. If people ask, I would direct them to The Wave Series or the Cassiopaean track record posts on SOTT. But I think you should investigate why you post Cassiopaean sessions on social media for everyone to see, since people will often not understand the context for why you find it such a credible source. You may set yourself up to being isolated or seen a strange by family, friends, and acquaintances. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t circumstances in which it may be a good idea to share some of Laura’s work, but you have to have nuance and be discriminating.

People new to the work around here often share this work unsolicited with others near to them, because they have a lot of enthusiasm for the answers to reality they are finally getting. But often they get a cold bucket of water in their faces when they realize that people with whom they thought they were sharing a mutual understanding of reality can’t actually go to the places you are now going to and discovering. I hope that helps.
But I think you should investigate why you post Cassiopaean sessions on social media for everyone to see,


July 16, 1994 [1]

"Frank", "Candy" and Laura

A: Keep doing what comes naturally.

Q: (L) How can we protect ourselves and our children?
A: Inform them. Don't hide the truth from children.
Q: (L) How does truth protect us?
A: Awareness protects. Ignorance endangers.
Q: (L) Why tell children such horrible things?
A: Need to know.
Q: I don't know how knowing this helps. This is awful. Why tell children such things?
A: Must know -

November 16, 1994

Q: (L) If we are going to get this information out, it should just happen...

A: Yes, but resistance and interference too. Persevere.

Q: (L) Well, with all this resistance and this grapevine it is real discouraging.

A: Not right people.

Q: (L) Well, can you tell me about a few of the right people?

A: Not problem. Just press those you have.

Session Date: December 29th 2009

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the STO way set out for them.

December 10, 1994

Q: (L) What do you want from us?

A: But that is STS until you share with others.

Q: (L) So, it is necessary that we share this information?

A: Up to you, it is a free will choice.

Q: (L) Is there some risk to ourselves by sharing this information?

A: At some level, but there is "risk" to all things.

july 25 1998

A: Only "good" experiences can be considered acceptable.
Q: (L) No, it's not just me that good experiences are acceptable, but I'm a bit into it here.
We are talking to you here. You say "we" in the future. We are on this planet in this time period
And here things are in a very strange state. It's a big transition and I'm just out of curiosity.
Why are we talking to you? What is the purpose of this?
A: That's the lesson. Don't you still understand? The lesson talks about all of this. All of them are of inestimable value.

November 2, 1994

Q: (L) What is the right approach?

A: Knowledge protects.

June 6, 1998

Q: what would be the result of this verity?

A: The truth shall set you free... as you are imprisoned!

Session Date: July 16th 2007

A: You will do what you will do. Help is on the "way".

Q: (L) I would just like to know what form this help is going to take?

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the "STO way" set out for them.

November 24, 1994

You and us and all others are interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is.

Session Date: September 13th 2009

A: Silence in the face of "evil" is equal to participation unless there is a good reason for the silence that serves a higher goal.

what serves a higher?

October 09, 1994

A: Threat to reveal truth.

End of session.

letter to laura and the forum on the shroud of turin.


i have to write this letter and i solicit your help.
the letter is quite lengthy, but takes less time to read than the hour long yt videos proposed regularily... please bear wirth me.

my problem arises from an incompatibility between an affirmation by the cass and what i believe to be factual. the fact concerns the shroud of turin. please let me present the sequence of events.

1. what did the cass say about the turin artifact ?

1.1 session of 30.9.94
Q: (L) Was Jesus crucified?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was somebody crucified on a cross and represented to be Jesus?
A: No.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the truth on that matter?
A: Left earth plane on ship after extended sleep state. later the cass admit this was a lie.
Q: (L) When did he go into this sleep state? Did he just go in one day and go to bed and go to sleep and then a ship came and picked him up?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So he appeared to his followers to have died?
A: They thought this.
Q: (L) Did he get up and say anything to anybody before he left on the ship?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he come back to life...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then he told them things he had seen in his extended meditative sleep, is that what happened?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Okay, what happened?
A: Told prophecies then proclaimed eventual return.
Q: (L) Was this information he got during this period of extended sleep?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How long was he asleep, or in this state of semi-death?
A: 96 hours.
Q: (L) And then, a ship arrived and took him away, is that correct?
A: Yes. Upon pillar of light. later they admit it was a lie.

1.2. session of 3.12.94
Q: (L) I would like to know if the Shroud of Turin was ever wrapped around Jesus.
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it wrapped around somebody who was crucified?
A: No.
Q: (L) How was it made?
A: Wrapped around Roman worker.
Q: (L) What caused the image on the shroud?
A: Body oils, hormones and other physiological chemicals. this does not explain the relief image.

1.3 session of ???
Q: (L) When I asked the question about Jesus or something, and there was something about three days in a comatose state, 96 hours of clear-channel meditation, emergence, prophesying to his followers, and then ascending into a mother ship? WHERE did that come from??
A: You and Frank mostly. so. the cass took into account their interlocuteurs...

1.4 session of ???
jesus caesar. why were you giving me answers that sometimes could have been applied to Caesar, but other times could not?
A: You would not have been able to receive. When you ask a question with strong prejudice, we cannot violate your will to believe.

1.5. i checked on the year 399 on the cass site and i got no result. why???????????

2. so, according to the cass turin is a fake.

3. now, the other aspect.

3.1 book by pierre milliez
i read a book, by pierre milliez “la resurrection au risque de la science” isbn 9782322413799. in this book, the author gives a very detailed history of the 5 funeral garments with which jesus was clothed, and he provides references for his statements. this book is so detailed that one would have to be of bad faith to negate the existence of these garments.

3.2 the relief image by nasa
an item absent in the 3.1 book is the 3d reconstruction of the face. this is described in:


3.3 credibility of these sources
here i truely believe the earthly findings, mainly because the creation of the image is better explained by the fact that the face can be reconstructed by assigning to each point of the image a distance of this point to the face it is supposed to have covered. each point on the shroud is charred on the surface of the fibre, and this can be attributed to an emission of radiation from the underlying face at the moment of its dematerialisation.

the latter reference provides an explanation of the generation of the image with its depth information. the explanation of the cass where the image is attributed to onguents, 1.2, does not explain the relief image. ..

3.3 i find the analysis in bibleetnombres to be the most credible.
therefore, i have an incompatibility between the earthly history of the shroud and its non existence according to the casss.

4. my problem
4.1 here, we have a discrepancy between the cass explanation, which attributes the shroud to the year 399 and with an unsatisfactory explanation for the creation of the image, and the factual analysis of the data which attributes it to the christ time frame and explains the creation of the image in a manner we cannot yet reproduce.

therefore, i suggest that the explanation provided by the cass in 1.2 is wrong.

4.2 this induces the question:
- can the answers of the cass be possibly wrong also in other cases?
- am i naive to believe them?
- could they also be linked with evil?
- is the ouja board a vehicle open to evil influences, as i have read somewhere?

4.3 i am therefore upset to have to doubt the cass affirmations.

may i request the help of laura and others to find my bearings again?

thank you
Obvious answer is "Up to you"

What ever the examples you gave were addressed before. Some of the answers given were to not to violate the free well. But, the same sentences are valid in some other contexts.

But, Look at the forces involved in the narration, complexity of realities of densities, specific purpose for which their involvement at this point in time with mere 3D Humans who can't help themselves except thinking linearly whose bodies tweaked with out even knowing.
  • C's : 6th density STO call them selves "Unified thought forms" who can see most (past, present, future of all realities, densities etc.) without prejudices with a aim to bring balance - not only this reality but many many realities.
  • 4D STS: Who can go back in time from a reality of Variable physicality, time travel with added advantage of tweaking human genetics for their own purposes for 74,000 years. That is leaving aside the
  • 3D humans: Helpless humans who can't even properly function until the age of 18 (ex: for getting voting rights, supporting themselves) with a body that more or less functions with habits that gets subconsciously ingrained before the age of 3. 90% of human body works subconsciously until the death.
In some cases, whatever C's says make sense only after the necessary data that supposed to happen fall in to place in future. Most importantly, they don't give any thing on platter.

In this communication between complex realities ( 6D to 3D with 4D guessing messing around) where there is a ridiculously wide gap of understanding, it is not easy to "exact" answer that valid all the time/places for every question.

Even if some few black dots( based on your perceived interpretation of specific event) exist in a ocean of data, so what? This is a free will world, where every body has to make up their mind for their own sake or lessons.

This leads to a fundamental question What is your "Criteria" for trusting a source of not. All or nothing generally lead no where.
Don't you know about this thread, among others ? : Was Julius Caesar the real Jesus Christ?
Then it would be coherent with the Cass saying that the Turin artifact is a fake.
Now, not everything is to be blindly trusted from their communication, a fact which has been clearly stated before...

no, the problem is that the turin shroud is real and carries an image of jesus. it has nothing to do with cesar...
Omissions and inaccurate knowledge were given at this time in the transcripts, we all know that. All it takes is one preconceived notion to skew the data coming through or one STS soul to tweak it respectively.

To answer your question ‘can we trust the cass?’

I would trust them (and those at the chalet) further than I would trust … ah … well … you know I am having difficulty thinking of anyone living in this reality that I would have any level of trust in, as much as the C’s or even coming close.

I have faith in that the information we receive from the C’s, even though it passes through to a STS world, it is the best knowledge available.

I look at it like a shot taken on a pool table. The shot is two banks and into the hole. It could be made several ways as sometimes the longest shot is the best shot. Or you could apply English on the shot, spinning the ball one way or another against the rail to divert the shot. The perfect shot was done by the C’s, outside influences apply the English and push the shot away from the hole. Then others reversed the spin to get the ball to hit the hole again. In this process with the knowledge, it can be skewed one way and then twisted back so the data gets to its end destination but not intact. We cannot expect that anything that comes from them is totally accurate, not without the due diligence from us to confirm that it is accurate. Any knowledge from before 2000 has some major spin back and forth on it before reaching us, we are lucky to have even received what we got.

But I think that is what you are doing, the conformation of data, it’s commendable. And you found errors, similar to one's others hanging around here have found. I feel that the face in the Turin is a rouse made up by some STS soul to collaborate with what was written in scriptures, another illusion to hide the real facts. Heinrich, I’m checking out your links, I like alternate viewpoints.

Our faith in this world that it will be better in the near future cannot faulter now that we are so close to the end. STS forces are attacking us. This is one of the ways they fight in future, attacking our virtues, make us question what we think is real, what is illusion and what is an all-out lie, sometimes even pointing out the lie they created. Maintain the faith or they win, Haiku …
no, the problem is that the turin shroud is real and carries an image of jesus. it has nothing to do with cesar...
Heinrich perhaps reading Laura’s most recent and very extensively researched book, From Paul to Mark would be helpful in order to flesh out the background information you are seeking.

The book does not rely on the Cassiopaean materials so may provide you with alternative insights.
no, the problem is that the turin shroud is real and carries an image of jesus. it has nothing to do with cesar...
Dear Heinrich, it may be real, I mean the Turin shroud, personally, I very much doubt its veracity.
However, what I see as problematic in this case is your resolute insistence on it being proof of truth. You put yourself in a position where you rely on an item, and that, as I see it, means exposing youreself in a manner that is neither wise nor neccessary.
You seem to be 100% sure it is what they, fallible people at the very least, say it is.
But when it comes to Jesus and his religion, which is love, other considerations should apply, other types pf proof, not so much material ones.
We may yet be granted the privilege of satisfying our incredulous minds and be invited to insert our fingers in God's wound, who knows, but will this involve the Turin shround? I think not.
After all, how can we be 100% sure it is true? Knowing what we know about our overlords' ability and, most of all, their willingness to mislead?
I am not saying the Cassiopaeans should be blindly trusted, they themselves encourage scepticism.
On the other hand, the possibility of them serving evil forces, at this point of time, exists, at least for me, especially since I read that they identified both us (!) and themselves as human meat devouring insects (see The Wave), and this is terribly unsettling, even if we take into account the fact that they said this in a very definite context, one that demands much elucidation, but such is our predicament.
Regardless, one must perform the Work oneself, when it comes to matters of faith we can not rely on opinions, however learned, coming from other people, that can be rather difficult but such is the case.
I know you are well acquantind with theoretical aspects of the Work, and I, a mere newbee, apologize for "lecturing" you, but that is the most I can do alleviate your doubts.
4.2 this induces the question:
- can the answers of the cass be possibly wrong also in other cases?
- am i naive to believe them?
- could they also be linked with evil?
- is the ouja board a vehicle open to evil influences, as i have read somewhere?

4.3 i am therefore upset to have to doubt the cass affirmations.

may i request the help of laura and others to find my bearings again?
C's tell us what we need to know at the right time and in the right circumstances, without disrespecting our free will and the lessons we need to learn. Sometimes they also divert or give alternative answers to protect us from possible dangers. They are more like guides to help us grow than omniscient beings, rather than an oracle to turn to when we have doubts in our minds. Especially, when we have not done the previous homework of research, mental work, networking, etc.

On the other hand, it is not a typical Ouija board, but rather a different type of spiritist board.

no, the problem is that the turin shroud is real and carries an image of jesus. it has nothing to do with cesar...
Well, when I read your post, I could almost see the Game Over sign on it.

They are all preconceived ideas of yours, programmed in millions of people, who will resist like you, has to renounce such great and wonderful truths.

Laura in the path of discovery of her, she threw a book that she was reading against the wall, because she refused to accept as possible the idea that the book conveyed.

Now, frankly, whatever you decide will be fine.

I'm not even going to give you proof of anything, or try to convince you of anything.

You have already been told several times that the answers are in the reading in this forum.

You say in agreement and then you demand that this or that thing be taught to you or that it be made easy for you to read it.

Really, believe what you want.
letter to laura and the forum on the shroud of turin.


i have to write this letter and i solicit your help.
the letter is quite lengthy, but takes less time to read than the hour long yt videos proposed regularily... please bear wirth me.

my problem arises from an incompatibility between an affirmation by the cass and what i believe to be factual. the fact concerns the shroud of turin. please let me present the sequence of events.

1. what did the cass say about the turin artifact ?

1.1 session of 30.9.94
Q: (L) Was Jesus crucified?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was somebody crucified on a cross and represented to be Jesus?
A: No.
Q: (L) Okay, what is the truth on that matter?
A: Left earth plane on ship after extended sleep state. later the cass admit this was a lie.
Q: (L) When did he go into this sleep state? Did he just go in one day and go to bed and go to sleep and then a ship came and picked him up?
A: Close.
Q: (L) So he appeared to his followers to have died?
A: They thought this.
Q: (L) Did he get up and say anything to anybody before he left on the ship?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Did he come back to life...
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And then he told them things he had seen in his extended meditative sleep, is that what happened?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Okay, what happened?
A: Told prophecies then proclaimed eventual return.
Q: (L) Was this information he got during this period of extended sleep?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) How long was he asleep, or in this state of semi-death?
A: 96 hours.
Q: (L) And then, a ship arrived and took him away, is that correct?
A: Yes. Upon pillar of light. later they admit it was a lie.

1.2. session of 3.12.94
Q: (L) I would like to know if the Shroud of Turin was ever wrapped around Jesus.
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it wrapped around somebody who was crucified?
A: No.
Q: (L) How was it made?
A: Wrapped around Roman worker.
Q: (L) What caused the image on the shroud?
A: Body oils, hormones and other physiological chemicals. this does not explain the relief image.

1.3 session of ???
Q: (L) When I asked the question about Jesus or something, and there was something about three days in a comatose state, 96 hours of clear-channel meditation, emergence, prophesying to his followers, and then ascending into a mother ship? WHERE did that come from??
A: You and Frank mostly. so. the cass took into account their interlocuteurs...

1.4 session of ???
jesus caesar. why were you giving me answers that sometimes could have been applied to Caesar, but other times could not?
A: You would not have been able to receive. When you ask a question with strong prejudice, we cannot violate your will to believe.

1.5. i checked on the year 399 on the cass site and i got no result. why???????????

2. so, according to the cass turin is a fake.

3. now, the other aspect.

3.1 book by pierre milliez
i read a book, by pierre milliez “la resurrection au risque de la science” isbn 9782322413799. in this book, the author gives a very detailed history of the 5 funeral garments with which jesus was clothed, and he provides references for his statements. this book is so detailed that one would have to be of bad faith to negate the existence of these garments.

3.2 the relief image by nasa
an item absent in the 3.1 book is the 3d reconstruction of the face. this is described in:


3.3 credibility of these sources
here i truely believe the earthly findings, mainly because the creation of the image is better explained by the fact that the face can be reconstructed by assigning to each point of the image a distance of this point to the face it is supposed to have covered. each point on the shroud is charred on the surface of the fibre, and this can be attributed to an emission of radiation from the underlying face at the moment of its dematerialisation.

the latter reference provides an explanation of the generation of the image with its depth information. the explanation of the cass where the image is attributed to onguents, 1.2, does not explain the relief image. ..

3.3 i find the analysis in bibleetnombres to be the most credible.
therefore, i have an incompatibility between the earthly history of the shroud and its non existence according to the casss.

4. my problem
4.1 here, we have a discrepancy between the cass explanation, which attributes the shroud to the year 399 and with an unsatisfactory explanation for the creation of the image, and the factual analysis of the data which attributes it to the christ time frame and explains the creation of the image in a manner we cannot yet reproduce.

therefore, i suggest that the explanation provided by the cass in 1.2 is wrong.

4.2 this induces the question:
- can the answers of the cass be possibly wrong also in other cases?
- am i naive to believe them?
- could they also be linked with evil?
- is the ouja board a vehicle open to evil influences, as i have read somewhere?

4.3 i am therefore upset to have to doubt the cass affirmations.

may i request the help of laura and others to find my bearings again?

thank you
no, the problem is that the turin shroud is real and carries an image of jesus. it has nothing to do with cesar...
...beloved heinrech and all, allow me to add a few words to my reply about the turin shroud post. while my experience that followed the reply in itself isn't directly related to the shroud itself, I feel sufficently emboldened to share it: namely, upon contemplating the picture that I am appending to this message, and that was part of your original post, I saw something when I closed my eyes that truly surprised me, it didn't last a second and yet it lasted long enough to inscribe itself onto the very heart of my trembling, my oscilating mind, jesus's face, beautiful beyond beauty, his hair black, as if hewn from darkest Night.
peace be with you all.jeschrnb.jpg
...beloved heinrech and all, allow me to add a few words to my reply about the turin shroud post. while my experience that followed the reply in itself isn't directly related to the shroud itself, I feel sufficently emboldened to share it: namely, upon contemplating the picture that I am appending to this message, and that was part of your original post, I saw something when I closed my eyes that truly surprised me, it didn't last a second and yet it lasted long enough to inscribe itself onto the very heart of my trembling, my oscilating mind, jesus's face, beautiful beyond beauty, his hair black, as if hewn from darkest Night.
peace be with you all.View attachment 78566
dear penderecki, thank you for your answer. i have a question concerning the image above. i believe i have seen it before, but do not remember where. i then checked on tineye, and there were over 3200 results. so this did not give me the origin of the image. do you happen to know its first apparition? i also saw for a short instant a face when closing eyes. merci.
no, the problem is that the turin shroud is real and carries an image of jesus.
Could it be that your belief that the turin shroud is real be wrong? There have been so many lies told about Jesus, Christianity, the Bible and on an on that I find it hard to believe anything these "experts" have said about anything.

As has been said time and again to you, if you would read Laura's book, From Paul to Mark: PaleoChristianity it would answer many questions you have. Laura did a HUGE amount of research for this book and she did what most do not do and delved back into history to be able to see what was reallly going on at the time that all of this was supposed to be happening.

As far as believing what the Cs say is true or not, that's up to you, but you may have to get rid of a few sacred cows (beliefs) and read up on things to gain knowledge about what is, and was, really going on to be able to do that.
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