Can we talk about Andrew Tate

I think he got started with earnings from his kickboxing career and then moved into all kinds of hustles, one of them being a pimp.
After a quick search, some more: his subscription based "Hustler's Academy", cyrpto (rumored), social media monetization, and "legit" businesses (car dealerships, casinos in Romania). According to him: 'I was broke for a long time. I made my first million when I was, say, 27 and then I had 100 million by the time I was 31, and then I became a trillionaire quite recently.' He's currently 36, so by his own account he made his first million in around 2013 or so. That was around the end of his kickboxing career.
His Wiki page says his daddy was a Russian-speaking, chess-playing sergeant in the US Air Force who married an English woman, hence Tate's mixed accent. Best of Anglo-America. 👹
Anyone who allows themselves to get into Tate's orbit is mentally weak. Observing him and his buddy in the video I put into Peterson's thread leads me to think that that would mean very young women. He's another version of "waist your life energy on us" Khardashions.

Just looking at this fool makes me ill. The guy has no manners and radiates negative energy.
I was a recent fan until today. He's smart, a good speaker on the spot, he's also reasonably clued up politically too, and came across to me as someone who was brave enough to walk the path and learned the lessons that doing so gave him, I guess that's his 'selling point' he's the antidote to the emasculated male... or was, he'll keep most of his fans I imagine. He's the role model for a lot of guys, and has a big loyal fanbase, but the abuse videos that I've seen today burst my bubble.

This is the type of video that makes people fans of his:

I see on Twitter that in response to the abuse videos it's said the violence is consensual and an act and the girls have come out and stated this, and many fans believe this too and respond with that in the comments. Anyway, I think Mr. Tate demonstrates how much a role model is sought after by the male community - many men want/need an ideal to try to emulate and be inspired by.
I see on Twitter that in response to the abuse videos it's said the violence is consensual and an act and the girls have come out and stated this, and many fans believe this too and respond with that in the comments.
My take is money and intimidation is involved with the women he degrades and humiliates. He's essentially a pimp supplying women to God-knows who.

I think he kind of went rogue and may have annoyed some elites somewhere with his constantly acting like he's above everything because he has money. The amount of dirt they likely have on him is insurmountable. I reckon they probably asked him to influence his followers in a certain way or else they were going to take him out. On his part, he probably thinks he can blackmail his way out of the situation he's in because he probably has dirt on a few high placed people. Who knows how it'll all end but I'd be glad to see the law actually work in this instance.
I was a recent fan until today. He's smart, a good speaker on the spot, he's also reasonably clued up politically too, and came across to me as someone who was brave enough to walk the path and learned the lessons that doing so gave him, I guess that's his 'selling point' he's the antidote to the emasculated male... or was, he'll keep most of his fans I imagine. He's the role model for a lot of guys, and has a big loyal fanbase, but the abuse videos that I've seen today burst my bubble.

I can understand the draw, especially for younger guys who he seems to exploit the most. He preaches that money is the only goal, which is strange, because anyone with any life experience knows that money, past a certain amount to live decently, does NOT make a person happy or fulfilled, in fact, it's often quite the opposite. There are plenty of studies that show that above something like $60k per year (in the US, which is almost an average wage) happiness and fulfillment does not increase with more money. Then again, young guys won't know this, hence they're the ones most exploited by this sales pitch. Men today in the Western world are in dire need of an appropriate male role model, but what Peterson preaches is WAAAY more useful than anything Tate says. Then again, maybe we're dealing with very different types of people: those attracted to the kind of thing that Tate preaches and those attracted to the kind of thing that Peterson preaches.
This guy is most likely guilty of the crimes he’s charged with in Romania, looking at all the videos of him boasting about how he runs his “webcam girl business”. His notoriety and fame only feeds his businesses including his hustler’s academy. Men need to learn self discipline, build self esteem by getting their lives sorted but seducing and pimping girlfriends for one’s benefit (as Tate boasts about) is not the ideal any man should aim for. For him any woman who looks attractive is a potential monetary asset to be exploited. And he derives a sense of power from being able to control these women. He is useful though, for getting a glimpse into the underbelly of a certain type of rich and powerful people’s lives since his narcissism allows him to openly boast about his past experiences which are definitely quite revealing, although not too surprising from what I’ve seen and heard from his interviews so far.

Perhaps one day, someone will post something like this online with a picture of Tate.

He has every single one of these traits listed below. He makes my skin crawl.

Sociopath Traits You Must Recognize For Your Own Safety

  • High IQ: High-functioning sociopaths often have a higher IQ than other sociopaths or people without personality disorders. This helps them plan, manipulate, and exploit others.
  • Lack of empathy: They find it difficult to empathize with others or understand the emotional consequences of their actions.
  • Narcissism: They often have strong self-love and grandiose self-image. This occurs because of low esteem and delusional beliefs.
  • Charming: Although most sociopaths lack empathy, they are capable of mimicking and manipulating emotions to appear charming and normal.
  • Secretive: A sociopath doesn't feel the need to share intimate details with others - unless they are using them to manipulate others.
  • Sexually deviant: Since they lack guilt, remorse, and emotional attachments, high-functioning sociopaths tend to have affairs and engage in questionable sexual activity.
  • Sensitive to criticism: Despite their lack of empathy, sociopaths desire the approval of others. Sociopathic people feel entitled to admiration and are quick to anger when criticized.
  • Impulsive behavior: Sociopaths are often reckless. They typically live in the moment and will do what they feel is needed to reach their immediate goals.
  • Sociopaths often lie: Compulsive lying is a common trait among all types of sociopaths. They will often disregard the truth to make themselves look better or get what they want.
  • Needing constant stimulation: Sociopaths often get bored easily and need to be actively engaged.
  • Addictive Behavior: Their compulsive mindset may result in addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, or other addictive behaviors.
  • Rule Breakers/ Criminal Behavior: In general, sociopaths are known to be rule breakers. It is not uncommon for them to have a history of criminal activity because of their belief that they are above the law and breaking rules is of no consequence. Criminal activity associated with sociopaths could include theft, assault, or destruction of property. High-functioning sociopaths may also participate in more serious crimes or could be serial killers.

After the news last night, Sky News ran an interview with Tate on
Uncensored' Piers Morgan, that happened a couple of months ago.
Nicely timed with the arrest that happened yesterday! :lol2:

In the interview, I watched Tate stare directly down the camera at every opportunity, trying to convince the viewer of his 'sincerity' attempting to mesmerise them with his 'hypnotic stare' (to the point that Piers had to say "Hey, I'm over here").

I observed him smiling, doing his best to be 'charming' and project a more 'moderate' version of himself, but that didn't really work. Piers could have raked him over the coals but he didn't, but I think it was a frustrating interview for him. It seems he is trying to 'see the best in Tate' and may have fallen for that fake charm and intellect, clearly he doesn't know a sociopath when he sees one.

I noticed that Tate LOVED it when Piers said he had been googled more times than Donald Trump, he really lit up and smiled delightedly. Loves the notoriety and any attention.

He made reference to the following things, I noticed there was particular 'frequency' and 'space' around the words when he said them, and the expression in his voice and on his face was a bit weird:

two references to 'the Devil' (something like 'I'm not the Devil')
two references to 'magic spells'
two references to "with great power comes great responsibility" while trying to conceal his pleasure at the words/thought.

I cannot help feeling Tate has been 'programmed' on some level, perhaps in connection with his Dad's work in the CIA.
He is very expressive with his hands and eye contact, almost like he believes he has the ability to 'cast spells' of some kind, that he has some kind of 'mind control' skills. He really seems to have respect but also some fear regarding his father. That would have been some kind of childhood raised in a household like that, how would you ever feel safe, or that you could trust anyone. I think that is evident in his behaviour and 'image' he presents to the world. God knows what has actually been done to him, but we can clearly see what he is doing to himself and others.
My bet about is the following :

1. Whether it's a scripted/staged show for XXX purpose(s)
2. Or it's a natural consequence of all the trickeries (or the frankensteins) the PTB created since a few decades.

I would say the 2nd option, that this was not specifically planned, i mean, some things he said did probably render some "sections" of the PTB much angry. But when you create "monsters" like BLM, LGBTQxxxx, climate fanatics (ie greta), feminists, and many other ideologies (and their armies of dumb followers) this will inevitably clash between them at a moment, and i would bet we'll see such stories from more to more, with unexpected and usually funny consequences.
I'm visualising a circus arena where many blind zombies where put in and they walk randomly around clashing in each others, fighting, bitting ... and the PTB doing damage control ! :lol:

I also remember this quote from 2020 :
Is there actually a war between some circle of power/lobbies?

A: Yes

Q: (L) He says:

I ask because it's not normal for instance that Bloomberg started to minimize the fear with their recent article, or the attack from the former French health minister against the French government.

A: Not everyone is in on the truth.

Viewed from this angle it's funny ! PTB is doing the police in-between their zombies who are clashing into themselves, great ! This reminds me the "enjoy the show" from the C's. :-)
You know, I give my mind little to no attention to these ppl who shoot to fame, somehow. As, an older individual, I've seen this same type person thrown out to the masses as some anti-establishment hero...although as time grinds on, they become more coarse. I've seen it in rock and media stars, politicians, authors....Authors, there's a good one from the past. Look at what A. Huxley did, opening the doors of perception and helping to bring on the explostion of drug use for mind expansion...we also passed his book, "A Brave New World," holding him up as a prophetic hero, while all along he was a member of the 'club,' coming from a family promoting eugenics. I often wondered if our very own power of thought wasn't added to the drive to actually help bring about, 'the brave new world' we currently live in.

All of these ppl, who rise to meteoric fame, are created from the same playbook. When are ppl ever going to be able to spot them? Idk, I guess each generation has to learn for themselves.

Anyway, here's a good article on Tate (and others like him are mentioned)....I'll let the article speak for itself...

Andrew "Cobra" Tate: Another Snake in the Matrix​

But know your enemy. The mainstream and the establishment are your enemy, and therefore, anyone they promote to meteoric notoriety is as well - even (and perhaps especially) when they say some things you agree with.

I have opined on Andrew Tate previously, and explained he is a key change agent in the manufactured ultra-conservative revolution that is currently underway. Other establishment-managed assets in this looming cultural shift include Matt Walsh, Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, and Louise Perry.

I know how satisfying and refreshing it feels to seemingly have our voices represented prominently in the media, after so many years of the domination of the increasingly lunatic "left", but this is precisely why we must remain ultra-vigilant - because our enemies know what gratitude and relief we feel about finally seeming to "be heard", and they use that.

That's not to say these people don't produce valuable and valid offerings - I loved Matt Walsh's "What Is A Woman?" - but can't you see that these people have to appeal to us and have to seem credible to have any sway? They would be useless assets if they were unpersuasive. But if you look into the back stories of these individuals, you all too often find their clear deep state connections. They are saying the right things to gain our trust so ultimately they can flip the narrative - bait and switch. Remember how Serena Joy recruited for Gilead in the Handmaid's Tale - how she promoted "the revolution" in her book and speaking tour - and then how it actually was?

On the subject of Andrew Tate's backstory, it seems quite clear that his father was a military/intelligence asset. Tate's father, Emory Andrew Tate Jr., is described as a high-ranking member of the US Air Force who "excelled as a linguist", becoming fluent in several languages including Russian. That's pretty thinly veneered military code for "intelligence asset" (such people often get put through intensive language courses to better infiltrate different environments) and these military guys seem to just love offering up their offspring for "special projects". Please see the fascinating story behind Admiral James Morrison and his supposed "anti-establishment rebel" son, The Doors' Jim, who was, in reality, a military-managed change agent - like so many of these prominent "heroes" and "rebels" are.

It really is imperative in not falling for these same establishment psy-ops again and again (and they have been going on for very many decades) that we can clearly see what is being done to manipulate us - and, equally, that everyone can clearly see the difference between being aware and discerning, and being paranoid. There's an enormous chasm of difference between being media savvy - understanding that the establishment media never, ever repeatedly draws attention to someone and their views unless it is in in the establishment's interests for them to do so - and, as someone put it on my FB earlier, "not trusting your own shadow".

The people promoted by the mainstream media equate to about 0.0001% of the global population. While I don't trust that 0.0001% at all - ever - that does still leave the best part of 7 billion other people for me to choose from. I trust plenty of people - I have family and friends - and I read and learn from a wide range of learned sources every day. But you're never going to see these people's names plastered across the front pages of the Daily Mail, or have the Guardian breathlessly reporting on their Twitter spats.

Please stop being played by the very machine you are fighting against. Andrew Tate is a plant and he tells you so clearly himself (as he himself has said, those in the club always have to tell you who they really are and what they are really doing). Such high-profile people select their online handles and imagery very carefully, and Tate describes himself, in word and in image, as a 'cobra' - a highly venomous snake. Venom is toxic to all who are infected by it and the definition of 'snake', when it is applied to a person, is "someone who is treacherous and deceitful".

When people tell you so explicitly who they really are: believe them.

I had previously been following Andrew Tate and watched a few of his older and more recent videos.

I can understand the allure and attraction especially for younger/ish (teens to early 30s) men such as myself:

- Pro masculinity
- Anti woke agenda
- Pro physical fitness and martial arts
- Beautiful women and money

To the above list I would add the following which, I admit, partially attracted my interest:

- Anti covid vaccine and lockdowns
- Pro Russia and realistic about Ukraine war
- Discussing potentially viable ways to earn money outside of the usual wage grind
- Discussion of "The matrix" and covert operators behind the scenes

The glaringly obvious mistreatment of woman and materialistic flashing of money were red flags as was his Father's supposed history with the CIA.

The mistreatment of woman is the worst of these and is not co-linear with this forum. This is why I never posted about him after my deep dive into his content and kept a safe amount of mental blocking and emotional distance after watching videos I agreed with, such as him discussing the covid vaccine and lock downs. In these he would talk about how he used his wealth to circumvent the lock down system and travel to Sweden and Belarus. This is how he justifies having excessive wealth and claims it could make your life much happier and I found myself agreeing with this. I too would prefer to be travelling in Sweden being free, as opposed to being stuck in New Zealand with the tyrant Ardern.

He states he used women for money to make his first profitable webcam business. In the modern age I guess I didn't think of this as harshly as I ought to. Many younger woman create "only fans" accounts and such and use their beauty to make money. I admit sometimes I am not sure who is worse off, the woman or the desperate men who waste their money on such things. He also would reiterate that no woman had spoken out against him and therefore he must be a nice guy to them (This is a fallacy of course if the women are coerced into not speaking out).

He then brags about sleeping with many women and, once again, perhaps I overlooked this too given the above listed reasons and the fact that many men who spoke with varying degrees of truth about our reality were "womanisers", - ie. MLK, JFK, Gurdjieff, Castaneda, Trump et al. - although I never put Tate in this echelon of men in any way. In a sense I perceived Tate as a very watered down and lesser, cheaper, modern day version of Gurdjieff. I recall Gurdjieff's business acumen in selling fake budgies and also his very cavalier relationships with women and his children. Tate similarly speaks well and clearly and has a very strong "moving center" but clearly lacks Gs love and work for humanity.

Growing up I had less respect for woman who gravitated to men with money/status/power rather than character. However, after the romantic book reading and reflecting on the male/female dynamics, we know there is a large minority (?majority) of woman who will always be attracted to such things and a large majority of Men with these traits who will take the bait. It is no better or worse than men being attracted to women for their looks. This new understanding, ironically allowed me to partially rationalize away Tate's mistreatment of woman by accepting some of his claims. such as him stating that hundreds of women were reaching out to him and that he was simply choosing the best of this bunch. I have Friends, much less famous or wealthy than Tate, but still with high status and money in their particular field who are persistently chased by many woman online and who have told me stories and shown evidence detailing the length certain women will go to "catch" them and so am no longer surprised by such claims. I therefore once again began to normalize Tait's situation in my head.

To clear up some misconceptions in the thread so far, Tate definitely was a professional kick boxer and a good one, albeit not the best. He also had previously been arrested by the Romanian authorities and was later let go with no evidence and so I am am still waiting to determine exactly what has happened. Most likely, as has been documented in this thread, he appears guilty to some extent. It is narrowly possible he is a flawed man speaking some good truth and "The Matrix" has moved against him. More likely he is a successful psychopath or the less likely alternative an Alex Jones style controlled opposition type character.

I am glad I never adhered to his message, however, I did spend valuable time wading through his videos and message. I will admit feeling sadness that one of the only truly famous people in the world that was un-apologetically against the covid vaccines from the start, against the woke agenda, and even saying some charitable things about Putin/Russia is full of garbage. It was these messages that made me wonder if the PTB would really allow such an influential figure to deliver such clear messages against these things - but I guess now this message is completely tainted with all the filth he has been accused of being engaged in.

Thankfully we have the forum to help us see through such things and as Joe says it is a good reminder for me that there is a "programme for everyone".
I was a recent fan until today. He's smart, a good speaker on the spot, he's also reasonably clued up politically...
Hi there, well it is good to read your honesty here. But I just can't imagine people can see past the massive, massive toxicity of this person. Even though he occasionally may say something that hits the mark.

Honest question: how do you cope with his outings regarding women etc and still regard him as a usefull source of information and as a person worth spending time and effort on listening to?
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