Need assistance with interpreting the channeling transcripts



I'm currently working my way through the Wave series. Halfway through "Stripped to the Bone" currently. In the past, when I first came across the transcripts in it's raw form (and that was before I came across this forum), I went through a bit of a "true believer" syndrome, in that I believed literally everything that was explicated in the sessions. Eventually, I learned that not everything in the transcripts is true, so the natural inclination was to be more critical. This eventually lead to being a bit too rigidly skeptical to the point where potentially valid information was being doubted.

I'm at a point where I don't know how to interpret what is true. Before starting on the wave series, I scanned through a lot of threads on this forum, old and new. It has been pointed out that the older sessions are possibly more corrupted than the newer ones, yet these earlier sessions are also presented in the wave series with interpretations of the messages by Laura. While Laura's interpretations of the answers the C's give seem sound for the most part, I'm having trouble with some of the literal answers the C's give that seem to be expected to be taken as fact, but which upon further scrutiny I personally don't find factual. So it seems like I'm trying to walk a razor's edge but I keep falling over and over to the point where I get confused.

For example, there are a lot of things in the transcripts which I look at as generally good advice, but then there are things like decoding symbols and myths which I'm unsure about. Are we supposed to just blindly trust the literal explanations? Because I personally have other ideas on some of the answers. I won't bother giving examples, because some of the stuff I'm unsure about would require entire separate threads to fully explain.

The gist is I don't know enough about channeling. I am watching this phenomenon unfold throughout Laura's lifetime as I read her experiences etc., but I don't know the nuts and bolts of the channeling journey, and a lot of things are not verifiable by me. In Laura's mind it might make perfect sense due to the sum of her experiences, but to others, we are observers which puts us in both an advantage as well as a disadvantage. We are able to be more critical, and at the same time unable to experience the inner progression of knowledge that is going on within the mind of the channel.

Anyways, I'm planning to go through the entire wave series. I look through what has been going on with Laura and the group over the past 10 or 15 years along with what was going on with Laura and group in the earlier years, and there seem to be some contradictions. This is understandable, because we're always learning and no case is ever completely closed, but sometimes it gets confusing navigating through all this.

The C's say in the earlier sessions that Jesus did exist, while in the later sessions they imply he didn't. So far that session isn't mentioned in the wave series, but if that session is part of the earlier sessions, then how am I to interpret the literal answers given around the same time in the wave series?

Perhaps I need to develop a more scientific mind. Truly scientific meaning not overly rigidly skeptical but also not overly gullible either.

Studying Laura's journey has been interesting because it's like moving forward and backward through time. Watching where things were in the beginning and where they are now and trying to analyze things myself as an independent intelligence and trying to see where things got screwed up and where things were on point and so on.

Anyways, I'm at a point right now where I'm a materialist skeptic for the most part. Even though I've had many instances of high strangeness in my life, I feel like I have to be overly skeptical of most things considered woo-woo in the scientific and academic community as a control measure to try to reach some level of objectivity. I'm at a point now where I don't even know if the whole STO-STS concept is a real thing anymore.

I've typed enough. Any suggestions, advices or interpretations regarding everything I posted so far would be welcome and greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading.
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For me Wave series, other website texts and forum were far more useful then sessions itself. It was interesting to read it but when I was not familiar with story behind the questions, many things seemed not consistent. After reading the rest, many many times, and follow the treads on forum with quotes from sessions, things start having its true meaning... And the things that does not look to important while reading sessions itself, becomes huge insights in the lights of back story or comments from forum members. I would deffinetly recommend the Wave and forum before the sessions..
I'm at a point where I don't know how to interpret what is true
Are we supposed to just blindly trust the literal explanations?

IMO You don't have to interpret, you don't have to believe everything. What you have to do is do your own research and then and only then compare notes between what you discovered and what others discovered, seek feedback from the forum and draw your conclusions.
Perhaps I need to develop a more scientific mind

More than anything else, a curious mind that investigates reality on the right and on the left. The purely scientific mind leaves spiritual aspects aside.
Hello Andrey.

Laura has mentioned many times that she does not recommend the sessions to be read on their own. Overall the C’s material is meant to lead you to think on your own and do your own research. The C’s mention it themselves not to take the information as fact. Many of the answers are also symbolic and upon reflection with further research start to take on a new light.

Your example of Jesus is a good one. Laura, after researching the subject has found strong evidence that the character of Jesus as we interpret it, is based mostly after a real man, namely Julius Cesar. There is a detailed thread about it on the forum.

So, in a sense the answer to the question was Jesus real, is both yes and no.
A lot of mentation! Research is strongly supported as an activity, but then we have our own instrument to work with, noticing what patterns are involved. How important is it that you decide out of vast amounts of information what is accurate 100%? One saying that always resonates with me is that nobody has all the answers. So don't expect them all in the transcripts or elsewhere.

I read that humans have an innate sense of accuracy and truth, that dowsing, for instance, is a physical aid to recognizing what you can actually feel in your energy system. That may or may not be true in itself, but if something 'strengthens' you it has meaning, truth for you, and if it weakens you, it doesn't. It's like kinesiology, we can sense the strengthening even if someone doesn't muscle test us on it, if we focus on the energetics of our body feelings. Energy rising or energy falling, and each person would perceive it differently. I'm not suggesting you dowse or even put any faith in kinesiology, muscle testing. I feel that the kind of effort you are making is holding you back and it doesn't sound like fun! I do admire the intensity of effort, however!

For example, I have my own learning obstacles, I set a program, follow it a few times then get distracted by some other appealing section to read. I did read the Wave and for me paying attention to strings of detail is hard. I look for the overall sense because I just don't have that much time, not as much as I'd like to have. I'm realizing I have to stop trying to fit so much in, stop being so driven and push back on that feeling of inner pressure. That inner pressure feels like fear of falling behind, fear of not being ready for something, fear of being actually dumb and brain damaged and other aspects of character. So many threads. (I did have brain damage, and I've read someone say a number of people here have had some brain impairment or other.) So that's the work I'm awkwardly trying to tell you about - the 'how' of how we study, learn and self-observe to get more grounded and effective in terms of making necessary changes to grow. Every endeavour is a highway into our programming. I don't think many people would be able to disagree that undoing knots in our psycho is a great and valuable thing to undertake....

And trying so hard not to believe something incorrect or sort it all out is another clue to a program within. Wanting to settle something once and for all doesn't seem to pan out, to my observation. I've studied certain techniques until I notice something seems off, but diving into that branch of learning or meditation or whatever, moved the boat along the river.

People here who can be more specific in answers, who have been around longer and worked personally with the Forum for longer, have amazing perspectives to offer. That's one of the great things, reading the comments on the sessions.

I hope I haven't rambled on too long!
I would tell you that the feeling of confusion is normal.

The amount of information is amazing and covers many branches of knowledge.

I can simply recommend that you do not rush.

Each thread on a topic investigates session references to those topics, in which a somewhat or very cryptic response is given by the C's, so that discovery takes place effectively and knowledge takes root.

Keep reading at your own pace and everything will fall into place.

The "aha" moments are invaluable.
Anyways, I'm at a point right now where I'm a materialist skeptic for the most part. Even though I've had many instances of high strangeness in my life, I feel like I have to be overly skeptical of most things considered woo-woo in the scientific and academic community as a control measure to try to reach some level of objectivity. I'm at a point now where I don't even know if the whole STO-STS concept is a real thing anymore.

Well, shoving your own life experiences under the rug, thus denying some aspects of reality, isn’t going to bring you greater objectivity, especially not since it’s seemingly motivated by some sort of allegiance to the religious principles and dogmas of modern day science.

It sounds like you swing from one extreme to the other, and I do not mean that in an insulting way at all! I have a very similar tendency in different periods of my life.

You going from a ‘true believer’ to a ‘rational materialist’, I get the feeling that those two ends of the spectrum are for you the same thing: they’re a belief system and a crutch.

The ‘truth’ is that for anyone who actually studies the facts, through research, then it would be ridiculous to assert the materialist point of view. So you see that the materialist point of view has more in common with the true believer point of view, than with the, let’s say, ‘Cassiopaean’ point of view, since both rely on unfounded belief and a lack of study and research.

I think one of the walls that skeptics bump into is that they substitute the idea of ‘a fact’ with the idea of ‘what makes rational sense’. Of course, what makes sense to one person might not make sense to another, but let’s just take for example the idea of the hyperdimensional control system. We have no concrete proof of its existence, but when you examine as much of reality and history as you possibly can, it makes way more sense than the idea that we have arbitrarily ended up in the situation we are in now.

Or what about evolution, or the idea of intelligent design of the cosmos. Again, these are things which we can’t just present a material piece of evidence to prove or disprove, but when you look at the holes in the materialist arguments, and allow for the idea that evolution may not happen as presented, or that the whole cosmos from the bottom up is perfectly engineered to produce life, well it just makes more sense… in light of the facts, funnily enough.

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you’re feeling a bit stuck in how you’re supposed to interpret the C’s material, and reality in general, perhaps you’re just rigidly clinging to ideas, whether they be 6th density transmissions or materialism, or anything else.

Maybe just try to have more of an open mind, and do some other reading. Get some of the recommended books on any of these or other topics, and try to just ask yourself the question, “based on all this data, which interpretation actually makes the most sense to me?”
Andrey, Laura has said many times in many places that she does not believe everything the Cs say. She does admit that the Cs are right many times, but she still does research to make sure of the things that are said that can be researched are accurate....or not. There are things said by the Cs that cannot be researched and in those cases we take a "wait and see" approach.

The Cs are all about free will so in such situations as Laura, at the beginning, being very much into the Bible, they sort of tiptoed on these subjects trying to get her to do the research and leaving it up to her to find the truth of the matter.

Also, there were times when a question was asked, but Laura was thinking of something different, what she was thinking about was answered and not the verbal question. That's why reading The Wave is so important. Laura takes us along with her as she learned about many things. It's still on-going.

And, yes, Frank was a corrupting influence at times.

But, as we can see now, what the Cs said was going to happen here on Earth with all of the chaos and psychopaths going abysmally idiotic and evil things was correct.

Also, take into consideration of time-line changes because of certain things that have happened (the future is fluid) by people like President Putin, or even our group, or many others and who and what we decide to follow and things will be and are different from 28+ years ago.

Thank you for the replies so far. It has been challenging trying to find the right balance in trying to interpret information that is beyond the scope of accepted scientific and academic standards. I sometimes forget that I often see and perceive things that I feel tell the truth about some given situation or event, but I certainly question these impressions and wonder if it's really true what I am perceiving. It can be especially difficult in these days and times where this kind of mindset is met with ridicule and shaming not to mention accusations of mental instability and so on by large numbers of the population. It can be even more frustrating when you actually agree with some of their points but also disagree with other points and try to reach an independent viewpoint for yourself that incorporates a bit of both sides of the issue, like for example when you watch a video about the problem with "conspiracy theorists," and the person only points to flat earthers or the moon landing hoax, then puts these people into the same basket as people who might for example question the covid narrative and comes to the conclusion that anyone who believes these conspiracies are insane and are "dips**ts" (actual words from a video I just saw. What I get really frustrated by is that there are other videos by the same person that I really liked and agreed almost fully with, for example their videos about prosperity gospel televangelists preying on people, or fake psychics, or predatory MLM practices, which was totally on point. But then they turn around and make content shaming people who put out "vaccine misinformation" or believe conspiracies and so on. I try to be open minded because I'm definitely not an expert, and maybe, just maybe I'm wrong. I mean if this channel can make such good content calling out predatory people, maybe I'm just getting mad because he's also calling out people who believe in conspiracies, and I genuinely try my best to leave my biases at the door and try to be objective and be skeptical about my own views, but try as I might, I can't help picking their arguments apart.

I just get confused sometimes because a lot of these people ARE smart people and have the capacity to understand some of the things this forum talks about, but either they just didn't have the life experiences others have had or are simply nescient in that they simply don't know what others know and lack the information.

The problem is trying to reach the truth about something is actually a very complicated process a lot of times and requires one to be extremely nuanced in their interpretations. Pointing to flat earthers and believers of fake moon landings with a picture of a guy in a tinfoil hat in the corner of the screen and implying that people like this are the same as all the people who questioned the covid lockdowns, mask mandates, social distancing and the vaccine rollout and putting those people in the same basket is not only unfair, but just confuses people, myself included to the point I question my own reality and my own ideas and impressions. And it can be sometimes disheartening to see someone you kind of like falling for these logical fallacies.

However, as mentioned I try to keep an open mind because I try not to be a "true believer" regarding anything. I'm not saying I am a rigid skeptic, but I do want to have a more scientific mind but without falling for the so called dogmas of the church of scientism. Any resources or literature would be appreciated. I was reading some random thread a few days ago where Joe said that the C's cosmology is merely a working hypothesis and nothing else. I thought that made a lot of sense, and I sort of got mad at myself for not having reached that same conclusion sooner.

So my problem seems to be that I don't have a particularly scientific way of thinking, and I guess I went off into the deep end a bit trying to overcompensate for having a "true believer" mentality by being overly rigidly skeptical. What would you suggest I do to find a good balance here?

Thanks for reading.
Yes, what happens when one begins to fill the void is that there is an imbalance and the adventure begins... I suggest you become a true believer in yourself, begin to find certainties in any area of your life that interests you where you feel "the truth" may be and share,. It is not about solipsism, it is about strengthening your faith, your center of belief.

The Ca's have said: (please excuse me I don't have the dates of transmission)

Expanding knowledge requires leaping into the unknown, an act that knowledge finds irrational but faith finds necessary.
*_Making paradigm leaps requires faith,_* _not a blind faith in what one chooses to ignore, but a pure faith in what one cannot yet know.
When knowledge is gained with the help of faith, it becomes necessary to anchor it to the *belief center* in order to gain in *_trust and true truth_*.
However, as mentioned I try to keep an open mind because I try not to be a "true believer" regarding anything. I'm not saying I am a rigid skeptic, but I do want to have a more scientific mind but without falling for the so called dogmas of the church of scientism. Any resources or literature would be appreciated. I was reading some random thread a few days ago where Joe said that the C's cosmology is merely a working hypothesis and nothing else. I thought that made a lot of sense, and I sort of got mad at myself for not having reached that same conclusion sooner.

So my problem seems to be that I don't have a particularly scientific way of thinking, and I guess I went off into the deep end a bit trying to overcompensate for having a "true believer" mentality by being overly rigidly skeptical. What would you suggest I do to find a good balance here?
We all feel disappointed when when try to tell what we learned in a hard way to others. It simply doesn't interest them even if they are our children who trusted us since the birth. It is a process (curiosity, drive to know, knowing the right sources, constant refinement to know instead of absorbing from the tube as the truth) and they have chosen not to pursue (at some level) and we should respect their free will.

We all learning and C's has a unique and most effective style of delivering the message for our times. Long ago, they made it clear that they are not going to give us a peeled banana to eat. If they had, we wouldn't have learned what we learned here in during this time. Cautious trust is something important even in mundane endeavors like business. It becomes ridiculously complicated in a world where higher density players ( Mostly 4D to 6D through 3D) who can change timelines with various means (attacks, encouragement etc.) involved and it is a dynamic world we live in. Most of the times they won't give answers just for its sake and when they give it, there is LOT of hard work behind the scene which question and answers can't represent.

Jul 7, 2010
(A) So, how does it feel at a meeting of one of the most talked-about and defamed channelers? We are having fun, thinking, and then people write and study these transcripts, and steal them! (laughter)

(L) Gosh, most of this is just common sense.

(Joe) Most of it is "figure it out for your self and do your own work"!

(L) The funny thing was that in the beginning, I thought that you could just find stuff in regular books and you'd know something. And I guess what they really taught me was that that's not how it works. You've got to look below the surface and dig, dig, dig! Also they taught me that this whole reality is manufactured, and you have to work to get to the truth. The truth won't be in one or two books, out in the open. Once you know that, once you know it's not going to be easy and that you have to work for it, and you start doing it...

(A) It becomes fun!

(L) It's like what Gurdjieff said: When you have a good teacher, you get to the point where you don't need the teacher any more. And while I like to chat with the C's now and then, I don't really need it. And they kept saying, "We're trying to teach you how to use your brain." It's so obvious now! To all of us! But it wasn't so obvious then. We had these emotional illusions that needed to be fixed and connected to these ideas of Gurdjieff.

(Joe) Helping us to help ourselves.

(L) Yeah. Give a person a fish and they eat for a day, but teach them to fish...

(A) It's the same with science. When you are a student, and you work on your PhD, you believe that there is somebody that really KNOWS. So you read all these books, which will take you three years. Then you start to talk to these people, and they say, "That's a good question!" and "That's a good question, too!"

(L) The other thing is that some of the physics ideas the C's pointed out along with other ideas about the universe being open, these were several very basic ideas that seem so simple now. But they were so difficult to get to because of the programming. And if we remember how it was for all of us to even THINK outside the box... You know that something bothers you all your life, but you don't think that you can get outside and look at it. Once you do and you see what it is, you say, "DUH! Why didn't I figure that out before?" So you have to have compassion for all the other people because all these other people do not have certain advantages that we have. We have to figure out ways to communicate ideas to people who have different thinking styles, educational levels, biases, programs. That's why when I write things, I explain things in so many different ways. That's what I did for The Wave, and what we do on the Signs page, etc.
I'm at a point where I don't know how to interpret what is true.
What comes to mind, after this, is this excerpt from the Wave Chap. 10: (emphasis mine)
Q: (L) I just want to be sure that the source that I am acquiring the knowledge from is not a deceptive source.

A: If you simply have faith, no knowledge that you could possibly acquire could possibly be false because there is no such thing. Anyone or anything that tries to give you false knowledge, false information, will fail. The very material substance that the knowledge takes on, since it is at the root of all existence, will protect you from absorption of false information that is not knowledge.

There is no need to fear the absorption of false information when you are simply openly seeking to acquire knowledge. And knowledge forms the protection — all the protection you could ever need.
My interpretation of it is the following.
As long as one stays merely open to the possibility of an information to be true, while using discernment, only truth will remain and fall in place because truth IS (i.e. truth is the only thing that IS, otherwise it doesn't exist and isn't real).
So naturally, what's fake will fade away and won't be part of the following knowledge make-up because those pieces don't fit the puzzle.
As long as we stay OPEN to the mere possibility of anything to be true, without believing in it, 'time' and reflection will determine what IS and what is NOT.
Q: (L) There are an awful lot of people who are being open and trusting and having faith that are getting zapped and knocked on their rears.

A: No. That is simply your perception. What you are failing to perceive is that these people are not really gathering knowledge. These people are stuck at some point in their pathway to progress and they are undergoing a hidden manifestation of what is referred to in your terms as obsession. Obsession is not knowledge; obsession is stagnation. So, when one becomes obsessed, one actually closes off the absorption and the growth and the progress of soul development, which comes with the gaining of true knowledge. For when one becomes obsessed one deteriorates the protection therefore one is open to problems, to tragedies, to all sorts of difficulties. Therefore one experiences same.

I hope this has been clear enough to be of any kind of an 'help' (which you "don't need to evolve" haha).
I'm also currently taking the Wave from the beginning.
Let's enjoy the surf.

Add: Another think linked to what Lyndi Lama has said
I feel that the kind of effort you are making is holding you back and it doesn't sound like fun!
From Chapter 7 :
A: That is just the point, Laura! When it is a struggle, you are not learning. So stop struggling and meditate i.e. enjoy the ride.
I'm realizing I have to stop trying to fit so much in, stop being so driven and push back on that feeling of inner pressure. That inner pressure feels like fear of falling behind, fear of not being ready for something, fear of being actually dumb and brain damaged and other aspects of character.

I actually precisely stopped at this point in today's reading, which made me arrive on this thread.
Chapter 11 :
A: Now do you see the benefit in slowing down and not having prejudices when asking questions of great import? You see when you speed too quickly in the process of learning and gathering knowledge; it is like skipping down the road without pausing to reflect on the ground beneath you. One misses the gold coins and the gemstones contained within the cracks in the road.
I was reading some random thread a few days ago where Joe said that the C's cosmology is merely a working hypothesis and nothing else.

For a long time now I've looked at the Cs sessions as a story, with a very broad scope, a kind of "all and everything" story of human existence. The only thing I'm a stickler for, and that goes for any story, be it a novel or a movie etc, is that the story is internally consistent, i.e. no major insoluble contradictions or inconsistencies in the narrative. Where it actually maps to the observed reality (and it does that a lot) is a bonus!
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